function [orderId,ibConnectionObject,contract,order,errMsg] = IBMatlab(varargin) %IBMatlab - Get data from or place a trade order to InteractiveBrokers via the IB TWS % % INPUTS: % % varargin = Matlab struct or CSV/XLS filename or fieldname/value pairs, with the following optional fields: % % General data: % LogFileName (String) (default='./IB_tradeslog_YYYYMMDD.csv') % MsgDisplayLevel (Number) (default=0; one of -2=most verbose; -1=display all messages & events; 0=display all messages (but not events), 1=only display errors, 2=display nothing) % % Connection: % ClientId (Number) (default=random; an integer value specifying the client ID) % Host (String) (dafault='localhost' = '' = local computer; IP address of the computer that runs TWS/Gateway) % Port (Number) (default=7496; an integer value specifying the port number used by TWS/Gateway) % Note: IBMatlab will always use the last Port value specified, so if you are using this parameter to % control two separate TWS/Gateway apps at the same time, be sure to specify the Port for each action, % otherwise it might get sent to the wrong TWS/Gateway app! % AccountName (String) (default=''; example: 'DU12345'; usable when Action=Buy,Sell,SShort,SLong,Close,Exercise,Lapse,Account,Portfolio) % % Contract data ( % Symbol (String) (default=''; e.g., 'EUR') % LocalSymbol (String) (default=''; e.g., 'EUR.USD') % SecType (String) (default='STK'; one of: STK,OPT,FUT,IND,FOP,CASH,WAR,BOND,FUND,IOPT,SSF,CMDTY,BAG,etc.) % Exchange (String) (default='SMART') % Currency (String) (default='USD') % Expiry (String) (default=''; format:'YYYYMM') % Strike (Number) (default=0.0) % Right (String) (default=''; one of 'P','PUT','C','CALL') % Multiplier (Number) (default=[]) % IncludeExpired (Number) (default=0=false; either 0 (do not consider expired options/futures), or 1 (do consider) % ConId (Number) (default=[]) % SecId (String) (default=''; must be specified together with SecIdType) % SecIdType (String) (default=''; one of 'ISIN','CUSIP','RIC'; must be specified together with SecId) % % Order/query data ( % Action (String) (default='License'; one of Buy,Sell,SShort,SLong,Close,Exercise,Lapse,Query,Cancel,Account,Portfolio,History,Realtime,Scanner,Contract,Fundamental,License,Version,Disconnect,LastIBError,LastIBMessage) % Quantity (Number) (default=0) % Type (String) (default='LMT'; one of MKT,MKTCLS,LMT,LMTCLS,PEGMKT,STP,STPLMT,MIT,REL,TRAIL,TRAILLIMIT,TWAP,VWAP,GuarranteedVWAP,ArrivalPx,DarkIce,PctVol,BalanceImpactRisk,MinImpact etc.) % see: % Note: must have non-empty limitPrice otherwise IB will throw a null-pointer exception % Note: VWAP algo must set LimitPrice despite the fact that VWAP doesn't really need it % Note: OPEN can be used with Action=Query and returns the list of open orders % Note: when Action='Query', Type='Executions' will return the list of today's trade executions % TIF (String) (default='GTC'; one of 'Day','GTC','IOC','GTD') = Time-In-Force % LimitPrice (Number) (default=0) % AuxPrice (Number) (default=0) % OCAGroup (String) (default='') = One-Cancels-All identifier string % OCAType (Number) (default=2; one of: 1=cancel with block; 2=reduce with block; 3=reduce without block) % ParentId (Number) (default=0) = useful for setting child orders of a parent orderId % TrailingPercent (Number) (default=0; relevant only for TRAIL order types) % TrailStopPrice (Number) (default=0; relevant only for Type='TRAIL LIMIT') % GoodAfterTime (String) (default=''; format: 'YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss TMZ' [TMZ is optional]) % GoodTillDate (String) (default=''; format: 'YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss TMZ' [TMZ is optional]) % ComboActions (Cell array of strings) (default={}) = actions for corresponding combo legs. Example: {'BUY','SELL'} % ComboRatios (Numeric array) (default=[]) = relative quantity ratios for corresponding combo legs. Example: [1,1] % ComboBagSymbol (String) (default='') the symbol of a combo bag order or query, useful when the underlying legs have different underlying symbols % BracketDelta (Number) (default=[]) = price offset for stop-loss & take-profit BUY/SELL bracket child orders % Note: bracketDelta may be a single value or a [lowerDelta,upperDelta] pair of values % Note: value(s) must be positive: the low bracket will use limitPrice-lowerDelta, high bracket will use limitPrice+upperDelta % BracketTypes (Cell array of 2 strings) (default={'STP','LMT'} for Buy, {'LMT','STP'} for Sell) % Types of child bracket orders: First string in the cell array defines the order type for the lower bracket, 2nd string defines order type for the upper bracket % TriggerMethod (Number) (default=0; one of 0=Default, 1=Double-Bid-Ask, 2=Last, 3=Double-Last, 4=Bid-Ask, 7=Last-or-Bid-Ask, 8=Mid-point) % OutsideRTH (Number) (default=0=false; either 0 (order should not execute outside regular trading hours), or 1 (it should) % OrderId (Number) (default=auto-assigned; if specified, then the specified order data will be updated, rather than creating a new order) % Hold (Number) (default=0=false; either 0 (immediately send Buy/Sell order to IB), or 1 (do not send immediately - see example 9 below) % Transmit (Number) (default=1=true; either 1 (the order is immediately sent to the exchange) or 0 (order waits in TWS until user transmits it) % Timeout (Number) (default=inf; maximal number of seconds to wait for an IB response to a request) % HedgeType (String) (default=''; one of 'D'=delta, 'B'=beta, 'F'=Forex, 'P'=pair) % HedgeParam (Number) (default=[]; relevant only for hedged orders) % NumberOfRows (Number) (default=1, max=10; used to retrieve deep market data if value >= 2) % Override (Number) (default=0=false; either 0 (do not override default exercise action), or 1 (override: exercise out-of-money option or lapse in-the-money option) % WhatIf (Number) (default=0=false; either 0 (live order), or 1 (what-if order, returning the margin impact) % AlgoStrategy (String) (default='') one of 'Adaptive','ArrivalPrice',etc. - see for full list % AlgoParams (cell-array) parameterName,parameterValue pairs. For example: {'maxPctVol',0.25, 'riskAversion','Aggressive'} % OrderRef (String) (default='') a comment that can be attached to the order and displayed in TWS (as an Order Attribute) % WaitForGreeks (Number) (default=0=false; either 0 (do not wait for greeks data), or 1 (do wait [only when querying options]) % % Financial advisors (multi-account) order data: % FAProfile (String) (default='') % FAGroup (String) (default='') % FAMethod (String) (default='') % FAPercentage (Number) (default=0) % % TWAP order data: ( % StrategyType (String) (default='Marketable'; one of 'Marketable', 'Matching Midpoint', 'Matching Same Side', or 'Matching Last') % StartTime (String) (default='9:00:00 EST'; format: 'YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss TMZ' [TMZ is optional]) % EndTime (String) (default='16:00:00 EST'; format: 'YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss TMZ' [TMZ is optional]) % AllowPastEndTime (Number) (default=1=true; either 0 (false) or 1 (true) % SpeedUp (Number) (default=0=false; either 0 (false) or 1 (true) % MonetaryValue (Number) (default=0) % % VWAP order data: ( % MaxPctVol (Number) (default=0.1) % StartTime (String) (default='9:00:00 EST'; format: 'YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss TMZ' [TMZ is optional]) % EndTime (String) (default='16:00:00 EST'; format: 'YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss TMZ' [TMZ is optional]) % AllowPastEndTime (Number) (default=1=true; either 0 (false) or 1 (true) % NoTakeLiq (Number) (default=0=false; either 0 (false) or 1 (true) % MonetaryValue (Number) (default=0) % % ArrivalPx order data: ( % MaxPctVol (Number) (default=0.1) % RiskAversion (String) (default='Neutral'; one of 'Get Done', 'Aggressive', 'Neutral' or 'Passive') % StartTime (String) (default='9:00:00 EST'; format: 'YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss TMZ' [TMZ is optional]) % EndTime (String) (default='16:00:00 EST'; format: 'YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss TMZ' [TMZ is optional]) % ForceCompletion (Number) (default=0=false; either 0 (false) or 1 (true) % AllowPastEndTime (Number) (default=1=true; either 