Comments for Undocumented Matlab Charting Matlab's unsupported hidden underbelly Wed, 20 May 2020 03:01:17 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Uitable sorting by Florian Wed, 20 May 2020 03:01:17 +0000 Hello Yair thank you for this work.

I am trying to using the sorting function but obviously it treat my ‘double’ as ‘string’. Then the sorting of the numbers is not right.

Any idea how to solve this ?



Comment on Sending HTML emails from Matlab by BPoliti Wed, 27 Nov 2019 11:18:32 +0000 Hi,
Thank you for the very nice article! It has helped me a lot and works like a charm :)

One thing with the modified code is that it is necessary to add an attachment to send an HTML format mail (it returns the error “not enough arguments” otherwise).
To change that and be able to send only HTML text, a simple copy of the argument parsing code from the “sendmail” function to the “sendEmail” function works.

Here is the modified code:

function sendEmail(to,subject,theMessage,attachments)
%SENDEMAIL Send e-mail wrapper (with HTML formatting)
% Argument parsing.
  if ischar(to)
    to = {to};
  if (nargin < 3)
    theMessage = '';
  if (nargin < 4) 
    attachments = [];
  elseif ischar(attachments)
    attachments = {attachments};

I hope it will be useful!


Comment on HTML support in Matlab uicomponents by Martin Lechner Wed, 06 Nov 2019 04:26:35 +0000 For html strings you have to replace the special characters with the entity names (e.g. replace

'<' by '&lt;' or 
'>' by '&gt;'

For a description to entity names and a list of the important ones see
A full list character entity names can be seen in

Comment on CheckboxList by Arun Joe Joseph Tue, 05 Nov 2019 10:22:55 +0000 Is it possible to use this Matlab CheckboxList along with GUIDE? I tried using this in a GUIDE app, and it seems that I cannot pass GUIDE arguments like handles structure to myMatlabCallbackFcn?

Also In myMatlabCallbackFcn, how can I access the Checked Values, as in the names corresponding to the checked values? I tried using jCBList.getCheckedValues, but I am not able to access jCBList inside my callback function.

Comment on AppDesigner’s mlapp file format by Bradley Stiritz Mon, 04 Nov 2019 23:13:40 +0000 It’s great to see that Yair and others are digging into the internals of AppDesigner. It seems to have a lot of promise. At the same time, AppDesigner is still often unstable and unusable, as of R2019b. I just posted on the running Mathworks Answers thread about this–

Question for anyone who has studied the internals– have you also experienced problems in AppDesigner, and then gained any insights whatsoever via your sleuthing? Do you have any clues or hypotheses about what could be going wrong for so many users?

Surely, after all these years of hard work, the AppDesigner team should have worked out most of the minor bugs..?

Comment on Customizing uifigures part 2 by Vishal Sharma Mon, 04 Nov 2019 04:22:43 +0000 Great help. thanks. I was struggling with Appdesigner, but this post and the links given for mlapp,solved quite a lot of issues.

Comment on HTML support in Matlab uicomponents by K Xu Thu, 31 Oct 2019 16:03:55 +0000 Trouble is, when there are “<" in the string, they are not shown in Matlab! Any ideas to fix it?

Comment on Setting class property types – take 2 by Martin Lechner Thu, 31 Oct 2019 11:59:04 +0000 Hi Kyle,

I normally initialize the property with

    graphicToPrint Graphic = ConcreteGraphic.empty

and have no problems with the new syntax.

Comment on Bold color text in the Command Window by Khaled Wed, 30 Oct 2019 20:04:36 +0000 Hello,
I found out how Matlab displays bold hyperlinks. It does so by adding an inline style (style=”font-weight:bold”) inside the <a> tag. For example:

fprintf('\n\t<a href="matlab:doc sin" style="font-weight:bold" rel="nofollow">sin</a>\n\n');
Comment on Customizing axes part 5 – origin crossover and labels by Reza Sun, 27 Oct 2019 19:16:36 +0000 Thank you Yair!
In order to analyze the deformation of a surface, I would like to monitor this surface (facade of a building) every 2 hours, for example. so I get every 2 hours a point cloud I have to compare with a reference 3d-surface. How can I represent the distance between the surface and the point cloud as a colored figure?
I couldnt find any method or function in matlab to do that.
do you Any idea to do this?
I would be grateful for a answer, help, ideas or suggestions.

