Three years ago, I posted a short post [1] about Matlab’s built-in Easter egg in the spy function. Apparently, when running spy with no input arguments, it uses an undocumented default built-in sparse matrix that generates the white spy in the famous Spy vs. Spy [2] comics series:
>> spy;

As was recently reported [3] by Aurélien, the default built-in sparse matrix has changed in R2011a (not R2011b as in the original report):

If you ask me, the previous (white spy) image had more relevance to the spy function… I assume the new image was not chosen arbitrarily – if anyone has some insight as to why this image was chosen and its relevance to spy, please post a comment.
Addendum: The original spy image can still be generated using the following code snippet:
c = [';@3EA4:aei7]ced.CFHE;4\T>*Y>,dL0,HOQQMJLJE9PX[[Q.ZF.\JTCA1dd'
i = double(c(:)-32);
j = cumsum(diff([0; i])<=0) + 1;
S = sparse(i,j,1)';
Happy Easter / Passover everybody!
6 Comments To "Spy Easter egg take 2"
#1 Comment By Daniel Shub On April 4, 2012 @ 12:07
If you trust the comment at MATLAB answers: [12] it is Sean de Wolski’s dog. Sean is a relatively new employee at TMW and a frequent contributor to Answers. I think the dog is on his current avatar: [13]
#2 Comment By Michelle Hirsch On April 10, 2012 @ 09:00
Close, but it’s not Sean’s dog. The dog belongs to the lead developer of the sparse matrix functions in MATLAB.
#3 Comment By naor On April 4, 2012 @ 20:39
I too was disappointed last year when I realized the spy was gone. Perhaps it is still reachable in some undocumented way?
#4 Comment By Yair Altman On April 5, 2012 @ 00:39
@Naor – I’ve added an addendum showing how you can regenerate the old spy image
#5 Comment By Oleg Komarov On June 29, 2013 @ 04:18
Hi Yair,
the spy snippet has a vertcat error in c as a poster mentioned on SO. I answered with the error free snippet [14].
#6 Comment By Yair Altman On June 29, 2013 @ 11:03
@Oleg – thanks. This was due to a bug in the WordPress code that renders < characters – It's now fixed. I had to revert to a sub-optimal non-syntax-highlighted rendering of the code, but at least it's now correct.