function [data, errMsg] = IQML(action, parameters, varargin) %#ok %IQML - Get historic or real-time market data from DTN IQFeed % % Syntax: [data, errMsg] = IQML(action, paramName1,paramValue1, paramName2,paramValue2, ...) % % Inputs: % % action (String) - one of: license,version,update,revert,doc,quotes,intervalbars,fundamental,greeks,news,history,summary,lookup,alert,chain,disconnect,reconnect,time,stats,command,log,marketdepth,regional,registry % % parameters - Matlab struct or XLS filename or parameter name/value pairs with the following optional parameters: % % Connection: % Username (String) the login ID for connecting to IQFeed via the client % Password (String) the password for connecting to IQFeed via the client % Protocol (Number) default=latest; the IQFeed API protocol number to be used % % Message processing (also see Logging section below): % Timeout (Number) default=5; max # of seconds to wait for a response to a blocking query (0=infinite) % Debug (Logical) default=0 or false; if true or 1, extra data will be displayed in Matlab console % AddPortStats (Logical) default=0 or false; if true or 1, extra port stats are streamed and reported when Action=stats % MsgParsingLevel (Integer) default=2; amount of parsing for incoming IQFeed messages (0=minimal, 1=partial, 2=maximal) % ProcessFunc (function handle or struct) default=[]; if non-empty, this function is invoked upon every IQFeed message % RaiseErrorMsgs (Logical) default=1 or true; if true or 1, IQFeed error messages raise a Matlab error in blocking query % UseParallel (Logical) default=0 or false; if true or 1, a blocking query will be parallelized (Pro license only) % MaxWorkers (Integer) default=inf; maximal numer of parallel workers to use in parallelized queries (UseParallel=true) % OutputFormat (String) default='struct'; one of 'struct','cells','table','timetable' % MaxEventsBacklog(Integer) default=100; size of backlog above which overflow protection is active % OverflowMode (Integer) default=[]; 0=no overflow handling (all msgs processed); 1=drop new msgs; 2=drop old backlog msgs % % Quotes/ticks: % DataType (String) default='quotes'; either 'quotes' or 'trades' % Symbols (String :-delimited or cell-array) default=''; e.g., '@VX#' or 'IBM:GOOG' or {'IBM','GOOG'} % NumOfEvents (Integer) default=inf; max # of IQFeed messages to process in streaming (non-blocking) data mode % MaxItems (Integer) default=1; size of the reported buffer accumulating the latest streaming quotes/ticks % Fields (String or cell-array) list of data fields to be reported by IQML (default: 16 fields, Pro license only) % ClearBuffer (Logical) default=0 or false; if true or 1, internal cyclic quotes buffer is cleared when data is returned % AssignTo (String) default=''; streaming data will be assigned to this variable in the base workspace, updated live % % Interval bars: % Symbols (String :-delimited or cell-array) default=''; e.g., '@VX#' or 'IBM:GOOG' or {'IBM','GOOG'} % NumOfEvents (Integer) default=inf; max # of IQFeed messages to process in streaming (non-blocking) data mode % MaxItems (Integer) default=100; size of the reported buffer accumulating the latest streaming interval bars % MaxDays (String) default=1; max number of days to be retrieved % IntervalType (String) default='secs'; one of 'secs','volume','trades' % IntervalSize (Integer) default=60; size of interval bars in specified or default units (seconds) % BeginFilterTime (String) default='00:00:00'; earliest bar time % EndFilterTime (String) default='23:59:59'; latest bar time % BeginDateTime (Integer or String) default=''; earliest bar date % MaxUpdateDuration (Integer) default=0; max # of secs to wait after a trade before receiving bar update message % AssignTo (String) default=''; streaming data will be assigned to this variable in the base workspace, updated live % % Market depth: % Symbols (String :-delimited or cell-array) default=''; e.g., '@VX#' or 'IBM:GOOG' or {'IBM','GOOG'} % NumOfEvents (Integer) default=inf; max # of IQFeed messages to process in streaming (non-blocking) data mode % MaxLevels (Integer) default=5; max # of price levels (rows) to return % IncludeEmptyQuotes (Logical) default=0 or false; if true or 1, Level 2 quotes with no Bid/Ask will also be reported % Detailed (Logical) default=0 