A CSSM reader recently asked [1] whether it is possible to detect window focus events (specifically, the focus-gain event) asynchronously, so that such events can trigger a callback without necessitating a polling thread to constantly monitor the windows state.
The user correctly mentioned the fact that although mouse-clicks within the window frame can be detected using the documented figure callback WindowButtonDownFcn, there are other methods by which a window can gain focus: keyboard (<Alt>-<Tab> on Windows, for example), clicking the window frame edge etc. These methods are all undetected by WindowButtonDownFcn.
This problem is, to the best of my knowledge, insoluble using standard documented Matlab. However, there is indeed a simple solution using undocumented/unsupported Matlab features. The solution relies on the fact that all Matlab windows are basically Java Swing objects, and these objects have dozens of standard callback hooks that can be utilized (Matlab only exposes a few callbacks). The list of standard Swing callbacks was detailed in my earlier article about uicontrol callbacks [2], which is also relevant for Java window frames.
In this specific case, we are interested in FocusGainedCallback. This callback is invoked for the figure Frame’s AxisComponent (a part of the Frame that will be explained in another article). For each of our monitored figure windows, we set this callback to a predefined Matlab function. We may also wish to set its companion FocusLostCallback.
Here’s the resulting code snippet (hFig is our Matlab figure handle):
% Prepare the figure
hFig = figure; % etc. - prepare the figure
% Get the underlying Java reference
warning off MATLAB:HandleGraphics:ObsoletedProperty:JavaFrame
jFig = get(hFig, 'JavaFrame');
jAxis = jFig.getAxisComponent;
% Set the focus event callback
% perhaps also set the FocusLostCallback here
Whenever any of the monitored figures now gets focus, by whichever means, the user-defined Matlab function myMatlabFunc() will be invoked. This function should be defined as follows:
function myMatlabFunc(jAxis, jEventData, hFig)
% do whatever you wish with the event/hFig information
Extra input parameters can be added during callback setup and definition, as follows:
function myMatlabFunc(jAxis, jEventData, hFig, data1, data2)
% do whatever you wish with the event/hFig/data information
A very similar technique can detect other windowing events (maximization/minimization/movement etc.). Depending on the case, you may need to use jFig.fFigureClient.getWindow instead of jFig.getAxisComponent. The list of available callbacks for each of these objects can be seen using a simple set(jFig.getAxisComponent) command, or via my UIInspect [3] or FindJObj [4] utilities on the Matlab File Exchange.
Note that all this relies on the undocumented hidden figure property JavaFrame [5], which issues a standing warning (since Matlab release R2008a) of becoming obsolete in some future Matlab release. Since it worked so far, I have turned off this warning in the code above, but note that this code may well fail in some future Matlab version. If and when JavaFrame does become obsolete, be sure to look in this blog for workarounds…
Addendum Aug 21, 2015: In in HG2 (R2014b onward), setting the Focus events (FocusGained, FocusLost etc.) on the AxisComponent does not work. Instead, we can simply set the callbacks on the AxisComponent’s direct child, as follows:
41 Comments To "Detecting window focus events"
#1 Comment By Donn Shull On September 18, 2009 @ 22:36
I think I found this in some of your code on the MathWorks file exchange, anyway if you don’t like having to turn warnings off you can use the undocumented use of handle as a function to get the underlying figure object and access the JavaFrame property from there without generating a warning.
Thanks for the great work Yair.
#2 Comment By David On July 30, 2010 @ 00:47
I am working with a java component in matlab. I have wrapped a JTextArea and added a scroll and some features to it. I have two problems that I would like to solve:
1) I need a callback to use when something changes in the text area. I would like to use this to implement a UNDO, crl+z, feature. Do you know a suitable callback for this?
2) When I work with the text area it is very slow to render and repaint. If i delete some text, paste large blocks etc it might not render. I have tried calling repaint without success. Do you have a solution for this?
#3 Comment By Yair Altman On July 30, 2010 @ 02:32
@David – have a look here: [12]
I don’t have an immediate solution to the performance issue. JTextArea is usually performant, since it doesn’t have different fonts/styles like JEditorPane or JTextPane. Perhaps the bottleneck is in one of your callbacks or listeners?
#4 Comment By Malcolm Lidierth On May 20, 2011 @ 04:34
JText**** text edits are thread-safe: they are always run on the EDT by the Swing component’s own code. A drawnow() from MATLAB might help if the screen is not updating.
#5 Comment By Kesh On August 2, 2010 @ 07:41
Hey Yair,
It’s me again. I got a funny behavior when trying to access figure focus callbacks of saved figure. Here’s an example:
Open a plain figure with nothing in it and get the AxisComponent properties:
returns what we expect:
But, when this figure is saved and loaded again:
Now, AxisComponent properties are crippled:
The callback fields are no longer accessible among many others. Do you know why this happens and/or how to work around this problem to get to the focus callbacks?
#6 Comment By Kesh On August 2, 2010 @ 07:43
Oops, I mistakenly placed “” text in MATLAB code block. For the first get(jAxis) returned values, there are many other Callback Fields between “MouseWheelMovedCallbackData = []” and ” KeyTypedCallback = “
#7 Comment By Yair Altman On August 5, 2010 @ 11:01
@Kesh – this is an undocumented bug in the way Matlab loads FIG files – it loads Java objects without the [13] (or some equivalent action), causing the object’s callbacks not to be visible in Matlab.
Apparently, only GUI figures and components created in run-time have accessible callbacks. This sounds odd, and I would love to learn how to bypass this limitation, but at the moment I don’t know if this is possible.
#8 Comment By Kesh On August 5, 2010 @ 11:59
That’s a bummer. I wonder if there is any way for us to “attach” CallbackProperties after FIG is loaded… If you learn a way around for it, please let me know!
#9 Comment By Donn On August 7, 2010 @ 12:13
@Kesh – Even though the callback properties are not available the corresponding events are still generated. You can create listeners to them with:
It is not as convienent as the callback properties, but it works.
#10 Comment By Kesh On August 9, 2010 @ 10:22
@Donn, thanks for the tip! That’ll do for me.
#11 Comment By per isakson On October 21, 2010 @ 12:23
Hello Yair,
This function to detect when a figure gain focus is tempting to use and I tried it. However, I run into one problem with clearing objects. causes a burst of
“Warning: Objects of ‘xyz’ class exist. Cannot clear this class or any of its super-classes.”
I use your code in a method of a class. The function invoked by the event is a nested function defines in the same method.
This might not be a big problem once the my code is correct. However, during debugging it forces me to restart Matlab often. Changes in my classes are not used unless the old object are cleared.
Is there a work around – or did I miss something?
Best regards
#12 Comment By Yair Altman On October 21, 2010 @ 13:19
@per – This happens because the Java object (jAxis) keeps a reference to your class and so the class cannot be cleared. Try closing all relevant figure windows and/or using clear java before you attempt to clear the Matlab class instances.
Alternately, you can use the handle.listener approach [14]. You may possibly need to delete all the listener handles before clearing the Matlab class instances, but it may even work without these deletions.
Please let us all know if any of these tricks actually solved the problem.
#13 Comment By per isakson On October 22, 2010 @ 07:16
@Yair – No, clear classes still triggers the burst of warnings.
Now, I have tried the construct that you propose in the post, the variant proposed by Donn Shull and the handle.listener approach (see code snippet below) also proposed by Donn Shull. In all three cases my nested function, FocusGained, is called when I click on the figure. Deleting the figure and applying clear java, clear all, clear classes (with and without lear all) after each of the three puts Matlab into an “unexpected” state: inmem reports an “empty” memory and clear classes produces the burst of warnings. See below.
Below is an excerpt from a method of the class. I tried with and without the line “this”, which is the internal name of th object. That does not make any difference. I still have to create the jAxis object or did I miss something?
Shot in the dark
this.hgh is the figure handle graphic handle. This did not cause any errors or warnings, but clicking the figure did not trigger the callback. This also left the Matlab with inmem reporting empty and clear classes causing the burst of warnings.