0 (false) or 1 (true) % MonetaryValue (Number) (default=0) % % DarkIce order data: ( % DisplaySize (Number) (default=1) % StartTime (String) (default='9:00:00 EST'; format: 'YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss TMZ' [TMZ is optional]) % EndTime (String) (default='16:00:00 EST'; format: 'YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss TMZ' [TMZ is optional]) % AllowPastEndTime (Number) (default=1=true; either 0 (false) or 1 (true) % MonetaryValue (Number) (default=0) % % PctVol order data: ( % PctVol (Number) (default=0.1) % StartTime (String) (default='9:00:00 EST'; format: 'YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss TMZ' [TMZ is optional]) % EndTime (String) (default='16:00:00 EST'; format: 'YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss TMZ' [TMZ is optional]) % NoTakeLiq (Number) (default=0=false; either 0 (false) or 1 (true) % MonetaryValue (Number) (default=0) % % BalanceImpactRisk order data: ( % MaxPctVol (Number) (default=0.1) % RiskAversion (String) (default='Neutral'; one of 'Get Done', 'Aggressive', 'Neutral' or 'Passive') % ForceCompletion (Number) (default=0=false; either 0 (false) or 1 (true) % AllowPastEndTime (Number) (default=1=true; either 0 (false) or 1 (true) % % MinImpact order data: ( % MaxPctVol (Number) (default=0.1) % % Automated order data: % LimitBasis (String) (default=''; one of 'BID','ASK') % LimitDelta (Number) (default=0); units of the security's minimum tick value % LimitBounds (Array of 2 numbers) (default=[0,inf]) the dynamic limit will not change beyond these values % LimitRepeatEvery (Number) (default=0) [seconds] % LimitPause (Number) (default=0) [seconds] % LimitUpdateMode (Number) (default=0) 0=up/down, 1=only increase, -1=only decrease % LimitChangeTime (String) (default= now + 10 hours; format: 'YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss' local time) % LimitChangeType (String) (default='MKT'; one of MKT,MKTCLS,LMT,LMTCLS,PEGMKT,STP,STPLMT,TRAIL,REL,VWAP,TRAILLIMIT) % Tick (Number) (default=0; override the security's reported tick value) % % Historical data ( % Note limitations by the IB server: % EndDateTime (String) (default='' (=now); format: 'YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss TMZ' [TMZ is optional]) % DurationValue (Number) (default=1) % DurationUnits (String) (default='D'; one of 'S','D','W','M','Y' (seconds/days/weeks/months/years)) % BarSize (String) (default='1 min'; one of: '1 sec/min/hour/day/week/month/year','5/15/30 secs','2/3/5/15/30 mins','3 months') % WhatToShow (String) (default='Trades'; one of 'Trades','MidPoint','Bid','Ask','Bid_Ask','Historical_Volatility','Option_Implied_Volatility','Option_Volume') % UseRTH (Number) (default=0=false; either 0 (all data), or 1 (only data from regular trading hours) % FormatDate (Number) (default=1; either 1 ('yyyymmdd hh:mm:dd' format) or 2 (integer number format) % % Streaming data (will only work when Action='Query' or 'Realtime_Bars') % QuotesNumber (Number) (default=1) Number of quotes to be received % inf for continuous streaming quotes for this ticker % any positive value to stream only the specified number of quotes % 1 to get only a single quote (i.e., non-streaming); this is the default behavior % 0 to stop streaming quotes for this ticker; all accumulated quotes data will be returned % -1 to get all accumulated streaming quotes for this ticker without stopping the streaming % QuotesBufferSize (Number) (default=1) controls the number of streaming quotes stored for user retrieval in % a cyclic buffer. When this number of quotes has been reached, the oldest quote % will be discarded whenever a new quote arrives % ReconnectEvery (Number) (default=5000) Number of quotes (total of all tickers) before automated reconnection & resubscription in TWS % inf to accept streaming quotes without any automated reconnection % any positive value to automatically reconnect & resubscribe to streaming quotes after so many quotes are received % Note: this parameter is only relevant for streaming quotes (Action='Query'), not for realtime bars % GenericTickList (String) (default='') requests additional quotes data, see % Example: '100, 101, 104' % Note: this parameter is only relevant for streaming quotes (Action='Query'), not for realtime bars % % Scanner data ( % Type (String) (default='SCAN'; one of 'SCAN','PARAMETERS') % ParametersType (String) (default='XML'; one of 'XML','struct') % AbovePrice (Number) (default=0.0) % AboveVolume (Number) (default=0) % AverageOptionVolumeAbove (Number) (default=0) % BelowPrice (Number) (default=inf) % CouponRateAbove (Number) (default=0.0) % CouponRateBelow (Number) (default=inf) % ExcludeConvertible (String) (default='') % Instrument (String) (default='STK'; one of 'STK','STOCK.HK','STOCK.EU') % LocationCode (String) (default='STK.NASDAQ') % MarketCapAbove (Number) (default=0.0) % MarketCapBelow (Number) (default=inf) % MaturityDateAbove (String) (default='') % MaturityDateBelow (String) (default='') % MoodyRatingAbove (String) (default='') % MoodyRatingBelow (String) (default='') % NumberOfRows (Number) (default=1) % ScanCode (String) (default='MOST_ACTIVE') % ScannerSettingPairs(String) (default='') % SpRatingAbove (String) (default='') % SpRatingBelow (String) (default='') % StockTypeFilter (String) (default='ALL'; one of 'ALL','CORP','ADR','ETF','REIT','CEF') % % Fundamental data: % Type (String) (default='Ratios'; one of 'Ratios','ReportSnapshot','ReportsFinSummary','ReportRatios','ReportsFinStatements','RESC','CalendarReport') % ParametersType (String) (default='XML'; one of 'XML','struct') % % User callback functions: % CallbackFunction (String) (default='') - generic user callback invoked for ALL IB events % CallbackXXX (String) (default='') - user callback invoked for IB event XXX, where XXX is one of: % AccountDownloadEnd, AccountSummary, AccountSummaryEnd, BondContractDetails, % CommissionReport, ConnectionClosed, ContractDetails, ContractDetailsEnd, % CurrentTime, DeltaNeutralValidation, ExecDetails, ExecDetailsEnd, FundamentalData, % HistoricalData, ManagedAccounts, MarketDataType, Message, NextValidId, % OpenOrder, OpenOrderEnd, OrderStatus, Position, PositionEnd, % TickPrice, TickSize, TickString, TickGeneric, TickEFP, % TickOptionComputation, TickSnapshotEnd, RealtimeBar, ReceiveFA, % ScannerData, ScannerDataEnd, ScannerParameters, % UpdateAccountTime, UpdateAccountValue, UpdateMktDepth, % UpdateMktDepthL2, UpdateNewsBulletin, UpdatePortfolio % % see: % % Note: All callbacks are sent two arguments: the IB object, and a structure with the event data. % The eventData struct has different fields for different callbacks. % The user can differentiate the events based on the eventData.eventName field (a string). % All callbacks persist across separate IBMatlab commands until they are modified. % Callbacks can be unset (removed) by setting them to '' or []. % % OUTPUT: % % orderId = -1 if unsuccessful, otherwise the ID of the placed order, or data for 'QUERY' actions % ibConnectionObject = reference of Java object that interfaces with IB % contract = reference of Java object that holds contract info for Buy/Sell actions (see example 9 below) % order = reference of Java object that holds order info for Buy/Sell actions (see example 9 below) % errMsg = error message (in case of error) % % Examples: % % 1) Buy stock: % % Matlab struct alternative: % >> paramsStruct = []; % >> paramsStruct.action = 'BUY'; % >> paramsStruct.symbol = 'GOOG'; % >> paramsStruct.quantity = 100; % >> paramsStruct.limitPrice = 600; % >> orderId = IBMatlab(paramsStruct); % % Name/value pairs alternative: % >> orderId = IBMatlab('action','BUY', 'symbol','GOOG', 'quantity',100, 'limitPrice',600); % % 2) Sell stock: % % >> orderId = IBMatlab('action','SELL', 'symbol','GOOG', 'quantity',100, 'limitPrice',600); % % 3) Get Market data for a particular stock: % % >> data = IBMatlab('action','QUERY', 'symbol','GOOG') % data = % reqId: 22209874 % reqTime: '02-Dec-2010 00:47:23' % dataTime: '02-Dec-2010 00:47:23' % dataTimestamp: 734474.032914491 % ticker: 'GOOG' % bidPrice: 563.68 % askPrice: 564.47 % open: 562.82 % close: 555.71 % low: 562.4 % high: 571.57 % lastPrice: -1 % volume: 36891 % tick: 