or false: if true or 1, price level components (orders/market-makers) will be reported % AssignTo (String) default=''; streaming data will be assigned to this variable in the base workspace, updated live % % Greeks: % Symbol (String) default=''; e.g., 'IBM1814L116' % UnderlyingSymbol (String) default=''; e.g., 'IBM' % Side (String) default=''; either 'Call' or 'Put' % HistoricVolatility (Number) default=-1; underlying asset's volatility (%) % UseImpliedVolatility (Logical) default=0 or false; if true or 1, the implied (not historic) volatility will be used to calculate Greeks % RiskFreeRate (Number) default=0; domestic risk-free rate (%) % DividendsYield (Number) default=0; underlying asset's dividends yield (%) % DaysToExpiration (Number) default=-1; days until the contract expires % AnnualFactor (Number) default=365; used to de-annualize Theta,Charm,Veta,Color % % Summary: % DataType (String) default='snapshot'; one of 'snapshot','fundamental','top' % Exchange (String) default='NYSE'; one of 'NYSE','NASDAQ','AMEX','CBOT',... % SecType (String) default='equity'; one of 'equity','bond','mutual fund',... % Date (Integer or String) default=now; end-of-day (or latest) data for this date (only!) will be fetched % ReportEmptyFields (Logical) default=0 or false; if true or 1, empty fields will be reported % Filter (String or cell-array) list of criteria to filter the returned data % % History: % DataType (String) default='day'; one of 'day','week','month','interval','ticks' % Symbol (String) default=''; e.g., '@VX#' % DataDirection (Integer) default=1; either 1 (oldest-to-newest, default) or -1 (newest-to-oldest) % MaxItems (Integer) default=100; returns up to the specified # of bars % BeginDate (Integer or String) default=[]; earliest bar date (only relevant if DataType=day/week/month) % EndDate (Integer or String) default=[]; latest bar date (only relevant if DataType=day/week/month) % IntervalType (String) default='secs'; one of secs,volume,ticks (only relevant if DataType=interval) % IntervalSize (Integer) default=60; size of interval bars in seconds (only relevant if DataType=interval) % LabelAtBeginning(Logical) default=0 or false; if true or 1, 11:17:41 data is reported in '11:17' bar (otherwise: '11:18') % Days (Integer) default=1; # of calendar days to return, -1=all (only relevant if DataType=interval or ticks) % BeginFilterTime (String) default='00:00:00'; earliest bar time (only relevant if DataType=interval or ticks) % EndFilterTime (String) default='23:59:59'; latest bar time (only relevant if DataType=interval or ticks) % BeginDateTime (Integer or String) default=''; earliest bar date (only relevant if DataType=interval or ticks) % EndDateTime (Integer or String) default=''; latest bar date (only relevant if DataType=interval or ticks) % Fields (String or cell-array) list of data fields to be reported by IQML (default: all fields, Pro license only) % Progress (String) default=''; if 'console', periodic update messages are displayed during data download % % News: % DataType (String) default='config'; one of 'config','headlines','story' % Symbols (String :-delimited or cell-array) default=''; e.g., 'FB' or 'IBM:GOOG' or {'IBM','GOOG'} % Sources (String :-delimited or cell-array) default=''; from the subscribed news sources names % Date (Integer or String) default=[]; Date at which the news headline was published (or all dates, if empty) % NumOfEvents (Integer) default=inf; max # of headlines to process in streaming (non-blocking) data mode % MaxItems (Integer) default=inf; max # of headlines to be reported by IQFeed % GetStory (Logical) default=false; if true or 1, automatically fetch the full story text for each headline % ID (Integer) default=[]; news story ID % BeginDate (Integer or String) default=[]; earliest date at which the news items were published % EndDate (Integer or String) default=[]; latest date at which the news items were published % % Lookup: % DataType (String) default='symbols'; one of 'symbols','markets','sectypes','sic','naics','conditions' % Progress (String) default=''; if 'console', periodic update messages are displayed during data download % ID (Integers) default=[]; Limits results to those with the specified ID(s) % Name (String) default=''; Limits results to those containing this