/ per
PS. I run R2010a on Windows 7 both with 64bit.
#14 Comment By per isakson On October 22, 2010 @ 12:12
@Yair – I should have known better than testing with a nested function!
Now, I have tested a with a subfunctions as callbackfunction, i.e. moved the function, FocusGained, to after the end of classdef. The object, named this, is passed as an argument.
The problem remains with the construct that you propose in the post, including with the variant proposed by Donn Shull. However, the handle.listener approach seems to work, i.e. clear classes clears the objects. There is no burst of warnings. clear java is not needed.
/ per
#15 Comment By Yair Altman On October 23, 2010 @ 09:02
Interesting difference. Thanks for sharing, Per
#16 Comment By Jamil Onaran On April 5, 2011 @ 13:13
Hi Donn
The below code did not work for the loaded figure, unlike the FocusGained callback. Is there another work around for this problem.
#17 Comment By Yair Altman On April 5, 2011 @ 15:01
@Jamil – this may be the same issue as Kesh mentioned in comments above – please see my answer [15]. In short, Java callbacks don’t work as advertised for hgloaded figures – only for figures created in runtime. This appears to be due to an internal Matlab bug, but I would not hold my breath for it to be fixed…
Try using [16] of using UDD’s handle.listener function, which are explained in detail in [17].
#18 Comment By Donn Shull On April 5, 2011 @ 19:46
@Jamil – Note that when using handle.listener you need to use the event name which in your case is ‘MouseMoved’ rather than the callback property name which is ‘MouseMovedCallback’.
#19 Comment By Jamil Onaran On April 5, 2011 @ 22:56
I figured it out.
toolbox\matlab\uitools\@uitools\@uimode\createuimode.m file cuases this problem, here is the corresponding code. The callbacks are usable until this line.
If you use get function for the axis component before this line or set the figure visible, the callbacks would be working. I don’t exactly know what handle is doing on invisible figures.
#20 Comment By Jamil Onaran On April 6, 2011 @ 00:58
Hi again,
Actually this is not a visibility issue.
I have a test code below, using handles on AxisComponent will cause this error if we try to install a a callback.
#21 Comment By Donn Shull On April 6, 2011 @ 08:16
@Jamil – To summarize: To have callback properties the UDD peer must be created in the javahandle_withcallbacks package. In your code above you should use:
Then you will not generate errors. As Yair has explained hgload will create the UDD peer in the javahandle package which does not have callback properties. If you wish to use hgsave and hgload then you should design your code using
to process events. You need to take care to use the proper event names and provide persistent storage for your listener objects.Donn
#22 Comment By Jamil Onaran On April 11, 2011 @ 04:37
Hi Donn,
I got it, but I just demonstrated what createuimode.m does to disable the callback of axis component. After calling handle function for
, we can not assign any callback toAxisCompnent
. But your method works perfect and solved my problem. I’m using the following code to get theaxisComponent
.This is an alternative method to get the axis component, but we can not obtain JavaFrame object from this code. I wish Matlab won’t stop supporting the javaframe.
Do you have other work arounds if they do so?
#23 Comment By Jamil Onaran On April 11, 2011 @ 04:41
There should be a way to delete modify these comment, is there a way that I don’t know?
#24 Comment By Yair Altman On April 11, 2011 @ 05:46
@Jamil – unfortunately, the current website design does not enable comment modification/deletion…
#25 Comment By julien On June 8, 2012 @ 13:49
Hi !
I would like to launch a callback when mouse enters or exits a figure. This can be achieved by setting MouseEnteredCallback and MouseExitedCallback on axisComponent. However, when figure’s contentPane is completely filled with controls (uicontrols or JComponents), this does not work any more. If I well understand, this is because components’ panel is above axisComponent.
Is there another way to detect when mouse enters or exits a figure ? I played around with other JavaFrame hierarchy containers, but I did not find a solution.
