Figure window – Undocumented Matlab Charting Matlab's unsupported hidden underbelly Tue, 29 Oct 2019 15:26:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Matlab toolstrip – part 9 (popup figures) Sun, 10 Feb 2019 17:00:10 +0000 Related posts:
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  2. Toolbar button labels GUI toolbar button labels can easily be set and customized using underlying Java components. ...
  3. Matlab toolstrip – part 2 (ToolGroup App) Matlab users can create custom Apps with toolstrips and docked figures. ...
  4. Frameless (undecorated) figure windows Matlab figure windows can be made undecorated (borderless, title-less). ...
In previous posts I showed how we can create custom Matlab app toolstrips using various controls. Today I will show how we can incorporate popup forms composed of Matlab figures into our Matlab toolstrip. These are similar in concept to drop-down and gallery selectors, in the sense that when we click the toolstrip button a custom popup is displayed. In the case of a popup form, this is a fully-customizable Matlab GUI figure.
Popup figure in Matlab toolstrip

Toolstrips can be a bit complex to develop so I’m proceeding slowly, with each post in the miniseries building on the previous posts. I encourage you to review the earlier posts in the Toolstrip miniseries before reading this post.

Also, remember to add the following code snippet at the beginning of your code so that the relevant toolstrip classes will be recognized by Matlab:

import matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.*

Main steps and usage example

To attach a figure popup to a toolstrip control, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new figure, using GUIDE or the figure function. The figure should typically be created modal and non-visible, unless there’s a good reason to avoid this. Note that the figure needs to be a legacy (Java-based) figure, created with GUIDE or the figure function — web-based uifigure (created with AppDesigner or the uifigure function) is not [currently] supported.
  2. Create a callback function that opens and initializes this figure, and then moves it to the expected screen location using the following syntax: hToolGroup.showFigureDialog(hFig,hAnchor), where hFig is the figure’s handle, and hAnchor is the handle for the triggering toolstrip control.
  3. Attach the callback function to the triggering toolstrip control.

Here’s a simple usage example, in which I present a file-selector popup:

% Create a toolstrip section, column & push-button
hSection = hTab.addSection('Popup');
hColumn = hSection.addColumn();
hButton = Button('Open',Icon.OPEN_24);
hButton.ButtonPushedFcn = {@popupFigure,hButton};  % attach popup callback to the button
% Callback function invoked when the toolstrip button is clicked
function popupFigure(hAction, hEventData, hButton)
    % Create a new non-visible modal figure
    hFig = figure('MenuBar','none', 'ToolBar','none', 'WindowStyle','modal', ...
                  'Visible','off', 'NumberTitle','off', 'Name','Select file:');
    % Add interactive control(s) to the figure (in this case, a file chooser initialized to current folder)
    jFileChooser = handle(javaObjectEDT(javax.swing.JFileChooser(pwd)), 'CallbackProperties');
    [jhFileChooser, hComponent] = javacomponent(jFileChooser, [0,0,200,200], hFig);
    set(hComponent, 'Units','normalized', 'Position',[0,0,1,1]);  % resize component within containing figure
    % Set popup control's callback (in this case, display the selected file and close the popup)
    jhFileChooser.ActionPerformedCallback = @popupActionPerformedCallback;
    function popupActionPerformedCallback(jFileChooser, jEventData)
        fprintf('Selected file: %s\n', char(jFileChooser.getSelectedFile));
    % Display the popup figure onscreen, just beneath the triggering button
    % Wait for the modal popup figure to close before resuming GUI interactivity

This leads to the popup figure as shown in the screenshot above.

The popup figure initially appears directly beneath the triggering button. The figure can then be moved away from that position, by dragging its title bar or border frame.

Note how the popup is an independent heavy-weight figure window, having a border frame, title bar and a separate task-bar icon. Removing the border frame and title-bar of Matlab figures can be done using an undocumented visual illusion – this can make the popup less obtrusive, but also prevent its moving/resizing. An entirely different and probably better approach is to present a light-weight popup panel using the Toolpack framework, which I plan to discuss in the following post(s). The PopupPanel container that I discussed in another post cannot be used, because it is displayed as a sub-component of a Matlab figure, and in this case the popup is not attached to any figure (the toolstrip and ToolGroup are not Matlab figures, as explained here).

The astute reader may wonder why I bothered going to all the trouble of displaying a modal popup with a JFileChooser, when I could have simply used the built-in uigetfile or uiputfile functions in the button’s callback. The answer is that (a) this mechanism displays the popup directly beneath the triggering button using hToolGroup.showFigureDialog(), and also (b) enables complex popups (dialogs) that have no direct builtin Matlab function (for example, a file-selector with preview, or a multi-component input form).

Compatibility considerations for R2018a or older

In Matlab releases R2018a or older that do not have the hToolGroup.showFigureDialog() function, you can create it yourself in a separate showFigureDialog.m file, as follows:

function showFigureDialog(hToolGroup, hFig, hAnchor)
    %   showFigureDialog - Display a figure-based dialog below a toolstrip control.
    %   Usage example:
    %       showFigureDialog(hToolGroup, hFig, hAnchor);
    %   where: 
    %       "hToolGroup" must be a "matlab.ui.internal.desktop.ToolGroup" handle
    %       "hFig" must be a "figure" handle, not a "uifigure"
    %       "hAnchor" must be a "matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.***" handle
    %hWarn = ctrlMsgUtils.SuspendWarnings('MATLAB:HandleGraphics:ObsoletedProperty:JavaFrame'); %#ok<NASGU>
    hWarn = warning('off','MATLAB:HandleGraphics:ObsoletedProperty:JavaFrame');
    jf = get(hFig, 'JavaFrame');
    if isempty(jf)
        error('UI figure cannot be added to "ToolGroup". Use a regular figure instead.')
        screen_size = get(0,'ScreenSize');
        old_pos = get(hFig,'OuterPosition');
        dpi_ratio = com.mathworks.util.ResolutionUtils.scaleSize(100)/100;
        jAnchor = hToolGroup.ToolstripSwingService.Registry.getWidgetById(hAnchor.getId());
        pt = javaMethodEDT('getLocationOnScreen',jAnchor); % pt is anchor top left
        pt.y = pt.y + jAnchor.getVisibleRect().height;     % pt is anchor bottom left
        new_x = pt.getX()/dpi_ratio-5;                           % figure outer left
        new_y = screen_size(end)-(pt.getY/dpi_ratio+old_pos(4)); % figure outer bottom
        hFig.OuterPosition = [new_x new_y old_pos(3) old_pos(4)];
        hFig.Visible = 'on';

Under the hood of showFigureDialog()

How does showFigureDialog() know where to place the figure, directly beneath the triggering toolstrip anchor?

The answer is really quite simple, if you look at this method’s source-code in %matlabroot%/toolbox/matlab/toolstrip/+matlab/+ui/+internal/+desktop/ToolGroup.m (around line 500, depending on the Matlab release).

The function first checks whether the input hFig handle belongs to a figure or uifigure, and issues an error message in case it’s a uifigures (only legacy figures are currently supported).
Then the function fetches the toolstrip control’s underlying Java control handle using the following code (slightly modified for clarity), as explained here:

jAnchor = hToolGroup.ToolstripSwingService.Registry.getWidgetById(hAnchor.getId());

Next, it uses the Java control’s getLocationOnScreen() to get the control’s onscreen position, accounting for monitor DPI variation that affects the X location.
The figure’s OuterPosition property is then set so that the figure’s top-left corner is exactly next to the control’s bottom-left corner.
Finally, the figure’s Visible property is set to ‘on’ to make the figure visible in its new position.

The popup figure’s location is recomputed by showFigureDialog() whenever the toolstrip control is clicked, so the popup figure is presented in the expected position even when you move or resize the tool-group window.

