EODML usage examples

Here are representative usage examples of EODML. Please email us (info@undocumentedmatlab.com) if you have any questions.
EODML's Matlab connectivity
The following examples are listed below:

  1. Get market data (delayed snapshot)
  2. Get historic/intra-day data
  3. Get fundamental data
  4. Get historic and upcoming earning events
  5. Get historic and upcoming split events
  6. Get historic and upcoming dividend events
  7. Get historic IPO events
  8. Get historic technical indicators
  9. Get historic short interests
  10. Search for a symbol across all exchangesEODML download
  11. Search for all symbols in an exchange
  12. Get an options chain
  13. Get news messages
  14. Get market sentiment information
  15. Get macro indicators per country
  16. Screen for symbols that match specific filters
  17. Get EODML version and query limits

  0) General usage

The general format of EODML queries is:

>> [data, errMsg, limits] = EODML(action, parameter1Name,parameter1Value, parameter2Name,parameter2Value, ...);


  • data – the returned data (usually from from EODHistoricalData’s servers)
  • errMsg – error message (if any)
  • limits – the updated query limits. These can be used to ensure you do not surpass your license’s allowed limits
  • action – a string that specifies the query type. One of: ‘license’, ‘limits’, ‘version’, ‘update’, ‘revert’, ‘doc’, ‘prices’, ‘fundamentals’, ‘technicals’, ‘options’, ‘dividends’, ‘splits’, ‘earnings’, ‘shorts’, ‘ipo’, ‘lookup’
  • parameterName – a case-insensitive string that specifies the parameter name. Each query action has its own set of acceptable parameter names.

In your very first EODML command, you need to specify the API token that you received from EODHistoricalData.com, via the 'API_Token' parameter (you can get a free token here). EODML will reuse this token in all subsequent commands, so you only need to specify it once (or when you change your token key). For example:

>> data = EODML('prices', ..., 'API_Token','123456.abcdef');  % '123456.abcdef' is a dummy (invalid) token, use your own personal token

Note: all parameter names are case in-sensitive. i.e., you can use ‘API_Token’ or ‘API_TOKEN’ or ‘api_token’ as you wish.

List of general parameters that are relevant to all query types:

  • API_Token – string; no default. This is the API token that is provided by EODHistoricalData.com (you can get a free token here)
  • Timeout – numeric; default=5. Max number of seconds to wait for EOD’s response
  • Symbol or Symbols – string or cell-array of strings, e.g., ‘IBM’ or ‘IBM,GOOG’ or {‘IBM’,’GOOG’}
  • UseParallel – logical true/false; default=false (only available in Analyst/Pro licenses, for multiple symbols)
  • RaiseErrorMsgs – logical true/false; default=false. If false and the errMsg output arg is requested, then errMsg is updated upon error rather than raise an error
  • Order – string; default=’asc’; either ‘asc’ or ‘desc’. Affects the order of returned data array(s), where relevant

  1) Get market data (delayed snapshot)

>> data = EODML('prices', 'symbol','IBM', 'datatype','live')
data = 
  struct with fields:
           symbol: 'IBM.US'
        timestamp: 1577204520
        gmtoffset: 0
             open: 135.61
             high: 135.62
              low: 134.61
            close: 134.7425
           volume: 593912
    previousClose: 135.55
           change: -0.808
         change_p: -0.596
      datestr_GMT: '24-Dec-2019 16:22:00'
      datenum_GMT: 737783.681944444

Available parameters that affect this query (in addition to the standard general parameters):

  • DataType – string; must be ‘live’ to get the current (delayed) market snapshot
  • SecType – string; default=’equity’; one of ‘equity’,’index’,’bond’
  • Filter – string; default=”; coma-delimited fields e.g. ‘close,change,volume’

  2) Get historic/intra-day data

>> data = EODML('prices', 'symbol','IBM', 'FromDate',20191203, 'ToDate','2019/12/13', 'DataType','day')
data = 
  9×1 struct array with fields:
>> data(1)
ans = 
  struct with fields:
            symbol: 'IBM.US'
              date: '2019-12-03'
           datenum: 737762
              open: 132
              high: 132.44
               low: 130.69
             close: 132.12
    adjusted_close: 132.12
            volume: 3642500

Available parameters that affect this query (in addition to the standard general parameters):

  • DataType – string; default=’day’; one of ‘intraday’,’day’,’week’,’month’,’bulk’ (bulk only available in the Pro license)
  • SecType – string; default=’equity’; one of ‘equity’,’index’,’bond’
  • FromDate – integer or string; default=[]; earliest data date (GMT timezone). Examples: 20191203, ‘2019-12-03’, 201912031535, ‘2019/12/03 15:35’
  • ToDate – integer or string; default=[]; latest data date (GMT timezone). Examples: 20191203, ‘2019-12-03’, 201912031535, ‘2019/12/03 15:35’
  • Filter – string; default=”; coma-delimited fields e.g. ‘close,change,volume’
  • Interval – string; default=’5m’; one of ‘5m’,’1m’,’1hr’; only relevant when DataType=’intraday’
  • Exchange – string; default=’US’; exchange name (e.g. ‘NYSE’,’NASDAQ’ etc.), only relevant when DataType=’bulk’ (Pro license)

  3) Get fundamental data

% Fundamental data for an equity:
>> data = EODML('fundamental', 'symbol','IBM')
data = 
  struct with fields:
               symbol: 'IBM.US'
              General: [1×1 struct]
           Highlights: [1×1 struct]
            Valuation: [1×1 struct]
          SharesStats: [1×1 struct]
           Technicals: [1×1 struct]
      SplitsDividends: [1×1 struct]
            ESGScores: [1×1 struct]
    outstandingShares: [1×1 struct]
             Earnings: [1×1 struct]
           Financials: [1×1 struct]
>> data.General
ans = 
  struct with fields:
                     Code: 'IBM'
                     Type: 'Common Stock'
                     Name: 'International Business Machines Corporation'
                 Exchange: 'NYSE'
             CurrencyCode: 'USD'
             CurrencyName: 'US Dollar'
           CurrencySymbol: '$'
              CountryName: 'USA'
               CountryISO: 'US'
                     ISIN: 'US4592001014'
                    CUSIP: '459200101'
                      CIK: 51143
         EmployerIdNumber: '13-0871985'
            FiscalYearEnd: 'December'
                  IPODate: []
    InternationalDomestic: 'International/Domestic'
                   Sector: 'Technology'
                 Industry: 'Information Technology Services'
                GicSector: 'Information Technology'
                 GicGroup: 'Software & Services'
              GicIndustry: 'IT Services'
           GicSubIndustry: 'IT Consulting & Other Services'
              Description: 'International Business Machines Corporation operates as an integrated technology and services company worldwide...'
                  Address: '1 New Orchard Road↵10504,Armonk,USA↵'
                    Phone: '914-499-1900'
                   WebURL: 'www.ibm.com'
                  LogoURL: 'https://eodhistoricaldata.com/img/logos/US/IBM.png'
        FullTimeEmployees: 350600
                UpdatedAt: '2019-12-24'
>> data.Highlights
ans = 
  struct with fields:
          MarketCapitalization: 120048099328
       MarketCapitalizationMln: 120048.0993
                        EBITDA: 16664000512
                       PERatio: 15.7525
                      PEGRatio: 4.92
         WallStreetTargetPrice: 148.3
                     BookValue: 20.275
                 DividendShare: 6.48
                 DividendYield: 0.0478
                 EarningsShare: 8.605
        EPSEstimateCurrentYear: 12.8
           EPSEstimateNextYear: []
        EPSEstimateNextQuarter: 2.17
     EPSEstimateCurrentQuarter: []
             MostRecentQuarter: '2019-09-30'
                  ProfitMargin: 0.1
            OperatingMarginTTM: 0.1445
             ReturnOnAssetsTTM: 0.0513
             ReturnOnEquityTTM: 0.4061
                    RevenueTTM: 77130997760
            RevenuePerShareTTM: 86.587
     QuarterlyRevenueGrowthYOY: -0.039
                GrossProfitTTM: 36936000000
                 DilutedEpsTTM: 8.605
    QuarterlyEarningsGrowthYOY: -0.365
% Fundamental data for a bond (note that we can search by CUSIP or ISIN in the Symbol parameter):
>> data = EODML('fundamental', 'symbol','910047AG4', 'sectype','bond')
data = 
  struct with fields:
                     symbol: '910047AG4'
                       ISIN: 'US910047AG49'
                      CUSIP: '910047AG4'
                       Name: 'UNITED AIRLS HLDGS INC 6% 01Dec2020'
                 UpdateDate: '2019-11-27'
                        WKN: 'A1HS3T'
                      Sedol: 'BFV4Y03'
                       FIGI: 'BBG005J8GHT4'
                   Currency: 'USD'
                     Coupon: 6
                      Price: 103.03
              LastTradeDate: '2019-11-27'
              Maturity_Date: '2020-11-30'
            YieldToMaturity: 2.833
                   Callable: 'No'
               NextCallDate: []
    MinimumSettlementAmount: '1000 USD'
        ParIntegralMultiple: '1000 USD'
         ClassificationData: [1×1 struct]
                     Rating: [1×1 struct]
                  IssueData: [1×1 struct]
>> data.ClassificationData
ans = 
  struct with fields:
               BondType: 'Unternehmensanleihen Welt Rest'
               DebtType: 'Senior Unsecured Note'
          IndustryGroup: 'Industrial'
       IndustrySubGroup: 'Transportation'
        SubProductAsset: 'CORP'
    SubProductAssetType: 'Corporate Bond'
>> data.Rating
ans = 
  struct with fields:
              MoodyRating: 'Ba3'
    MoodyRatingUpdateDate: '2019-11-27'
                 SPRating: 'BB'
       SPRatingUpdateDate: '2018-04-16'
>> data.IssueData
ans = 
  struct with fields:
                 IssueDate: '2013-11-08'
              OfferingDate: '2013-11-01'
           FirstCouponDate: '2014-06-01'
           FirstTradingDay: '2013-11-08'
    CouponPaymentFrequency: []
                    Issuer: 'United Airlines Holdings Inc.'
         IssuerDescription: 'United Continental Holdings Inc. is an airline holding company. The Company owns and operates airlines that transports persons, property and mail throughout the United States and abroad.'
             IssuerCountry: 'USA'
                 IssuerURL: []

Available parameters that affect this query (in addition to the standard general parameters):

  • DataType – string; default=’standard’; one of ‘standard’,’insiderTrading’,’marketCap’,’bulk’ (bulk only available in the Pro license)
  • SecType – string; default=’equity’; one of ‘equity’,’index’,’bond’
  • FromDate – integer or string; default=[]; earliest data date (GMT timezone). Examples: 20191203, ‘2019-12-03’, 201912031535, ‘2019/12/03 15:35’
  • ToDate – integer or string; default=[]; latest data date (GMT timezone). Examples: 20191203, ‘2019-12-03’, 201912031535, ‘2019/12/03 15:35’
  • Filter – string; default=”; coma-delimited groups/fields e.g. ‘General,Financials::Balance_Sheet::yearly’
  • Exchange – string; default=’US’; exchange name (e.g. ‘NYSE’,’NASDAQ’ etc.), only relevant when DataType=’bulk’ (Pro license)