0.01 % bidSize: 3 % askSize: 3 % lastSize: 0 % % 4) Get portfolio data: % % >> data = IBMatlab('action','PORTFOLIO_DATA') % data = % 1x12 struct array with fields: % symbol % localSymbol % exchange % secType % currency % right % expiry % strike % position % marketValue % marketPrice % averageCost % realizedPnL % unrealizedPnL % contract % % >> data(1) % ans = % symbol: 'AMZN' % localSymbol: 'AMZN' % exchange: 'NASDAQ' % secType: 'STK' % currency: 'USD' % right: '0' % expiry: '' % strike: 0 % position: 920 % marketValue: 171580 % marketPrice: 186.5 % averageCost: 169.03183335 % realizedPnL: 7513.78 % unrealizedPnL: 16070.71 % contract: [1x1 struct] % % 5) Get historical data: % % >> data = IBMatlab('action','HISTORY_DATA', 'symbol','IBM', 'barSize','1 hour', 'useRTH',1) % data = % dateTime: {1x7 cell} % open: [161.08 160.95 161.66 161.17 161.57 161.75 162.07] % high: [161.35 161.65 161.70 161.60 161.98 162.09 162.34] % low: [160.86 160.89 161.00 161.13 161.53 161.61 161.89] % close: [160.93 161.65 161.18 161.60 161.74 162.07 162.29] % volume: [5384 6332 4580 2963 4728 4465 10173] % count: [2776 4387 2990 1921 2949 2981 6187] % WAP: [161.07 161.25 161.35 161.31 161.79 161.92 162.14] % hasGaps: [0 0 0 0 0 0 0] % % >> data.dateTime % ans = % '20110225 16:30:00' '20110225 17:00:00' '20110225 18:00:00' '20110225 19:00:00' % '20110225 20:00:00' '20110225 21:00:00' '20110225 22:00:00' % % 6) Get account data: % % >> data = IBMatlab('action','ACCOUNT_DATA') % data = % AccountCode: 'DU12345' % currency: [] % accountName: 'DU12345' % AccountReady: 'true' % AccountType: 'INDIVIDUAL' % AccruedCash: -456.4 % AccruedDividend: 0 % AvailableFunds: 261700.68 % Billable: 0 % BuyingPower: 779656.96 % CashBalance: -825400.37 % CorporateBondValue: 0 % Currency: 'USD' % Cushion: 0.361508 % DayTradesRemaining: -1 % ... (etc. etc.) % % 7) Attach a user callback function to ExecDetails events (that occur upon any order execution) % % >> orderId = IBMatlab('action','BUY', 'symbol','GOOG', 'quantity',1, 'limitPrice',600, ... % 'CallbackExecDetails',@IBMatlab_CallbackExecDetails); % % function IBMatlab_CallbackExecDetails(hObject,eventData,varargin) %#ok unused % % % Extract the basic event data components % contractData = eventData.contract; % executionData = eventData.execution; % % % Example of extracting data from the contract object: % % See: % symbol = contractData.symbol; % secType = contractData.secType; % % ... and several other contract data available - see the above webpage % % % Example of extracting data from the execution object: % % % orderId = executionData.orderId; % execId = executionData.execId; % time = executionData.time; % exchange =; % side = executionData.side; % shares = executionData.shares; % price = executionData.price; % permId = executionData.permId; % liquidation = executionData.liquidation; % cumQty = executionData.cumQty; % avgPrice = executionData.avgPrice; % % ... and several other contract data available - see the above webpage % % % Now do something useful with all this information... % end % % 8) Cancelling an open order (one example of the many possible actions that can be done via ibConnectionObject) % % >> [orderId,ibConnectionObject] = IBMatlab('action','BUY', ...); % >> ibConnectionObject.cancelOrder(orderId); % % Alternatively: % % >> IBMatlab('action','CANCEL', 'orderId',orderId); % % 9) Holding and modifying a Buy/Sell trade order before submitting: % % >> [orderId,ibConnectionObject,contract,order] = IBMatlab('action','BUY', 'Hold',1, ...); % >> contract.m_secIdType = 'ISIN'; % >> contract.m_secId = 'US0378331005'; % =Apple Inc. % >> order.m_clearingIntent = 'Away'; % >> order.m_settlingFirm = 'CSBLO'; % >> order.m_allOrNone = true; % >> ibConnectionObject.placeOrder(orderId, contract, order); % % THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO % THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE % AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT % OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. % % Copyright (c) Yair Altman (altmany at % % Link to IB's API guide: % % Link to IB-Matlab's webpage: