JavaFrame – Undocumented Matlab Charting Matlab's unsupported hidden underbelly Tue, 29 Oct 2019 15:26:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MathWorks-solicited Java survey Wed, 22 Mar 2017 22:05:34 +0000 Related posts:
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  3. FindJObj – find a Matlab component’s underlying Java object The FindJObj utility can be used to access and display the internal components of Matlab controls and containers. This article explains its uses and inner mechanism....
  4. Matlab callbacks for Java events Events raised in Java code can be caught and handled in Matlab callback functions - this article explains how...
Over the years I’ve reported numerous uses for integrating Java components and functionality in Matlab. As I’ve also recently reported, MathWorks is apparently making a gradual shift away from standalone Java-based figures, toward browser-based web-enabled figures. As I surmised a few months ago, MathWorks has created dedicated surveys to solicit user feedbacks on the most important (and undocumented) non-compatible aspects of this paradigm change: one regarding users’ use of the javacomponent function, the other regarding the use of the figure’s JavaFrame property:

In MathWorks’ words:

In order to extend your ability to build MATLAB apps, we understand you sometimes need to make use of undocumented Java UI technologies, such as the JavaFrame property. In response to your needs, we are working to develop documented alternatives that address gaps in our app building offerings.

To help inform our work and plans, we would like to understand how you are using the JavaFrame property. Based on your understanding of how it is being used within your app, please take a moment to fill out the following survey. The survey will take approximately 1-2 minutes to finish.

I urge anyone who uses one or both of these features to let MathWorks know how you’re using them, so that they could incorporate that functionality into the core (documented) Matlab. The surveys are really short and to the point. If you wish to send additional information, please email George.Caia at

The more feedback responses that MathWorks will get, the better it will be able to prioritize its R&D efforts for the benefit of all users, and the more likely are certain features to get a documented solution at some future release. If you don’t take the time now to tell MathWorks how you use these features in your code, don’t complain if and when they break in the future…

My personal uses of these features

  • Functionality:
    • Figure: maximize/minimize/restore, enable/disable, always-on-top, toolbar controls, menu customizations (icons, tooltips, font, shortcuts, colors)
    • Table: sorting, filtering, grouping, column auto-sizing, cell-specific behavior (tooltip, context menu, context-sensitive editor, merging cells)
    • Tree control
    • Listbox: cell-specific behavior (tooltip, context menu)
    • Tri-state checkbox
    • uicontrols in general: various event callbacks (e.g. mouse hover/unhover, focus gained/lost)
    • Ability to add Java controls e.g. color/font/date/file selector panel or dropdown, spinner, slider, search box, password field
    • Ability to add 3rd-party components e.g. JFreeCharts, JIDE controls/panels

  • Appearance:
    • Figure: undecorated (frameless), other figure frame aspects
    • Table: column/cell-specific rendering (alignment, icons, font, fg/bg color, string formatting)
    • Listbox: auto-hide vertical scrollbar as needed, cell-specific renderer (icon, font, alignment, fg/bg color)
    • Button/checkbox/radio: icons, text alignment, border customization, Look & Feel
    • Right-aligned checkbox (button to the right of label)
    • Panel: border customization (rounded/matte/…)

You can find descriptions/explanations of many of these in posts I made on this website over the years.

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Figure window customizations Wed, 01 Jun 2016 08:00:11 +0000 Related posts:
  1. Minimize/maximize figure window Matlab figure windows can easily be maximized, minimized and restored using a bit of undocumented magic powder...
  2. FindJObj – find a Matlab component’s underlying Java object The FindJObj utility can be used to access and display the internal components of Matlab controls and containers. This article explains its uses and inner mechanism....
  3. Uitable sorting Matlab's uitables can be sortable using simple undocumented features...
  4. Frameless (undecorated) figure windows Matlab figure windows can be made undecorated (borderless, title-less). ...
A friend recently asked me, in light of my guesstimate that Java-based Matlab figures will be replaced by web-based figures sometime around 2018-2020, whether there are any “killer features” that make it worthwhile to use undocumented Java-based tricks today, despite the fact that they will probably break in 2-5 years. In my opinion, there are many such features; today I will focus on just a subset of them – those features that relate to the entire figure window.

Over the years I wrote many articles here about figure-level customizations, as well as an entire chapter in my Matlab-Java programming book. So today’s post will be a high-level overview, and users who are interested in any specific topic can visit the referenced links for the implementation details.

An undecorated Matlab figure window - one of many possible figure-level customizations
An undecorated Matlab figure window – one of many possible figure-level customizations


JavaFrame is an undocumented hidden property of the figure handle that provides access to the underlying Java window (JFrame) peer object’s reference. Since R2008a, a warning is issued whenever we retrieve this property:

>> jFrame = get(gcf,'JavaFrame');
Warning: figure JavaFrame property will be obsoleted in a future release.
For more information see the JavaFrame resource on the MathWorks web site.
(Type "warning off MATLAB:HandleGraphics:ObsoletedProperty:JavaFrame" to suppress this warning.) 

Until HG2 (R2014b+) we could suppress the warning by simply wrapping the figure handle within a handle() call, as explained here. Since R2014b we need to use the warning function to do this:

warning('off', 'MATLAB:HandleGraphics:ObsoletedProperty:JavaFrame');

We can do several things directly with the JavaFrame‘s properties and methods, including:

  • Maximize/minimize/restore the window, via the properties Maximized/Minimized (which accept and return a boolean (logical) value), or the corresponding methods jFrame.isMaximized(), isMinimized(), setMaximized(flag), setMinimized(flag). details
  • Modify the container to which the figure will be docked. By default this is the “Figures” container, but this can be changed to any user-specified container, or even to the “Editor”, using the GroupName property or its associated methods. See the related setFigDockGroup utility that I posted on the Matlab File exchange.
  • Remove the top separator line between the toolbar and the content-pane, to blend them together, via the jFrame.showTopSeparator(flag) method.
  • Retrieve a direct Java reference to the Matlab Desktop and the figure’s internal containers via the Desktop and FigurePanelContainer properties, respectively (we can also get those references by other means).
  • Retrieve a direct Java reference to the containing JFrame (Java window), as discussed below
  • A few other features that I will not discuss here

MathWorks have set up a dedicated webpage where you can specify how you are using JavaFrame and why it is important for you: I encourage you to use this webpage to tell MathWorks which features are important for you. This will help them to decide which functionality should be added to the new web-based figures.

JFrame window

The JavaFrame handle enables direct retrieval of the containing Java JFrame (window) reference, using several alternatives. Here are two of these alternatives (there are others):

% Alternative #1
>> jWindow = jFrame.getFigurePanelContainer.getTopLevelAncestor
jWindow = 
% Alternative #2
    jClient = jFrame.fFigureClient;  % This works up to R2011a
        jClient = jFrame.fHG1Client;  % This works from R2008b-R2014a
        jClient = jFrame.fHG2Client;  % This works from R2014b and up
jWindow = jClient.getWindow;

Customized menu items Customized menu items
Integrated figure status bar

Customized menu items (top) and figure status bar (bottom)

With the retrieved jWindow reference, we can do several additional interesting things:

  • Enable/disable the entire figure in a single go (details)
  • Remove/restore the window frame (borders and title bar), otherwise known as an “undecorated window” (details)
  • Set the figure window to be “Always-On-Top”, i.e. not occluded by any other window, via the AlwaysOnTop property, or the corresponding jWindow.isAlwaysOnTop(), setAlwaysOnTop(flag) methods.
  • Make the figure window fully or partially transparent (details). Note: this fails on R2013b/Java7 and higher due to a change in the way that transparency works in Java 7 compared to earlier releases; in other words blame Oracle’s Java, not MathWorks’ Matlab….
  • Blur/restore the figure window (details). This too works only up to R2013a.
  • Detect and handle window-level focus gain/loss events (details), as well as window-level mouse events (enter/exit/hover etc. – details).
  • Customize the figure’s menu bar – dynamic behavior, tooltips, highlights, keyboard shortcuts/accelerators, font colors/styles, callbacks, icons etc. (details1, details2)
  • Control figure docking in compiled (deployed) applications (details1, details2)
  • Display an integral figure status-bar with text and GUI controls (details1, details2).
  • A few other features that I will not discuss here

As you can see, there are numerous very interesting customizations that can be done to Matlab figures which rely on the undocumented implementation. Here are a couple of usage examples that you can easily adapt (follow the links above for additional details and usage examples):

jWindow.setEnabled(false);     % disable entire figure [true/false]
jWindow.setMinimized(true);    % minimize window [true/false]
jWindow.setMaximized(true);    % maximize window [true/false]
jWindow.setAlwaysOnTop(true);  % set to be always on top [true/false]
% Set a Matlab callback function to a window focus-gain event
hjWindow = handle(jWindow, 'CallbackProperties');
hjWindow.FocusGainedCallback = @myCallbackFunc;

In addition to the Java-based features above, some functionalities can also be achieved via direct OS manipulations, for example using Jan Simon’s great WindowAPI utility (Windows-only), although I typically prefer using the Java approach since it is cross-platform compatible.

Using all these features is super-easy, so there is not really a question of code complexity or technical risk – the main question is whether to accept the risk that the associated code will stop working when Matlab figures will eventually become web-based.

So is it worth the risk?

This is an excellent question. I contend that the answer depends on the specific use-case. In one project you may decide that it is indeed worth-while to use these undocumented features today, whereas in another GUI you may decide that it is not.

It might make sense to use the features above in any of the following circumstances:

  • If you need any of the features in your Matlab GUI today. In this case, you really have no alternative other than to use these features, since there is no documented way to achieve the required functionality.
  • If you do not plan to upgrade your Matlab release soon, or at least after the Java-based figures are discontinued in a few years. The commercial Matlab license is perpetual, enabling users to enjoy these features for as long as they continue using this Matlab release.
  • If you are compiling your Matlab program using the Matlab Compiler or Coder toolboxes. In such cases, the executable will remain static, until such time (if ever) that you decide to recompile it using a newer Matlab release. Users of the compiled code could continue to use the compiled undocumented features well into the future, for as long as their computers keep running. In such cases, we are not concerned with release compatibility issues.
  • If you accept the risk that some recoding may be necessary in the future, or that some functionality will degrade, for the added benefit that they provide your GUIs today.
  • If you are willing to code without MathWorks’ official support and endorsement, and accept the fact that they will not fix any internal bugs that you may discover which is related to these features.
  • If you wish to present a professional-grade GUI today, and worry about potential incompatibilities only if and when they eventually arrive, sometime in the future.

Here’s another twist to consider: do not take it for granted that when web-based uifigures replace Java-based figures all the documented functionality will work as-is on the new uifigures just as they have on the old figures. In fact, I personally believe that we will need to extensively modify our GUI code to make it compatible with the new uifigures. In other words, avoiding the undocumented hacks above will probably not save us from the need to recode (or at least adapt) our GUI, it will just reduce the necessary work somewhat. We encountered a similar situation with the graphics hacks that I exposed over the years: many people avoided them in the fear that they might someday break; then when R2014b came and HG2 graphics replaced HG1, it turned out that many of these supposedly risky hacks continued working in HG2 (examples: LooseInset, YLimInclude) whereas quite a bit of standard fully-documented Matlab functionality was broken and required some recoding. I believe that the lessons from the HG2 migration were well studied and assimilated by MathWorks, but realistically speaking we should not expect a 100% full-proof transition to uifigures.

Still, accepting the risk does not mean that we should bury our head in the sand. Whenever using any undocumented feature in your code, I strongly suggest to use defensive coding practices, such as wrapping your code within try-catch blocks. This way, even if the feature is removed in R2020a (or whenever), the program will still run, albeit with somewhat diminished functionality, or in other words, graceful degradation. For example:

    jFrame = get(hFig, 'JavaFrame');
    oldUnits = get(hFig, 'Units');
    set(hFig, 'Units','norm', 'Pos',[0,0,1,1]);
    set(hFig, 'Units',oldUnits);

Once again, I urge you to visit and tell MathWorks which of the above features are important for you. The more users tell MathWorks that they depend on a specific feature, the more would MathWorks be likely to invest R&D efforts in enabling it in the future web-based figures.

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Faster findjobj Mon, 11 Apr 2016 09:18:14 +0000 Related posts:
  1. FindJObj – find a Matlab component’s underlying Java object The FindJObj utility can be used to access and display the internal components of Matlab controls and containers. This article explains its uses and inner mechanism....
  2. FindJObj GUI – display container hierarchy The FindJObj utility can be used to present a GUI that displays a Matlab container's internal Java components, properties and callbacks....
  3. Matlab and the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) The Java Swing Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) is very important for Matlab GUI timings. This article explains the potential pitfalls and their avoidance using undocumented Matlab functionality....
  4. Minimize/maximize figure window Matlab figure windows can easily be maximized, minimized and restored using a bit of undocumented magic powder...
My findjobj utility, created in 2007 and updated over the years, has received wide recognition and is employed by numerous Matlab programs, including a few dozen utilities in the Matlab File Exchange. I am quite proud of this utility and find it extremely useful for customizing Matlab controls in many ways that are impossible using standard Matlab properties. I have shown many examples of this in this blog over the past years.

I am happy to announce that I have just uploaded a new version of findjobj to the Matlab File Exchange, which significantly improves the utility’s performance for the most common use-case of a single input and a single output, namely finding the handle of the underlying Java component (peer) of a certain Matlab control:

>> hButton = uicontrol('String','click me!');
>> tic, jButton = findjobj(hButton); toc  % old findjobj
Elapsed time is 1.513217 seconds.
>> tic, jButton = findjobj(hButton); toc  % new findjobj
Elapsed time is 0.029348 seconds.

The new findjobj is backward-compatible with the old findjobj and with all prior Matlab releases. It is a drop-in replacement that will significantly improve your program’s speed.

The new version relies on several techniques:

First, as I showed last year, in HG2 (R2014 onward), Matlab uipanels have finally become full-featured Java JPanels, that can be accessed and customized in many interesting manners. More to the point here, we can now directly access the underlying JPanel component handle using the uipanel‘s hidden JavaFrame property (thanks to MathWorks for supplying this useful hook!). The new findjobj version detects this and immediately returns this handle if the user specified a uipanel input.

I still do not know of any direct way to retrieve the underlying Java component’s handle for Matlab uicontrols, this has been a major frustration of mine for quite a few years. So, we need to find the containing Java container in which we will recursively search for the control’s underlying Java handle. In the old version of finjobj, we retrieve the containing figure’s JFrame reference and from it the ContentPane handle, and use this handle as the Java container that is recursively searched. This is quite slow when the figure window is heavily-laden with multiple controls. In the new version, we try to use the specified Matlab uicontrol‘s direct parent, which is very often a uipanel. In this case, we can directly retrieve the panel’s JPanel reference as explained above. This results in a must smaller and faster search since we need to recursively search far fewer controls within the container, compared to the figure’s ContentPane.