  4) Get historic and upcoming earning events

% Historic earning reports (requested on Dec. 24, 2019):
>> data = EODML('earnings', 'symbol','IBM', 'fromdate',20190101)
data = 
  4×1 struct array with fields:
>> data(end)
ans = 
  struct with fields:
         symbol: 'IBM.US'
    report_date: '2019-10-16'
           date: '2019-09-30'
        datenum: 737698
         actual: 2.68
       estimate: 2.67
     difference: 0.01
        percent: 0.37
% Upcoming earning reports (requested on Dec. 24, 2019):
>> data = EODML('earnings', 'symbol','IBM')
data =
>> data = EODML('earnings', 'symbol','JOB.US')
data = 
  struct with fields:
         symbol: 'JOB.US'
    report_date: '2019-12-30'
           date: '2019-12-30'
        datenum: 737789
         actual: []
       estimate: -0.2
     difference: 0
        percent: []
% All upcoming (announced) earnings reports:
>> data = EODML('earn')
data = 
  38×1 struct array with fields:
>> struct2table(data)
ans =
  38×8 table
      symbol    report_date       date      datenum     actual       estimate    difference    percent
    __________  ____________  ____________  _______  ____________  ____________  __________  ____________
    '3174.TSE'  '2019-12-24'  '2019-12-24'  737783   {0×0 double}  {0×0 double}      0       {0×0 double}
    '6196.TSE'  '2019-12-24'  '2019-12-24'  737783   {0×0 double}  {0×0 double}      0       {0×0 double}
    'HURC.US'   '2019-12-24'  '2019-12-24'  737783   {0×0 double}  {0×0 double}      0       {0×0 double}
    'JRJC.US'   '2019-12-24'  '2019-12-24'  737783   {0×0 double}  {0×0 double}      0       {0×0 double}
    'MLR.V'     '2019-12-24'  '2019-12-24'  737783   {0×0 double}  {0×0 double}      0       {0×0 double}
    'ROYT.US'   '2019-12-24'  '2019-12-24'  737783   {0×0 double}  {[    0.05]}      0       {0×0 double}

Available parameters that affect this query (in addition to the standard general parameters):

  • DataType – string; default=’standard’; either ‘standard’ or ‘trends’
  • FromDate – integer or string; default=[]; earliest data date (GMT timezone). Examples: 20191203, ‘2019-12-03’
  • ToDate – integer or string; default=[]; latest data date (GMT timezone). Examples: 20191203, ‘2019-12-03’

  5) Get historic and upcoming split events

% 2 splits for AAPL since 1/1/2000:
>> data = EODML('splits', 'symbol','AAPL', 'fromdate',20010101)
data = 
  2×1 struct array with fields:
>> struct2table(data)
ans =
  2×5 table
     symbol         date     datenum         split         split_ratio
    _________  ____________  _______  ___________________  ___________
    'AAPL.US'  '2005-02-28'  732371   '2.000000/1.000000'       2
    'AAPL.US'  '2014-06-09'  735759   '7.000000/1.000000'       7
% No splits for IBM since 1/1/2000:
>> data = EODML('splits', 'symbol','IBM', 'fromdate',20100101)
data =
% Upcoming (future) splits:
>> data = EODML('splits')
data = 
  60×1 struct array with fields:
>> struct2table(data)
ans =
  60×7 table
         symbol        split_date   split_datenum  optionable  old_shares  new_shares      split_ratio
    ________________  ____________  _____________  __________  __________  __________  ___________________
    '5DP.SG'          '2019-12-24'     737783         'N'           2           3                      1.5
    'DCTH.US'         '2019-12-24'     737783         'N'         700           1      0.00142857142857143
    'LZRFY.US'        '2019-12-24'     737783         'N'         100         105                     1.05
    'QKL.F'           '2019-12-24'     737783         'N'          14           1       0.0714285714285714
    'QKL.STU'         '2019-12-24'     737783         'N'          14           1       0.0714285714285714
    'QUIK.US'         '2019-12-24'     737783         'N'          14           1       0.0714285714285714
    'BALMLAWRIE.NSE'  '2019-12-26'     737785         'N'           2           3                      1.5
    '000100.KO'       '2019-12-27'     737786         'N'           1           1                        1

Available parameters that affect this query (in addition to the standard general parameters):

  • DataType – string; default=’standard’; either ‘standard’ or ‘bulk’ (bulk in Pro license only)
  • FromDate – integer or string; default=[]; earliest data date (GMT timezone). Examples: 20191203, ‘2019-12-03’
  • ToDate – integer or string; default=[]; latest data date (GMT timezone). Examples: 20191203, ‘2019-12-03’
  • Exchange – string; default=’US’; exchange name (e.g. ‘NYSE’,’NASDAQ’ etc.), only relevant when DataType=’bulk’ (Pro license)

  6) Get historic and upcoming dividend events

% Historic dividend events:
>> data = EODML('dividend', 'symbol','IBM', 'fromdate',20190101)
data = 
  4×1 struct array with fields:
>> struct2table(data)
ans =
  4×7 table
     symbol       date      datenum  declarationDate   recordDate   paymentDate   value
    ________  ____________  _______  _______________  ____________  ____________  _____
    'IBM.US'  '2019-02-07'  737463     '2019-01-29'   '2019-02-08'  '2019-03-09'  1.57
    'IBM.US'  '2019-05-09'  737554     '2019-04-30'   '2019-05-10'  '2019-06-10'  1.62
    'IBM.US'  '2019-08-08'  737645     '2019-07-30'   '2019-08-09'  '2019-09-10'  1.62
    'IBM.US'  '2019-11-07'  737736     '2019-10-29'   '2019-11-08'  '2019-12-10'  1.62
>> data(1)
ans = 
  struct with fields:
             symbol: 'IBM.US'
               date: '2019-02-07'
            datenum: 737463
    declarationDate: '2019-01-29'
         recordDate: '2019-02-08'
        paymentDate: '2019-03-09'
              value: 1.57
% Upcoming (future) dividend events:
>> data = EODML('dividend', 'symbol','IBM')
data = 
  199×1 struct array with fields:
>> data(1)
ans = 
  struct with fields:
             symbol: 'IBM.US'
               date: '1970-05-01'
            datenum: 719649
    declarationDate: []
         recordDate: []
        paymentDate: []
              value: 0.06

Available parameters that affect this query (in addition to the standard general parameters):

  • DataType – string; default=’standard’; either ‘standard’ or ‘bulk’ (bulk in Pro license only)
  • FromDate – integer or string; default=[]; earliest data date (GMT timezone). Examples: 20191203, ‘2019-12-03’
  • ToDate – integer or string; default=[]; latest data date (GMT timezone). Examples: 20191203, ‘2019-12-03’
  • Exchange – string; default=’US’; exchange name (e.g. ‘NYSE’,’NASDAQ’ etc.), only relevant when DataType=’bulk’ (Pro license)

  7) Get historic IPO events

% Historic IPO events:
>> data = EODML('IPO', 'fromdate',20191201)
data = 
  132×1 struct array with fields:
>> struct2table(data)
ans =
  132×12 table
     symbol            name             exchange      currency   start_date   filing_date   amended_date  price_from  price_to  offer_price   shares   deal_type
    _________  _____________________  ______________  ________  ____________  ____________  ____________  __________  ________  ___________  ________  __________
    'AMX.AU'   'Aerometrex Ltd'       'ASX'           'AUD'     '2019-12-10'  '2019-11-01'  '2019-11-01'           0         0        1      25000000  'Priced'
    'N/A'      'Air Baltic Corp AS'   'Riga'          'EUR'     {0×0 double}  '2018-07-25'  '2019-12-09'           0         0        0             0  'Amended'
    'N/A'      'Akeso Inc'            'HKSE'          'USD'     {0×0 double}  '2019-12-03'  {0×0 double}           0         0        0             0  'Filed'
    '9966.HK'  'Alphamab Oncology'    'HKSE'          'HKD'     '2019-12-05'  '2018-10-23'  '2019-12-02'           0         0        0             0  'Expected'
    '9966.HK'  'Alphamab Oncology'    'HKSE'          'HKD'     {0×0 double}  '2018-10-23'  '2019-12-02'           0         0     10.2      89701000  'Amended'
    '9966.HK'  'Alphamab Oncology'    'HKSE'          'HKD'     {0×0 double}  '2018-10-23'  '2019-12-02'           0         0     10.2      89702000  'Amended'
    '9966.HK'  'Alphamab Oncology'    'HKSE'          'HKD'     '2019-12-05'  '2018-10-23'  '2019-12-02'           0         0        0             0  'Expected'
    'NA.CN'    'Altum Resource Corp'  'Canadian Sec'  'CAD'     {0×0 double}  '2019-12-12'  {0×0 double}      0.0759    0.0759        0       3500000  'Filed'

Available parameters that affect this query (in addition to the standard general parameters):

  • FromDate – integer or string; default=[]; earliest data date (GMT timezone). Examples: 20191203, ‘2019-12-03’
  • ToDate – integer or string; default=[]; latest data date (GMT timezone). Examples: 20191203, ‘2019-12-03’

  8) Get historic technical indicators

>> data = EODML('technical', 'symbol','IBM', 'fromdate',20190701, 'period',40, 'function','rsi')
data = 
  83×1 struct array with fields:
>> data(1)
ans = 
  struct with fields:
     symbol: 'IBM.US'
       date: '2019-08-27'
    datenum: 737664
        rsi: 42.92
>> struct2table(data)
ans =
  83×4 table
     symbol         date        datenum     rsi
    ________    ____________    _______    ______
    'IBM.US'    '2019-08-27'    737664      42.92
    'IBM.US'    '2019-08-28'    737665     44.394
    'IBM.US'    '2019-08-29'    737666     46.291
    'IBM.US'    '2019-08-30'    737667     46.861
    'IBM.US'    '2019-09-03'    737671     45.765
    'IBM.US'    '2019-09-04'    737672     47.712
    'IBM.US'    '2019-09-05'    737673     51.457
    'IBM.US'    '2019-09-06'    737674     51.134
    'IBM.US'    '2019-09-09'    737677      52.68
    'IBM.US'    '2019-09-10'    737678     54.464

Available parameters that affect this query (in addition to the standard general parameters):

  • FromDate – integer or string; default=[]; earliest data date (GMT timezone). Examples: 20191203, ‘2019-12-03’
  • ToDate – integer or string; default=[]; latest data date (GMT timezone). Examples: 20191203, ‘2019-12-03’
  • Function – string; default=’SMA’; one of ‘SMA’,’EMA’,’WMA’,’RSI’,’StdDev’,’AvgVol’,’AvgVolCcy’,’Volatility’,’SplitAdjusted’,’AvgVolCcy’,’Stochastic’,’StochRSI’,’Slope’,’DMI’,’ADX’,’MACD’,’ATR’,’CCI’,’SAR’,’Beta’,’BBands’
  • Period – number; default=50; number of data points used to calculate the function (2-100k)
  • FastPeriod – number; default=12; used by MACD
  • SlowPeriod – number; default=26; used by MACD
  • SignalPeriod – number; default=9; used by MACD
  • FastKPeriod – number; default=14; used by Stochastic, StochRSI
  • FastDPeriod – number; default=14; used by StochRSI
  • SlowKPeriod – number; default=3; used by Stochastic
  • SlowDPeriod – number; default=3; used by Stochastic
  • AGGPeriod – string; default=’day’; one of ‘day’,’week’,’month’; used by SplitAdjusted function
  • AdjustDividends – logical; default=true; if false, close prices are only adjusted for splits, not dividends
  • Acceleration – number; default=0.02; used by SAR
  • Maximum – number; default=0.02; used by SAR
  • Code2 – string; default=’GSPC.INDX’; used by Beta

  9) Get historic short interests

% Historic short interests for AAPL (note the 'desc' order)
>> data = EODML('shorts', 'symbol','AAPL', 'fromdate',20190101, 'todate',20191231, 'order','desc')
data = 
  17×1 struct array with fields:
>> data(1)
ans = 
  struct with fields:
     symbol: 'AAPL.US'
       date: '2019-09-13'
    datenum: 737681
      short: 42651634
     volume: 28651684
>> struct2table(data)
ans =
  17×5 table
     symbol          date        datenum     short       volume
    _________    ____________    _______    ________    ________
    'AAPL.US'    '2019-09-13'    737681     42651634    28651684
    'AAPL.US'    '2019-08-30'    737667     39517330    25536624
    'AAPL.US'    '2019-08-15'    737652     45594258    36615393
    'AAPL.US'    '2019-07-31'    737637     43005960    23525795
    'AAPL.US'    '2019-07-15'    737621     42428971    19134090
    'AAPL.US'    '2019-06-28'    737604     43448528    24985287
    'AAPL.US'    '2019-06-14'    737590     47003511    26629536
    'AAPL.US'    '2019-05-31'    737576     51257104    29778281
    'AAPL.US'    '2019-05-15'    737560     49550348    37444374
    'AAPL.US'    '2019-04-30'    737545     52669476    24561618
    'AAPL.US'    '2019-04-15'    737530     61003851    23755423
    'AAPL.US'    '2019-03-29'    737513     67786010    35017255
    'AAPL.US'    '2019-03-15'    737499     72751656    27347457
    'AAPL.US'    '2019-02-28'    737484     96832513    22065273
    'AAPL.US'    '2019-02-15'    737471     39903215    26937971
    'AAPL.US'    '2019-01-31'    737456     40360782    34248007
    'AAPL.US'    '2019-01-15'    737440     46579709    45191034

Available parameters that affect this query (in addition to the standard general parameters):

  • FromDate – integer or string; default=[]; earliest data date (GMT timezone). Examples: 20191203, ‘2019-12-03’
  • ToDate – integer or string; default=[]; latest data date (GMT timezone). Examples: 20191203, ‘2019-12-03’

  10) Search for a symbol across all exchanges

>> data = EODML('lookup', 'symbol','IBM')
data = 
  18×1 struct array with fields:
>> struct2table(data)
ans =
  18×6 table
    symbol    Exchange                        Name                          Country     Currency         ISIN
    ______    ________    _____________________________________________    _________    ________    ______________
    'IBM'     'US'        'International Business Machines Corporation'    'USA'         'USD'      'US4592001014'
    'IBM'     'XETRA'     'International Business Machines Corporation'    'Germany'     'EUR'      {0×0 double}
    'IBM'     'MX'        'International Business Machines Corporation'    'Mexico'      'MXN'      {0×0 double}
    'IBM'     'F'         'International Business Machines Corporation'    'Germany'     'EUR'      {0×0 double}
    'IBM'     'STU'       'IBM (IBM.SG)'                                   'Germany'     'EUR'      {0×0 double}
    'IBM'     'MU'        'IBM'                                            'Germany'     'EUR'      {0×0 double}
    'IBM'     'HM'        'IBM'                                            'Germany'     'EUR'      {0×0 double}
    'IBM'     'BE'        'IBM'                                            'Germany'     'EUR'      {0×0 double}
    'IBM'     'DU'        'IBM - Dusseldorf Stock Exchang'                 'Germany'     'EUR'      {0×0 double}
    'IBMK'    'US'        'iShares iBonds Dec 2022 Term Muni Bond ETF'     'USA'         'USD'      'US46435G7557'
    'IBMI'    'US'        'iShares iBonds Sep 2020 Term Muni Bond ETF'     'USA'         'USD'      'US46434V5710'
    'IBMJ'    'US'        'iShares iBonds Dec 2021 Term Muni Bond ETF'     'USA'         'USD'      'US46435G7896'
    'IBML'    'US'        'iShares iBonds Dec 2023 Term Muni Bond ETF'     'USA'         'USD'      'US46435G3184'
    'IBMM'    'US'        'iShares iBonds Dec 2024 Term Muni Bond ETF'     'USA'         'USD'      {0×0 double}
    'IBMN'    'US'        'iShares iBonds Dec 2025 Term Muni Bond ETF'     'USA'         'USD'      {0×0 double}
    'IBMO'    'US'        'iShares iBonds Dec 2026 Term Muni Bond ETF'     'USA'         'USD'      {0×0 double}
    'IBMP'    'US'        'iShares iBonds Dec 2027 Term Muni Bond ETF'     'USA'         'USD'      {0×0 double}
    'IBMQ'    'US'        'iShares iBonds Dec 2028 Term Muni Bond ETF'     'USA'         'USD'      {0×0 double}

Available parameters that affect this query (in addition to the standard general parameters):

  • DataType – string; must be ‘symbol’ for this query type
  • Exchange – string; default=”; e.g. ‘US’ or ‘NASDAQ’ or ‘NYSE’
  • SecType – string; default=’all’; one of ‘all’,’stock’,’etf’,’fund’,’bond’,’index’,’crypto’
  • BondsOnly – logical; default=0 or false; if true or 1, bonds symbols are returned
  • Limit – integer; default=15; max number of elements to return in results

  11) Search for all symbols in an exchange

>> data = EODML('lookup', 'symbol','LSE', 'dataType','exchange')
data = 
  3444×1 struct array with fields:
>> head(struct2table(data))
ans =
  8×6 table
    symbol                                         Name                                          Country   Exchange   Currency       Type
    ______   _________________________________________________________________________________   _______   ________   ________   ______________
    '0KBI'   'Knorr-Bremse Aktiengesellschaft'                                                   'UK'      'LSE'      'EUR'      'Common Stock'
    '100H'   'MULTI-UNITS LUXEMBOURG - Lyxor FTSE 100 UCITS ETF - Monthly Hedged to USD - Acc'   'UK'      'LSE'      'USD'      'ETF'
    '1MCS'   'WisdomTree FTSE 250 1x Daily Short'                                                'UK'      'LSE'      'GBX'      'ETF'
    '1PAS'   'WisdomTree Palladium 1x Daily Short'                                               'UK'      'LSE'      'USD'      'ETF'
    '2MCL'   'WisdomTree FTSE 250 2x Daily Leveraged'                                            'UK'      'LSE'      'GBX'      'ETF'
    '2PAL'   'WisdomTree Palladium 2x Daily Leveraged'                                           'UK'      'LSE'      'USD'      'ETF'
    '2UKL'   'WisdomTree FTSE 100 2x Daily Leveraged'                                            'UK'      'LSE'      'GBX'      'ETF'
    '2UKS'   'WisdomTree FTSE 100 2x Daily Short'                                                'UK'      'LSE'      'GBX'      'ETF'

Available parameters that affect this query (in addition to the standard general parameters):

  • DataType – string; must be ‘exchange’ for this query type

  12) Get an options chain

>> data = EODML('options', 'symbol','IBM')
data = 
  struct with fields:
      symbol: 'IBM.US'
        code: 'IBM'
    exchange: 'US'
        data: [15×1 struct]
>> data.data(1)
ans = 
  struct with fields:
       expirationDate: '2019-12-27'
    expirationDatenum: 737786
                 puts: [39×1 struct]
                calls: [39×1 struct]
>> struct2table(data.data)
ans =
  15×4 table
    expirationDate  expirationDatenum      puts           calls
    ______________  _________________  _____________  _____________
    {'2019-12-27'}       737786        {39×1 struct}  {39×1 struct}
    {'2020-01-03'}       737793        {38×1 struct}  {38×1 struct}
    {'2020-01-10'}       737800        {35×1 struct}  {35×1 struct}
    {'2020-01-17'}       737807        {55×1 struct}  {55×1 struct}
>> data.data(1).puts(6)
ans = 
  struct with fields:
         contractName: 'IBM191227P00120000'
         contractSize: 'REGULAR'
             currency: 'USD'
                 type: 'PUT'
           inTheMoney: 'FALSE'
    lastTradeDateTime: '2019-12-23 10:01:34'
       expirationDate: '2019-12-27'
    expirationDatenum: 737786
               strike: 120
            lastPrice: 0.01
                  bid: []
                  ask: 0.03
               change: -0.21
        changePercent: -0.9545
               volume: 2
         openInterest: 3
    impliedVolatility: 45.512
                delta: -0.0048
                gamma: 0.0022
                theta: -0.0113
                 vega: 0.002
                  rho: -0.0001
          theoretical: 0.01
       intrinsicValue: 0
            timeValue: 0
            updatedAt: '2019-12-23 19:32:03'
>> struct2table(data.data(1).puts)
ans =
  39×26 table

Available parameters that affect this query (in addition to the standard general parameters):

  • FromExpiryDate – integer or string; default=[]; earliest data date (GMT timezone). Examples: 20191203, ‘2019-12-03’
  • ToExpiryDate – integer or string; default=[]; latest data date (GMT timezone). Examples: 20191203, ‘2019-12-03’
  • FromTradeDate – integer or string; default=[]; earliest data date (GMT timezone). Examples: 20191203, ‘2019-12-03’
  • ToTradeDate – integer or string; default=[]; latest data date (GMT timezone). Examples: 20191203, ‘2019-12-03’
  • ContractName – string; default=”; query only the specified contract e.g. ‘AAPL180420P00002500’

  13) Get news messages

>> data = EODML('news', 'Symbol',{'IBM','AAPL'}, 'FromDate',20250101, 'Tag','balance sheet', 'format','table')
data =
  100×8 table
      symbol                 date                                            title                                                                                content                                                                                                  link                                                         symbols         tags      sentiment
    ___________  _____________________________  ______________________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________________________________________  _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ___________  ____________  __________
    {'IBM.US' }  {'2025-02-24T10:30:00+00:00'}  {'New IBM Study: Pioneering Telcos ramp up AI, Cloud and Security...'}  {'ARMONK, N.Y., Feb. 24, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- A new global study from the IBM (NYSE: IBM)...'}  {'https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ibm-study-pioneering-telcos-ramp-103000959.html'                           }  { 7×1 cell}  {0×0 double}  1×1 struct
    {'IBM.US' }  {'2025-02-23T20:15:10+00:00'}  {'International Business Machines (IBM): The Best Performing Dow ...'}  {'We recently published a list of 11 Best Performing Dow Stocks So Far in 2025. In ...'}        {'https://finance.yahoo.com/news/international-business-machines-ibm-best-201510640.html'                   }  {15×1 cell}  {0×0 double}  1×1 struct
    {'IBM.US' }  {'2025-02-22T12:45:00+00:00'}  {'2 Top Quantum Computing Stocks to Buy in 2025'                     }  {'Quantum computing could be the next big thing in tech after artificial intelligence...'}      {'https://finance.yahoo.com/news/2-top-quantum-computing-stocks-124500708.html'                             }  { 3×1 cell}  {0×0 double}  1×1 struct
    {'IBM.US' }  {'2025-02-22T11:45:00+00:00'}  {'Will Super Micro Computer Be the AI Comeback Stock of the Year?'   }  {'Super Micro Computer (NASDAQ: SMCI), often called Supermicro, has taken investors on...'}     {'https://finance.yahoo.com/news/super-micro-computer-ai-comeback-114500747.html'                           }  { 3×1 cell}  {0×0 double}  1×1 struct
    {'IBM.US' }  {'2025-02-22T01:33:33+00:00'}  {'International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) Launches AI ...' }  {'We recently published a list of 10 AI Stocks Surging on News and Analyst Calls. In ...'}      {'https://finance.yahoo.com/news/international-business-machines-corporation-ibm-013333651.html'            }  {14×1 cell}  {0×0 double}  1×1 struct
    {'IBM.US' }  {'2025-02-20T19:17:00+00:00'}  {'What Is Quantum Computing, and Why Does It Matter?'                }  {'Microsoft and Google have made breakthroughs in quantum computing, a technology ...'}         {'https://finance.yahoo.com/m/229cc8ec-a6a0-33af-a55f-863578b8e40b/what-is-quantum-computing%2C.html'       }  {20×1 cell}  {0×0 double}  1×1 struct
         :                     :                                               :                                                                                     :                                                                                                       :                                                              :            :            :                                                                                  
    {'AAPL.US'}  {'2025-02-20T19:33:00+00:00'}  {'Apple’s iPhone 16e Is a Big Moment for the Company’s Own Chip. ...'}  {'Apple’s newest iPhones will be the first to use the company’s own modems, a monumental ...'}  {'https://finance.yahoo.com/m/7c18b950-a7b3-3a45-9d95-726dfd6e3228/apple%E2%80%99s-iphone-16e-is-a-big.html'}  {20×1 cell}  {0×0 double}  1×1 struct
    {'AAPL.US'}  {'2025-02-20T19:17:00+00:00'}  {'What Is Quantum Computing, and Why Does It Matter?'                }  {'Microsoft and Google have made breakthroughs in quantum computing, a technology ...'}         {'https://finance.yahoo.com/m/229cc8ec-a6a0-33af-a55f-863578b8e40b/what-is-quantum-computing%2C.html'       }  {20×1 cell}  {0×0 double}  1×1 struct
    {'AAPL.US'}  {'2025-02-20T18:08:30+00:00'}  {'Apple Inc. (AAPL): Among the Best Long-Term Stocks to Buy ...'     }  {'We recently compiled a list of the 12 Best Long-Term Stocks to Buy According to...'}          {'https://finance.yahoo.com/news/apple-inc-aapl-among-best-180830245.html'                                  }  {14×1 cell}   0×0 double}  1×1 struct
    {'AAPL.US'}  {'2025-02-20T18:01:52+00:00'}  {'Alibaba is 'big beneficiary' of AI with partnerships like Apple'   }  {'Alibaba (BABA) shares gain after announcing strong cloud sales in its fiscal third...'}       {'https://finance.yahoo.com/video/alibaba-big-beneficiary-ai-partnerships-180152065.html'                   }  {20×1 cell}  {0×0 double}  1×1 struct
    {'AAPL.US'}  {'2025-02-20T17:42:36+00:00'}  {'Apple Speeds Up Hardware Shift, Phases Out Broadcom Wi-Fi Chips...'}  {'Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) is moving faster toward replacing third-party hardware with its own...'}  {'https://finance.yahoo.com/news/apple-speeds-hardware-shift-phases-174236151.html'                         }  {19×1 cell}  {0×0 double}  1×1 struct

Available parameters that affect this query (in addition to the standard general parameters):

  • Symbol or Symbols – string or cell-array of strings, e.g., ‘IBM’ or ‘IBM,GOOG’ or {‘IBM’,’GOOG’}
  • FromDate – integer or string; default=[]; earliest data date (GMT timezone). Examples: 20191203, ‘2019-12-03’
  • ToDate – integer or string; default=[]; latest data date (GMT timezone). Examples: 20191203, ‘2019-12-03’
  • Limit – integer; default=50; max number of elements to return in results, per symbol

  14) Get market sentiment information

>> data = EODML('sentiments', 'Symbol',{'IBM','AAPL'}, 'ToDate',20250223, 'format','table')
data = 
  struct with fields:
     symbol: 'IBM.US,AAPL.US'
     IBM_US: [26×1 struct]
    AAPL_US: [30×1 struct]
>> struct2table(data.IBM_US)
ans =
  26×3 table
        date        count    normalized
    ____________    _____    __________
    '2025-02-23'      1         0.998  
    '2025-02-22'      3        0.9973  
    '2025-02-20'      1         0.841  
    '2025-02-19'      3        0.9943  
    '2025-02-18'      2        0.9845  
         :            :           :

  15) Get macro indicators per country

>> data = EODML('macro', 'country','USA', 'indicator','inflation_consumer_prices_annual', 'format','table'
data = 
  64×6 table
    CountryCode    CountryName                      Indicator                      Date        Period      Value 
    ___________  _______________    _______________________________________    ____________    ________    ______
      'USA'      'United States'    'Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)'    '2023-12-31'    'Annual'    4.1163
      'USA'      'United States'    'Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)'    '2022-12-31'    'Annual'    8.0028
      'USA'      'United States'    'Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)'    '2021-12-31'    'Annual'    4.6979
      'USA'      'United States'    'Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)'    '2020-12-31'    'Annual'    1.2336
      'USA'      'United States'    'Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)'    '2019-12-31'    'Annual'    1.8122
        :               :                              :                             :            :           :   
      'USA'      'United States'    'Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)'    '1964-12-31'    'Annual'    1.2789
      'USA'      'United States'    'Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)'    '1963-12-31'    'Annual'    1.2397
      'USA'      'United States'    'Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)'    '1962-12-31'    'Annual'    1.1988
      'USA'      'United States'    'Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)'    '1961-12-31'    'Annual'    1.0707
      'USA'      'United States'    'Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)'    '1960-12-31'    'Annual'     1.458

Available parameters that affect this query (in addition to the standard general parameters):

  • Country – string; default=’USA’; 3-letter ISO country code
  • Indicator – string; default=’gdp_current_usd’ (details)