I could set all components MouseEnteredCallback and triggers my callback when figure has not the focus but this is rather heavy…
Would you have another idea?
#26 Comment By Malcolm Lidierth On June 9, 2012 @ 06:37
You may find the MouseMotionHandler class in [18] does what you need.
It uses the standard TMW WindowButtonMotion callback as a hook but discriminates between mouse exits, enters and moves using internal logic. You can still use MouseEnteredCallbacks, ButtonDownCallbacks etc in tandem.
#27 Comment By julien On June 9, 2012 @ 13:56
Thanks for your help, Malcolm. This is a good solution indeed, except when the figure is populated with JComponents (with javacomponent function) for which WindowButtonMotionFcn is not executed when mouse moves over them…
However, your MouseMotionHandler class is a very nice utility!
#28 Comment By Bluesmaster On April 19, 2013 @ 11:08
Is it possible to listen to minimized/ maximized events
I tried a lot but why this task is so much more difficult than mousemove or focus etc?
#29 Comment By Yair Altman On April 20, 2013 @ 10:25
@Bluemaster – yes, this is possible. I discuss it in Section 7.3.7 of my Matlab-Java programming book. Specifically, look at the WindowIconifiedCallback and WindowDeiconifiedCallback properties of the
proxy object.#30 Comment By Bluesmaster On April 20, 2013 @ 13:59
Thank you so much.
For anyone whos interested (if it is ok?): the ‘javaframe’ is not enough:
#31 Comment By SA On July 24, 2013 @ 02:33
Any idea if it is possible to intercept existing callbacks? I’d be interested in disabling matlabs’ ability to change the currentfigure setting when it receives mouse focus. I would like to return to the old behaviour where figure() sets the currentfigure and the mouse doesn’t.
#32 Comment By SA On July 24, 2013 @ 02:45
Can I modify the question – I’d like to capture all focus events for all figures (then I can reset “currentfigure”). Is there a way to do this?
#33 Comment By SA On July 24, 2013 @ 03:41
Solution found – thanks for undoc’d documentation – brilliant.
(1) overload figure.m (place this function in your path)
(2) catch the mouse focus events (place this function in your path)
(3) If you are bothered by warning messages spamming up your console put this line in your matlab start up files:
Works for me on matlab 2007something
#34 Comment By Paul Andrews On February 12, 2015 @ 11:51
Dear all,
The mechanism described above for detecting windows focus event does not work in R2014b. I believe the issue is related in changes in the figure’s AxisComponent. In R2013b, jFrame.getAxisComponent returns:
In R2014b, it returns:
If you have a solution for this problem, please post it.
#35 Comment By Yvon Halbwachs On August 20, 2015 @ 23:10
Paul, I’m facing the same problem as you have in R2014b. By any chance, did you find any solution to this?
#36 Comment By Yair Altman On August 21, 2015 @ 00:19
@Paul & @Yvon – in HG2 (R2014b onward), you can simply set the Focus events (FocusGained, FocusLost etc.) on the direct child of the AxisComponent, as follows:
#37 Comment By Fabio On January 19, 2017 @ 19:13
It seem as the callbacks don’t work when an axes is inside the figure (as said also here: [19] ), any solution? Thanks in advance
#38 Comment By Daniel Castano On February 15, 2017 @ 18:59
Same problem here 🙁 … so frustrating, as other callbacks as for instance:
work fine after adding axes to the figure. I really hope that somebody comes up with a solution.
#39 Comment By Daniel Castano On February 16, 2017 @ 11:41
Well, I found a solution (R2016b) by trial and error for very simple situations, i.e., just one axes inside the figure.
I just check the number of components in jAxis and grab the last one.
Note that this is mainly cargo cult: I have no idea why I need to grab the focus and force a redraw for this to work. Still would be thankful if somebody comes up with a better, explainable solution, because the one I suggest here does not work for more complicated situations, such as GUIs with multiple panels and changing number of elements…
#40 Comment By Alexander K. On June 14, 2018 @ 03:52
#41 Comment By Alexander K. On June 14, 2018 @ 08:31