In addition, I used a suggestion by blog reader Hannes for a faster recursive search that uses the control’s tooltip rather than its size, position and class. Finally, the search order is reversed to search backward from the last child component, since this is the component that will most often contain the requested control peer.

Feel free to download and use the new findjobj version. The code for the fast variant can be found in lines #190-205 and #3375-3415.


p.s. – as I explained last week, today’s discussion, and in general anything that has to do with Java peers of GUI controls, only relates to the existing JFrame-based figure windows, not to the new web-based uifigure.

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Frameless (undecorated) figure windows Thu, 19 Mar 2015 22:00:37 +0000 Related posts:
  1. FindJObj – find a Matlab component’s underlying Java object The FindJObj utility can be used to access and display the internal components of Matlab controls and containers. This article explains its uses and inner mechanism....
  2. Blurred Matlab figure window Matlab figure windows can be blurred using a semi-transparent overlaid window - this article explains how...
  3. Minimize/maximize figure window Matlab figure windows can easily be maximized, minimized and restored using a bit of undocumented magic powder...
  4. Figure window customizations Matlab figure windows can be customized in numerous manners using the underlying Java Frame reference. ...
All Matlab figures have a standard frame around them, consisting of a border and title bar. In some cases it could be useful to present a figure window, displaying only the contents without the border and title bar. Such a borderless (undecorated) window is not possible in Matlab. Well, at least not in supported/documented Matlab…

Readers of this blog and/or my Matlab-Java programming book are aware that Matlab’s GUI is based on Java Swing. In the end, every Matlab figure window is a simple Java JFrame, and JFrames have a setUndecorated(true) method that can be called to remove the border and title bar.

An undecorated Matlab figure window
An undecorated Matlab figure window

Attempt #1 – direct invocation

Unfortunately, we cannot directly call setUndecorated in Matlab, because it only works when the JFrame has not yet been displayed:

% Get the figure's underlying Java JFrame reference handle
>> mjf = get(handle(gcf), 'JavaFrame');
>> jWindow = mjf.fHG2Client.getWindow  % or: mjf.getAxisComponent.getTopLevelAncestor
jWindow =
% Try to remove decoration
>> jWindow.setUndecorated(true)
Java exception occurred:
java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException: The frame is displayable.
	at java.awt.Frame.setUndecorated(Unknown Source)

On the other hand, if we try to call setUndecorated on a new invisible figure then we’d see that the JFrame component is not yet created by Matlab:

% Create a simple Matlab figure
hFig = figure('Name','Plot example', 'Visible','off');
% Get the underlying Java JFrame reference handle (empty)
>> mjf = get(handle(hFig),'JavaFrame');
>> jWindow = mjf.getAxisComponent.getTopLevelAncestor
jWindow =
>> jWindow = mjf.fHG2Client.getWindow
jWindow =
>> jWindow.setUndecorated(true)
Attempt to reference field of non-structure array.

So we have a catch-22 situation: we can’t call setUndecorated until the JFrame is created, but Matlab only creates it when it displays the figure window, and then it’s too late to undecorate…

Attempt #2 – reparenting: an optical illusion

One way that I found around this problem is to reparent the Matlab JFrame‘s content onto a pure Java JFrame that has been made undecorated. To hide the Matlab figure after creating the JFrame, we can simply move the figure’s position to be outside the visible monitor area:

% Create a simple Matlab figure (visible, but outside monitor area)
t = 0 : 0.01 : 10;
hFig = figure('Name','Plot example', 'ToolBar','none', 'MenuBar','none');
hLine = plot(t, cos(t));
hButton = uicontrol('String','Close', 'Position',[307,0,45,16]);
% Ensure that everything is rendered, otherwise the following will fail
% Get the underlying Java JFrame reference handle
mjf = get(handle(hFig), 'JavaFrame');
jWindow = mjf.fHG2Client.getWindow;  % or: mjf.getAxisComponent.getTopLevelAncestor
% Get the content pane's handle
mjc = jWindow.getContentPane;
mjr = jWindow.getRootPane;  % used for the offset below
% Create a new pure-Java undecorated JFrame
figTitle = jWindow.getTitle;
jFrame = javaObjectEDT(javax.swing.JFrame(figTitle));
% Move the JFrame's on-screen location just on top of the original
% Set the JFrame's size to the Matlab figure's content size
%jFrame.setSize(mjc.getSize);  % slightly incorrect by root-pane's offset
jFrame.setSize(mjc.getWidth+mjr.getX, mjc.getHeight+mjr.getY);
% Reparent (move) the contents from the Matlab JFrame to the new JFrame
% Make the new JFrame visible
% Hide the Matlab figure by moving it off-screen
pos = get(hFig,'Position');
set(hFig, 'Position',[-1000,-1000,pos(3:4)]);

Matlab figures are not pure JFrame but rather a subclass (com.mathworks.widgets.desk.DTSingleClientFrame). So instead of creating a new JFrame, we could create a new instance of Matlab’s class instead, potentially solving a few problems:

jDesktop = com.mathworks.mde.desk.MLDesktop.getInstance;
jFrame = javaObjectEDT(com.mathworks.widgets.desk.DTSingleClientFrame(jDesktop, figTitle));
% ...the rest is exactly the same as above...

Either way, we now get a nice undecorated window containing our Matlab contents (see screenshot above).

Once the undecorated JFrame becomes visible, we should not hide or delete the original Matlab figure, because this will stop rendering of the contents.

Working with the undecorated frame

We can modify the Matlab figure and its contents normally, just as if they still appeared within the original Matlab figure. This can be used to display a dynamic application splash-screen, that displays information on various initialization/loading steps. Or alternately we could use it to display a system health-monitor (small panel with red/green indicators), or maybe a graph with streaming market data or live news alerts. The usages are endless, limited only by your imagination, not by Matlab.

For example, let’s modify our plot dynamically using a timer, and set the close button’s callback to dismiss the new JFrame and original figure:

% Set a timer to dynamically update the plot every 0.1 sec
start(timer('TimerFcn', {@timerCallback,hLine}, 'ExecutionMode','fixedRate', 'Period',0.1));
% Set the close button callback
set(hButton, 'Callback',{@closeCallback,jFrame});
% This is the close button's callback
function closeCallback(hButton, eventData, jFrame)
% This is the plot timer's callback
function timerCallback(hTimer, eventData, hLine)
   xdata = get(hLine,'XData') + 0.1;
   set(hLine, 'XData',xdata, 'YData',cos(xdata));
   xlim([min(xdata) max(xdata)]);

Note: if you don’t hide the toolbar/menubar in the original Matlab figure, some of their functions will not work properly in the new JFrame (e.g., zoom, pan etc.). But in most use-cases we do not want a toolbar/menubar in an undecorated window. The example above showed an undecorated window without the toolbar/menubar.

If we wish to avoid having the new JFrame appear in the Operating System’s taskbar, we can use the following command:


Note that this command must be executed before the JFrame is made visible. Also note that it only works with Java 7, in other words Matlab R2013b (8.2) or newer (or if you are very adventurous and happen to use an older Matlab with a custom Java 7 installation).

But now that there is no taskbar component, how can we transfer focus to our new undecorated window? In other words, if another windows hides our new undecorated frame, how can we get it back on top?

A simple solution is to set the Matlab figure frame’s FocusGainedCallback to requestFocus for the newly created jFrame. Then, when we click the Matlab figure’s button on the taskbar, the new jFrame will pop into focus. In effect, this provides the optical illusion that the taskbar button refers to the undecorated window (since the actual Matlab figure is positioned beyond the monitor’s area):

hjWindow = handle(jWindow, 'CallbackProperties');
set(hjWindow, 'FocusGainedCallback', @(h,e)jFrame.requestFocus);

Likewise, we should instrument our Matlab figure so that when it is closed/deleted, so too is our new jFrame:

set(hjWindow, 'WindowClosedCallback', @(h,e)jFrame_.dispose);

undecorateFig and redecorateFig

I have encapsulated all of the above in a couple of very easy-to-use utilities that I just posted on the Matlab File Exchange: undecorateFig, redecorateFig. Using them can’t get any simpler than this:

undecorateFig;        % undecorate the current figure (gcf)
undecorateFig(hFig);  % hFig is any GUI handle (needs to be visible)
redecorateFig;        % redecorate the current figure (gcf)
redecorateFig(hFig);  % hFig is any GUI handle

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic – Arthur C. Clarke   :-)

Have you made some interesting use of this nice feature in your application? If so, please share it in a comment below.

A suggested related mini project for anyone interested: add an image reflection of the current figure contents beneath the figure. You could use my ScreenCapture utility or directly use java.awt.Robot.createScreenCapture(mjc.getLocationOnScreen), process the resulting image (blur, apply transparency gradient, crop at 50% height etc.) and place the resulting image within an undecorated JFrame placed directly beneath the main figure. You can instrument the figure (hjWindow)’s ComponentMovedCallback and ComponentResizedCallback to move/resize the reflection JFrame whenever the parent figure moves or is resized. You could use a timer to periodically update the reflection image so that it remains synchronized with the parent. You’ll probably also want to add a nice toggle-button to the figure’s toolbar to turn the reflection on/off. Maybe I’ll hack this project someday when I have some spare time. Or maybe someone will beat me to it… Care to try?

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Waterloo graphics beta Wed, 26 Jun 2013 18:00:20 +0000 Related posts:
  1. Waterloo graphics Waterloo is an open-source library that can significantly improve Matlab GUI. ...
  2. Inactive Control Tooltips & Event Chaining Inactive Matlab uicontrols cannot normally display their tooltips. This article shows how to do this with a combination of undocumented Matlab and Java hacks....
  3. Matlab and the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) The Java Swing Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) is very important for Matlab GUI timings. This article explains the potential pitfalls and their avoidance using undocumented Matlab functionality....
  4. Waterloo graphics examples Some Matlab usage examples for the open-source Waterloo graphics package. ...
Once again I’d like to welcome guest blogger Malcolm Lidierth of King’s College London. Malcolm has written several articles here, including a couple of articles on his Waterloo graphing library. Today, Malcolm discusses new features in this library, as it matures into an official beta phase.

Waterloo contour plot of Matlab's penny image

Waterloo contour plot of Matlab's penny image

Last year, Yair kindly allowed me space for a couple of guest blogs on the Waterloo graphics open-source project. Waterloo has recently transitioned to a ‘beta’ release status, with several new features – many of them in response to suggestions from readers of this blog. Many thanks to all who made those.

One of the motivations in writing Waterloo was to get better, less pixellated graphs in Matlab. By using Java 2D, the core library is not tied to Matlab. Waterloo graphics can be used wherever there is access to a Java Virtual Machine: R, ScilLab etc. MathWorks obviously feel the need for better graphics too: Yair recently blogged about the next generation Matlab graphics (HG2). The Waterloo beta release provides support for mixing both Waterloo graphs and Matlab HG2 graphs in a single figure (as well as current HG1 graphics of course).

The new features in the Waterloo beta can be summarized as:

  1. Introducing new plot types: contours, bars, polar and area charts
  2. Mouse-selectable regions of interest
  3. Support for fast-plot updates without redrawing the entire graph
  4. Support for web-deployment of the graphs using SVG or Processing and ProcessingJS

Today I will concentrate on [1] and [2], illustrated with some Matlab examples; I will discuss [3] and [4] next week.

Installation of Waterloo in Matlab

For those readers who have not yet installed Waterloo in Matlab, the process is very simple: download the latest zip file and extract it. All the sub-folders in the waterloo folder are needed but only the Waterloo_MATLAB_Library subfolder (not its subfolders) should be added to the Matlab path. Once installed, just type waterloo at the Matlab prompt in each Matlab session.

A Matlab script file that will do it all is available here (Waterloo_installer.m). The script is harmless to run if you already have Waterloo installed, but if not then it will automatically find the latest zip file on SourceForge, download and install it, and then configure the Matlab path appropriately.

Contour plots

I ended my last guest article with an example of work-in-progress: filled contours. The beta release now fully supports these.

Recall from the previous articles that GXFigure creates a Waterloo-compatible Matlab figure window. gxgca() returns a reference to the container for the graph as a Matlab GXGraph object, much as Matlab’s built-in gca returns an axes reference.

Here is Matlab’s Lincoln penny demo in Waterloo:

% Get some pre-defined colors
colors = [kcl.waterloo.defaults.Colors.getColor(0)];
for k = 1 : 17
    colors = horzcat(colors,kcl.waterloo.defaults.Colors.getColor(k));
f = GXFigure();
set(gcf, 'Name','Filled Contour', 'Units','normalized', 'Position',[0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4])
load penny;
ax = subplot(f,1,1,1);
p2 = contourf(ax, flipud(P), 18, 'LineStyle','-', 'LineWidth',0.4);

(resulting in the contour plot above)

To transform Abe Lincoln to a logarithmic world, just double-click the graph and select the log transform. The result is shown on the right here:

Transformed Matlab penny image

Transformed Matlab penny image

All plots in Waterloo share a common data model, including contour plots. For a scatter plot, x, y pairs in a set represent the offsets to display a marker e.g. a circle or square that is generally of fixed size. For a contour plot, the marker is the contour line and the values for that incorporate the offsets. The xdata and ydata are added during plotting; while these will normally be zero, this makes it trivial to construct montages of contour plots simply by using non-zero values.

Plainly, this needs some extra work to support the common model: circles for a scatter plot are still painted as fixed diameter circles when the plot is rescaled or transformed but the pixel values for a contour line, bar plot etc will need to be recalculated. To achieve this:

  • the data model incorporates an extra object to do the work
  • such plots implement a new interface – GJTransformUpdateInterface – that specifies a transformUpdate() method that refreshes the pixel-coordinates. End-users will not normally need to concern themselves with this, as transformUpdate method will be called by the listeners as required.

Categorical data

Waterloo always uses numeric data to position markers, bars etc in a plot. However, categorical data can be used to supplement those data. Here is an example using the new bar plot:

Categorized Waterloo bar plot Categorized Waterloo bar plot

Categorized Waterloo bar plots

f = GXFigure();
set(gcf, 'Name','TestBar4', 'Units','normalized', 'Position',[0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8]);
m = {'Jan', 'Feb', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'};
gr1 = subplot(f, 2, 2, 1);
a = bar(gr1, 1:12, 1:12);
for k = 1 : 12
   a.getObject().getDataModel().getXData().setCategory(k, m{k});
gr1.getObject().setTitleText('Label using the XData categories');

Support for categorical labels on the axes is supported for all plots via the common data model. For bar charts, the extra object associated with the plot also supports adding labels to the bars themselves:

f = GXFigure();
set(gcf, 'Name','Categorized Bars', 'Units','normalized', 'Position',[0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4]);
m = {'Jan', 'Feb', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'};
gr = subplot(f, 1, 1, 1);
c = barh(gr, 1:10, 1:10,'stacked');
c.getObject().getDataModel().getExtraObject().setFontForeground([java.awt.Color.BLACK, java.awt.Color.WHITE]);
for k = 1 : 12
   c.getObject().getDataModel().getExtraObject().getLabels().add(k-1, m{k});

Note that the standard method setFill, is used to set the bar colors and as two colors are supplied the data are assumed to contain a pair of multiplexed series. This is common to all plots.

To customize the labels, we need to set a property in the extra object which is retrieved with a call to c.getObject().getDataModel().getExtraObject().

The same principles apply to pie charts:

Labelled Waterloo pie chart

Labelled Waterloo pie chart

f = GXFigure();
set(gcf, 'Name','TestPie1', 'Units','normalized', 'Position',[0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8]);
colors = [kcl.waterloo.defaults.Colors.getColor(0)];
y = ones(1,18)*100/18;
gr = subplot(f, 1, 1, 1);
colors = [kcl.waterloo.defaults.Colors.getColor(1),...
c = pie(gr, [10 20 45 42 22 26 42 20], logical([0 0 1]), 'FaceColor',colors);

Polar charts

Polar bar and compass charts are also now supported:

Waterloo polar bar chart (click for details)Waterloo compass chart (click for details)

Waterloo polar bar and compass charts (click for details)

f = GXFigure();
set(gcf, 'Name','TestPie1', 'Units','normalized', 'Position',[0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8]);
load sunspot.dat  % Contains a 2-column vector named sunspot
colors = [kcl.waterloo.defaults.Colors.getColor(0)];
for k = 1 : 17
    colors = horzcat(colors,kcl.waterloo.defaults.Colors.getColor(k));
gr1 = subplot(f, 1,2, 1);
a = polarbar(gr1, sunspot(1:48,2), 'FaceColor',colors, 'EdgeWidth',0.5);
[a,b] = hist(sunspot(:,2),12);
gr2 = subplot(f, 1,2, 2);
b = polarbar(gr2, a, 'FaceColor',colors);
Z = eig(randn(20,20));
a = compass(gr1, real(Z), imag(Z), 'LineColor','r');

Area plots

Area plots are supported through a new plot class and also by having all plots implement a new Java interface. To illustrate, create two line plots:

Waterloo area-fill chart

Waterloo area-fill chart

f = GXFigure();
set(gcf, 'Name','TestAreaFill', 'Units','normalized', 'Position',[0.4 0.1 0.5 0.4]);
x = 0.5 : 0.5 : 10;
y = sin(x);
gr1 = gxgca();
a1 = line(gr1, x, y, 'LineSpec','-ob');
b1 = line(gr1, x, y*2, 'LineSpec','-sg');
% Filling the area between the two plots requires one extra line and a refresh call to paint the result:

All the work is done in the Java code because plots now implement the GJFillable interface. All that is required is to call the setAreaFill() method on a class implementing GJFillable, specifying another GJFillable as input.

A new java class, GJFill, also implements GJFillable and can be used to fill an area relative to a scalar constant or an arbitrary shape. I have also written a Matlab wrapper class for this (GXFill, see below) but I shall use a Java-based example here.

Whether the fill is made horizontally (from the plot) or vertically (from the axes) can be selected by setting the orientation property of the GJFill instance. This can also be set to arbitrary, in which case we can create a custom fillable area sythesized from java.geom shapes:

Waterloo full area fill chart Waterloo custom area fill chart

Waterloo full (above) & custom (below) area fill charts

f = GXFigure();
set(gcf, 'Name','Constant Fill', 'Units','normalized', 'Position',[0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4]);
x = 0.5 : 0.5 : 10;
y = sin(x);
gr1 = subplot(f, 1, 1, 1);
a1 = line(gxgca, x+1, y+3, 'LineSpec','-sg');
% Now create a GJFill instance, using a constant as the reference (1.5 in this case), and use this as this area's fill
v =, 1.5);
%% Start complex
   % Alternately, we can use an arbitrary fill shape:
   v.setOrientation(javaMethod('valueOf', '$ORIENTATION', 'ARBITRARY'));
   % Create a shape (which can be complex)
   area = java.awt.geom.Area(javaObject('java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D$Double',1,1,5,5));
   % Add the shape to the GJFill instance
%% End complex
% Customize the fill color
% Manually rescale and refresh the plot

To make this simpler from Matlab, a new Matlab class GXFill is provided. This constructs and adds a fill in a single step:

fill = GXFill(plot_reference, value, orientation);

where value is a scalar or a Java Shape object, and orientation is a string e.g. ‘horizontal’. Note that the coordinates are specified in axes units and they will rescale and be transformed as needed when the axes are changed.

Specifying/selecting ROIs

Finally, regions of interest (ROIs) can be selected both programmatically and with the mouse. One of these can be set as the “current” ROI and that is the one that is mouse selectable: set the current ROI using shift-left mouse drag, set the region and rescale to display only that region using shift-right mouse drag.

To create an ROI that can be dragged and resized, add a GJRoi instance to the graph, e.g. with an existing current ROI selected:

gr = gxgca;
gr = gr.getObject().getView();
gr.add(, gr.getCurrentROI()));

Waterloo and Matlab’s Java support

Note: It appears that HG2, like HG1, creates an offscreen bitmap that is then blitted onto a Java Canvas within a Matlab figure. Matlab warns that the JavaFrame property will (no longer may) be discontinued in some future release, but it is my guess that this will not be the case when HG2 is released. A new set of uicontrols may indeed be included using a C-based library like wxWidgets or Qt. However, it seems unlikely that Java support will be dropped completely – too much of Matlab’s GUI uses Java (for example, the new desktop introduced in R2012b is entirely Java-based). So the Waterloo Matlab library should work, even if a switch is needed to using JFrames instead of Matlab figures for output.

For the adventurous, Waterloo graphs can also be deployed using JavaFX via the SwingNode class – but that requires installation of the latest Java 8 (currently in early release status). Noting that Matlab is still (as of R2013a) using Java 6, this may indeed be a big jump (note last week’s article on upgrading Matlab to use Java 7).

Naturally, Waterloo’s graphs and classes can also be used in stand-alone Java applications, entirely outside Matlab, even on a $30 ARM6 Raspberry Pi.

Next week, I will look at methods for animating plots (e.g. using Matlab timers) and deploying vector graphics to web pages using the in-built GUIs.

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HG2 update Thu, 16 May 2013 00:38:19 +0000 Related posts:
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Exactly three years ago, I posted information (here and here) about Matlab’s upcoming new graphics engine, so-called HG2 (Handle Graphics version 2). At the time, I was sure that HG2 was just around the corner. But three years and six releases have passed, Matlab 7 turned into Matlab 8, and HG1 is still in use. I decided that it was time to revisit the latest state of HG2, as reflected in the latest release, R2013a (Matlab 8.1).

In the past few years, development of HG2 has apparently progressed to a stage where most of the kinks were ironed out. The latest HG2 appears to be quite stable, and in my experience most GUI/graphics utilities run as-is, without any need for tweaking. This is good news, which leads me to think that HG2 will be released soon. It is possible that this could happen as early as the upcoming release (R2013b, 8.2) but I have a gut feeling that it will be in R2014a. I also have a gut feeling that MathWorks will name that release 9.0 rather than 8.3, in keeping with its arch-rival Mathematica.

HG2 has improved grid lines, plot anti-aliasing and customizable everything (more on this below). Here’s a simple plot line as it appears in both HG1 and HG2:

hFig = figure('pos',[100,100,300,250]);
x = -10:0.1:10;
y = 1e7*sin(x)./x; 
hLine = plot(x,y);
box off; grid on;
title('HG2 plot');

HG1 plotHG2 plot

Same plot in HG1 and HG2

We can see that MathWorks has invested heavily in improving usability. The graphics are now much more visually appealing than before. A lot of thought has gone into small details such as the plot colors and the axes gray shades. The changes are small when taken separately, but the overall gestalt is striking. HG2 will definitely justify my license maintenance cost.

Addendum Oct 3 2014: HG2 is finally released in Matlab release R2014b (8.4 – not 9.0 as I surmised above). However, many of the advanced customizations shown in this article are still unsupported and undocumented. I plan to detail them in a separate upcoming series of articles.

Highly customizable

Matlab in HG2 mode acts and behaves pretty much as you would expect. There are no visible changes to the Desktop or the graphics interface. The major difference is that all graphics handles, whether interactive controls (figure, uicontrols, uitables, etc.) or graph elements (axes, lines, patches, etc.) are instances of class objects (e.g., matlab.ui.Figure or rather than numeric values. This makes it easy to issue commands such as:

hFig.Color = 'w';
hAxes = gca;
hAxes.Title.Color = 'm';  % default: [0,0,0] = black
hAxes.YRuler.SecondaryLabel.String = 'millions';  % original: 'x10^{6}'
hAxes.YRuler.SecondaryLabel.FontAngle = 'italic';  % default: 'normal'
hAxes.YRuler.Axle.LineStyle = 'dotted';  % default: 'solid'
hAxes.YRuler.Axle.ColorData = uint8([0,100,0,255])';  %=dark green; default: [51 51 51 255], corresponding to [0.2 0.2 0.2 1]
hAxes.YBaseline.Color = 'b';  % default: [0.2 0.2 0.2]
hAxes.YBaseline.Visible = 'on';  % default: 'off'
hAxes.XRuler.Axle.Visible = 'off';  % default: 'on'
hLine.Color = [1,0,0];  %='red'

rather than using the corresponding set(…) or get(…) functions, which are still supported for backward compatibility.

Customized HG2 plot

Customized HG2 plot

Notice how much more customizable HG2 is compared to HG1. I am pretty excited from the huge number of additional possible customizations in HG2 compared to HG1. It is real a pity that many of these customizations rely on hidden/undocumented properties (see below). Hopefully this will change when HG2 is officially released.

Some observations

Here are a few observations that I collected on the latest HG2, as reflected in R2013a:

  1. Java is still supported (hurray!). The warnings about the figure’s JavaFrame property becoming deprecated have fortunately not been fulfilled (hopefully never). All the Java-based GUI tricks shown on this blog and in my book still work, excluding some minor things here and there which are due to inter-release changes rather than to the new HG2 engine.
  2. In order to access the top-level Java Frame of a figure window, we now need to use javaFrame.fHG2Client rather than javaFrame.fHG1Client. The relevant code should now look something like this, in order to be fully-compatible with older Matlab releases:
    jFrame = get(handle(hFig), 'JavaFrame');
        % This works up to R2011a
            % This works from R2008b and up, up to HG2
            % This works in HG2
  3. Anti-aliasing of plot elements (a.k.a. line -smoothing) is now ‘on’ by default (double hurray!). Apparently, MathWorks solved the problems with the existing undocumented LineSmoothing property. Still, for some unknown reason, LineSmoothing remains a hidden/undocumented property. Note that for some objects the property name is different. For example, the axes title (which is a text object of class has a new property called Smoothing that controls anti-aliasing (unlike LineSmoothing, Smoothing appears to be an un-hidden fully-documented property).
    R2013b addendum: The figure handle now includes a property called GraphicsSmoothing that controls anti-aliasing at the entire figure level (default=’on’). No more need to set individual graphic elements, although we still can if we want (alas, this flexibility may be removed soon – see item #6 below). I would have liked to see the anti-aliasing feature use the same property name for all graphic elements, rather than GraphicsSmoothing/LineSmoothing/Smoothing, but maybe I’m just being an ungrateful spoil-sport… The good news about GraphicsSmoothing is that this is a non-hidden property. This means it can be seen with get(gcf) and once HG2 becomes live it will become fully documented/supported – hurray!
  4. Many new properties have been added to graphic objects, that enable customization of different aspects. For example, we can customize the axes grid-lines, containing box and exponent labels in ways that were impossible in HG1 (triple hurray!). Note that many of these new properties are hidden/undocumented (why the hell for???), so we need a utility such as my uiinspect or getundoc to detect them. Some of the useful new axes properties include *Ruler, *Baseline, *GridHandle, BoxFrame and BackDrop (I showed an example usage of *Ruler and *Baseline above). I have absolutely no idea why these so-useful properties are kept hidden, it simply makes no sense.
  5. Some existing HG1 properties are missing. For example, the UserData property is no longer available for some Java objects (this is a real pity — I depended on it for many functionalities, such as storing node-specific data in uitree/JTree nodes). Similarly, axes no longer have *LimInclude properties (this actually makes sense – these properties are still available in plot lines, where they actually have a use).
  6. Some existing HG1 properties now issue a warning, although they still work. For example:
    >> hAxes.DrawMode = 'fast';
    Warning: The DrawMode property will be removed in a future release.
    (Type "warning off MATLAB:hg:willberemoved" to suppress this warning.) 
    >> hLine.LineSmoothing
    Warning: The LineSmoothing property will be removed in a future release.
    (Type "warning off MATLAB:hg:willberemoved" to suppress this warning.) 
    ans =

    R2013b addendum: hAxes.DrawMode no longer issues a warning, although hLine.LineSmoothing does.

  7. There is an open bug on R2012b and R2013a whereby the clf function does not delete javacomponent objects. This bug does not affect HG2, where clf works properly.
  8. Some GUI components are being placed a pixel or two sideways in HG2 compared to HG1. This has no visual importance except in very rare cases, but it does affect my findjobj utility, which relies on the component’s position to find its underlying Java object. I have updated findjobj for the upcoming HG2 and it should work with both HG1 and HG2.
  9. The default axes and labels color has changed from black to gray ([0.2 0.2 0.2]). Grid lines now use an even lighter gray shade. Visually I think that this is a great change, since it directs the viewer’s focus on the plot contents rather than the external decorations.
  10. The default axes plot color order has changed. The standard plot color is no longer blue (as it was for ages in Matlab), but a bluish tint; the second color is no longer red but light green; the third color is reddish rather than dark green, etc.:
    % HG1
    >> get(0,'defaultAxesColorOrder')
    ans =
                0            0            1
                0          0.5            0
                1            0            0
                0         0.75         0.75
             0.75            0         0.75
             0.75         0.75            0
             0.25         0.25         0.25
    >> get(0,'defaultAxesColorOrder')
    ans =
         0.070588      0.40784      0.70196
          0.92941      0.14118      0.14902
          0.60784       0.7451      0.23922
          0.48235      0.17647       0.4549
                1      0.78039            0
          0.30196       0.7451      0.93333
          0.82353       0.4549            0

    R2013b addendum: The default colors have changed a bit (for the better I think). I still think that the relative order should more closely match the current order (blue-green-red-etc.), for compatibility with existing apps. A small utility function could be added that modifies the color-order to something that may be better suited for color-differentiation (see Tim Holy’s excellent utility for an example).