  16) Screen for symbols that match specific filters

>> data = EODML('screener', 'filters',{'market_capitalization>1234567890','earnings_share>0','industry=Personal Products','name=B*'}, 'format','table')
data = 
24×17 table
symbol                       name                      last_day_data_date  adjusted_close  refund_1d  refund_1d_p  refund_5d  refund_5d_p  exchange   currency_symbol  market_capitalization  earnings_share  dividend_yield         sector                    industry              avgvol_1d  avgvol_200d
_________  ____________________________________________  __________________  ______________  _________  ___________  _________  ___________  _________  _______________  _____________________  ______________  ______________  ____________________  _______________________________  _________  ___________
'SPB'      'Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc'                  '2025-02-21'           79.22          0.1        0.13       1.163        1.49     'US'          '$'                2084587136             3.62         [  0.0237]    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'    340800       405709 
'H221'     'Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc'                  '2025-02-21'              75           -1       -1.32           0           0     'F'           '€'                1998052480             3.45         [   0.024]    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'        10         9.02 
'603983'   'Guangdong Marubi Biotechnology Co'             '2025-02-24'           30.53          0.5        1.67        0.23        0.76     'SHG'         '¥'               12042030080             0.82         0×0 double    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'   1276300   2215588.81 
'003006'   'Chongqing Baiya Sanitary Products Co'          '2025-02-24'           22.63        -0.36       -1.57       -0.02       -0.09     'SHE'         '¥'                9754218496              0.7         [  0.0239]    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'   2555950   3285552.76 
'BIF'      'Société BIC SA'                                '2025-02-21'              63         -2.8       -4.26        -1.3       -2.02     'F'           '€'                2602700032              5.1         [  0.0452]    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'        49        46.34 
'BDRFF'    'Beiersdorf Aktiengesellschaft'                 '2025-02-21'           137.7            0           0           0           0     'US'          '$'               30998472704             3.39         [  0.0075]    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'         0       288.89 
'3RB'      'Reckitt Benckiser Group plc'                   '2025-02-21'            63.5        -0.34       -0.53        0.94         1.5     'F'           '€'               43690921984             2.62         [  0.0364]    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'       520        874.6 
'BEI'      'Beiersdorf Aktiengesellschaft'                 '2025-02-21'          128.05         1.85        1.47         1.6        1.27     'F'           '€'               28826103808             3.25         [  0.0078]    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'        24       170.76 
'SANO1'    'Sano Bruno's Enterprises Ltd'                  '2025-02-23'           35480         -420       -1.17        -140       -0.39     'TA'          'ILA'              3990235392            24.48         [  0.0355]    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'        18       878.15 
'BB'       'Société BIC SA'                                '2025-02-21'            60.8         -2.4        -3.8        -4.5       -6.89     'PA'          '€'                2602702080              5.1         [  0.0469]    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'     62047     30523.95 
'3RB'      'Reckitt Benckiser Group plc'                   '2025-02-21'           63.62        -0.08       -0.13        1.18        1.89     'XETRA'       '€'               43690971136             2.61         [  0.0364]    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'      5961     10383.87 
'BEI'      'Beiersdorf Aktiengesellschaft'                 '2025-02-21'          128.15         0.95        0.75         2.4        1.91     'XETRA'       '€'               28848613376             3.26         [  0.0078]    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'    200161    245292.34 
'RBGPF'    'Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC'                   '2025-02-21'           65.42         -1.8       -2.68        1.85        2.91     'US'          '$'               45525643264             2.73         [  0.0386]    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'       600      5059.31 
'KCDMF'    'Kimberly-Clark de México S. A. B. de C. V'     '2025-02-21'            1.58            0           0        0.06        3.95     'US'          '$'                2510541056             0.12         [  0.1274]    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'         0      7608.59 
'4FX'      'Kimberly-Clark de México S. A. B. de C. V'     '2025-02-21'            1.55            0           0        0.04        2.65     'F'           '€'                2453928960             0.12         [  0.1199]    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'       645       797.09 
'RKT'      'Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC'                   '2025-02-21'            5262          -24       -0.45          46        0.88     'LSE'         'p'               36183302144             2.17         [  0.0373]    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'   1215618   1839619.24 
'RBGLY'    'Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC ADR'               '2025-02-21'           13.33        -0.08        -0.6        0.29        2.22     'US'          '$'               45618458624             0.55         [  0.0379]    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'    235700    654512.63 
'KIMBERA'  'Kimberly-Clark de México S. A. B. de C. V'     '2025-02-21'           32.38         -0.1       -0.31        0.33        1.03     'MX'          '₱'               51390021632             2.55         [  0.1072]    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'   2753735   6196820.85 
'ELF'      'ELF Beauty Inc'                                '2025-02-21'           74.92         3.81        5.36       -0.03       -0.04     'US'          '$'                4225382912             1.67         0×0 double    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'   2960727   2302076.63 
'BDRFY'    'Beiersdorf AG ADR'                             '2025-02-21'           26.77         0.12        0.45         0.2        0.75     'US'          '$'               30131777536             0.68         [  0.0081]    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'     49500     53277.59 
'BICEY'    'Société BIC SA'                                '2025-02-21'           31.42        -1.52       -4.61      -1.638       -4.95     'US'          '$'                2711992064             2.66         [   0.049]    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'      2700      3259.95 
'3RBB'     'Reckitt Benckiser Group plc'                   '2025-02-21'            12.6         -0.1       -0.79         0.3        2.44     'F'           '€'               43691003904             0.52         [  0.0365]    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'         1        20.09 
'BEIA'     'Beiersdorf Aktiengesellschaft'                 '2025-02-21'              25            0           0           0           0     'F'           '€'               28634748928             0.65         [   0.008]    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'         6         2.79 
'300957'   'Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co Ltd'    '2025-02-24'           42.04        -0.24       -0.57       -0.19       -0.45     'SHE'         '¥'               17909807104             1.41         [  0.0142]    'Consumer Defensive'  'Household & Personal Products'   3518050   4256486.31

Available parameters that affect this query (in addition to the standard general parameters):

  • Filters – comma-delimited string or cell-array; default=”; e.g., ‘earnings_share>0,name=B*’ or {‘earnings_share>0′,’name=B*’} details
  • Signals – comma-delimited string or cell-array; default=”; e.g. ‘200d_new_lo,bookvalue_neg’ or {‘200d_new_lo’,’bookvalue_neg’}
  • SortField – string; default=”; e.g. ‘market_capitalization’ – one of the returned data fields (see above)
  • SortOrder – string; default=’asc’; one of ‘asc’ (ascending) or ‘desc’ (descending)
  • Limit – integer; default=100; max number of items to return in results

  17) Get EODML version and query limits

>> data = EODML('version')
data = 
struct with fields:
Version: 1.03
Release: '24-Dec-2019'
License: 'Free'
Expiry: '08-Aug-2020'
>> limits = EODML('limits')
limits = 
struct with fields:
licenseType: 'Free'
numQueriesToday: 27
numQueriesThisMin: 0
maxQueriesPerDay: 30
maxQueriesPerMin: 3

Legal disclaimer

(detailed disclaimer is available in EODML’s License Agreement)

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