2.69 (2025-01-02) - [2.1] Added support for OpenJDK, in addition to Oracle JRE8 (not fully tested!) - [3.5] Enabled OutputFormat 'table' and 'timetable' for multi-symbol queries - [4.4] Improved performance and error resilience of market-depth query (Pro license) 2.68 (2023-11-06) - [2.2] Fixed missing timeout when checking IQML license on Matlab R2023b - [9.1] Avoid messages about missing registry on non-Windows computers 2.67 (2023-08-16) - [4.6] Scanner Filter parameter now accepts 'or','and' as criteria operators (Pro license) - [9.1] Improved robustness when connecting multiple parallel workers to IQFeed (Pro license) 2.66 (2023-03-26) - [2.2] Improved license fingerprint stability for MacOS users 2.65 (2022-11-30) - [9.1] Improved initial connection time of parallel workers (Pro license) 2.64 (2022-10-11) - [4.3, 6.3] Fixed field name typo: CummlativeVolume -> CumulativeVolume - [4.6] Added documentation of IQFeed's market indices & calculated breadth/indicator stats - [6.1] Added warning when setting Fields in ongoing data-fetch query of a streaming request - [8.1] Fixed: symbol lookup query returned empty when IQFeed reported just a single result - [*.*] Small speedup of IQFeed messages processing 2.63 (2022-03-26) - [4.3 etc.] Fixed a parsing problem with DateTime parameters that contain spaces - [6.1] Fixed possible error when requesting streaming quotes with non-standard Fields immediately on IQML connection 2.62 (2022-02-27) - [*.*] Fixed processing of various non-standard date parameters formats/variants - [5.*] Fixed the reported symbol in error message about a failed history query - [5.2] Fixed weekly/monthly historic data when MaxItems=-1 (all data points) and non-default BeginDate - [8.*] Fixed: lookup queries sometimes returned cell array instead of struct array - [8.*] Added ForceRefresh parameter to lookup queries: force a data refresh from IQFeed (bypass cache) 2.61 (2022-02-07) - [2.2] Fixed IQML activation problem on a Matlab pre-release - [2.4] Removed harmless warning message during version update about overwriting files - [9.1] Automatically reconnect bad IQFeed connection (invalid "no data for query" error) 2.60 (2021-12-31) - [*.*] Fixed bug in parsing of default BeginDate parameter value - [*.*] Improved reporting of invalid date/time parameter values - [8.2] Added settable Fields parameter to option chains query (Pro license) 2.59 (2021-12-14) - [*.*] Added new possible formats of date parameters e.g. '21/11/15', 'Nov 15', '15-Nov-2021' - [2.2] Added 'validate' action: returns true if IQML license is ok, error (or errMsg) if not - [7.2] Fixed: News headlines request returned partial results on Matlab R2021b (Pro license) 2.58 (2021-11-21) - *** Important note: this version may require reactivation on Windows (but not MacOS/Linux) *** - [*.*] Replaced all references to iqml.net with undocumentedmatlab.com - [4.4] Fixed display of the market-maker description in MarketDepth (Level2) queries (Pro license) - [6.1] Clarified warning when requesting streaming quotes for more symbols than IQFeed allows - [9.1] Added display of client and protocol versions in connection success message - [9.1] Handled unsolicited changes of MacBookPro computer name by MacOS, affecting IQML's activation - [9.3] Added fields for protocol version, # usable symbols, IQFeed expiry date (for DTN trial users) 2.57 (2021-07-11) - [7.2] Fixed: Timeout parameter was not used by news story queries when GetStory=true (Pro license) - [7.3] Fixed edge cases of some news stories reported as errors by IQConnect client 6.1 (Pro license) - [7.3] Added URL field to reported news stories, if a URL is detected in the story text (Pro license) - [7.*] Improved performance (reduced run-time) of news story queries, esp. story texts (Pro license) - [9.1] Removed some harmless warning messages upon IQML connection to IQFeed 2.56 (2021-06-23) - [*.*] Fixed occasional "corrupt P-file" errors in parallel setups (Pro license) - [2.4] Automatically disconnect from IQFeed when installing an IQML update - [4.6] Fixed: summary data query sometimes reported missing data (Pro license) - [12.1] Simplified reported message in case of an IQML run-time error 2.55 (2021-05-10) - [2.1] Added Filepath field to the output of IQML('version') - [5.*] Fixed problem of empty data reported when MaxItems = -1 - [9.1] Added Timeout parameter to IQML('reconnect') actions 2.54 (2021-05-03) - [4.5] Fixed: the implied volatility was sometimes incorrectly reported as +/-inf - [5.*] Added EndDate parameter for weekly/monthly history queries (as in daily/interval) - [5.*] Fixed BeginDate/EndDate/MaxItems parameter inconsistencies in history queries 2.53 (2021-04-06) - [3.6] Added message overflow protection (MaxEventsBacklog, OverflowMode parameters) - [4.4] Improved support for new IQFeed client 6.2 Level-2 market-depth format (Pro license) - [4.6] Added description fields for Exchange/Markets/SIC/NAICS codes (Pro license) - [9.3] Added message overflow protection information to reported client stats - [11] Fixed: the alert ID was not properly returned in alert queries (Pro license) 2.52 (2021-02-23) - [4.4] Added support for new IQFeed client 6.2 Level-2 market-depth format (Pro license) - [4.4] Added Detailed, MaxLevels parameters for Level 2 queries (Pro license) - [4.4] Added BidSizeRatio, AskSizeRatio fields to Level 2 data (Pro license) - [4.6] Fetch previous day's summary data if data for requested date is unavailable (Pro license) - [7.2] Handled edge case of news headlines that are reported with missing/invalid timestamp - [9.1] Avoid repeated attempts to launch the IQFeed client on startup, when it is not in expected location - [9.1] Added alert when the installed IQFeed client is older than latest available stable IQFeed client - [9.5] Added support for IQFeed client 6.2's new registry hive 2.51 (2021-02-03) - [7.*] Fixed problem with news query without a Symbol filter due to a DTN server-side change (Pro license) - [7.2] Added Datenum field to news headlines query; fixed Timestamp field to standard format (Pro license) - [9.1] Auto-reconnect IQML to IQFeed when IQConnect is not communicating - [9.3] Added Datenum, Timestamp, TotalMsgsRcv fields to client stats data 2.50 (2021-01-24) - [8.1] Fixed symbols lookup query with empty/unspecified Name filter parameter - [8.1] Added Progress parameter to display lookup query progress (as in history queries) - [8.1] Added ability to filter symbols lookup query by market group (e.g. 'NYSE'), not just specific market(s) - [8.2] Fixed: chain symbols query did not report some equity options unless NearMonths was set (Pro license) 2.49 (2021-01-03) - [3.5] Added OutputFormat parameter to report results in cell/struct/table/timetable formats - [5.*] Fixed certain problems with parallel download of historic data (Pro license) - [12.1] Added display of context (input parameters, caller location) in case of run-time error 2.48 (2020-12-02) - [*.*] Fixed bug when trying to display PDF documents on MacOS - [*.*] Fixed edge-case when retrieving data in parallel with UseParallel (Pro license) - [3.6] Added MaxWorkers parameter to limit the number of active parallel workers (Pro license) - [5.*] Increased default max number of parallel workers in history queries 14=>15 (Pro license) - [5.6] Fixed bug in filtering numeric summary data when MsgParsingLevel=0 (Pro license) 2.47 (2020-11-29) - [3.6] Fixed occasional errors with IQFeed connection of parallel workers (Pro license) - [4.2] Added Fiscal_Year_End_Description field to fundamental data results - [5.6] Clarified the error message when market summary data is not available (Pro license) - [6.*] Improved performance of fetching latest streaming quotes while streaming - [8.2] Handled cases of IQFeed server error when requesting options chain (Pro license) - [12.2] Fixed error in case IQFeed client has not yet set the logging-level 2.46 (2020-06-30) - [5.1] Fixed single-day history query (BeginDate=EndDate), broken in version 2.45 - [5.*] Added the Progress input parameter to history queries - [8.*] Added the ID filtering parameter to lookup queries 2.45 (2020-06-23) - [5.*] Added parameter checks: BeginDate < EndDate, BeginDateTime < EndDateTime - [8.*] Removed duplicate lookup entries reported by IQFeed - [8.1] Speedup of symbols lookup; enabled searching all symbols (empty Name parameter) 2.44 (2020-06-05) - [3.6] Expanded the documentation of IQML parallelization (Pro license) - [5.*] Fixed cases of parallel history queries returning empty results (Pro license) - [7.2] Fixed various edge-cases with news headlines query (Pro license) 2.43 (2020-05-10) - [5.*] When IQFeed has no history data for a query, IQML now returns [], not a 'NO_DATA' error - [9.1] Fixed edge case when disconnecting from a non-connected IQFeed - [9.1] Faster initial connection to IQFeed (use cached lookups etc.) 2.42 (2020-05-04) - [4.2] Fixed bug in fundamental data query - [5.*] Fixed bug in history query of multiple symbols at once 2.41 (2020-05-03) - [*.*] Fixed: Timeout parameter was ignored when running within timer functions (now ok) - [3.4] Detect & handle case of a missing 'Symbol' parameter, e.g. IQML('quotes','IBM') - [5.*] Improved performance of history queries - [6.*] Improved performance of IQML commands that start live data streaming - [6.*] Added AssignTo parameter to enable assigning streaming data to base Matlab workspace variables - [6.2] Fixed a bug in fetching streaming Regional quotes - [6.3] Added BarTypeCode, EventDatenum, EventTimestamp fields to streaming intervalbars data - [9.1] Faster and more robust initial connection to IQFeed - [9.1] Added debug printouts to assist diagnosing IQFeed connection problems 2.40 (2020-04-20) - [*.*] Fixed: enabled "symbol" in addition to 'symbol' (broken in version 2.39) - [4.1] Fixed bad results from parallel quotes query of duplicate symbols - [5.*] Fixed error when parallel historic query returns non-matching data sizes - [5.*] Added Fields parameter to history queries for improved speed, memory (Pro license) 2.39 (2020-04-16) - [*.*] Added informative message when the user specifies invalid Symbol format - [4.1] Fixed bug when using custom Fields in UseParallel mode for multiple symbols - [9.3] IQConnect's Diagnostics utility now displays IQML version and parallel workers in Client Stats 2.38 (2020-04-14) - [*.*] Improved UseParallel robustness in some scenarios/edge cases (Pro license) - [2.2] Removed cross-check for IB-Matlab connector in deployed programs - [7.2] Avoided error when IQFeed sends empty news headlines with no text (Pro license) 2.37 (2020-03-30) - [3.1] Display a list of all valid parameters when warning about invalid specified parameter(s) - [7.2] Improved performance of news headline query (Pro license) - [10.1] Improved reporting of errors in user-specified callback function 2.36 (2020-03-06) - [7.2] Set the minimal Timeout to 60 secs when GetStory is requested (Pro license) - [7.3] Report only unique symbols in a news story query (discard duplicates) (Pro license) 2.35 (2020-02-05) - [9.1] Fixed a connection conflict with IQFeed's Excel connector 2.34 (2020-01-16) - [4.3] Fixed bug in parsing am time part in a numeric BeginDateTime parameter - [6.3] Added MaxUpdateDuration parameter for streaming intervalbars request 2.33 (2019-12-31) - [4.5] Displayed message when Greeks are requested for expired contracts or with missing data - [4.6] Identified cases of missing summary data from IQFeed - [5.