Toolstrip miniseries roadmap

The following post(s) will present the Toolpack framework. Non-figure (lightweight) popup toolpack panels can be created, which appear more polished/stylish than the popup figures that I presented today. The drawdown is that toolpack panels may be somewhat more complex to program than figures, and IMHO are more likely to change across Matlab releases. In addition to the benefit of popup toolpack panels, toolpack presents an alternative way for toolstrip creation and customization, enabling programmers to choose between using the toolstrip framework (that I discussed so far), and the new toolpack framework.

In a succeeding post, I’ll discuss toolstrip collapsibility, i.e. what happens when the user resizes the window, reducing the toolstrip width. Certain toolstrip controls will drop their labels, and toolstrip sections shrink into a drop-down. The priority of control/section collapsibility can be controlled, so that less-important controls will collapse before more-important ones.

In future posts, I plan to discuss docking layout, DataBrowser panel, QAB (Quick Access Bar), underlying Java controls, and adding toolstrips to figures – not necessarily in this order.
Matlab toolstrips can be a bit complex, so I plan to proceed in small steps, each post building on top of its predecessors.

If you would like me to assist you in building a custom toolstrip or GUI for your Matlab program, please let me know.

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Matlab toolstrip – part 8 (galleries) Sun, 03 Feb 2019 17:00:55 +0000 Related posts:
  1. Matlab toolstrip – part 2 (ToolGroup App) Matlab users can create custom Apps with toolstrips and docked figures. ...
  2. Matlab toolstrip – part 3 (basic customization) Matlab toolstrips can be created and customized in a variety of ways. ...
  3. Matlab toolstrip – part 4 (control customization) Matlab toolstrip components (controls) can be customized in various ways, including user-defined callbacks. ...
  4. Matlab toolstrip – part 6 (complex controls) Multiple types of customizable controls can be added to Matlab toolstrips...
In previous posts I showed how we can create custom Matlab app toolstrips using various controls (buttons, checkboxes, drop-downs, lists etc.). Today I will show how we can incorporate gallery panels into our Matlab toolstrip.
Toolstrip Gallery (in-line & drop-down)

Toolstrips can be a bit complex to develop so I’m proceeding slowly, with each post in the miniseries building on the previous posts. I encourage you to review the earlier posts in the Toolstrip miniseries before reading this post.

Also, remember to add the following code snippet at the beginning of your code so that the relevant toolstrip classes will be recognized by Matlab:

import matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.*

Gallery sub-components

Toolstrip gallery popup components

Toolstrip gallery popup components

Toolstrip galleries are panels of buttons (typically large icons with an attached text label), which are grouped in “categories”. The gallery content can be presented either in-line within the toolstrip (a Gallery control), or as a drop-down button’s popup panel (a DropDownGalleryButton control). In either case, the displayed popup panel is a GalleryPopup object, that is composed of one or more GalleryCategory, each of which has one or more GalleryItem (push-button) and/or ToggleGalleryItem (toggle-button).

  • Gallery or DropDownGalleryButton
    • GalleryPopup
      • GalleryCategory
        • GalleryItem or ToggleGalleryItem
        • GalleryItem or ToggleGalleryItem
      • GalleryCategory

For a demonstration of toolstrip Galleries, see the code files in %matlabroot%/toolbox/matlab/toolstrip/+matlab/+ui/+internal/+desktop/, specifically showcaseToolGroup.m and showcaseBuildTab_Gallery.m.


We first create the GalleryPopup object, then add to it a few GalleryCategory groups of GalleryItem, ToggleGalleryItem buttons. In the example below, we use a ButtonGroup to ensure that only a single ToggleGalleryItem button is selected:

import matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.*
popup = GalleryPopup('ShowSelection',true);
% Create gallery categories
cat1 = GalleryCategory('CATEGORY #1 SINGLE'); popup.add(cat1);
cat2 = GalleryCategory('CATEGORY #2 SINGLE'); popup.add(cat2);
cat3 = GalleryCategory('CATEGORY #3 SINGLE'); popup.add(cat3);
% Create a button-group to control item selectability
group = matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.ButtonGroup;
% Add items to the gallery categories
fpath = [fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','matlab','toolstrip','web','image') filesep];  % icons path
item1 = ToggleGalleryItem('Biology', Icon([fpath 'biology_app_24.png']), group);
item1.Description = 'Select the Biology gizmo';
item1.ItemPushedFcn = @(x,y) ItemPushedCallback(x,y);
item2 = ToggleGalleryItem('Code Generation', Icon([fpath 'code_gen_app_24.png']), group);
item3 = ToggleGalleryItem('Control', Icon([fpath 'control_app_24.png']), group);
item4 = ToggleGalleryItem('Database', Icon([fpath 'database_app_24.png']), group);

Single-selection GalleryPopup (icon view)

Single-selection GalleryPopup (icon view)

Note that in a real-world situation, we’d assign a Description, Tag and ItemPushedFcn to all gallery items. This was elided from the code snippet above for readability, but should be part of any actual GUI. The Description only appears as tooltip popup in icon-view (shown above), but appears as a visible label in list-view (see below).

Gallery items selection: push-button action, single-selection toggle, multiple selection toggle

If we use ToggleGalleryItem without a ButtonGroup, multiple gallery items can be selected, rather than just a single selection as shown above:

item1 = ToggleGalleryItem('Biology', Icon([fpath 'biology_app_24.png']));item1.Description = 'Select the Biology gizmo';
item1.ItemPushedFcn = @(x,y) ItemPushedCallback(x,y);
item2 = ToggleGalleryItem('Code Generation', Icon([fpath 'code_gen_app_24.png']));cat1.add(item2);
item3 = ToggleGalleryItem('Control', Icon([fpath 'control_app_24.png']));cat1.add(item3);
item4 = ToggleGalleryItem('Database', Icon([fpath 'database_app_24.png']));cat1.add(item4);

Multiple-selection GalleryPopup (icon view)

Multiple-selection GalleryPopup (icon view)

Alternatively, if we use GalleryItem instead of ToggleGalleryItem, the gallery items would be push-buttons rather than toggle-buttons. This enables us to present a gallery of single-action state-less push-buttons, rather than state-full toggle-buttons. The ability to customize the gallery items as either state-less push-buttons or single/multiple toggle-buttons supports a wide range of application use-cases.

Customizing the GalleryPopup

Properties that affect the GalleryPopup appearance are:

  • DisplayState – initial display mode of gallery items (string; default=’icon_view’, valid values: ‘icon_view’,’list_view’)
  • GalleryItemRowCount – number of rows used in the display of the in-line gallery (integer; default=1, valid values: 0,1,2). A Value of 2 should typically be used with a small icon and GalleryItemWidth (see below)
  • GalleryItemTextLineCount – number of rows used for display of the item label (integer; default=2, valid values: 0,1,2)
  • ShowSelection – whether or not to display the last-selected item (logical; default=false). Needs to be true for Gallery and false for DropDownGalleryButton.
  • GalleryItemWidth – number of pixels to allocate for each gallery item (integer, hidden; default=80)
  • FavoritesEnabled – whether or not to enable a “Favorites” category (logical, hidden; default=false)

All of these properties are defined as private in the GalleryPopup class, and can only be specified during the class object’s construction. For example, instead of the default icon-view, we can display the gallery items as a list, by setting the GalleryPopup‘s DisplayState property to 'list_view' during construction:

popup = GalleryPopup('DisplayState','list_view');

GalleryPopup (list view)

GalleryPopup (list view)

Switching from icon-view to list-view and back can also be done by clicking the corresponding icon near the popup’s top-right corner (next to the interactive search-box).

Now that we have prepared GalleryPopup, let’s integrate it in our toolstrip.
We have two choices — either in-line within the toolstrip section (using Gallery), or as a compact drop-down button (using DropDownGalleryButton):

% Inline gallery
section = hTab.addSection('Multiple Selection Gallery');
column = section.addColumn();
popup = GalleryPopup('ShowSelection',true);
% add the GalleryPopup creation code above
gallery = Gallery(popup, 'MinColumnCount',2, 'MaxColumnCount',4);
% Drop-down gallery
section = hTab.addSection('Drop Down Gallery');
column = section.addColumn();
popup = GalleryPopup();
% add the GalleryPopup creation code above
button = DropDownGalleryButton(popup, 'Examples', Icon.MATLAB_24);
button.MinColumnCount = 5;

Toolstrip Gallery (in-line & drop-down)

Clicking any of the drop-down (arrow) widgets will display the associated GalleryPopup.

The Gallery and DropDownGalleryButton objects have several useful settable properties:

  • Popup – a GalleryPopup object handle, which is displayed when the user clicks the drop-down (arrow) widget. Only settable in the constructor, not after object creation.
  • MinColumnCount – minimum number of item columns to display (integer; default=1). In Gallery, this property is only settable in the constructor, not after object creation; if not enough width is available to display these columns, the control collapses into a drop-down. In DropDownGalleryButton, this property can be set even after object creation (despite incorrect internal documentation), and controls the width of the popup panel.
  • MaxColumnCount – maximal number of items columns to display (integer; default=10). In Gallery, this property is only settable in the constructor, not after object creation. In DropDownGalleryButton, this property can be set even after object creation but in any case seems to have no visible effect.
  • Description – tooltip text displayed when the mouse hovers over the Gallery area (outside the area of the internal gallery items, which have their own individual Descriptions), or over the DropDownGalleryButton control.
  • TextOverlay – a semi-transparent text label overlaid on top of the gallery panel (string, default=”). Only available in Gallery, not DropDownGalleryButton.

For example:

gallery = Gallery(popup, 'MinColumnCount',2, 'MaxColumnCount',4);
gallery.TextOverlay = 'Select from these items';

Effect of TextOverlay

Effect of TextOverlay

Toolstrip miniseries roadmap

The next post will discuss popup forms. These are similar in concept to galleries, in the sense that when we click the drop-down widget a custom popup panel is displayed. In the case of a popup form, this is a fully-customizable Matlab GUI figure.

Following that, I plan to discuss toolstrip collapsibility, the Toolpack framework, docking layout, DataBrowser panel, QAB (Quick Access Bar), underlying Java controls, and adding toolstrips to figures – not necessarily in this order.
Matlab toolstrips can be a bit complex, so I plan to proceed in small steps, each post building on top of its predecessors.

If you would like me to assist you in building a custom toolstrip or GUI for your Matlab program, please let me know.

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Matlab toolstrip – part 7 (selection controls) Sun, 27 Jan 2019 17:00:34 +0000 Related posts:
  1. Matlab toolstrip – part 2 (ToolGroup App) Matlab users can create custom Apps with toolstrips and docked figures. ...
  2. Matlab toolstrip – part 3 (basic customization) Matlab toolstrips can be created and customized in a variety of ways. ...
  3. Matlab toolstrip – part 4 (control customization) Matlab toolstrip components (controls) can be customized in various ways, including user-defined callbacks. ...
  4. Matlab toolstrip – part 6 (complex controls) Multiple types of customizable controls can be added to Matlab toolstrips...
In previous posts I showed how we can create custom Matlab app toolstrips using controls such as buttons, checkboxes, sliders and spinners. Today I will show how we can incorporate even more complex selection controls into our toolstrip: lists, drop-downs, popups etc.
Toolstrip SplitButton with dynamic popup and static sub-menu

Toolstrip SplitButton with dynamic popup and static sub-menu

Toolstrips can be a bit complex to develop so I’m proceeding slowly, with each post in the miniseries building on the previous posts. I encourage you to review the earlier posts in the Toolstrip miniseries before reading this post.

Also, remember to add the following code snippet at the beginning of your code so that the relevant toolstrip classes will be recognized by Matlab:

import matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.*

There are 4 types of popups in toolstrip controls:

  1. Builtin dropdown (combo-box) selector similar to the familiar uicontrol(‘style’,’popup’,…). In toolstrips, this is implemented using the DropDown control.
  2. A more complex dropdown selector having icons and tooltips, implemented using the DropDownButton and SplitButton toolstrip controls.
  3. An even-more complex drop-down selector, which presents a gallery of options. This will be discussed in detail in the next post.
  4. A fully-customizable form panel (“popup form”). This will be discussed separately, in the following post.

The simple DropDown toolstrip control is very easy to set up and use:

hPopup = DropDown({'Label1';'Label2';'Label3'});
hPopup.Value = 'Label3';
hPopup.ValueChangedFcn = @ValueChangedCallback;

Toolstrip DropDown

Toolstrip DropDown

Note that the drop-down items (labels) need to be specified as a column cell-array (i.e. {a;b;c}) – a row cell-array ({a,b,c}) will result in run-time error.

We can have the control hold a different value for each of the displayed labels, by specifying the input items as an Nx2 cell-array:

items = {'One',   'Label1'; ...
         'Two',   'Label2'; ...
         'Three', 'Label3'}
hPopup = DropDown(items);
hPopup.Value = 'Two';
hPopup.ValueChangedFcn = @ValueChangedCallback;

This drop-down control will display the labels “Label1”, “Label2” (initially selected), and “Label3”. Whenever the selected drop-down item is changed, the corresponding popup Value will change to the corresponding value. For example, when “Label3” is selected in the drop-down, hPopup.Value will change to ‘Three’.

Another useful feature of the toolstrip DropDown control is the Editable property (logical true/false, default=false), which enables the user to modify the entry in the drop-down’s editbox. Any custom text entered within the editbox will update the control’s Value property to that string.


We can create a ListBox in a very similarly manner to DropDown. For example, the following code snippet creates a list-box that spans the entire toolstrip column height and has 2 of its items initially selected:

hColumn = hSection.addColumn('Width',100);
allowMultiSelection = true;
items = {'One','Label1'; 'Two','Label2'; 'Three','Label3'; 'Four','Label4'; 'Five','Label5'};
hListBox = ListBox(items, allowMultiSelection);
hListBox.Value = {'One'; 'Three'};
hListBox.ValueChangedFcn = @ValueChangedCallback;

Toolstrip ListBox (multi-selection)

Toolstrip ListBox (multi-selection)

The DropDown and ListBox controls are nearly identical in terms of their properties, methods and events/callbacks, with the following notable exceptions:

  • ListBox controls do not have an Editable property
  • ListBox controls have a MultiSelect property (logical, default=false), which DropDowns do not have. Note that this property can only be set during the ListBox‘s creation, as shown in the code snippet above.

DropDownButton and SplitButton

A more elaborate drop-down selector can be created using the DropDownButton and SplitButton toolstrip controls. For such controls, we create a PopupList object, and add elements to it, which could be any of the following, in whichever order that you wish:

  1. PopupListHeader – a section header (title), non-selectable
  2. ListItem – a selectable list item, with optional Icon, Text, and Description (tooltip string, which for some reason [probably a bug] is not actually shown). For some reason (perhaps a bug), the Description is not shown in a tooltip (no tooltip is displayed). However, it is displayed as a label beneath the list-item’s main label, unless we set ShowDescription to false.
  3. ListItemWithCheckBox – a selectable list item that toggles a checkmark icon based on the list item’s selection Value (on/off). The checkmark icon is not customizable (alas).
  4. ListItemWithPopup – a non-selectable list item, that displays a sub-menu (another PopupList that should be set to the parent list-item’s Popup property).

A simple usage example (adapted from the showcaseToolGroup demo):

Toolstrip PopupList

Toolstrip PopupList

function hPopup = createPopup()
    import matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.*
    hPopup = PopupList();
    % list header #1
    header = PopupListHeader('List Items');
    % list item #1
    item = ListItem('This is item 1', Icon.MATLAB_16);
    item.Description = 'this is the description for item #1';
    item.ShowDescription = true;
    item.ItemPushedFcn = @ActionPerformedCallback;
    % list item #2
    item = ListItem('This is item 2', Icon.SIMULINK_16);
    item.Description = 'this is the description for item #2';
    item.ShowDescription = false;
    addlistener(item, 'ItemPushed', @ActionPerformedCallback);
    % list header #2
    header = PopupListHeader('List Item with Checkboxes');
    % list item with checkbox
    item = ListItemWithCheckBox('This is item 3', true);
    item.ValueChangedFcn = @PropertyChangedCallback;
    % list item with popup
    item = ListItemWithPopup('This is item 4',Icon.ADD_16);
    item.ShowDescription = false;
    % Sub-popup
    hSubPopup = PopupList();
    item.Popup = hSubPopup;
    % sub list item #1
    sub_item1 = ListItem('This is sub item 1', Icon.MATLAB_16);
    sub_item1.ShowDescription = false;
    sub_item1.ItemPushedFcn = @ActionPerformedCallback;
    % sub list item #2
    sub_item2 = ListItem('This is sub item 2', Icon.SIMULINK_16);
    sub_item2.ShowDescription = false;
    sub_item2.ItemPushedFcn = @ActionPerformedCallback;
end  % createPopup()

We now have two alternatives for attaching this popup to the DropDownButton or SplitButton:

Toolstrip SplitButton with dynamic popup and static sub-menu

Toolstrip SplitButton with dynamic popup and static sub-menu

  • Static popup – set the Popup property of the button or ListItemWithPopup to the popup-creation function (or hPopup). The popup will be created once and will remain unchanged throughout the program execution. For example:
    hButton = DropDownButton('Vertical', Icon.OPEN_24);
    hButton.Popup = createPopup();
  • Dynamic popup – set the DynamicPopupFcn of the button or ListItemWithPopup to the popup creation function. This function will be invoked separately whenever the user clicks on the drop-down selector widget. Inside our popup-creation function we can have state-dependent code that modifies the displayed list items depending on the state of our program/environment. For example:
    hButton = SplitButton('Vertical', Icon.OPEN_24);
    hButton.ButtonPushedFcn = @ActionPerformedCallback;  % invoked when user clicks the main split-button part
    hButton.DynamicPopupFcn = @(h,e) createPopup();      % invoked when user clicks the drop-down selector widget

DropDownButton and SplitButton are exactly the same as far as the popup-list is concerned: If it is set via the Popup property then the popup is static (in the sense that it is only evaluated once, when created), and if it is set via DynamicPopupFcn then the popup is dynamic (re-created before display). The only difference between DropDownButton and SplitButton is that in addition to the drop-down control, a SplitButton also includes a regular push-button control (with its corresponding ButtonPushedFcn callback).

In summary:

  • If DynamicPopupFcn is set to a function handle, then the PopupList that is returned by that function will be re-evaluated and displayed whenever the user clicks the main button of a DropDownButton or the down-arrow part of a SplitButton. This happens even if the Popup property is also set i.e., DynamicPopupFcn has precedence over Popup; when both of them are set, Popup is silently ignored (it would be useful for Matlab to display a warning in such cases, hopefully in a future release).
  • If DynamicPopupFcn is not set but Popup is (to a PopupList object handle), then this PopupList will be computed only once (when first created) and then it will be displayed whenever the user clicks the main button of a DropDownButton or the down-arrow part of a SplitButton.
  • Separately from the above, if a SplitButton‘s ButtonPushedFcn property is set to a function handle, then that function will be evaluated whenever the user clicks the main button of the SplitButton. No popup is presented, unless of course the callback function displays a popup programmatically. Note that ButtonPushedFcn is a property of SplitButton; this property does not exist in a DropDownButton.

Important note: whereas DropDown and ListBox have a ValueChangedFcn callback that is invoked whenever the drop-down/listbox Value has changed, the callback mechanism is very different with DropDownButton and SplitButton: here, each menu item has its own individual callback that is invoked when that item is selected (clicked): ItemPushedFcn for ListItem; ValueChangedFcn for ListItemWithCheckBox; and DynamicPopupFcn for ListItemWithPopup. As we shall see later, the same is true for gallery items – each item has its own separate callback.


Toolstrip galleries are panels of buttons (typically large icons with an attached text label), which are grouped in “categories”.

The general idea is to first create the GalleryPopup object, then add to it a few GalleryCategory groups, each consisting of GalleryItem (push-buttons) and/or ToggleGalleryItem (toggle-buttons) objects. Once this GalleryPopup is created, we can either integrate it in-line within the toolstrip section (using Gallery), or as a compact drop-down button (using DropDownGalleryButton):

% Inline gallery
section = hTab.addSection('Multiple Selection Gallery');
column = section.addColumn();
popup = GalleryPopup('ShowSelection',true);
% add the GalleryPopup creation code (see next week's post)
gallery = Gallery(popup, 'MaxColumnCount',4, 'MinColumnCount',2);
% Drop-down gallery
section = hTab.addSection('Drop Down Gallery');
column = section.addColumn();
popup = GalleryPopup();
% add the GalleryPopup creation code (see next week's post)
button = DropDownGalleryButton(popup, 'Examples', Icon.MATLAB_24);
button.MinColumnCount = 5;

Toolstrip Gallery (in-line & drop-down)

I initially planned to include all the relevant Gallery discussion here, but it turned out to require so much space that I decided to devote a separate article for it — this will be the topic of next week’s blog post.

Toolstrip miniseries roadmap

The next post will discuss Galleries in depth, followed by popup forms.

Following that, I plan to discuss toolstrip collapsibility, the ToolPack framework, docking layout, DataBrowser panel, QAB (Quick Access Bar), underlying Java controls, and adding toolstrips to figures – not necessarily in this order.
Matlab toolstrips can be a bit complex, so I plan to proceed in small steps, each post building on top of its predecessors.

If you would like me to assist you in building a custom toolstrip or GUI for your Matlab program, please let me know.

]]> 6
Matlab toolstrip – part 6 (complex controls) Mon, 21 Jan 2019 16:00:38 +0000 Related posts:
  1. Matlab toolstrip – part 4 (control customization) Matlab toolstrip components (controls) can be customized in various ways, including user-defined callbacks. ...
  2. Matlab toolstrip – part 2 (ToolGroup App) Matlab users can create custom Apps with toolstrips and docked figures. ...
  3. Matlab toolstrip – part 3 (basic customization) Matlab toolstrips can be created and customized in a variety of ways. ...
  4. Matlab toolstrip – part 7 (selection controls) Matlab toolstrips can contain a wide variety of selection controls: popups, combo-boxes, and galleries. ...
In previous posts I showed how we can create custom Matlab app toolstrips using simple controls such as buttons and checkboxes. Today I will show how we can incorporate more complex controls into our toolstrip: button groups, edit-boxes, spinners, sliders etc.

Some custom Toolstrip Controls

Toolstrips can be a bit complex to develop so I’m proceeding slowly, with each post in the miniseries building on the previous posts. I encourage you to review the earlier posts in the Toolstrip miniseries before reading this post.

The first place to search for potential toostrip components/controls is in Matlab’s built-in toolstrip demos. The showcaseToolGroup demo displays a large selection of generic components grouped by function. These controls’ callbacks do little less than simply output a text message in the Matlab console. On the other hand, the showcaseMPCDesigner demo shows a working demo with controls that interact with some docked figures and their plot axes. The combination of these demos should provide plenty of ideas for your own toolstrip implementation. Their m-file source code is available in the %matlabroot%/toolbox/matlab/toolstrip/+matlab/+ui/+internal/+desktop/ folder. To see the available toolstrip controls in action and how they could be integrated, refer to the source-code of these two demos.

All toolstrip controls are defined by classes in the %matlabroot%/toolbox/matlab/toolstrip/+matlab/+ui/+internal/+toolstrip/ folder and use the matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip package prefix, for example:

% Alternative 1:
hButton = matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.Button;
% Alternative 2:
import matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.*
hButton = Button;

For the remainder of today’s post it is assumed that you are using one of these two alternatives whenever you access any of the toolstrip classes.

Top-level toolstrip controls

ControlDescriptionImportant propertiesCallbacksEvents
EmptyControlPlaceholder (filler) in container column(none)(none)(none)
LabelSimple text label (no action)Icon, Text (string)(none)(none)
ButtonPush-buttonIcon, Text (string)ButtonPushedFcnButtonPushed
ToggleButtonToggle (on/off) buttonIcon, Text (string), Value (logical true/false), ButtonGroup (a ButtonGroup object)ValueChangedFcnValueChanged
RadioButtonRadio-button (on/off)Text (string), Value (logical true/false), ButtonGroup (a ButtonGroup object)ValueChangedFcnValueChanged
CheckBoxCheck-box (on/off)Text (string), Value (logical true/false)ValueChangedFcnValueChanged
EditFieldSingle-line editboxValue (string)ValueChangedFcnValueChanged, FocusGained, FocusLost
TextAreaMulti-line editboxValue (string)ValueChangedFcnValueChanged, FocusGained, FocusLost
SpinnerA numerical spinner control of values between min,maxLimits ([min,max]), StepSize (integer), NumberFormat (‘integer’ or ‘double’), DecimalFormat (string), Value (numeric)ValueChangedFcnValueChanged, ValueChanging
SliderA horizontal slider of values between min,maxLimits ([min,max]), Labels (cell-array), Ticks (integer), UseSmallFont (logical true/false, R2018b onward), ShowButton (logical true/false, undocumented), Steps (integer, undocumented), Value (numeric)ValueChangedFcnValueChanged, ValueChanging
ListBoxList-box selector with multiple itemsItems (cell-array), SelectedIndex (integer), MultiSelect (logical true/false), Value (cell-array of strings)ValueChangedFcnValueChanged
DropDownSingle-selection drop-down (combo-box) selectorItems (cell-array), SelectedIndex (integer), Editable (logical true/false), Value (string)ValueChangedFcnValueChanged
DropDownButtonButton that has an associated drop-down selectorIcon, Text (string), Popup (a PopupList object)DynamicPopupFcn(none)
SplitButtonSplit button: main clickable part next to a drop-down selectorIcon, Text (string), Popup (a PopupList object)ButtonPushedFcn, DynamicPopupFcnButtonPushed, DropDownPerformed (undocumented)
GalleryA gallery of selectable options, displayed in-panelMinColumnCount (integer), MaxColumnCount (integer), Popup (a GalleryPopup object), TextOverlay (string)(none)(none)
DropDownGalleryButtonA gallery of selectable options, displayed as a drop-downMinColumnCount (integer), MaxColumnCount (integer), Popup (a GalleryPopup object), TextOverlay (string)(none)(none)

In addition to the control properties listed in the table above, all toolstrip controls share some common properties:

  • Description – a string that is shown in a tooltip when you hover the mouse over the control
  • Enabled – a logical value (default: true) that controls whether we can interact with the control. A disabled control is typically grayed-over. Note that the value is a logical true/false, not ‘on’/’off’
  • Tag – a string that can be used to uniquely identify/locate the control via their container’s find(tag) and findAll(tag) methods. Can contain spaces and special symbols – does not need to be a valid Matlab identifier
  • Children – contains a list of sub-component (if any); useful with complex controls
  • Parent – the handle of the container that contains the control
  • Type – the type of control, typically its class-name
  • Mnemonic – an undocumented string property, currently unused (?)
  • Shortcut – an undocumented string property, currently unused (?)

The EmptyControl, Button, ToggleButton and CheckBox controls were discussed in an earlier post of this miniseries. The bottom 6 selection controls (ListBox, DropDown, DropDownButton, SplitButton, Gallery and DropDownGalleryButton) will be discussed in the next post. The rest of the controls are described below.

Button groups

A ButtonGroup binds several CheckBox and ToggleButton components such that only one of them is selected (pressed) at any point in time. For example:

hSection = hTab.addSection('Radio-buttons');
hColumn = hSection.addColumn();
% Grouped RadioButton controls
hButtonGroup = ButtonGroup;
hRadio = RadioButton(hButtonGroup, 'Option choice #1');
hRadio.ValueChangedFcn = @ValueChangedCallback;
hRadio = RadioButton(hButtonGroup, 'Option choice #2');
hRadio.ValueChangedFcn = @ValueChangedCallback;
hRadio.Value = true;

Toolstrip ButtonGroup

Toolstrip ButtonGroup

Note that unlike the uibuttongroup object in “standard” figure GUI, the toolstrip’s ButtonGroup object does not have a SelectionChangedFcn callback property (or corresponding event). Instead, we need to set the ValueChangedFcn callback property (or listen to the ValueChanged event) separately for each individual control. This is really a shame – I think it would make good design sense to have a SelectionChangedFcn callback at the ButtonGroup level, as we do for uibuttongroup (in addition to the individual control callbacks).

Also note that the internal documentation of ButtonGroup has an error – it provides an example usage with RadioButton that has its constructor inputs switched: the correct constructor is RadioButton(hButtonGroup,labelStr). On the other hand, for ToggleButton, the hButtonGroup input is the [optional] 3rd input arg of the constructor: ToggleButton(labelStr,Icon,hButtonGroup). I think that it would make much more sense for the RadioButton constructor to follow the documentation and the style of ToggleButton and make the hButtonGroup input the last (2nd, optional) input arg, rather than the 1st. In other words, it would make more sense for RadioButton(labelStr,hButtonGroup), but unfortunately this is currently not the case.

Label, EditField and TextArea

A Label control is a simple non-clickable text label with an optional Icon, whose text is controlled via the Text property. The label’s alignment is controlled by the containing column’s HorizontalAlignment property.

An EditField is a single-line edit-box. Its string contents can be fetched/updated via the Value property, and when the user updates the edit-box contents the ValueChangedFcn callback is invoked (upon each modification of the string, i.e. every key-click). This is a pretty simple control actually.

The EditField control has a hidden (undocumentented) settable property called PlaceholderText, which presumably aught to display a gray initial prompt within the editbox. However, as far as I could see this property has no effect (perhaps, as the name implies, it is a place-holder for a future functionality…).

A TextArea is another edit-box control, but enables entering multiple lines of text, unlike EditField which is a single-line edit-box. TextArea too is a very simple control, having a settable Value string property and a ValueChangedFcn callback. Whereas EditField controls, being single-line, would typically be included in 2- or 3-element toolstrip columns, the TextArea would typically be placed in a single-element column, so that it would span the entire column height.

A peculiarity of toolstrip columns is that unless you specify their Width property, the internal controls are displayed with a minimal width (the width is only controllable at the column level, not the control-level). This is especially important with EditField and TextArea controls, which are often empty by default, causing their assigned width to be minimal (only a few pixels). This is corrected by setting their containing column’s Width:

% EditField controls
column1 = hSection.addColumn('HorizontalAlignment','right');
column1.add(Label('Daba doo:'))
column2 = hSection.addColumn('Width',70);
column2.add(EditField('Initial text'));
% TextArea control
column3 = hSection.addColumn('Width',90);
hEdit = TextArea;
hEdit.ValueChangedFcn = @ValueChangedCallback;

Toolstrip Label, EditField and TextArea

Toolstrip Label, EditField and TextArea


Spinner is a single-line numeric editbox that has an attached side-widget where you can increase/decrease the editbox value by a specified amount, subject to predefined min/max values. If you try to enter an illegal value, Matlab will beep and the editbox will revert to its last acceptable value. You can only specify a NumberFormat of ‘integer’ or ‘double’ (default: ‘integer’) and a DecimalFormat which is a string composed of the number of sub-decimal digits to display and the format (‘e’ or ‘f’). For example, DecimalFormat=’4f’ will display 4 digits after the decimal in floating-point format (‘e’ means engineering format). Here is a short usage example (notice the different ways that we can set the callbacks):

hColumn = hSection.addColumn('Width',100);
% Integer spinner (-100 : 10 : 100)
hSpinner = Spinner([-100 100], 0);  % [min,max], initialValue
hSpinner.Description = 'this is a tooltip description';
hSpinner.StepSize = 10;
hSpinner.ValueChangedFcn = @ValueChangedCallback;
% Floating-point spinner (-10 : 0.0001 : 10)
hSpinner = Spinner([-10 10], pi);  % [min,max], initialValue
hSpinner.NumberFormat = 'double';
hSpinner.DecimalFormat = '4f';
hSpinner.StepSize = 1e-4;
addlistener(hSpinner,'ValueChanged', @ValueChangedCallback);

Toolstrip Spinner

Toolstrip Spinner

A logical extension of the toolstrip spinner implementation would be for non-numeric spinners, as well as custom Value display formatting. Perhaps this will become available at some future Matlab release.


Slider is a horizontal ruler on which you can move a knob from the left (min Value) to the right (max Value). The ticks and labels are optional and customizable. Here is a simple example showing a plain slider (values between 0-100, initial value 70, ticks every 5, labels every 20, step size 1), followed by a custom slider (notice again the different ways that we can set the callbacks):

hColumn = hSection.addColumn('Width',200);
hSlider = Slider([0 100], 70);  % [min,max], initialValue
hSlider.Description = 'this is a tooltip';
tickVals = 0 : 20 : 100;
hSlider.Labels = [compose('%d',tickVals); num2cell(tickVals)]';  % {'0',0; '20',20; ...}
hSlider.Ticks = 21;  % =numel(0:5:100)
hSlider.ValueChangedFcn = @ValueChangedCallback;
hSlider = Slider([0 100], 40);  % [min,max], initialValue
hSlider.Labels = {'Stop' 0; 'Slow' 20; 'Fast' 50; 'Too fast' 75; 'Crash!' 100};
try hSlider.UseSmallFont = true; catch, end  % UseSmallFont was only added in R2018b
hSlider.Ticks = 11;  % =numel(0:10:100)
addlistener(hSlider,'ValueChanged', @ValueChangedCallback);

Toolstrip Slider

Toolstrip Slider

Toolstrip miniseries roadmap

The next post will discuss complex selection components, including listbox, drop-down, split-button, and gallery.

Following that, I plan to discuss toolstrip collapsibility, the ToolPack framework, docking layout, DataBrowser panel, QAB (Quick Access Bar), underlying Java controls, and adding toolstrips to figures – not necessarily in this order.
Matlab toolstrips can be a bit complex, so I plan to proceed in small steps, each post building on top of its predecessors.

If you would like me to assist you in building a custom toolstrip or GUI for your Matlab program, please let me know.

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Matlab toolstrip – part 4 (control customization) Sun, 30 Dec 2018 16:00:00 +0000 Related posts:
  1. Matlab toolstrip – part 6 (complex controls) Multiple types of customizable controls can be added to Matlab toolstrips...
  2. Figure window customizations Matlab figure windows can be customized in numerous manners using the underlying Java Frame reference. ...
  3. Matlab toolstrip – part 2 (ToolGroup App) Matlab users can create custom Apps with toolstrips and docked figures. ...
  4. Matlab toolstrip – part 3 (basic customization) Matlab toolstrips can be created and customized in a variety of ways. ...
In a previous post I showed how we can create custom Matlab app toolstrips. Toolstrips can be a bit complex to develop so I’m trying to proceed slowly, with each post in the miniseries building on the previous posts. I encourage you to review the earlier posts in the Toolstrip miniseries before reading this post. In today’s post we continue the discussion of the toolstrip created in the previous post:
Toolstrip example (basic controls)

Toolstrip example (basic controls)

Today’s post will show how to attach user-defined functionality to toolstrip components, as well as some additional customizations. At the end of today’s article, you should be able to create a fully-functional custom Matlab toolstrip. Today’s post will remain within the confines of a Matlab “app”, i.e. a tool-group that displays docked figures. Future posts will discuss lower-level toolstrip mechanisms, that enable advanced customizations as well as integration in legacy (Java-based, even GUIDE-created) Matlab figures.

Control callbacks

Controls are useless without settable callbacks that affect the program state based on user interactions. There are two different mechanisms for setting callbacks for Matlab toolstrip controls. Refer to the example in the previous post:

  1. Setting the control’s callback property or properties – the property names differ across components (no, for some reason it’s never as simple as Callback in standard uicontrols). For example, the main action callback for push-buttons is ButtonPushedFcn, for toggle-buttons and checkboxes it’s ValueChangedFcn and for listboxes it’s . Setting the callback is relatively easy:
    hColorbar.ValueChangedFcn = @toggleColorbar;
    function toggleColorbar(hAction,hEventData)
        if hAction.Selected

    The hAction object that is passed to the callback function as the first input arg contains various fields of interest, but for some reason the most important object property (Value) is renamed as the Selected property (most confusing). Also, a back-reference to the originating control (hColorbar in this example), which is important for many callbacks, is also missing (and no – I couldn’t find it in the hidden properties either):

    >> hAction
    hAction = 
      Action with properties:
                Description: 'Toggle colorbar display'
                    Enabled: 1
                   Shortcut: ''
                   Selected: 1
            QuickAccessIcon: []
        SelectionChangedFcn: @toggleColorbar
                       Text: 'Colorbar'
            IsInQuickAccess: 0
                ButtonGroup: []
                       Icon: [1×1 matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.Icon]
    >> hEventData
    hEventData = 
      ToolstripEventData with properties:
        EventData: [1×1 struct]
           Source: [0×0 handle]
        EventName: ''
    >> hEventData.EventData
    ans = 
      struct with fields:
        Property: 'Value'
        NewValue: 1
        OldValue: 0

    Note that hEventData.Source is an empty handle for some unknown reason.

    The bottom line is that to reference the button state using this callback mechanism we need to either:

    1. Access hAction‘s Selected property which stands-in for the originating control’s Value property (this is what I have shown in the short code snippet above)
    2. Access hEventData.EventData and use its reported Property, NewValue and OldValue fields
    3. Pass the originating control handle as an extra (3rd) input arg to the callback function, and then access it from within the callback. For example:
      hColorbar.ValueChangedFcn = {@toggleColorbar, hColorbar};
      function toggleColorbar(hAction,hEventData,hButton)
          if hButton.Value %hAction.Selected
  2. As an alternative, we can use the addlistener function to attach a callback to control events. Practically all toolstrip components expose public events that can be listened-to using this mechanism. In most cases the control’s callback property name(s) closely follow the corresponding events. For example, for buttons we have the ValueChanged event that corresponds to the ValueChangedFcn property. We can use listeners as follows:
    function toggleLogY(hCheckbox,hEventData)
        if hCheckbox.Value, type = 'log'; else, type = 'linear'; end
        set(gca, 'XScale',type, 'YScale',type, 'ZScale',type);

    Note that when we use the addlistener mechanism to attach callbacks, we don’t need any of the tricks above – we get the originating control handle as the callback function’s first input arg, and we can access it directly.

    Unfortunately, we cannot pass extra args to the callback that we specify using addlistener (this seems like a trivial and natural thing to have, for MathWorks’ attention…). In other words, addlistener only accepts a function handle as callback, not a cell array. To bypass this limitation in uicontrols, we typically add the extra parameters to the control’s UserData or ApplicationData properties (the latter via the setappdata function). But alas – toolstrip components have neither of these properties, nor can we add them in runtime (as with for other GUI controls). So we need to find some other way to pass these extra values, such as using global variables, or making the callback function nested so that it could access the parent function’s workspace.

Additional component properties

Component text labels, where relevant, can be set using the component’s Text property, and the tooltip can be set via the Description property. As I noted in my previous post, I believe that this is an unfortunate choice of property names. In addition, components have control-specific properties such as Value (checkboxes and toggle buttons). These properties can generally be modified in runtime, in order to reflect the program state. For example, we can disable/enable controls, and modify their label, tooltip and state depending on the control’s new state and the program state in general.

The component icon can be set via the Icon property, where available (for example, buttons have an icon, but checkboxes do not). There are several different ways in which we can set this Icon. I will discuss this in detail in the following post; in the meantime you can review the usage examples in the previous post.

There are a couple of additional hidden component properties that seem promising, most notably Shortcut and Mnemonic (the latter (Mnemonic) is also available in Section and Tab, not just in components). Unfortunately, at least as of R2018b these properties do not seem to be connected yet to any functionality. In the future, I would expect them to correspond to keyboard shortcuts and underlined mnemonic characters, as these functionalities behave in standard menu items.

Accessing the underlying Java control

As long as we’re not displaying the toolstrip on a browser page (i.e., inside a uifigure or Matlab Online), the toolstrip is basically composed of Java Swing components from the com.mathworks.toolstrip.components package (such as TSButton or TSCheckBox). I will discuss these Java classes and their customizations in a later post, but for now I just wish to show how to access the underlying Java component of any Matlab MCOS control. This can be done using a central registry of toolstrip components (so-called “widgets”), which is accessible via the ToolGroup‘s hidden ToolstripSwingService property, and then via each component’s hidden widget Id. For example:

>> widgetRegistry = hToolGroup.ToolstripSwingService.Registry;
>> jButton = widgetRegistry.getWidgetById(hButton.getId)  % get the hButton's underlying Java control
ans =

We can now apply a wide variety of Java-based customizations to the retrieved jButton, as I have shown in many other articles on this website over the past decade.

Another way to access the toolstrip Java component hierarchy is via hToolGroup.Peer.get(tabIndex).getComponent. This returns the top-level Java control representing the tab whose index in tabIndex (0=left-most tab):

>> jToolGroup = hToolGroup.Peer;  % or: =hToolGroup.ToolstripSwingService.SwingToolGroup;
>> jDataTab = jToolGroup.get(0).getComponent;  % Get tab #0 (first tab: "Data")
>> jDataTab.list   % The following is abridged for brevity
    TSColumn -> layout<> :
     com.mathworks.toolstrip.components.TSButton[,"Refresh all",layout<>,NORMAL]
    TSColumn -> layout<> :
     com.mathworks.toolstrip.components.TSButton[,"Refresh X,Y",layout<>,NORMAL]
     com.mathworks.toolstrip.components.TSButton[,"Refresh Y,Z",layout<>,NORMAL]
    TSColumn -> layout<> :
     com.mathworks.toolstrip.components.TSButton[,"Refresh X",layout<>,NORMAL]
     com.mathworks.toolstrip.components.TSButton[,"Refresh Y",layout<>,NORMAL]
     com.mathworks.toolstrip.components.TSButton[,"Refresh Z",layout<>,NORMAL]
    TSColumn -> layout<> :
     com.mathworks.toolstrip.components.TSCheckBox[,"Axes borders",layout<>,NORMAL]
     com.mathworks.toolstrip.components.TSCheckBox[,"Log scaling",layout<>,NORMAL]
     com.mathworks.toolstrip.components.TSCheckBox[,"Inverted Y",layout<>,NORMAL]
    TSColumn -> layout<> :
    TSColumn -> layout<> :
     com.mathworks.toolstrip.components.TSLabel[null," ",layout<>,NORMAL]
     com.mathworks.toolstrip.components.TSLabel[null," ",layout<>,NORMAL]

Toolstrip miniseries roadmap

The next post will discuss icons, for both toolstrip controls as well as the ToolGroup app window.

I plan to discuss complex components in subsequent posts. Such components include button-group, drop-down, listbox, split-button, slider, popup form, gallery etc.

Following that, my plan is to discuss toolstrip collapsibility, the ToolPack framework, docking layout, DataBrowser panel, QAB (Quick Access Bar), underlying Java controls, and adding toolstrips to figures – not necessarily in this order.

Have I already mentioned that Matlab toolstrips can be a bit complex?

If you would like me to assist you in building a custom toolstrip or GUI for your Matlab program, please let me know.

Happy New Year, everyone!

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Reverting axes controls in figure toolbar Sun, 23 Dec 2018 19:52:19 +0000 Related posts:
  1. uiundo – Matlab’s undocumented undo/redo manager The built-in uiundo function provides easy yet undocumented access to Matlab's powerful undo/redo functionality. This article explains its usage....
  2. Docking figures in compiled applications Figures in compiled applications cannot officially be docked since R2008a, but this can be done using a simple undocumented trick....
  3. Toolbar button labels GUI toolbar button labels can easily be set and customized using underlying Java components. ...
  4. Customizing figure toolbar background Setting the figure toolbar's background color can easily be done using just a tiny bit of Java magic powder. This article explains how. ...
I planned to post a new article in my toolstrip mini-series, but then I came across something that I believe has a much greater importance and impacts many more Matlab users: the change in Matlab R2018b’s figure toolbar, where the axes controls (zoom, pan, rotate etc.) were moved to be next to the axes, which remain hidden until you move your mouse over the axes. Many users have complained about this unexpected change in the user interface of such important data exploration functionality:

R2018a (standard toolbar)

R2018a (standard toolbar)

R2018b (integrated axes toolbar)

R2018b (integrated axes toolbar)

Luckily, we can revert the change, as was recently explained in this Answers thread:

addToolbarExplorationButtons(gcf) % Add the axes controls back to the figure toolbar
hAxes.Toolbar.Visible = 'off'; % Hide the integrated axes toolbar
hAxes.Toolbar = []; % Remove the axes toolbar data

And if you want to make these changes permanent (in other words, so that they would happen automatically whenever you open a new figure or create a new axes), then add the following code snippet to your startup.m file (in your Matlab startup folder):

try %#ok
    if ~verLessThan('matlab','9.5')
        set(groot,'defaultAxesCreateFcn',  @(ax,~)set(ax.Toolbar,'Visible','off'));

MathWorks is taking a lot of heat over this change, and I agree that it could have done a better job of communicating the workaround in placing it as settable configurations in the Preferences panel or elsewhere. Whenever an existing functionality is broken, certainly one as critical as the basic data-exploration controls, MathWorks should take extra care to enable and communicate workarounds and settable configurations that would enable users a gradual smooth transition. Having said this, MathWorks does communicate the workaround in its release notes (I’m not sure whether this was there from the very beginning or only recently added, but it’s there now).