Comment on Setting class property types – take 2 by Kyle Wed, 23 Oct 2019 18:25:05 +0000 I have serious issues with the new syntax actually. If you want to have abstract classes, the old method would work. The new method does not. For example the below 3 classes work with the old way, but the new way does not. Also sorry for the formatting. I couldn’t seem to indent and add spaces properly

classdef Printer
       %graphicToPrint Graphic  % doesn't work
        function print(this)
            % do some printing acting on graphicToPrint
classdef Graphic
    methods (Abstract)
classdef ConcreteGraphic < Graphic
        function print(this)
            disp('print on ConcreteGraphic happened')
>> p = Printer;
>> p.graphicToPrint = ConcreteGraphic;
>> p.print
print on ConcreteGraphic happened
Comment on Customizing axes part 5 – origin crossover and labels by Yair Altman Tue, 22 Oct 2019 14:43:53 +0000 Reza – try using the view function.

Comment on Customizing axes part 5 – origin crossover and labels by Reza Tue, 22 Oct 2019 14:08:45 +0000 Hi Yair,
Great post. i tried to rotate the axes in a 3d graph in Matlab. but i couldn’t do that. i have two Point Cloud, which i need to calculate the distance between them. As result want to represent it in a Heatmap with a coded Colormap. My project have Orientation according to the global cartesian coordinate system (measured with Totalstation scanner). I monitor facade of a Building (detect Moving in x,z plane). I want to change the Orientation of my Point cloud along x, y and z to have a good front view of the Project (not distorted). how can i rotate the Axes suitable to my project? Thanks for your help.

Comment on Advanced JIDE Property Grids by Yair Altman Mon, 21 Oct 2019 17:21:18 +0000 Philip – you cannot directly use a Java control inside Java tables, such as a Property Grid. Inside a table you should use a Cell-Editor and Cell-Renderer. Showing how to integrate them inside a JIDE Property Grid is well outside the scope of this blog. You can search in Java forums, or the code within my propertiesGUI utility.

A description of how to integrate color cell renderers and editors in Java-based Matlab uitables can be found in my uitable customization report (note: this is related, but not directly applicable, to property-grids).

Comment on Advanced JIDE Property Grids by Philip Mon, 21 Oct 2019 06:09:43 +0000 Yair,

Could you please shed some more insight on how to use color choosers (specifically the ColorComboBox / JideColorSplitButton / or in JIDE Property Grids? I’ve been referencing the notes you outlined in this post as well as the following two posts on your undocumented site ( and ), however my efforts to insert the component into the grid were unsuccessful.

Comment on uicontextmenu performance by E Zapato Fri, 18 Oct 2019 15:40:16 +0000 Niko,

I know this was years ago and you’ve almost certainly resolved this, but you can get the calling object via the figure’s CurrentObject property. So from the callback:

get(ancestor(src, 'figure'), 'CurrentObject')

This answer really came from MVP Jan:

Comment on Customizing contour plots part 2 by Indira X Thu, 10 Oct 2019 07:29:28 +0000 Hello,
I use “surf” with x and y as vectors, and z as matrix. I want to move the contours at 59.7 in z, so I wrote this:

handles = meshc(z);
hContour = handles(2);
hContour.ContourZLevel = 59.5;

I don’t see the contours, instead I see a small “bar” along z axis.

May you please give me a hint?

Thanks in advance.

Comment on Matlab callbacks for uifigure JavaScript events by Manu Fri, 04 Oct 2019 16:26:27 +0000 Hi,

thanks very much for this code. Working perfectly for me on a uiimage object which I use to display a tiled map (like OpenStreetMap).
Since I needed more possible interactions than just the default MATLAB “ImageClicked” callback, this came as the perfect solution!

Thanks again, great work.

Comment on Matlab toolstrip – part 9 (popup figures) by alain barraud Wed, 02 Oct 2019 08:52:13 +0000 Hi yair,
I have tested your miniserie. All works fine with R2019b except some built in demos (as noted by many users) which require older releases.
You say that toolstrip can be also attached to figure and uifigure. What is the equivalent of
hToolGroup.addTabGroup(hTabGroup) for these windows container?

We are all impatient to read the future “part 10”.

Best regards

Comment on Controlling plot data-tips by Leandro de Oliveira Tue, 01 Oct 2019 22:17:26 +0000 My contribuition to create new datatip

clear all
close all
x = 0:0.1:10;
y = sin(x);
h = figure(1);
hObj = plot(x,y);
index = [25 75 100];
hold on
for i = 1:3
    cursorMode = datacursormode(h);
    hDatatip = cursorMode.createDatatip(hObj);
    pos = [x(index(i)) y(index(i))];
    set(get(hDatatip,'DataCursor'), 'DataIndex',index(i), 'TargetPoint',pos);
    set(hDatatip, 'Position', pos);
hold off