*] Displayed message when trying to use Days with Begin/EndDateTime in interval/ticks queries - [8.2] Clarified message when querying a chain with DataType='options' and non-default Years 2.32 (2019-12-16) - [2.4] Modified the hyperlinks in the new-version message - [4.1] Fixed bug in accumulating multiple quotes when some quotes data is missing - [5.*] Improved processing speed of historic data queries (esp. daily/weekly) 2.311 (2019-12-13) - [5.*] Fixed bug in parsing of reported history Datestamp field - [7.2] Fixed bug in parsing of reported news Timestamp field (Pro license) 2.31 (2019-12-12) - [*.*] Fixed incompatibility with Matlab releases R2009a or older - [4.2] Fixed bug in parsing of reported date fields - [4.5] Added UseImpliedVolatility optional Greeks parameter 2.30 (2019-12-08) - [4.2] Improved processing speed of fundamental data queries - [4.5] Improved resiliency of Greeks query to data problems (e.g. missing data) - [5.*] Improved processing speed of historic data queries - [8.1] Improved processing speed of symbol lookup queries - [9.3] Fixed an edge-case problem with some client stats queries - [11.2] Added support for regional update alerts and for the 'contains' operator 2.29 (2019-11-21) - [2.2] Clarified activation error messages in deployed programs - [2.2] Improved activation resiliency to temporary network hickups - [2.2] Improved activation resiliency to MacOS-induced hostname changes - [2.4] Skip version update check in deployed (compiled) environments - [4.1] Improved processing speed of quotes queries with Fields parameter - [4.2] Added SIC and NAICS sector classification data in fundamental data queries - [9.1] Improved report of port conflicts with other programs in deployed programs 2.28 (2019-11-09) - [2.2] Fixed activation issue with compiled IQML on some deployed computers (requires reactivation) 2.27 (2019-11-08) - [2.1] Improved reporting of a missing IQFeed client (IQConnect) installation - [4.1] Added Exchange_Description field if Exchange_Id field is reported by IQFeed - [4.2] Fixed bug in decoding the Exchange_Description field for some exchanges - [4.5] Improved auto-infer of UnderlyingSymbol for future options - [8.2] Added warning when trying to use Years parameter in index/equity chain query - [9.1] Improved detection and report of port conflicts with other programs 2.26 (2019-10-26) - [2.1] Improved reporting of some problems with missing program components - [4.*] Fixed bug when multiple symbols are queried together and some symbols have no data - [4.*] Fixed bug of not distinguishing between symbols with '.' and '-' (e.g., AGM.A, AGM-A) - [4.2] Added fundamental data caching, for improved query performance - [4.5] Automatically infer UnderlyingSymbol for future options - [5.*] Small performance speedup of multi-symbol queries 2.25 (2019-10-06) - [*.*] Clarified a few error messages - [5.*] Fixed bug in historic data introduced in previous release (2.24) - [9.1] Improved detection and report of port conflicts with other programs 2.24 (2019-10-05) - [*.*] Improved processing speed and streaming data throughput rate - [5.5] Added TradeAggressor,DayOfMonth fields to historic ticks data (IQFeed 6.1) - [8.*] Fixed duplicate lookup entries following an IQML reconnect - [9.4] Enabled sending multiple IQFeed custom commands using a single IQML command 2.23 (2019-09-18) - [*.*] Improved collection of parallelized data when some results return an error or empty data - [4.3] Added UseParallel parameter functionality to IntervalBars (Pro license) - [5.*] Fixed the implementation of MaxItems=-1, due to an IQFeed API behavior change 2.22 (2019-07-17) - [*.*] Fixed bug that caused "Duplicate field name" error for some queries/Matlab releases - [4.2] Added Underlying_Contract field for continuous future contracts - [4.6] Fixed bug in change% fields and reordered fields in 'top' scanner queries 2.21 (2019-07-14) - [4.6] Enabled fetching current market summary/scanner (Pro license, IQFeed 6.1) - [4.6] Added predefined 'top' scanners for AMEX/NYSE/NASDAQ (Pro license) - [5.6] In summary query, Date parameter default value is "now" (previously: yesterday) 2.20 (2019-07-10) - [5.6] Added ReportEmptyFields parameter to control summary query results - [5.6] Added scanner functionality (summary query with Filter parameter; Pro license) - [9.1] Improved IQConnect startup on Linux/Mac via wine 2.19 (2019-07-07) - [*.*] Fixed compatibility problem with old Matlab releases (R2008a-R2012b) - [*.*] Added functionSignatures.json file for easier IQML usage in Matlab's Live Editor - [*.*] Added online User Guide (https://undocumentedmatlab.com/files/IQML/IQML_User_Guide) - [4.*] Improved performance of single-symbol queries - [4.*] Improved query responsivity in case of IQFeed error - [4.1] Added support for IQFeed client 6.1: new quotes data fields - [4.2] Added support for IQFeed client 6.1: new fundamental data fields - [5.*] Added support for IQFeed client 6.1: new historic data fields, partial latest bar - [5.4] Added the LabelAtBeginning parameter for historic interval data queries (IQFeed 6.0 or newer) - [5.6] Added 'summary' action to fetch historic end-of-day market data summary (Pro license, IQFeed 6.1 or newer) - [8.2] Default value for IncludeBinary parameter in chain query is now false (previously: true) - [9.1] Added the Protocol parameter to connect to IQFeed via legacy API protocols 2.18 (2019-05-14) - [9.1] Added alert when a non-IQFeed process is using one of IQFeed's ports - [9.5] Added the new Registry action and related functionality 2.17 (2019-05-07) - [*.*] Display explanatory message upon an IQFeed account authorization error - [*.*] Clarified warning message in case of partial results returned due to timeout - [4.4] Added Level 2 support for equities (in addition to futures), other improvements (Pro license) - [5.*] Fixed parallelization when only one of BeginDateTime/EndDateTime is specified but not the other - [9.1] Improved behavior for users with multiple IQFeed accounts using Username/Password params Improved startup speed in case of multiple connects/disconnects during the day 2.16 (2019-04-17) - [5.2] Enabled specifying BeginDate for historical weekly/monthly data requests 2.15 (2019-03-24) - [9.1] Fixed a problem with license validation on certain Matlab installations - [12.1] Added display of a few types of IQFeed system messages (excluding stats) in Debug mode - [12.2] Added programmatic control of IQFeed logging 2.14 (2019-03-14) - [3.1] Added ability to specify parameters as Matlab class properties (like structs) - [3.1] Fixed problem with specifying parameters using a Matlab table - [3.1] Invalid parameter names are now ignored with a warning, not raise an error - [3.1] Clarified some error messages text - [4.1] Improved handling of multi-symbol queries - [*.*] Symbols, Fields, and news Sources can now be separated by ':' or ',' 2.13 (2019-02-28) - [6.*] Added the ClearBuffer parameter for streaming data - [6.*] Fixed problem with streaming data when NumOfEvents=inf 2.12 (2019-01-16) - [2.2] Added cross-check for IB-Matlab connector - [2.4] Added 'revert' action to revert back to a previous IQML version - [3.1] Fixed: display User Guide using IQML('doc') even when it is not on Matlab path 2.11 (2018-11-28) - [4.5] Added Greek fields Omega, Lambda, CRho, Color, Annual_Factor_Used Fixed Greek fields Vega, Rho, Veta, Ultima (compatibility with Financial Toolbox & NAG) Renamed parameters: Duration=>DaysToExpiration; DaysPerYear=>AnnualFactor 2.10 (2018-11-14) - [2.4] Added ability to revert back to the previous IQML version at any time - [4.1] Added fields for Bid/Ask/Last market names in quote query, when provided by IQFeed - [4.5] Added calculation of option Greeks, fair value, implied volatility (Professional license) 2.09 (2018-11-07) - [3.1] Fixed bug in parsing input parameters in struct format 2.08 (2018-10-28) - [5.