string in their name (case insensitive) % Description (String) default=''; Limits results to those containing this string in their description (case insensitive) % ForceRefresh (Logical) default=false; refetch the lookup data from IQFeed (true) or use pre-cached values (false)? % SIC (Integer) default=[]; Limits results to those whose SIC sector/industry code begins with this number % NAICS (Integer) default=[]; Limits results to those whose NAICS sector/industry code begins with this number % Markets (Integers or Strings) default=[]; Limits results to those in the specified market (exchange) name(s) or code(s) % SecTypes (Integers or Strings) default=[]; Limits results to those with the specified security type(s) % % Chain: % Symbol (String) default=''; e.g., 'GOOG' % DataType (String) default='options'; one of 'options','futures','foptions','spreads' % Side (String) default='cp'; one of 'cp','c','p'. Only relevant when DataType='options'/'foptions' % WhatToShow (String) default='symbols'; one of 'symbols','quotes','fundamental' % Months (various) default=[]; numeric month values, or month name(s) or financial month codes % NearMonths (Integer) default=[]; # of nearby contracts to report (0-99). Cannot be specified together with Months. % Years (Numeric) default=current year; one or more years (e.g. 2013:2019) % IncludeBinary (Logical) default=true; whether to report binary options; only relevant when DataType='options'. % MinStrike (Number) default=[]; only report options having higher strike price; only relevant when DataType='options'. % MaxStrike (Number) default=[]; only report options having lower strike price; only relevant when DataType='options'. % NumInMoney (Integer) default=[]; only report this number of options in the money; only relevant if DataType='options'. % NumOutOfMoney (Integer) default=[]; only report this number of options out of money; only relevant if DataType='options'. % Fields (String or cell-array) list of data fields to be reported by IQML (default: 16 fields, Pro license only) % % Alert: % Symbols (String :-delimited or cell-array) default=''; e.g., 'FB' or 'IBM:GOOG' or {'IBM','GOOG'} % Trigger (String) alert trigger condition; composed of data type, parameter, operator, value (e.g. 'quote bid > 7') (case insensitive) % AlertAction (String or function handle) default='display'; one of 'display','popup','email',function handle % NumOfEvents (Integer) default=1; max # of times to trigger the alert % AlertID (Numeric) the unique ID number assigned to each alert created, used for querying/editing/deleting existing alert % GetStory (Logical) default=true; if true or 1, automatically fetch the full story (not just headline) of news alerts when AlertAction='email'/callback % StartStream (Logical) default=false; if true or 1, automatically start data streaming % EmailRecipients (String :/,-delimited or cell-array of Strings); only relevant when AlertAction='email' % SmtpEmail (String) default=''; sender address of email alerts. Only relevant if AlertAction='email' % SmtpServer (String) default=''; sender SMTP server. Only relevant if AlertAction='email', SmtpEmail~=default % SmtpPassword (String) sender email password. Only relevant if AlertAction='email' and SmtpEmail~=default % % Custom IQFeed command: % String (String) default=''; command to be sent to IQFeed % PortName (String) default='Level1'; one of 'Level1','Level2','Admin' % ProcessFunc (Function handle) custom user callback function to process incoming IQFeed data messages % % Logging: % Path (String) default=''; Path of folder containing the log file % Details (Numeric) default=[1,0,0,0,0]; array of flags describing which msg groups to log (Admin,L1,L2,Lookup,Debug) % CopyTo (String) default=''; Path of folder or filename to which the live log file is copied % DoThis (String) default=''; one of 'show', 'display', 'clear' or 'reset' % % Refer to the User Guide for detailed documentation and usage examples. % % THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED % TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE % AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT % OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. % % Copyright (c) Yair Altman, Octahedron Ltd. (info @ % % IQML webpage: % DTN IQFeed webpage: