- Undocumented Matlab - https://undocumentedmatlab.com -

New training courses

I would like to take a short break(*) from the regular weekly article on undocumented features, in order to draw your attention to the fact that I am offering a new service, of professional training courses.
My training courses can help you and your team achieve a much higher level of proficiency and efficiency using Matlab. You will quickly learn how to produce higher quality, better looking, faster working, and more robust applications. Your effectiveness in writing Matlab programs will improve, saving you development time while improving the quality. And all this at the convenience of your offices, and at a very competitive cost.
Some of the structured training courses offered include:

The training course will be customized based on your specific needs, in terms of both the training level (introductory to advanced), the topics and the duration, giving you the best value for your training investment.
For more information, please refer to the new training [6] page on this site, or click the “Training” tab on the website header.
The new training service complements my existing services for consulting [7] and contract development.
For more information, please feel free to email me [8] (altmany at gmail dot com) directly.
(*) the regular flow of technical articles will return next week

2 Comments (Open | Close)

2 Comments To "New training courses"

#1 Comment By Paul Courchene On May 23, 2012 @ 08:52

Do you plan any MatLab (Public) Courses in the USA (East Coast) in the near future ?

#2 Comment By Yair Altman On May 23, 2012 @ 09:04

@Paul – thanks for your interest. At the moment I do not have anything planned in the USA, but I’ll be sure to let you know when this will change. In order to make it economical I need several firm enrollment commitments, so if anyone else in the east coast is interested please let me know via post comment or email.

Alternately, if your organization has several people who could benefit from my training, then it could make sense for me to come over to your place for a dedicated training.