2.2 Switching activated computers
2.3 Updating the static Java classpath
4 Querying account and portfolio data
5 Querying current market data
5.2 Market depth (Level II) data
5.4 Contract details and options chain
6 Querying historical and intra-day data
7.3 Streaming market depth (Level II) data
8.5 Financial Advisor (multi-client) orders
8.6 Potential impact of an order (“what-if”)
9.6 Setting special order attributes
9.7 Exercising and lapsing options
9.8 Algorithmic trading orders
10 Accessing and cancelling open trade orders
10.1 Retrieving the list of open orders
11.1 Processing events in IB-Matlab
11.2 Example – using CallbackExecDetails to track executions
11.3 Example – using CallbackTickGeneric to check if a security is shortable
11.4 Example – using CallbackContractDetails to get a contract’s full options chain
11.5 Example – using CallbackUpdateMktDepth for realtime order-book GUI update
12.3 Using CallbackExecDetails
14 Handling errors, problems, and IB messages
14.2 Ambiguous/invalid security errors
14.4 Troubleshooting specific problems/errors
15 Using the Java connector object
15.1 Using the connector object
16 Sample strategies/models using IB-Matlab
16.1.1 Once a day – decide whether two securities are co-integrated 171
16.1.2 Runtime – process TickPrice streaming-quote events
16.2 Using RSI technical indicator
17 Frequently-asked questions (FAQ)
1. Can IB-Matlab be used with other brokers?
2. Does IB-Matlab impose limitations on historical data or streaming quotes?
3. Can I see a demo of IB-Matlab?
4. How does IB-Matlab compare to alternative products?
5. How do you know that IB-Matlab trades $100M daily?
6. Does IB-Matlab send you any information?
7. How can I be sure IB-Matlab does not contain bugs that will affect my trades?
8. Is IB-Matlab being maintained? supported?
9. I saw a nice new feature in the online User Guide – can I get it?
10. What happens when the license term is over?
11. Can I transfer my IB-Matlab license to another computer?
12. I have a laptop and desktop – can I use IB-Matlab on both?
13. Can IB-Matlab be compiled and deployed?
14. Is IB-Matlab provided in source-code format?
15. Do you provide an escrow service for IB-Matlab’s source-code?
16. Is feature ABC available in IB-Matlab?
17. Can you add feature ABC in IB-Matlab for me?
18. Can you develop a trading strategy for me?
19. Does IB-Matlab include back-testing/charting/GUI/data analysis/algo-trading?
20. Does IB-Matlab work with the IB demo account?
21. Is IB-Matlab supported on my platform?
18.1 Sample program screenshots
18.2 About the author (Yair Altman)