  11. HG2 axes no longer forget the previous plot color (unless we used hold all) — in HG2 color cycling is on by default. Note that this causes some visual discrepancies between HG1 and HG2 in plots that use hold on and have multiple plot lines: In HG1 they were all blue; in HG2 the first is bluish, the second is greenish, then reddish etc.
  12. GUIDE is still the same-ol’ GUIDE (sigh!). The figure toolbar and menubar have likewise not been upgraded, as far as I could tell.
  13. HG2 performance appears to be generally slower than HG1. Hopefully this will improve by the time HG2 is released, since performance has been one of HG1’s drawbacks all along. In my tests, most GUI/graphic aspects ran only slightly slower in HG2, except for 2D plots that were significantly slower. This is corroborated by running bench: on my computer, HG1 yields 0.4 for 2D and 0.22 for 3D; in HG2 the performance is 2.1 for 2D and 0.18 for 3D. Looks like the 2D performance still needs some work…

Testing HG2

As noted in my original article, we can start Matlab in HG2 mode by simply adding the startup (command-line) switch -hgVersion 2 to the Matlab command (note the space between the -hgVersion and the “2”). For example, in Windows, all you need to do is to copy your Matlab shortcut sideways (so that you will always have the standard HG1 version available), then right-click the shortcut, select “Properties”, then add -hgVersion 2 to the Target field (note the space between “hgVersion” and “2”). You will probably want to also add the “HG2” descriptor to the shortcut name, in the “General” tab:

Matlab startup switch for HG2

Matlab startup switch for HG2

If you have any Matlab application that relies on GUI or graphics, I urge you to test it on the new HG2 system. It’s trivially simple and your application should work exactly the same, or better. If you do detect some incompatibility, please post a comment or shoot me an email. In due course I expect that MathWorks will open an official channel for this, but in the meantime I’ll be sure to pass the information to the relevant person.

Do take a moment for testing HG2 – we can all contribute to ensure that when HG2 does come out it will be perfect. It’s in our interest.

NYC visit

If you happen to be in New York next week, I urge you to attend the MATLAB Computational Conference on Thursday May 23 (free registration; my presentation is scheduled for 4:50pm). I would be happy to meet you to discuss how I could bring value to your needs, either financial-oriented or not. We could meet at the conference, or anywhere in New York on Wednesday May 22 or Friday May 24.

Matlab Computational Finance Conference - 23 May 2013

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JTattoo look-and-feel demo Wed, 20 Mar 2013 16:00:11 +0000 Related posts:
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Three years ago, I wrote an article about modifying Matlab’s look-and-feel (L&F, or LnF), using Java’s built-in support for replaceable LnFs. To date, that article has 27 comments by 13 different commenters (plus 20 responses by me), making it the second most active article on this website. I decided to follow up on that article with a demo that shows the effects that different L&Fs have on GUI controls, and a demonstration of the JTattoo library of professional L&Fs.

Today’s article and the demo are based on original work by Karthik Ponudurai, who has written a guest article here about an interesting technique to interface a Java GUI to a Matlab application, a couple of years ago.

Demo of using different Look-and-Feels in Matlab GUI

Demo of using different Look-and-Feels in Matlab GUI

JTattoo is a 3rd-party open-source library. The purpose of including it in the demo, in addition to its natural use as a professional set of L&Fs, is to demonstrate how easy it is to integrate 3rd-party L&Fs in Matlab. In the demo I use the current latest available JTattoo library (1.6.7), but you can always download the latest version and replace the JTattoo.jar file. JTattoo contains a large set of different L&Fs that can be used independently (screenshots). The nice thing about L&Fs is that since all Matlab GUI is based on Java Swing, the new L&Fs automatically affect Matlab controls just like native Java ones.

The demo can be downloaded from the Matlab File Exchange. After downloading, unzip it into any folder on your Matlab path and run JTattooDemo.m.

A Matlab figure is displayed with two panels, one containing Matlab uicontrols (within a simple uiflowcontainer) and the other containing Java components.

Two main menus are available: System enables selecting the standard Swing L&Fs that are installed on your system (this varies a bit between platforms and Matlab releases); JTattoo enables selecting one of the JTattoo L&Fs. Once the user selects any of the L&F menu items, the entire figure is updated. This is done by calling javax.swing.SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI() on the figure’s Java Frame‘s content pane. Both the Matlab and the Java controls within the figure are automatically updated by this Swing function to reflect the newly-selected L&F. Care is taken to update the L&F on the EDT, to prevent racing-condition issues.

It should be noted that the demo resets the L&F after updating the figure, otherwise any new figure or window would open using the newly-selected L&F. This is done in the updateInterface function as follows:

function updateInterface( lookandfeel )
    % Preserve the original L&F, before updating
    originalLnF = javax.swing.UIManager.getLookAndFeel;
    % Update the L&F in the demo figure as requested
    ... (all the existing code within the function)
    % Restore the original L&F for any new figure/window
end  % updateInterface

Note that after changing the L&Fs several times, some L&F properties night get “mixed-up” causing odd-looking L&Fs. The simplest solution in this case is to restart Matlab…

Matlab open training day (Israel) - click for details

Matlab open training day (Israel) - click for details

Readers in Israel are invited to attend a free training seminar that I will present on advanced Matlab topics in Herzliya, on Thursday April 4, 2013. The seminar is free, but requires registration. Additional details here. I will speak in Hebrew, but the presentation will be in English and I will be happy to answer questions in English.

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Disabling menu entries in deployed docked figures Wed, 14 Nov 2012 18:00:46 +0000 Related posts:
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Last week I presented an article explaining how to solve an issue with deployed (compiled) Matlab applications. Today I’d like to welcome guest blogger Alexander Mering, who will explain how to disable standard Matlab menu items in deployed docked Matlab figures. Alexander has been an avid follower of this blog, and from his CSSM posts we can tell that he’s been heavily using advanced GUI features presented in this blog. His article today nicely shows how we can use different building-blocks presented in different articles in this blog, to achieve something new and useful.

As Yair pointed out in many occasions, the power of Matlab could be greatly enhanced using the underlying Java mechanism. To me, while developing a larger standalone tool for technical calculations, these hints are worth a mint (as I guess for many of you).

One of these very useful hints is the ability to dock figure windows in standalone applications. This perfectly fits to my understanding of a “clean desktop”, i.e., having as less as possible separate windows. Since in many calculations dozens of figures are generated, the desktop gets up crowded very fast – if these are not grouped. So docking is essential (at least for me). Unfortunately there seems to be a serious problem with the resulting menu entries (at least in R2011b on Win XP), leading to a crash of the standalone application. Based on the posts by Yair, I will sketch a possible route to avoid this issue.

The symptom

In the compiled application, docking could be accomplished by accessing the figure frame’s underlying Java level:

% get java frame for sophisticated modifications
jframe = get(handle(figure_handle), 'JavaFrame');
% allow docking

Using this modification, the user is now allowed to dock and undock the figures manually. For initial docking of the figure,


could be used during figure creation. Unfortunately, there are menu entries in the Figures container which are either unwanted (since not usable) or even directly crash the standalone applications:

Useless Debug menu items in deployed applications

Useless Debug menu items in deployed applications

Menu items crashing deployed applications

Menu items crashing deployed applications

Since crashing menu entries will be found and used by end-users (though these are somehow hidden), these prohibit the usage of the docking feature as long as these could be invoked. So how can we disable / remove these menu items?

The unsuccessful solution

Unfortunately, the straight forward solution of getting the handle to the Figures containers’ menu bar and remove the unwanted items does not work. The reason for this is the (to me unexpected behavior) that the menu bar seems to be rebuilt whenever a figure is docked/undocked.

This is actually the same behavior that automatically rebuilds the Editor’s menu bar whenever an editor file is added/removed. The Editor container is basically the same docking container as the Figures container, as shown by Yair’s setFigDockGroup utility:

Docking a figure in the Editor container (group)

Docking a figure in the Editor container (group)

Therefore, removing unwanted menu items only helps until the next figure docking/undocking. To make it even worse: also pressing any of the buttons within the document bar (if having more than one figure) somehow rebuilds the entire menu structure, reverting our changes. So the solution becomes a bit more complex.

The working solution

For the working solution, many pieces presented by Yair should be put together. The first piece results from the question how to detect a dock/undock event. Since no such callback is defined, we need to use a property listener as Yair showed in his post about the continuous slider callback:

% listen to the WindowStyle property to detect docking / undocking events
hProp = findprop(handle(figure_handle),'WindowStyle');  % a schema.prop object
% if the event occurs, invoke the callback
hlistener = handle.listener(handle(figure_handle), hProp, 'PropertyPostSet',{@(source, event) Callback_DockingFcn});
% attach listener to the GUI since it needs to be known (as long as the figure exists)
setappdata(figure_handle, 'Handle_Listener', hlistener);

Now, whenever the figure’s WindowStyle property (which controls the docking state) is changed, our docking callback is invoked.

The next piece of the puzzle takes care of the menu rebuild whenever any document bar button is pressed. To overcome this behavior, the idea is to define the MousePressed callback of theses buttons to (again) invoke the docking callback. This is necessary for two reasons: First, pressing the button (i.e., changing the current figure) rebuilds the menu, overwriting our changed menu entries. Secondly, all other buttons are also somehow rebuilt and the callbacks are removed if a new figure is docked.

The handles to the document bar buttons could be found using Yair’s findjobj utility. We have already seen that the Editor container is analogous to the Figures docking container. So let’s use the method described by Yair for accessing the Editor container, to access the Figures container:

figures_container = javaObjectEDT(matlab_instance.getGroupContainer('Figures'));
figures_frame = javaObjectEDT(figures_container.getTopLevelAncestor);

Once we get the Java Frame for the Figures container, the buttons could be found by digging through its children. This finally allows to set the callback using

DTDocumentBar = javaObjectEDT(figures_frame.getRootPane.getLayeredPane.getComponent(1).getComponent(1).getComponent(0).getComponent(0).getComponent(1).getComponent(0));
ContentPanel = javaObjectEDT(DTDocumentBar.getComponent(0).getComponent(0).getViewport.getView);
if ~isempty(ContentPanel.getComponents) % less than two documents are open and no DTDocumentbar exists
    drawnow; pause(0.05)
    GroupPanel = javaObjectEDT(ContentPanel.getComponent(0));
    GroupPanel_Elements = javaObjectEDT(GroupPanel.getComponents);
    % change the MousePressed Callback for each of the buttons to invoke the function which disables the menu
    for n = 1 : GroupPanel.getComponentCount
        thisElement = GroupPanel_Elements(n);
        if isequal(char(thisElement.getClass.toString), 'class com.mathworks.widgets.desk.DTDocumentBar$DocumentButton')
            set(handle(thisElement, 'CallbackProperties'), 'MousePressedCallback', {@(source, event) Cbrake_Callback_Diagrams_DockingFcn})
    drawnow; pause(0.05)

where the loop runs through the current buttons in the document bar.

As the last step of our procedure, we finally remove (or disable) the menu entries which are unwanted. This is achieved by extracting the handle to the Figures menu by:

figures_menu = javaObjectEDT(figures_frame.getJMenuBar);

Running through the menu items, searching for the unwanted entries (as long as they have pre-defined menu-item names) at the end sets us into the position to take care of the menu items:

% run through top-level menu items
for n = 1 : figures_menu.getMenuCount
    % completely deactivate Debugging options
    if isequal(char(figures_menu.getMenu(n-1).getName), 'DesktopDebugMenu')
        DesktopDebugMenuPos = n - 1;
    % Remove some items from the Desktop menu
    if isequal(char(figures_menu.getMenu(n-1).getName), 'DesktopMenu')
        desktop_menu = javaObjectEDT(figures_menu.getMenu(n-1));
        DeletePos = [];
        for m = 1: desktop_menu.getMenuComponentCount
            if ismember({char(desktop_menu.getMenuComponent(m-1).getName)}, ...
                        {'ToggleFigure PaletteCheckBoxMenuItem', 'TogglePlot BrowserCheckBoxMenuItem', 'ToggleProperty EditorCheckBoxMenuItem'})
                DeletePos(end+1) = m - 1;
        for m = length(DeletePos) : -1 : 1
% finally remove the "Debug" menu
if ~isempty(DesktopDebugMenuPos)

Since this callback is invoked whenever a figure is docked/undocked, or the currently shown figure is changed (by pressing the document bar button), all unwanted menu items within the Figures menu could be removed.

As a result, the new Figures container menu looks like:

Deployed menu without unwanted items

Deployed menu without unwanted items


I must admit that above solution is still imperfect. For instance, sometimes there is a larger delay between the docking (or button press event) and the removing of the menu item. Nevertheless, this solution allows me to distribute my standalone with docked figures without having menu items directly leading to a fatal error.

Obviously, the solution has some positive side effects:

  • As could be seen from the screen shot, the Matlab desktop becomes available also within your compiled applications. This might be wanted. If not, it could be removed the same way as the other menu items. One drawback of making the desktop available should be mentioned: In my tests, the standalone Matlab desktop shows the whole list of recent files I have in the Matlab editor at compile time. This is somehow ugly but not that problematic.
  • Additional menu items could be added, giving more possibilities for modifications.

I have uploaded a first version of the docking and creation functions, together with a small test project, to the Matlab file Exchange. Readers are welcome to download the code and send me improvement suggestions. Or you could simply leave a comment below.

]]> 14
Customizing menu items part 3 Wed, 09 May 2012 18:00:05 +0000 Related posts:
  1. Customizing menu items part 2 Matlab menu items can be customized in a variety of useful ways using their underlying Java object. ...
  2. Blurred Matlab figure window Matlab figure windows can be blurred using a semi-transparent overlaid window - this article explains how...
  3. Minimize/maximize figure window Matlab figure windows can easily be maximized, minimized and restored using a bit of undocumented magic powder...
  4. Customizing figure toolbar background Setting the figure toolbar's background color can easily be done using just a tiny bit of Java magic powder. This article explains how. ...
In the past weeks I’ve shown how Matlab menus can be customized in a variety of undocumented manners, using HTML, pure Matlab, and Java. Today I conclude this mini-series with an article that explains how to use the underlying Java object to customize menu item icons. Menu customizations are explored in depth in section 4.6 of my book.

A reminder: accessing the underlying Java object

Matlab menus (uimenu) are basically simple wrappers for the much more powerful and flexible Java Swing JMenu and JMenuItem on which they are based. Many important functionalities that are available in Java menus are missing from the Matlab uimenus.

Getting the Java reference for the figure window’s main menu is very easy:

jFrame = get(handle(hFig),'JavaFrame');
    % R2008a and later
    jMenuBar = jFrame.fHG1Client.getMenuBar;
    % R2007b and earlier
    jMenuBar = jFrame.fFigureClient.getMenuBar;

There are many customizations that can only be done using the Java handle: setting icons, several dozen callback types, tooltips, background color, font, text alignment, and so on. etc. Interested readers may wish to get/set/inspect/methodsview/uiinspect the jSave reference handle and/or to read the documentation for JMenuItem. Today’s article will focus on icon customizations.