*] Enabled parallelized historic data queries having date/time range (Professional license) 2.07 (2018-10-21) - [5.4] Enabled using MaxDays as synonym for the Days parameter in historic interval queries - [9.1] Fixed a problem with the license validation that prevented connection in certain cases - [9.4] Fixed a few small edge-cases with sending custom commands to IQFeed 2.06 (2018-10-15) - [6.1] Minor fixes and slight performance speedup of streaming quotes 2.05 (2018-10-13) - [4.1] Enabled setting and ordering of snapshot quote fields (Professional license) - [6.1] Enabled setting and ordering of streaming quote fields (Professional license) 2.04 (2018-10-02) - [5,7] Improved download speed of historical data and news queries - [6.*] LatestEventTimestamp now reported in 1-sec resolution, unless Debug is 1/true 2.03 (2018-09-30) - [9.1] Fixed a problem with the license check that caused IQFeed disconnections 2.02 (2018-09-13) - [4.3] Added warning when violating IQFeed's allowed interval bar sizes (streaming/blocking/historic) - [9.1] Added detection & report for a case of a non-communicative background IQConnect process 2.00 (2018-09-05) - major update - Highlights: query parallelization and multiple usability/functionality fixes/improvements - [*.*] Enabled query parallelization (Professional license) - [*.*] Enabled specifying dates and date-times using Matlab datetime objects - [2.1] Added the license type to the output of IQML('version') - [3.5] All returned data arrays are now column vectors for consistency - [3.5] Using the 2nd (optional) output of IQML (errorMsgs) now implies RaiseErrorMsgs=false - [4.1] Issued a warning when requesting more symbol quotes than your IQFeed account limit - [4.*] Modified reported data format when NumOfEvents>1, for consistency with other queries - [4.3] Added new blocking interval-bars functionality (in addition to streaming bars) - [6.*] Added Symbol field to returned streaming data struct - [7.4] Story count for symbols that have no related news story is now reported as 0 (Pro license) - [9.3] Added Exchanges, ServerVersion, ServiceType fields to client stats data - [11] Fixed various things with the Alerts functionality 1.24 (2018-08-31) - [3.2] Limited the Timeout parameter value to 0-9000 [secs], with 0 meaning infinite - [8.2] Enabled specifying options chain NearMonths of 0-99, not just 0-12 - [9.1] Enabled multiple Matlab processes on same computer to run IQML concurrently (Beta) 1.23 (2018-08-14) - [9.1] Fixed a problem of possible bad connection during initial connection 1.22 (2018-08-13) - [3.2] Limited the Timeout parameter value to 0-3000 [secs] - [7.2] Fixed: when fetching multiple stories, an error in one does not stop processing others - [7.3] Fixed edge-case of news story lines that start with "69," (very rare) (Pro license) - [8.2] Enabled specifying options chain NearMonths of 0-12, not just 0-4 1.21 (2018-08-09) - [8.1] Enabled looking up symbols by market(s) and/or security-type(s) 1.20 (2018-08-07) - [5.*] Enabled requesting history data for multiple symbols in a single IQML command - [5.*] Automatically fix BeginDate<=>BeginDateTime, EndDate<=>EndDateTime in history queries 1.19 (2018-08-06) - [3.2] Added RaiseErrorMsgs parameter to control if IQFeed errors should raise a Matlab error 1.181 (2018-08-05) - [7.2] Fixed edge-case of a news item that has an empty headline (very rare) (Pro license) 1.18 (2018-08-03) - [3.1] Added optional errorMsg output for IQML commands - [9.1] Fixed a problem of duplicate fields during initial connection - [9.1] Improved reliability of programmatic IQFeed disconnect/reconnect 1.17 (2018-07-30) - [6.*] Enabled retrieval/cancellation of multiple/all streaming symbols in a single IQML command 1.16 (2018-07-09) - [5.