14 Troubleshooting


Description / solution


NullPointerException com.mathworks.jmi.bean.MatlabBeanInterface.addCallback

IQML cannot work properly unless its Java file (IQML.jar) is added to Matlab’s static Java classpath. Contact us to solve the problem.


IQFeed is not properly installed

IQFeed is not installed properly on the local computer so IQML cannot connect to it.


IQFeed cannot be connected or started


Cannot connect to IQFeed

IQML cannot connect to an active (running) IQFeed client process, nor start one. Try to start IQFeed’s client manually and then retry.


IQML is not activated on this computer

Some component of your activated computer fingerprint has changed. Revert this change, or contact us to modify the activated fingerprint.


Your IQML license will expire in 4 days

This is an alert on upcoming license expiration.
It is not an error, and does not affect IQML’s operation. Contact us to extend your license.


Your IQML license has expired on 1-Jun-2018

IQML’s license is limited in duration. When the license term expires, contact us to renew it.


Cannot connect to undocumentedmatlab.com to validate your IQML license

IQML validates its license on the IQML server. Your internet connection may be down, or the domain (undocumentedmatlab.com) may be blocked by your firewall (ask your IT to unblock it)


Action 'xyz' is not [yet] supported

The specified action is not [yet] a valid IQML action, although it is planned for a future version.


Unrecognized IQML action 'xyz'

The specified action is invalid in IQML. Refer to the User Guide for a list of acceptable actions.


Missing parameter value: all parameters must have a value

No value was provided for the specified parameter. IQML parameters must be specified as name-value pairs that have both name and value.


Value for parameter 'abc' should be a <xyz> data type

The specified parameter value provided in your IQML command has an incorrect data type. Refer to the User Guide for a list of acceptable values.


Value for parameter 'abc' should be a scalar number

The specified parameter value must be a single scalar value, not a numeric array. Refer to the User Guide for a list of acceptable values.


Warning: 'abc' is not a valid parameter for the 'xyz' action in IQML

The specified parameter name is not valid for the specified IQML action and is ignored. Refer to the User Guide for a list of acceptable parameters.


The 'news' action is not available in your Standard license of IQML

The specified action is only available in the IQML Professional license and free trial. Contact us to upgrade your license to access this feature.


Symbol 'XYZ' was not found

Either you have no permission to access this Symbol, or this symbol is unknown by IQFeed.


(Missing digits in Matlab Command Window)

Matlab’s display format is possibly set to “short” instead of “long”.


Undefined function 'struct2cell' for input arguments of type 'double'

An empty result was returned, and this cannot be converted into a Matlab cell-array.


Error using struct2table (line 26) - S must be a scalar structure, or a structure array ...

An empty result was returned, and this cannot be converted into a Matlab table object.


The Symbol parameter must be specified for an XYZ query when NumOfEvents>0

Queries that have NumOfEvents>0 must be specified with a non-empty Symbol/Symbols.

§4, §6

Warning: IQML timeout: only partial data is returned. Perhaps the Timeout parameter should be set to a value larger than 5

The query took longer than expected to return all the data; only partial results have arrived from IQFeed before the IQML timed-out. To get all results, set the Timeout parameter to a larger value or the NumOfEvents parameter to a smaller value.

§4.1, §4.3, §5.1, §7.2, §8.1

IQML timeout: either IQFeed has no data for this query, or the Timeout parameter should be set
to a value larger than 5

The query took longer than expected to return any data from IQFeed before IQML timed-out.
Try to set the Timeout parameter to a larger value.


Date parameter value must be either a string (YYYYMMDD, YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY/MM/DD) or datenum

The date/time format of one or more of the query parameters is incorrect. Refer to the User Guide for a description of the acceptable formats.


Symbol "XYZ" is not currently streaming

Start data streaming (by sending a query with NumOfEvents>0) before querying streamed data


(IQML stops receiving IQFeed streaming data)

Try to actively disconnect and reconnect to IQFeed, or to restart the IQConnect application.


Unable to connect to L2IP server. Error Code: 10065 Error Msg: A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host.

(or a similar variant)

IQConnect lost the connection to IQFeed’s servers. IQConnect will automatically reconnect as soon as possible, and in most cases you can ignore this message. You can also try to actively reconnect to IQFeed, or to check your internet connection.


Out of memory


Maximum variable size allowed by the program is exceeded


Requested array exceeds maximum array size preference

This Matlab error might occur when receiving huge amounts of streaming/historic data. Different Matlab releases display different messages having the same basic idea.
Run IQML on a computer with more memory,
or reduce the amount of stored/processed data.


Error: Java heap space

Set Matlab to use a larger Java heap memory size than the default value. This can be set in Matlab’s preferences, or via a java.opts file.