Setting simple menu item icons

Many of Matlab’s icons reside in either the [matlabroot ‘/toolbox/matlab/icons/’] folder or the [matlabroot ‘/java/jar/mwt.jar’] file (a JAR file is simply a zip file that includes Java classes and resources such as icon images). Let us create icons from the latter, to keep a consistent look-and-feel with the rest of Matlab (we could just as easily use our own external icon files):

% External icon file example
% JAR resource example
jarFile = fullfile(matlabroot,'/java/jar/mwt.jar');
iconsFolder = '/com/mathworks/mwt/resources/';
iconURI = ['jar:file:/' jarFile '!' iconsFolder 'save.gif'];
iconURI =;  % not necessary for external files

Note that setting a menu item’s icon automatically re-aligns all other items in the menu, including those that do not have an icon (an internal bug that was introduced in R2010a causes a misalignment, as shown below):

Menu item with a custom Icon (R2009b)

Menu item with a custom Icon (R2009b)

...and the same in R2010a onward

...and the same in R2010a onward

Checkmark icon

The empty space on the left of the menu is reserved for the check mark. Each Matlab menu item is check-able, since it is an object that extends the com.mathworks.mwswing.MJCheckBoxMenuItem class. I have not found a way to eliminate this empty space, which is really unnecessary in the File-menu case (it is only actually necessary in the View and Tools menus). Note that if an icon is set for the item, both the icon and the checkmark will be displayed, side by side.

The check mark is controlled by the State property of the Java object (which accepts logical true/false values), or the Checked property of the Matlab handle (which accepts the regular ‘on’/’off’ string values):

% Set the check mark at the Matlab level
set(findall(hFig,'tag','figMenuFileSave'), 'Checked','on');
% Equivalent - set the checkmark at the Java level

State = true, Icon = [ ]

State = true, Icon = [ ]

State = true, Icon = custom

State = true, Icon = custom

Customizing menu icons

Icons can be customized: modify the gap between the icon and the label with the IconTextGap property (default = 4 [pixels]); place icons to the right of the label by setting HorizontalTextPosition to jSave.LEFT (=2), or centered using jSave.CENTER (=0). Note that the above-mentioned misalignment bug does not appear in these cases:





Note how the label text can be seen through (or on top of) the icon when it is centered. This feature can be used to create stunning menu effects as shown below. Note how the width and height of the menu item automatically increased to accommodate my new 77×31 icon size (icons are normally sized 16×16 pixels):

Overlaid icon (HorizontalTextPosition = CENTER)

Overlaid icon (HorizontalTextPosition = CENTER)

To resize an icon programmatically before setting it in a Java component, we can use the following example:

myIcon = fullfile(matlabroot,'/toolbox/matlab/icons/matlabicon.gif');
imageToolkit = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit;
iconImage = imageToolkit.createImage(myIcon);
iconImage = iconImage.getScaledInstance(32,32,iconImage.SCALE_SMOOTH);

Remember when rescaling images, particularly small ones with few pixels, that it is always better to shrink than to enlarge images: enlarging a small icon image might introduce a significant pixelization effect:

16x16 icon image resized to 32x32

16x16 icon image resized to 32x32

Separate icons can be specified for a different appearance during mouse hover (RolloverIcon; requires RolloverEnabled=1), item click/press (PressedIcon), item selection (SelectedIcon, RolloverSelectedIcon, DisabledSelectedIcon), and disabled menu item (DisabledIcon). All these properties are empty ([]) by default, which applies a predefined default variation (image color filter) to the main item’s Icon. For example, let us modify DisabledIcon:

myIcon = 'C:\Yair\Undocumented Matlab\Images\save_disabled.gif';

Enabled, main Icon

Enabled, main Icon

Disabled, default Icon variation

Disabled, default Icon variation

Disabled, custom DisabledIcon

Disabled, custom DisabledIcon

Note the automatic graying of disabled menu items, including their icon. This effect can also be achieved programmatically using the static methods in com.mathworks.mwswing.IconUtils: changeIconColor(), createBadgedIcon(), createGhostedIcon(), and createSelectedIcon(). When we use a non-default custom DisabledIcon, it is used instead of the gray icon variant.

This concludes my mini-series of customizing menus in Matlab. If you have used any nifty customization that I have not mentioned, please post a comment about it below.

Ken & MikeIn an unrelated note, I would like to extend good wishes to Mike Katz, who has left the MathWorks mobile development team to join Kinvey a few days ago. Mike has been with MathWorks since 2005 and has been responsible for maintaining the official MATLAB Desktop blog, together with Ken Orr. I’m not sure yet which direction the Desktop blog will take, and by whom, but in any case it won’t be the same. You’re both missed, Mike & Ken!


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Customizing menu items part 2 Wed, 02 May 2012 11:57:38 +0000 Related posts:
  1. Customizing menu items part 3 Matlab menu items can easily display custom icons, using just a tiny bit of Java magic powder. ...
  2. Matlab and the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) The Java Swing Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) is very important for Matlab GUI timings. This article explains the potential pitfalls and their avoidance using undocumented Matlab functionality....
  3. Blurred Matlab figure window Matlab figure windows can be blurred using a semi-transparent overlaid window - this article explains how...
  4. Minimize/maximize figure window Matlab figure windows can easily be maximized, minimized and restored using a bit of undocumented magic powder...
Last week I explained how to customize Matlab’s menu items using some undocumented tricks that do not need Java. Today I will show how using just a tiny bit of Java magic powder we can add much more complex customizations to menu items. Menu customizations are explored in depth in section 4.6 of my book.

Accessing the underlying Java object

Matlab menus (uimenu) are basically simple wrappers for the much more powerful and flexible Java Swing JMenu and JMenuItem on which they are based. Many important functionalities that are available in Java menus are missing from the Matlab uimenus.

Getting the Java reference for the figure window’s main menu is very easy:

jFrame = get(handle(hFig),'JavaFrame');
    % R2008a and later
    jMenuBar = jFrame.fHG1Client.getMenuBar;
    % R2007b and earlier
    jMenuBar = jFrame.fFigureClient.getMenuBar;

Note that we have used the figure handle’s hidden JavaFrame property, accessed through the reference’s handle() wrapper, to prevent an annoying warning message.

There are many customizations that can only be done using the Java handle: setting icons, several dozen callback types, tooltips, background color, font, text alignment, and so on. etc. Interested readers may wish to get/set/inspect/methodsview/uiinspect the jSave reference handle and/or to read the documentation for JMenuItem. Some useful examples are provided below.

Dynamic menu behavior

As a first example of Java-based customization, let us add DHTML-like behavior to the menu, such that the menu items will automatically be displayed when the mouse hovers over the item, without waiting for a user mouse click. First, get the jMenuBar reference as described above. Now, set the MouseEnteredCallback to automatically simulate a user mouse click on each menu item using its doClick() method. Setting the callback should be done separately to each of the top-level menu components:

for menuIdx = 1 : jMenuBar.getComponentCount
    jMenu = jMenuBar.getComponent(menuIdx-1);
    hjMenu = handle(jMenu,'CallbackProperties');

Note that using this mechanism may be awkward if the top-level menu does not have a sub-menu but is rather a stand-alone menu item. For example, if the top-level menu-item “Help” is a stand-alone menu button (i.e., there are no help menu-items, just the single Help item), then moving the mouse over this item will trigger the help event, although the user did not actually click on the item. To prevent this behavior, we should modify the code snippet above to only work on those menu items that have sub-items.

Custom accelerator shortcut keys

As another example, Matlab automatically assigns a non-modifiable keyboard accelerator key modifier of , while JMenus allow any combination of Alt/Ctrl/Shift/Meta (depending on the platform). Let us modify the default File/Save accelerator key from ‘Ctrl-S’ to ‘Alt-Shift-S’ as an example. We need a reference for the “Save” menu item. Note that unlike regular Java components, menu items are retrieved using the getMenuComponent() method and not getComponent():

% File main menu is the first main menu item => index=0
jFileMenu = jMenuBar.getComponent(0);
% Save menu item is the 5th menu item (separators included)
jSave = jFileMenu.getMenuComponent(4); %Java indexes start with 0!
inspect(jSave) 	% just to be sure: label='Save' => good!
% Finally, set a new accelerator key for this menu item:
jAccelerator = javax.swing.KeyStroke.getKeyStroke('alt shift S');

That is all there is to it – the label is modified automatically to reflect the new keyboard accelerator key. More info on setting different combinations of accelerator keys and modifiers can be found in the official Java documentation for KeyStroke.

Modification of menu item accelerator and tooltip

Modification of menu item accelerator and tooltip

Note that the Save menu-item reference can only be retrieved after opening the File menu at least once earlier; otherwise, an exception will be thrown when trying to access the menu item. The File menu does NOT need to remain open – it only needs to have been opened sometime earlier, for its menu items to be rendered. This can be done either interactively (by selecting the File menu) or programmatically:

% Simulate mouse clicks to force the File main-menu to open & close
jFileMenu.doClick; % open the File menu
jFileMenu.doClick; % close the menu
% Now the Save menu is accessible:
jSave = jFileMenu.getMenuComponent(4);

Tooltip and highlight

For some unknown reason, MathWorks did not include a tooltip property in its Matlab menu handle, contrary to all the other Matlab GUI components. So we must use the Java handle, specifically the ToolTipText property:

jSave.setToolTipText('modified menu item with tooltip');

Java menu items also contain a property called Armed, which is a logical value (default=false). When turned on, the menu item is highlighted just as when it is selected (see the Save As… menu item in the screenshot above). On a Windows system, this means a blue background:


When the item is actually selected and then de-selected, Armed reverts to a false (off) value. Alternating the Armed property value can achieve an effect of flashing the menu item.


In addition to the standard Swing control callbacks discussed in an earlier article, menu items possess several additional callbacks that are specific to menu items, including:

  • ActionPerformedCallback – fired when the menu item is invoked
  • StateChangedCallback – fired when the menu item is selected or deselected
  • MenuDragMouseXXXCallback (XXX=Dragged/Entered/Exited/Released) – fired when the menu item is dragged, for the corresponding event
  • MenuKeyXXXCallback (XXX=Pressed/Released/Typed) – fired when a keyboard click event occurs (the menu item’s accelerator was typed)

Using these callbacks, together with the 30-odd standard Swing callbacks, we can control our menu’s behavior to a much higher degree than possible using the standard Matlab handle.

Next week, I will conclude this mini-series with an article explaining how to customize menu item icons.

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Docking figures in compiled applications Wed, 15 Jun 2011 18:00:56 +0000 Related posts:
  1. Disabling menu entries in deployed docked figures Matlab's standard menu items can and should be removed from deployed docked figures. This article explains how. ...
  2. FindJObj – find a Matlab component’s underlying Java object The FindJObj utility can be used to access and display the internal components of Matlab controls and containers. This article explains its uses and inner mechanism....
  3. Frameless (undecorated) figure windows Matlab figure windows can be made undecorated (borderless, title-less). ...
  4. Figure window customizations Matlab figure windows can be customized in numerous manners using the underlying Java Frame reference. ...
Up until Matlab release R2008a, the Matlab compiler enabled compiled Matlab applications to have dockable figure windows, which docked into a “Figures” container. Starting with R2008a, the compiler removed the figure’s docking capability and figures can no longer be docked.

Well, at least not officially :-)

The following trick restores the docking controls to figures in R2008a-compiled applications, enabling figure docking. Simply add one or both of the following alternatives in your application, after the figure has been created:

% Alternative #1 - uses pure Matlab
set(hFig, 'DockControls', 'on');
% Alternative #2 - uses the underlying Java frame
jFrame = get(handle(hFig), 'JavaFrame');
   % This works up to R2011a
   % This works from R2008b and up

where hFig is the figure handle. This will have no effect for the regular interpreted (non-compiled) run of the application, where these controls are ‘on’ by default. But in the compiled application, although it may erroneously report that the controls are ‘on’, they are in fact ‘off’, so turning them ‘on’ fixes the problem.

Matlab figure docking control

Matlab figure docking control

Note: the two variants in alternative #2 above are actually identical, it is simply that the relevant field name has changed: Up to R2008a, only the fFigureClient existed; in R2008b, the fHG1Client field was added, which was simply an alias for fFigureClient, holding the same reference handle, so either of these fields could be used (a corresponding fHG2Client was also added – more on HG1 and HG2 here). In R2011b (at least the pre-release), the fFigureClient alias field was dropped and only fHG1Client remained. While the field name has changed, the underlying docking functionality appears to have remained stable over all these releases. For the record, in answer to a user question below, these fields can be listed using the built in fieldnames function:

% R2008b - R2011a:
>> fieldnames(jFrame)
ans = 

I was reminded of this trick by Aurélien’s recent comment, where he mentions MathWorks so-called workaround for this problem, which (IMHO) is really not a work-around at all: MathWorks advises to modify our application to use – would you believe this – tabbed panels to “dock” the separate figures contents onto separate panels. Not to mention the fact that this so-called “solution” relies on undocumented and unsupported Matlab functionality (that of tabbed-panels) and requires major rework of existing applications, it also results in far inferior look-and-feel than simple docking as G-d intended…

Since I have demonstrated above that the docking functionality actually exists in compiled apps just as in the interpreted m-file apps, I do not understand why MathWorks took such great pains to prevent this important functionality in the compiler. There must be some important reason for this, but I cannot think of any. Perhaps if there is enough public demand, MathWorks will agree to return the docking functionality.

Unfortunately, I recently discovered that in the most recent compiler, that ships with R2011a, alternative #1 above (which uses pure Matlab) no longer works. Sometime between R2008a and R2011a MathWorks discovered my first back-door and closed it. Such a pity…

Luckily, alternative #2 (which uses the underlying Java frame object) seems to still work, even on R2011a.

I still haven’t tested this on R2011b’s compiler (whose pre-release has become available for download yesterday), but hopefully the trick above will continue to work on R2011b and on subsequent releases – please tell me if you find out otherwise.

Addendum: Since 2013, possibly as a direct result of this post, MathWorks have prevented this workaround. MathWorks officially states that docking figures is not possible in deployed applications. I do not know the reason for this, and I have still not discovered if another workaround for this annoying limitation is possible.

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Minimize/maximize figure window Wed, 18 May 2011 23:08:07 +0000 Related posts:
  1. Detecting window focus events Matlab does not have any documented method to detect window focus events (gain/loss). This article describes an undocumented way to detect such events....
  2. Enable/disable entire figure window Disabling/enabling an entire figure window is impossible with pure Matlab, but is very simple using the underlying Java. This article explains how....
  3. Transparent Matlab figure window Matlab figure windows can be made fully or partially transparent/translucent or blurred - this article explains how...
  4. Blurred Matlab figure window Matlab figure windows can be blurred using a semi-transparent overlaid window - this article explains how...
Over the past couple of years, I posted several articles using the JavaFrame property of the figure handle, which enables access to the GUI’s underlying Java peer object. Today, I show how using JavaFrame we can solve a very frequent user request on the Matlab CSSM forum.

The problem

Matlab figures can be maximized, minimized and restored by interactively clicking the corresponding icon (or menu item) on the figure window’s frame (the title bar). However, we often need to create maximized main-application windows, and wish to save the users the need to manually maximize the window. Moreover, we may sometimes even wish to prevent users from resizing a maximized main window.

Unfortunately, Matlab does not contain any documented or supported way to programmatically maximize, minimize or restore a figure window.

This is very strange considering the fact that these are such elementary figure operations. Moreover, these operations are supported internally (and have been for many releases already), as shown below. It is therefore difficult for me to understand why they were not added to the documented Matlab HG wrapper functionality a long time ago. I fail to understand why obscure features such as docking were added to the wrapper, but standard minimization and maximization were not.


Several solutions have been presented to this problem over the years. Let us start with the pressing question of figure maximization:

Solutions that rely on documented Matlab features tend to compute the available screen size and resize the figure accordingly. The result is lacking in many respects: it does not account for the taskbar (neither in size nor in location, which is not necessarily at the bottom of the screen); it does not remove the window border as in regular maximized figures; and it often ignores extended desktops (i.e. an attached additional monitor).

The solutions that do work properly all rely on undocumented features: Some use platform-specific native Windows API in a mex-file (Jan Simon’s recent WindowAPI submission really pushes the limit in this and other regards). Alternately, we can easily use the platform-independent JavaFrame:

>> jFrame = get(handle(gcf),'JavaFrame')
jFrame =
>> jFrame.setMaximized(true);   % to maximize the figure
>> jFrame.setMaximized(false);  % to un-maximize the figure


To the best of my knowledge, there are no solutions for minimizing figure windows that use documented Matlab features. Again, this can be done using either native Windows API, or the platform-independent JavaFrame:

>> jFrame.setMinimized(true);   % to minimize the figure
>> jFrame.setMinimized(false);  % to un-minimize the figure

Usage notes

Maximized and Minimized are mutually-exclusive, meaning that no more than one of them can be 1 (or true) at any time. This is automatically handled – users only need to be aware that a situation in which a window is both maximized and minimized at the same time is impossible (duh!).

There are several equivalent manners of setting jFrame‘s Maximized and Minimized property values, and your choice may simply be a matter of aesthetics and personal taste:

% Three alternative possibilities of setting Maximized:
set(jFrame,'Maximized',true);   % note interchangeable 1< =>true, 0< =>false
jFrame.handle.Maximized = 1;

jFrame follows Java convention: the accessor method that retrieves boolean values is called is<Propname>() instead of get<Propname>. In our case: isMaximized() and isMinimized():

flag = jFrame.isMinimized;        % Note: isMinimized, not getMinimized
flag = get(jFrame,'Minimized');
flag = jFrame.handle.Minimized;

In some old Matlab releases, jFrame did not possess the Maximized and Minimized properties, and their associated accessor methods. In this case, use the internal FrameProxy which has always contained them:

>> jFrameProxy = jFrame.fFigureClient.getWindow() 
jFrameProxy =
com.mathworks.hg.peer.FigureFrameProxy$FigureFrame[fClientProxyFrame,227,25,568x502,invalid,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,title=Figure 1,resizable,normal,defaultCloseOperation=DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE,...]
>> % Three alternative possibilities of setting Minimized:
>> jFrameProxy.setMinimized(true);
>> set(jFrameProxy,'Minimized',true);
>> jFrameProxy.handle.Minimized = true;

Using FrameProxy for figure minimization and maximization works correctly on both old and new Matlab releases; using jFrame is slightly simpler but only works on recent Matlab releases. Depending on your needs you may choose to use either of these. They are entirely equivalent.

When either the Maximized or Minimized properties are changed back to false, the window is restored to regular mode, which is the FrameProxy‘s RestoredLocation and RestoredSize.

Use of the JavaFrame property

Note that all this relies on the undocumented hidden figure property JavaFrame, which issues a standing warning (since Matlab release R2008a) of becoming obsolete in some future Matlab release (HG2?):

>> jFrame = get(gcf,'JavaFrame')
Warning: figure JavaFrame property will be obsoleted in a future release.
For more information see the JavaFrame resource on the MathWorks web site.
(Type "warning off MATLAB:HandleGraphics:ObsoletedProperty:JavaFrame" to suppress this warning.) 

jFrame =

To remove the above warning I have used (note the handle wrapper, as suggested by Donn Shull):

jFrame = get(handle(gcf),'JavaFrame')

If and when JavaFrame does become obsolete in some future Matlab version, be sure to look in this blog for workarounds.

You may also wish to inform MathWorks on the dedicated webpage that they have set up for specifically this reason (, how you are using JavaFrame and why it is important for you. This may help them to decide whether to keep JavaFrame or possibly add the functionality using other means.

Do you have a smart use for the figure’s minimization or maximization feature? or another use for JavaFrame? If so, please share your ideas in a comment below.

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Blurred Matlab figure window Wed, 20 Apr 2011 18:58:12 +0000 Related posts:
  1. Minimize/maximize figure window Matlab figure windows can easily be maximized, minimized and restored using a bit of undocumented magic powder...
  2. FindJObj – find a Matlab component’s underlying Java object The FindJObj utility can be used to access and display the internal components of Matlab controls and containers. This article explains its uses and inner mechanism....
  3. Customizing menu items part 2 Matlab menu items can be customized in a variety of useful ways using their underlying Java object. ...
  4. Customizing menu items part 3 Matlab menu items can easily display custom icons, using just a tiny bit of Java magic powder. ...
Following my post two weeks ago about disabling an entire Matlab figure window, and my article last week about setting the transparency of a figure window, I would like to combine these two functionalities into a blurred-window effect for a disabled window.

The basic idea

The basic idea, as reader Mory pointed out in a comment, is to overlay a semi-transparent empty figure window, having just the right size and position, on top of the main (disabled) figure window:

Main (unblurred) window + Semi-transparent window = Blurred window effect

Main (unblurred) window + semi-transparent window = blurred window effect

In addition to ensuring the correct figure size and position, there are several other things we should care for: We need to synchronize the figure/blurring color, menubar/toolbar, and title. We also need to handle docking, resizing and figure movement. Finally we need to connect the two figures so that whenever one is closed then so is the other.


My blurFigure utility on the Matlab File Exchange attempts to handle all these setups for the user. The utility is quite simple to use:

blurFigure(hFig) blurs figure hFig and prevents interaction with it. The only interaction possible is with user-created controls on the blurring panel (see below).

hFigBlur = blurFigure(hFig) returns the overlaid blurred figure pane. This is useful to present a progress bar or other GUI controls, for user interaction during the blur phase (see the demo below).

blurFigure(hFig,STATE) sets the blur status of figure hFig to STATE, where state is ‘on’,’off’,true or false (default=’on’/true). blurFigure(hFig,’on’) or blurFigure(hFig,true) is the same as: blurFigure(hFig); blurFigure(hFig,’off’) or blurFigure(hFig,false) is the same as: close(hFigBlur).

blurFigure(‘demo’) displays a simple demo of the blurring. In fact, this runs the following simple code:

% Create the main (blurred) figure window
hFigMain = figure;
% Display some GUI controls in the main window
try oldWarn = warning('off','MATLAB:uitree:MigratingFunction'); catch, end
hTree = uitree('root','c:\');
try hTree.getTree.expandRow(0); catch, end
try warning(oldWarn); catch, end
uicontrol('string','click me!', 'units','pixel', 'pos',[300,50,100,20]);
axes('parent',gcf, 'units','pixel', 'pos',[230,100,300,300]);
set(gcf,'ToolBar','figure');  % restore the toolbar that was removed by the uicontrol() call above
% Call blurFigure() to add a semi-transparent overlaid window
hFigBlurTemp = blurFigure(hFigMain);
% Add some non-blurred controls on top of the blur
uicontrol('parent',hFigBlurTemp, 'style','text', 'units','pixel', 'pos',[130,85,390,80], ...
          'string','Processing - please wait...', 'FontSize',12, 'FontWeight','bold','Fore','red','Back','yellow');
jProgressBar = javacomponent('javax.swing.JProgressBar', [180,115,310,20], hFigBlurTemp);
uicontrol('parent',hFigBlurTemp, 'string','Cancel', 'pos',[280,90,100,20], 'Callback','close(gcbf)');

Non-blurred controls displayed over a blurred figure window

Non-blurred controls displayed over a blurred figure window

Do you have some other interesting uses for window transparency in Matlab? If so, please share your thought in a comment.

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Transparent Matlab figure window Wed, 13 Apr 2011 23:22:38 +0000 Related posts:
  1. Detecting window focus events Matlab does not have any documented method to detect window focus events (gain/loss). This article describes an undocumented way to detect such events....
  2. Enable/disable entire figure window Disabling/enabling an entire figure window is impossible with pure Matlab, but is very simple using the underlying Java. This article explains how....
  3. Minimize/maximize figure window Matlab figure windows can easily be maximized, minimized and restored using a bit of undocumented magic powder...
  4. Setting status-bar text The Matlab desktop and figure windows have a usable statusbar which can only be set using undocumented methods. This post shows how to set the status-bar text....
Every now and then, a user asks whether it is possible to make an entire Matlab window transparent (example). This could be used, for example, for window fade-in/fade-out effects. The short answer is that there is no supported way of doing this with pure documented Matlab, but it is trivially easy to achieve using just a bit of Java magic powder (surprise, surprise).

Matlab figure window transparency

Following an idea I got from Malcolm Lidierth’s MUtilities submission on the Matlab File Exchange, the solution for setting Matlab figure window transparency is quite simple: Get the figure’s underlying Java window reference handle, as in last week’s article. Then use Java’s setWindowOpacity method to set the window’s transparency value. Actually, setWindowOpacity sets the opacity level, rather than transparency, but they are obviously complementary and I personally find “transparency” to be more easily understandable.

By default, windows are created with an opacity of 1.0 (= not transparent). They can be set to any floating-point value between 0.0-1.0, where an opacity of 0.0 means full transparency, and any value in between means partial transparency (i.e., translucency):

jFigPeer = get(handle(gcf),'JavaFrame');
jWindow = jFigPeer.fFigureClient.getWindow;

Semi-transparent (translucent) Matlab figure (click to enlarge)

Semi-transparent (translucent) Matlab figure (click to enlarge)

Similarly, you can set the entire Matlab Desktop’s transparency/opacity value:

jDesktop = com.mathworks.mde.desk.MLDesktop.getInstance.getMainFrame;
com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities.setWindowOpacity(jDesktop, 0.8);

Note that the com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities class also enables other GUI effects that would make a Matlab GUI developer’s mouth to start drooling: shaped windows, per-pixel transparency values, mirroring/reflection, window shadows, gradients etc. Perhaps I’ll explore their adaptation for Matlab figures someday.

Fade-in / fade-out

Window fade-in/fade-out effects can easily be achieved using transparency: Simply invoke the setWindowOpacity method several times, with progressively higher or lower values. This is easily done in a simple blocking loop. For example, to fade-out a window:

for stepIdx = 1 : 5
   newAlpha = 1.0 - 0.2*stepIdx;
   pause(0.2);  % seconds

Gradual window fade-out

Gradual window fade-out

A more general example dynamically computes the opacity step size/duration and also enables non-blocking fade effects using an asynchronous timer:

% Compute the required opacity-setting steps
fadeDuration = 1.5;  % seconds
oldAlpha = com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities.getWindowOpacity(jWindow);
newAlpha = 0.0;
deltaAlpha = newAlpha - oldAlpha;
maxStepAlpha = 0.03;
steps = fix(abs(deltaAlpha) / maxStepAlpha) + 1;
stepAlpha = deltaAlpha / steps;
stepDuration = fadeDuration / (steps-1);
% If blocking, do the fade effect immediately
if blockingFlag || steps==1
   for stepIdx = 1 : steps
      newAlpha = oldAlpha + stepAlpha*stepIdx;
      if stepIdx < steps,  pause(stepDuration);  end
   % non-blocking: fade in/out asynchronously using a dedicated timer
   start(timer('ExecutionMode','fixedRate', 'Period',0.1, 'TasksToExecute',steps, ...
               'TimerFcn', {@timerFcn,jWindow,oldAlpha,stepAlpha}));
% Timer function for non-blocking fade-in/fade-out effect
function timerFcn(hTimer,eventData,jFrame,currentAlpha,stepAlpha)  %#ok<INUSL> eventData
  stepIdx = hTimer.TasksExecuted;
  newAlpha = currentAlpha + stepAlpha*stepIdx;
  if stepIdx == hTimer.TasksToExecute
end  % timerFcn

Of course, you can also fade-in/out to intermediate values such as 0.3 or 0.8. If you fade-out completely (i.e., to a value of 0.0), it might be a good idea to actually close the figure window once it gets the totally-transparent value of 0.0.

I’ve prepared a Matlab utility that contains all these options, including optional blocking/non-blocking fade effects, in my setFigTransparency utility, which is available for download on the Matlab File Exchange. You may also wish to use Malcolm Lidierth’s MUtilities, which also has similar functionalities (plus some other goodies).


Setting a figure window’s transparency requires using Java Run-time Engine (JRE) 1.6.0_10 (also called “Java 6 update 10”) or higher. This means that it’s supported on Matlab release 7.9 (R2009b) and higher by default, and on earlier releases using a JRE retrofit.

If you are using an earlier Matlab release, consider a retrofit of JRE 1.6.0_10 or any later version (e.g., the latest available version today is 1.6 update 24). The JRE can be downloaded from here, and you can configure Matlab to use it according to the instructions here. As noted, Matlab R2009b (7.9) and onward, at least on Microsoft Windows, pre-bundle a JRE version that does support transparency/opacity and so do not require a retrofit.

You can check your current Java version in Matlab as follows:

>> version -java
ans =
Java 1.6.0_17-b04 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM mixed mode

Unfortunately, Matlab plot axes cannot be made transparent. If you have any axes in your GUI, the axes area will simply appear as a shaded axes, whose intensity depends on the selected alpha (transparency) value; the contents beneath the window will not be merged in the axes area as it is in the non-axes areas.

Finally, note that com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities is itself an undocumented Java class. It is bundled with the standard Java release since 2008 (1.6.0_10), and yet is not part of the official release because its API has not yet settled. In fact, in the upcoming Java 7 release, which is expected in a few months, and which I expect to be available in Matlab sometime in 2012, the set of transparency/opacity methods have migrated to the fully-documented java.awt.Window class.

Blurred figure window

So here’s a riddle for you: using figure window transparency, can you guess how to make a Matlab figure appear blurred for disabled figures (see the screenshot there)? There are several possible ways to do this – can you find the simplest? The first one to post a comment with a correct answer gets a smiley… My answer will appear in next week’s article.

Upgraded website

Also, did you notice my new website design? It’s supposed to be much more readable (yes – also on Android…). It now also runs on a multi-server cloud, which means more stability and faster response times. Do you like the new design? hate it? I would love to hear your feedback via comment or email.

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Enable/disable entire figure window Wed, 06 Apr 2011 18:00:20 +0000 Related posts:
  1. Detecting window focus events Matlab does not have any documented method to detect window focus events (gain/loss). This article describes an undocumented way to detect such events....
  2. Transparent Matlab figure window Matlab figure windows can be made fully or partially transparent/translucent or blurred - this article explains how...
  3. Minimize/maximize figure window Matlab figure windows can easily be maximized, minimized and restored using a bit of undocumented magic powder...
  4. Setting status-bar text The Matlab desktop and figure windows have a usable statusbar which can only be set using undocumented methods. This post shows how to set the status-bar text....
Some time ago, a reader on the CSSM newsgroup asked whether it is possible to disable an entire figure window while some processing is taking place. Last week, Mike posted an article about the built-in functions uiwait and uiresume on MathWork’s Matlab Desktop blog, which more-or-less answers this need. Today I will expand the answer based on several undocumented/unsupported mechanisms.

Uiwait and uiresume

We start with a short review of the supported mechanism: We can use the built-in uiwait function to suspend Matlab processing until either the specified handle (typically a figure handle) is deleted/closed, a user callback programmatically calls uiresume, or Ctrl-C is pressed. A short example, adapted from uiwait‘s help section (the official help section has a bug, so if anyone reads this at TMW, please fix):

h = uicontrol('Position', [20 20 200 40], 'String', 'Continue', 'Callback', 'uiresume(gcbf)');
f = gcf;
disp('This will print immediately');
disp('This will print after you click Continue or close the window');
% Close the figure (use try-catch in case f is already closed)
try close(f); catch, end

Unfortunately, the side effect is that uiwait blocks the regular (non-callback’ed) processing until the lock is released. This is great for simple cases where we require a user to respond to a popup window (e.g., message-box or input dialog) before being allowed to proceed. In more complex situations we may wish to suspend interaction on certain figure windows while continuing to process Matlab functionality – this is impossible to do using uiwait.

Matlab does not have any documented way to disable an entire figure window. You can set the figure’s WindowStyle property to ‘modal’ but this is not the same: (1) it removes the toolbar and menu-bar (2) it still enables interaction with all the figure’s GUI controls and (3) it prevents access to any other Matlab window or desktop until the modal figure is closed. This is certainly NOT what we need.

Of course, we could always loop over all the relevant GUI handles and set their Enable property to ‘inactive’ or ‘off’. But this is tedious, lengthy, and in complex GUIs that have multiple layers of nested panels, it also requires careful recursive programming. We also need to take care to disable hidden handles, toolbars, menu-bars, context-menus, Java components – all these have different ways of being accessed and disabled. And once we uiresume from the lock, we need to remember each handle’s pre-uiwait state, so that if it was disabled before the call to uiwait, it will remain so after uiresume. In short, this is not a trivial exercise at all.

Uisuspend and uirestore

To complicate things, the fully-documented and supported uiwait and uiresume functions have the semi-documented unsupported built-in counterparts uisuspend and uirestore, which are very similar in functionality and name. It is important not to confuse between these two function sets, and most importantly, not to confuse between uiresume and uirestore after using their counterparts earlier in the code – odd things might happen if you do…

Hopefully, in a nearby Matlab release these inconsistencies between the two function sets will disappear and they will be merged, because the current situation is prone to errors and confusion. For backward compatibility considerations, I hope that uisuspend and uirestore would not be discontinued but rather be modified to simply call uiwait and uiresume.

Note that in Matlab releases up to R2010b, uirestore had a minor bug in that it overwrites the figure’s WindowScrollWheelFcn callback with the WindowKeyPressFcn value. This bug was finally fixed in R2011a.

How to enable/disable a figure window

So going back to the main question, we want to find a way to disable an entire figure window, in one simple stroke, and without blocking the Matlab processing.

As usual, we turn to Java and the solution is trivially simple:

First, get the figure window’s underlying Java reference. Note that we need the top-level container reference, rather than the proxy peer handle returned by the JavaFrame hidden property:

>> jFigPeer = get(handle(gcf),'JavaFrame')
jFigPeer =
>> jWindow = jFigPeer.fFigureClient.getWindow
ans =

Now remember that all Java GUI components (on which Matlab GUI is based) contain an Enabled property. So, simply set this property on the jWindow reference to true or false:

jWindow.setEnabled(false);  % or true
% an equivalent alternative
set(handle(jWindow),'Enabled',false)  % or true

By the way, if you only need to disable the figure’s content area (i.e., not the toolbar and menu bar), simply use a different reference handle:

jFigPeer.getFigurePanelContainer.setEnabled(false);  % or true


  • While the window looks the same when it is disabled, in reality none of its GUI elements can be clicked or activated (try it!). If you also want the figure to appear blurred you could try using something like a JXLayer semi-translucent glass pane.
  • The Java components’ property is called Enabled, not Enable as in pure-Matlab Handle-Graphics controls. Also, the Java property expects true/false (or 0/1), rather than Matlab’s ‘on’/’off’ (there are some fine details here that are release-specific so I will skip them)
  • For docked windows the top-level window is the figure’s group container window or the desktop window, which we do not want to disable. Detecting this is easy (check whether the figure’s WindowStyle is ‘docked’), and in such cases simply disable/enable the figure’s content area as shown above.

Use of the JavaFrame property

Note that all this relies on the undocumented hidden figure property JavaFrame, which issues a standing warning (since Matlab release R2008a) of becoming obsolete in some future Matlab release (HG2?):

>> jFigPeer = get(gcf,'JavaFrame')
Warning: figure JavaFrame property will be obsoleted in a future release.
For more information see the JavaFrame resource on the MathWorks web site.
(Type "warning off MATLAB:HandleGraphics:ObsoletedProperty:JavaFrame"
to suppress this warning.) 

jFigPeer =

To remove the above warning I have used (note the handle wrapper, as suggested by Donn Shull):

jFigPeer = get(handle(gcf),'JavaFrame')

If and when JavaFrame does become obsolete in some future Matlab version, be sure to look in this blog for workarounds.

You may also wish to inform MathWorks on the dedicated webpage that they have set up for specifically this reason (, how you are using JavaFrame and why it is important for you. This may help them to decide whether to keep JavaFrame or possibly add the functionality using other means.

The enableDisableFig utility

In 2007, I created the enableDisableFig utility that wraps the above code in an easy-to-use Matlab utility that I have uploaded to the File Exchange.

enableDisableFig returns the current state of the specified figure handle (or gcf if no handle is specified), and optionally sets the figure’s enabled/disabled state to a new value (‘on’,’off’, true or false):

>> oldState = enableDisableFig(gcf, 'on')
oldState =
>> enableDisableFig(oldState);
>> enableDisableFig(true);  % an alternative

enableDisableFig also provides some sanity checks and error handling that should always appear in any real-world application. In this blog I generally tend to provide only bare-bones code snippets (as above). But in any respected application we must check the validity of input arguments and return values, catch run-time errors, compensate for incompatibilities with older Matlab release and so on. Take a look at enableDisableFig‘s source code to see how I have done this.

Visual aid

When any GUI control is disabled, the accepted convention is to shade it in a gray color as a visual aid to the user that the control is currently disabled. This is automatically done by Matlab when any control’s Enable property is set to ‘off’. In our case, it would be very helpful to display a similar blurring effect for the disabled figure window.

Would you be very surprised if I told you that this is impossible to do with regular Matlab, but trivially easy to achieve using a tiny bit of Java magic powder? I’ll expand on this in my next post, but here’s something to keep you waiting:

A blurred disabled figure

A blurred disabled figure

Server upgrade

This weekend (9-10 April, 2011) I plan to upgrade the website. This will entail moving to a different webserver, database, upgraded blogging application, new design etc. This site may be down or “goofy” for quite a few hours. Hopefully all will be back to normal by Monday and I hope you will like the new design.

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FindJObj – find a Matlab component’s underlying Java object Wed, 06 Jan 2010 21:06:33 +0000 Related posts:
  1. FindJObj GUI – display container hierarchy The FindJObj utility can be used to present a GUI that displays a Matlab container's internal Java components, properties and callbacks....
  2. Faster findjobj the ubiquitous findjobj utility has been significantly improved for speed for the most common use case. ...
  3. Matlab and the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) The Java Swing Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) is very important for Matlab GUI timings. This article explains the potential pitfalls and their avoidance using undocumented Matlab functionality....
  4. Frameless (undecorated) figure windows Matlab figure windows can be made undecorated (borderless, title-less). ...
In a previous post, I explained that all Matlab GUI (except the axes plotting engine) is based on Java components, and showed how we can use this information to display HTML contents in Matlab uicontrols. In other posts, I have shown how a utility called findjobj can be used to access the underlying Java components to enable customizations that are unavailable in standard Matlab: setting the line location in an edit-box, customizing button appearance, setting uicontrol callbacks, or setting list-box mouse actions. I have also shown how findjobj can be used to display the component hierarchy of complex Matlab containers such as the figure window, GUIDE or the Editor.

The time is therefore well overdue for a formal introduction of findjobj, explaining its uses and internal mechanism. Of course, readers are welcome to continue using findjobj as a black-box utility, but I think important insight can be gained from understanding its inner details. Findjobj‘s code is available for free download on the MathWorks File Exchange. It is one of my favorite submissions and is apparently well-liked by users, being highly reviewed and highly downloaded.

Findjobj has two main purposes:

  1. Find the underlying Java object reference of a given Matlab handle – Historically this was the original purpose, hence the utility’s name. Findjobj was meant to extend Matlab’s standard findobj function, which does not expose Java components.
  2. Display a container’s internal components hierarchy in a graphical user interface, to facilitate visualization of complex containers. This was later extended to also display and allow modification of the sub-components’ properties and callbacks.

Today I will focus on the first (programmatic) aspect; next week I will describe the second (GUI) aspect.

Findjobj‘s heart is finding a control’s underlying Java handle. Unfortunately, this is not exposed by Matlab except in very rare cases. As hard as I tried, I could not find a way to directly access the underlying Java-peer handle. I therefore resorted to getting the control’s enclosing Java frame (window) reference, and then working down its sub-components hierarchy until finding the Java object(s) which satisfy the position and/or class criteria. To get the enclosing Java frame (aka TopLevelAncestor), I use the Matlab figure’s undocumented JavaFrame property. Using this property issues a standard warning (since Matlab release R2008a) of becoming obsolete in some future Matlab release. Since it worked so far, I have turned off this warning in findjobj‘s code, but note that this code may well fail in some future Matlab version. If and when JavaFrame does become obsolete, be sure to look in this blog for workarounds…

Traversing the frame’s hierarchy presents several challenges: Main-menu items are accessed using different functions than other Swing components or sub-containers, and are not automatically accessible until first displayed. I have overcome this latter challenge by simulating a menu-open action in case menus should be searched (this is off by default since it takes several seconds and also changes the GUI focus). For “regular” sub-containers, sometimes we need to loop over getComponent(…) and in some other cases over getChildAt(…).

Another challenge was presented by the fact that Java positions start at (0,0) in the top left corner increasing rightward and downward, rather than starting at (1,1) in the bottom left and increasing upward as in Matlab. Moreover, Java positions are always pixel-based and relative to their parent container, which is different from Matlab (if the Matlab units is ‘pixels’ then the value is absolute; if ‘normalized’ then it returns a non-pixel value). To further complicate matters, some Matlab controls have a different size than their Java counterparts: some controls have a 5-pixel margins while others not, some controls are shifted by a pixel or two from their container’s border (for a total offset of up to 7 pixels), while some controls (such as popup-menus) have an entirely different reported size. In theory, we could use the Matlab component’s undocumented PixelBounds property (much faster than getpixelposition), but unfortunately PixelBounds turns out to be unreliable and returns erroneous values in many cases. Finally, different Java containers/components have different ways of returning their position: for some it is a getLocation() method, for others it is getX()/getY() and for others it is the X and Y properties (that sometimes have no corresponding getX()/getY() accessor methods!).

Having finally overcome all these challenges (and quite a few smaller ones, documented within the source code), I have wrapped the algorithm in a function interface that tries to emulate findobj‘s. Using findjobj can now be as easy as:

% Modify the mouse cursor when over the button
hButton = uicontrol('string','click me!');
jButton = findjobj(hButton);

Modified uicontrol cursor - a Java property

Modified uicontrol cursor - a Java property

…or as complex as:

% Find all non-button controls with the specified label
jControls = findjobj('property',{'text','click me!'}, 'not','class','button');

Space here is limited and findjobj is over 2500 lines long, so I have obviously not covered everything. I encourage you to download the utility and explore the code, and I gladly welcome your feedback.

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Detecting window focus events Wed, 09 Sep 2009 20:49:51 +0000 Related posts:
  1. Enable/disable entire figure window Disabling/enabling an entire figure window is impossible with pure Matlab, but is very simple using the underlying Java. This article explains how....
  2. Transparent Matlab figure window Matlab figure windows can be made fully or partially transparent/translucent or blurred - this article explains how...
  3. Minimize/maximize figure window Matlab figure windows can easily be maximized, minimized and restored using a bit of undocumented magic powder...
  4. Setting status-bar text The Matlab desktop and figure windows have a usable statusbar which can only be set using undocumented methods. This post shows how to set the status-bar text....
A CSSM reader recently asked whether it is possible to detect window focus events (specifically, the focus-gain event) asynchronously, so that such events can trigger a callback without necessitating a polling thread to constantly monitor the windows state.

The user correctly mentioned the fact that although mouse-clicks within the window frame can be detected using the documented figure callback WindowButtonDownFcn, there are other methods by which a window can gain focus: keyboard (<Alt>-<Tab> on Windows, for example), clicking the window frame edge etc. These methods are all undetected by WindowButtonDownFcn.

This problem is, to the best of my knowledge, insoluble using standard documented Matlab. However, there is indeed a simple solution using undocumented/unsupported Matlab features. The solution relies on the fact that all Matlab windows are basically Java Swing objects, and these objects have dozens of standard callback hooks that can be utilized (Matlab only exposes a few callbacks). The list of standard Swing callbacks was detailed in my earlier article about uicontrol callbacks, which is also relevant for Java window frames.

In this specific case, we are interested in FocusGainedCallback. This callback is invoked for the figure Frame’s AxisComponent (a part of the Frame that will be explained in another article). For each of our monitored figure windows, we set this callback to a predefined Matlab function. We may also wish to set its companion FocusLostCallback.

Here’s the resulting code snippet (hFig is our Matlab figure handle):

% Prepare the figure
hFig = figure;  % etc. - prepare the figure
% Get the underlying Java reference
warning off MATLAB:HandleGraphics:ObsoletedProperty:JavaFrame
jFig = get(hFig, 'JavaFrame');
jAxis = jFig.getAxisComponent;
% Set the focus event callback
% perhaps also set the FocusLostCallback here

Whenever any of the monitored figures now gets focus, by whichever means, the user-defined Matlab function myMatlabFunc() will be invoked. This function should be defined as follows:

function myMatlabFunc(jAxis, jEventData, hFig)
   % do whatever you wish with the event/hFig information

Extra input parameters can be added during callback setup and definition, as follows:

function myMatlabFunc(jAxis, jEventData, hFig, data1, data2)
   % do whatever you wish with the event/hFig/data information

A very similar technique can detect other windowing events (maximization/minimization/movement etc.). Depending on the case, you may need to use jFig.fFigureClient.getWindow instead of jFig.getAxisComponent. The list of available callbacks for each of these objects can be seen using a simple set(jFig.getAxisComponent) command, or via my UIInspect or FindJObj utilities on the Matlab File Exchange.

Note that all this relies on the undocumented hidden figure property JavaFrame, which issues a standing warning (since Matlab release R2008a) of becoming obsolete in some future Matlab release. Since it worked so far, I have turned off this warning in the code above, but note that this code may well fail in some future Matlab version. If and when JavaFrame does become obsolete, be sure to look in this blog for workarounds…

Addendum Aug 21, 2015: In in HG2 (R2014b onward), setting the Focus events (FocusGained, FocusLost etc.) on the AxisComponent does not work. Instead, we can simply set the callbacks on the AxisComponent’s direct child, as follows:

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Setting status-bar components Thu, 30 Jul 2009 10:09:10 +0000 Related posts:
  1. Setting status-bar text The Matlab desktop and figure windows have a usable statusbar which can only be set using undocumented methods. This post shows how to set the status-bar text....
  2. Detecting window focus events Matlab does not have any documented method to detect window focus events (gain/loss). This article describes an undocumented way to detect such events....
  3. Figure toolbar customizations Matlab's toolbars can be customized using a combination of undocumented Matlab and Java hacks. This article describes how to customize the Matlab figure toolbar....
  4. Enable/disable entire figure window Disabling/enabling an entire figure window is impossible with pure Matlab, but is very simple using the underlying Java. This article explains how....
I last week’s post, Setting status-bar text, I showed how to set the status-bar text in Matlab figures and the main desktop. But Matlab status-bars are Java containers in which we can add GUI controls, not just simple text labels. In this post I will show how to do this for Matlab 7 figures.

Let’s return to the two alternatives I’ve presented in my previous post for setting a Matlab 7 figure status-bar text:

% Alternative #1 (hFig = requested figure's handle)
jFrame = get(hFig,'JavaFrame');
jFigPanel = get(jFrame,'FigurePanelContainer');
jRootPane = jFigPanel.getComponent(0).getRootPane;
jRootPane = jRootPane.getTopLevelAncestor;
statusbarObj = jRootPane.getStatusBar;
% Alternative #2
jFrame = get(hFig,'JavaFrame');
jRootPane = jFrame.fFigureClient.getWindow;
statusbarObj = com.mathworks.mwswing.MJStatusBar;

The first alternative uses the default status-bar (a com.mathworks.mwswing.MJStatusBar object) which Matlab automatically creates with each figure. This object is created as invisible, so we need to set its text (via its setText method), and then make it visible (via its ancestor’s root-pane’s setStatusBarVisible method – setting the object itself to visible is not enough). The alternative is to replace the default status-bar object with a user-specified container (in this case, we use a new instance of com.mathworks.mwswing.MJStatusBar).

Last week I forgot to mention that only the second alternative works in the general case – it appears that the first alternative often fails because figures are not created with the default statusbar on many platforms/Matlab release (I’m not sure exactly which). My StatusBar utility on the MathWorks File Exchange, which I mentioned in last week’s post, takes care of these nuances, and automatically creates the status bar object if it is missing.

In any case, using these two code snippets as a baseline, we can customize any Java container that we wish. We are not limited to text labels. The default ststusbar container, MJStatusBar, only includes a single JLabel-derived component that stores the text message. We can add other components to this container. For example, let’s add a simple progress-bar:

jFrame = get(hFig,'JavaFrame');
jRootPane = jFrame.fFigureClient.getWindow;
statusbarObj = com.mathworks.mwswing.MJStatusBar;
% Add a progress-bar to left side of standard MJStatusBar container
jProgressBar = javax.swing.JProgressBar;
set(jProgressBar, 'Minimum',0, 'Maximum',500, 'Value',234);
statusbarObj.add(jProgressBar,'West');  % 'West' => left of text; 'East' => right
% Beware: 'East' also works but doesn't resize automatically
% Set this container as the figure's status-bar
% Note: setting setStatusBarVisible(1) is not enough to display the status-bar
% - we also need to call setText(), even if only with an empty string ''
statusbarObj.setText('testing 123...');

Status bar with a simple progress-bar

Status bar with a simple progress-bar

We can of course use the progress-bar and status-bar handles to modify their appearance within our code, for example within some loop. For example:

numIds = length(allIds);
set(jProgressBar, 'StringPainted','on', 'Maximum',numIds, 'Value',0);
for id = 1 : numIds
   % Update status bar
   set(jProgressBar, 'StringPainted','on', 'Value',id);
   msg = 'Processing %d of %d (%.1f%%)...';
   % do something useful...
end  % for all Ids
% Some final status-bar updates...
% Hide the progress-bar
% Hide the corner grip
cornerGrip = statusbarObj.getParent.getComponent(0);
cornerGrip.setVisible(0);  % or: set(cornerGrip,'Visible','off')
% Set a red foreground & yellow background to status bar text
statusbarObj.setText('All done - congratulations!!!');
statusbarTxt = statusbarObj.getComponent(0);
set(statusbarTxt,'Background',[1,1,0]);  % an alternative…

Modifying status bar properties in run-timer

Modifying status bar properties in run-time

The progress-bar component was just a simple example of how to present non-intrusive controls/information in the figure status bar. Other controls (buttons, checkboxes etc.) can similarly be added.

Note that the status-bar’s corner-grip (at its far right) is not a sub-component of the statusbarObj object like the label, but rather of its parent JPanel container. This is easily be seen using my FindJObj utility on the MathWorks File Exchange:

Status bar with a simple progress-bar

Status bar with a simple progress-bar

One final note: The status bar is 20 pixels high across the entire bottom of the figure. It hides everything between pixel heights 0-20, even parts of uicontrols, regardless of who was created first or the relative ComponentZOrder in the frame’s ContentPane:

% Add a "Next phase" button to the right of the text
jb = javax.swing.JButton('Next phase >');
jbh = handle(jb,'CallbackProperties');
set(jbh, 'ActionPerformedCallback', @nextPhaseFunction);
%note: we might need jRootPane.setStatusBarVisible(0)
% followed by jRootPane.setStatusBarVisible(1) to repaint
% Add a simple Matlab uicontrol, obscured by the status-bar
hb = uicontrol('string','click me!', 'position',[10,15,70,30]);

Adding controls inside and outside the status-bar

Adding controls inside and outside the status-bar

If you have made interesting use of Matlab’s status-bar, please share them in the comments section below.

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Setting status-bar text Thu, 23 Jul 2009 22:01:40 +0000 Related posts:
  1. Setting status-bar components Matlab status-bars are Java containers in which we can add GUI controls such as progress-bars, not just simple text labels...
  2. Detecting window focus events Matlab does not have any documented method to detect window focus events (gain/loss). This article describes an undocumented way to detect such events....
  3. Transparent Matlab figure window Matlab figure windows can be made fully or partially transparent/translucent or blurred - this article explains how...
  4. Figure toolbar components Matlab's toolbars can be customized using a combination of undocumented Matlab and Java hacks. This article describes how to access existing toolbar icons and how to add non-button toolbar components....
Most GUI windows nowadays, ranging from web browsers to editors and data-entry windows, have a small status-bar at their bottom. Statusbars are a great way to convey non-critical information to the user, in a non-intrusive manner (without popup windows).

Matlab windows are no exception: they too have status bars which are sometimes used by internal Matlab functions. Unfortunately, there is no documented way to modify Matlab statusbars. In this post I will demonstrate the undocumented way of setting status-bar text, which is probably the most useful use-case. In next week’s post, I will expand this to include more complex customizations, such as dynamic progress-bars or a corner grip.

Note: Users interested in non-intrusive status-bar messages, may also be interested in another non-intrusive messaging mechanism which I have described some months ago: Setting system tray popup messages.

Desktop window status-bar

We start with the simplest case of setting the desktop’s statusbar text. We have no further to go than the bottom of Matlab’s own uiopen (see %matlabroot%/toolbox/matlab/uitools/uiopen.m):

dt = javaMethod('getInstance', 'com.mathworks.mde.desk.MLDesktop');
if dt.hasMainFrame

Basically, we try to get the Java reference to the Matlab desktop, see if it has an open window frame and if so then we use its setStatusText() method to display a text message; if not then we display the message in the Command Window (which is probably a non-window console).

Unfortunately, if we place this code in our m-files as-is, our status message will be overridden by Matlab’s “busy” message. A solution for this is to use a one-time (discardable) timer. Another complication is meant for supporting Matlab 6, in which we get the desktop reference differently, and which did not yet have the timer function. The final code now looks like this:

%% Set the status bar text of the Matlab desktop
function setDesktopStatus(statusText)
  % First, get the desktop reference
    desktop = com.mathworks.mde.desk.MLDesktop.getInstance;     % Matlab 7+
    desktop = com.mathworks.ide.desktop.MLDesktop.getMLDesktop; % Matlab 6
  if desktop.hasMainFrame
    % Schedule a timer to update the status text
    % Note: can't update immediately (will be overridden by Matlab's 'busy' message)
      timerFcn = {@setText,desktop,statusText};
      t = timer('TimerFcn',timerFcn, 'StartDelay',0.05, 'ExecutionMode','singleShot');
      % Probably an old Matlab version that still doesn't have timer
%% Utility function used as setDesktopStatus's internal timer's callback
function setText(varargin)
  if nargin == 4  % just in case...
    targetObj  = varargin{3};
    statusText = varargin{4};
    % should never happen...

Figure window status-bar

Setting the status-bar text on figure windows is slightly more difficult: getstatus and setstatus appear to be early attempts by Matlab to enable users an access to a figure’s statusbar. In this early attempt, Matlab assumes that the user prepares a text label having a tag of ‘status’. getstatus then returns this label’s string, while setstatus modifies it:

setstatus(gcf, 'Goodbye');
string = getstatus(gcf);

Unfortunately, nothing prevents the user from placing the label anywhere in the figure, and also from having multiple such labels at once, adding to the confusion. The result is inconsistent with normal windowing practices, and this is probably the reason that MathWorks have grandfathered these functions in Matlab 7.4 (R2007a). It would be much more logical for Matlab to have the statusbar accessible via a figure property, and perhaps this will happen in some future version.

A better, consistent and more flexible access to the figure statusbar can be achieved by using some undocumented Java functions. In a nutshell, we get the figure’s JavaFrame property (which Matlab has warned might be discontinued in some near upcoming release), which is sort of a handle reference to the Java window underlying the Matlab figure window (not exactly but close enough for today). We then travel up and down the JavaFrame window objects hierarchy (use my FindJObj utility on the File Exchange to understand this hierarchy) until we get to the status bar object. We then set its text and make it visible (it’s invisible by default). Here is a trimmed-down version (excluding the necessary sanity checks, exception handling etc.):

% Alternative #1 (hFig = requested figure's handle)
jFrame = get(hFig,'JavaFrame');
jFigPanel = get(jFrame,'FigurePanelContainer');
jRootPane = jFigPanel.getComponent(0).getRootPane;
jRootPane = jRootPane.getTopLevelAncestor;
statusbarObj = jRootPane.getStatusBar;
% Alternative #2
jFrame = get(hFig,'JavaFrame');
jRootPane = jFrame.fFigureClient.getWindow;
statusbarObj = com.mathworks.mwswing.MJStatusBar;

simple figure status-bar text message

simple figure status-bar text message

StatusBar utility

I’ve created a wrapper function, aptly called statusbar, encapsulating all the above with some additional error checking etc. I have posted statusbar on the MathWorks File Exchange. Readers are encouraged to look at this submission’s source code for examples of statusbar manipulation. Here are several usage examples:

statusbar usage examples (click to see details)

statusbar usage examples (click to see details)

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Displaying hidden handle properties Tue, 05 May 2009 23:03:55 +0000 Related posts:
  1. Draggable plot data-tips Matlab's standard plot data-tips can be customized to enable dragging, without being limitted to be adjacent to their data-point. ...
  2. Figure window customizations Matlab figure windows can be customized in numerous manners using the underlying Java Frame reference. ...
  3. Matlab’s HG2 mechanism HG2 is presumably the next generation of Matlab graphics. This article tries to explore its features....
  4. New information on HG2 More information on Matlab's new HG2 object-oriented handle-graphics system...
Matlab Handle Graphics (HG) is a great way to manipulate GUI objects. HG handles often have some undocumented hidden properties. One pretty well-known example is the JavaFrame property of the figure handle, which enables access to the GUI’s underlying Java peer object. We can use hidden properties just like any other handle property, using the built-in get and set functions.

But how can we know about these properties? Here are two methods to do so. Like the hidden properties, these two methods are themselves undocumented…

1. use the desktop’s hidden HideUndocumented property:


From now on, when displaying handle properties using get and set you’ll see the hidden properties.

Note that some of the properties might display a warning indication:

>> get(gcf)
	Alphamap = [ (1 by 64) double array]
	BackingStore = on
	CloseRequestFcn = closereq
	Color = [0.8 0.8 0.8]
	Colormap = [ (64 by 3) double array]
	CurrentAxes = []
	CurrentCharacter = 
	CurrentKey = 
	CurrentModifier = [ (1 by 0) cell array]
	CurrentObject = []
	CurrentPoint = [0 0]
	DithermapWarning: figure Dithermap is no longer useful
 with TrueColor displays, and will be removed in a future release.
 = [ (64 by 3) double array]

2. Access the properties’ definition in the handle’s class definition:

>> ch = classhandle(handle(gcf));
>> props = get(ch,'Properties');
>> propsVisibility = get(props,'Visible')';
>> hiddenProps = props(strcmp(propsVisibility,'off'));
>> sort(get(hiddenProps,'Name'))
ans = 

Different HG handles have different hidden properties. Not all these properties are useful. For example, I have found the PixelBounds property to be problematic – (it sometimes reports incorrect values!). Other properties (like Dithermap or ShareColors) are deprecated and display a warning wherever they are accessed.

But every so often we find a hidden property that can be of some actual benefit. Let’s take the figure handle’s OuterPosition property for example. It provides the figure’s external position values, including the space used by the window frame, toolbars etc., whereas the regular documented Position property only reports the internal bounds:

>> get(gcf,'pos')
ans =
   232   246   560   420
>> get(gcf,'outer')
ans =
   228   242   568   502

In future posts I will sometimes use such hidden properties. You can find the latest list by looking at this blog’s “Hidden property” category page.

Note: Like the rest of Matlab’s undocumented items, all hidden properties are undocumented, unsupported and may well change in future Matlab releases so use them with care.

Did you find any useful hidden property? If so, then please leave your finding in the comments section below.

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