*] Significantly improved the performance (speed) of all historical data queries 1.15 (2018-07-08) - [4.1] Enabled querying snapshot (top of market) data of multiple symbols at once - [4.2] Fixed: querying multi-symbol fundamental data sometimes returned empty results - [6.1] Enabled querying streaming top-of-market data of multiple symbols at once - [6.*] Fixed: debug data displayed when streaming queries requested (now only if 'debug'=1) - [8.2] Enabled querying snapshot (top of market) data of entire options/futures chain at once - [8.2] Enabled querying fundamental data of all symbols in an options/futures chain at once - [9.1] Fixed: IQML query during IQFeed connection sometimes returned empty/error results 1.14 (2018-05-30) - [4.2] Enabled specifying multiple Symbols in a single Fundamental-data query - [6.2] Enabled specifying multiple Symbols in a single streaming Regional updates query - [7.3] Enabled specifying multiple ID values in a single news story query (Pro license) 1.131 (2018-05-27) - [3.1] Fixed bug in accepting struct-based input parameters - [7.2] Fixed bug in the news headlines functionality (Pro license) 1.13 (2018-05-25) - [12] Added regional updates alert functionality (in addition to news/quote/intervalbar alerts) - [12] Enabled reporting the full news story (in addition to headline) in news alerts - [7.2] Enabled auto-fetch of full news story in news headlines query (streaming/blocking) (Pro license) 1.12 (2018-05-23) - [12] Added alerts functionality (news/quote/intervalbar events via popup/console/email/callback) 1.112 (2018-05-17) - [9.1] Fixed a problem with IQFeed login 1.11 (2018-05-16) - [4.3, 6.4, 10.5] Added Market Depth (Level 2) functionality 1.10 (2018-05-04) - [2.4] User Guide additions (no functionality update) 1.09 (2018-04-16) - [6.3] Added Interval Bars functionality 1.08 (2018-04-11) - [4.1, 6.1] Added the Symbol field to returned quotes data struct 1.07 (2018-04-10) - [9.1] Added informational messages on server connection/disconnection - [6.1] Fixed bug in streaming quotes 1.06 (2018-04-08) - [8.2] Added complete options/futures-chain lookup functionality 1.05 (2018-04-05) - [8.1] Added symbols scan functionality - [8.3-8.7] Added numeric codes (market info) lookup functionality - [9.1] Added ability to specify IQFeed Username,Password - [9.1] Added a 10-sec timeout on connection attempts to IQFeed - [9.3] Added extra port-specific stats when AddPortStats=1 - [8.2] Added basic support for options/futures-chain lookup (full support next version) - [3-7] Modified the default Timeout value from 3 to 5 [secs] - Bug fixes 1.04 (2018-04-01) - [7.5] Added streaming news headlines functionality (Pro license) - [6.2] Added streaming regional updates functionality - [2.1] Added support for native Mac IQFeed client (untested) - [5,6] Renamed BufferSize,MaxDataPoints parameters as MaxItems for consistency - [11] Added timestamp and channel info to outgoing messages printout when Debug=1 - [4.2] Added description fields for listed market, SIC and NAICS in fundamental data - [3.2] Added new MsgParsingLevel parameter for improved callback run-time performance - [7.3] Added newline between separate paragraphs in reported news-story text for readability (Pro license) - Multiple User Guide clarifications and additions - Bug fixes 1.03 (2018-03-19) - [3.2] Enabled Symbol and Symbols as synonymous parameter names - [4.1] Improved quotes request logic & the returned data fields (streaming & blocking) - [6.1] Enabled requesting streaming ticks/quotes for multiple symbols at once 1.02 (2018-03-12): - [7.2] Unified field names in returned news story/headline data (Pro license) - [7.3] Added relevant symbols list in returned news story data (Pro license) - [7.4] News count queries now use DataType of 'number', not 'story' (Pro license) 1.01 (2018-03-11): - [10] Enabled message-specific user callbacks - [10] Added additional information to user callback's eventData 1.00 (2018-02-26): - First commercial release