In my opinion the change was *not* driven by the marketing guys (as was the Desktop change from toolbars to toolstrip back in 2012 which received similar backlash, and despite the heated accusations in the above-mentioned Answers thread). Instead, I believe that this change was technically-driven, as part of MathWorks’ ongoing infrastructure changes to make Matlab increasingly web-friendly. The goal is that eventually all the figure functionality could transition to Java-script -based uifigures, replacing the current (“legacy”) Java-based figures, and enabling Matlab to work remotely, via any browser-enabled device (mobiles included), and not be tied to desktop operating systems. In this respect, toolbars do not transition well to webpages/Javascript, but the integrated axes toolbar does. Like it or not, eventually all of Matlab’s figures will become web-enabled content, and this is simply one step in this long journey. There will surely be other painful steps along the way, but hopefully MathWorks would learn a lesson from this change, and would make the transition smoother in the future.

Once you regain your composure and take the context into consideration, you might wish to let MathWorks know what you think of the toolbar redesign here. Please don’t complain to me – I’m only the messenger…

Merry Christmas everybody!

p.s. One of the complaints against the new axes toolbar is that it hurts productivity by forcing users to wait for the toolbar to fade-in and become clickable. Apparently the axes toolbar has a hidden private property called FadeGroup that presumably controls the fade-in/out effect. This can be accessed as follows:

hFadeGroup = struct(hAxes.Toolbar).FadeGroup  % hAxes is the axes handle

I have not [yet] discovered if and how this object can be customized to remove the fade animation or control its duration, but perhaps some smart hack would discover and post the workaround here (or let me know in a private message that I would then publish anonymously).

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Matlab toolstrip – part 3 (basic customization) Sun, 16 Dec 2018 16:00:29 +0000 Related posts:
  1. Matlab toolstrip – part 2 (ToolGroup App) Matlab users can create custom Apps with toolstrips and docked figures. ...
  2. Matlab toolstrip – part 4 (control customization) Matlab toolstrip components (controls) can be customized in various ways, including user-defined callbacks. ...
  3. Matlab toolstrip – part 6 (complex controls) Multiple types of customizable controls can be added to Matlab toolstrips...
  4. Matlab toolstrip – part 7 (selection controls) Matlab toolstrips can contain a wide variety of selection controls: popups, combo-boxes, and galleries. ...
In the previous post I showed how we can create custom Matlab apps. In such apps, the toolstrip is very often an important part. Today I continue my miniseries on toolstrips. Toolstrips can be a bit complex so I’m trying to proceed slowly, with each post in the miniseries building on the previous posts. So I encourage you to review the earlier posts in the miniseries (part1, part2) before reading this post.

A Matlab toolstrip is composed of a hierarchy of user-interface objects as follows (all objects are classes within the matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip package):

Anatomy of a Matlab app with toolstrip

Anatomy of a Matlab app with toolstrip

  • TabGroup
    • Tab
      • Section
        • Column
          • Component
            • Component
          • Column
        • Section
      • Tab
    • TabGroup

    In this post I explain how we can create a custom toolstrip that contains tabs, sections, and basic controls that interact with the user and the docked figures. The following posts will show more advanced customizations and more complex controls, as well as showing alternative ways of creating the toolstrip.

    1. Creating a bare toolstrip and new tabs

    We start with a new ToolGroup that has a bare toolstrip and a docked figure (for details and explanations refer to the previous post):

    % Create a new ToolGroup ("app") with a hidden DataBrowser
    hToolGroup = matlab.ui.internal.desktop.ToolGroup('Toolstrip example on');
    hToolGroup.disableDataBrowser();;  % this may be postponed further down for improved performance
    % Store toolgroup reference handle so that app will stay in memory
    jToolGroup = hToolGroup.Peer;
    internal.setJavaCustomData(jToolGroup, hToolGroup);
    % Create two figures and dock them into the ToolGroup
    hFig1 = figure('Name','3D');  surf(peaks);

    We now create a new TabGroup and and it to our ToolGroup:

    import matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.*  % for convenience below
    hTabGroup = TabGroup();

    We can add a new Tab to the TabGroup using either of two methods:

    1. Create a new Tab object and then use TabGroup.add(hTab,index) to add it to a parent TabGroup. The index argument is optional – if specified the section is inserted at that index location; if not, it is added at the end of the tab-group. Sample usage:
      hTab = Tab('Data');
      hTabGroup.add(hTab);  % add to tab as the last section
      hTabGroup.add(hTab,3);  % add to tab as the 3rd section
    2. Call TabGroup.addTab(title). This creates a new tab with the specified title (default: ”) and adds it at the end of the tab-group. The new tab’s handle is returned by the function. Sample usage:
      hTabGroup.addTab('Data');  % add to tab-group as the last tab

    This creates an empty “Data” tab in our app toolstrip. Note that the tab title is capitalized (“DATA”), despite the fact that we set its Title property to 'Data'. Also note that while the tab’s Title property can be updated after the tab is created, in practice the tab title does not seem to change.

    New (empty) toolstrip tab

    Lastly, note that a “VIEW” tab is automatically added to our toolstrip. As explained in the previous post, we can remove it using hToolGroup.hideViewTab; (refer to the previous post for details).

    2. Adding sections to a toolstrip tab

    Each toolstrip Tab is composed of Sections, that holds the actual components. We cannot add components directly to a Tab: they have to be contained within a Section. A toolstrip Tab can only contain Sections as direct children.

    We can add a new section to a Tab using either of two methods, in a similar way to the that way we added a new tab above:

    1. Create a new Section object and then use Tab.add(hSection,index) to add it to a parent Tab. The index argument is optional – if specified the section is inserted at that index location; if not, it is added at the end of the tab. Sample usage:
      hSection = Section('Section title');
      hTab.add(hSection);  % add to tab as the last section
      hTab.add(hSection,3);  % add to tab as the 3rd section
    2. Call Tab.addSection(title). This creates a new section with the specified title (default: ”) and adds it at the end of the tab. The new section’s handle is returned by the function. Sample usage:
      hTab.addSection('Section title');  % add to tab as the last section

    Note that the help section for Tab.addSection() indicates that it’s possible to specify 2 string input args (presumably Title and Tag), but this is in fact wrong and causes a run-time error, since Section constructor only accepts a single argument (Title), at least as of R2018b.

    The Section‘s Title property can be set both in the constructor, as well as updated later. In addition, we can also set the Tag and CollapsePriority properties after the section object is created (these properties cannot be set in the constructor call):

    hSection.Title = 'New title';    % can also be set in constructor call
    hSection.Tag = 'section #1';     % cannot be set in constructor call
    hSection.CollapsePriority = 10;  % cannot be set in constructor call

    The CollapsePriority property is responsible for controlling the order in which sections and their internal components collapse into a drop-down when the window is resized to a smaller width.

    Like tabs, section titles also appear capitalized. However, unlike the section titles can indeed be modified in run-time.

    3. Adding columns to a tab section

    Each Section in a toolstrip Tab is composed of Columns, and each Column can contain 1-3 Components. This is a very effective layout for toolstrip controls that answers the vast majority of use-cases. In some special cases we might need more flexibility with the component layout within a Tab – I will explain this in a future post. But for now let’s stick to the standard Tab-Section-Column-Component framework.

    We can add columns to a section using (guess what?) either of two methods, as above:

    1. Create a new Column object and then use Section.add(hColumn,index) to add it to a parent Section. The index argument is optional – if specified the column is inserted at that index location; if not, it is added at the end of the section. Sample usage:
      hColumn = Column('HorizontalAlignment','center', 'Width',150);
      hSection.add(hColumn);  % add to section as the last column
      hSection.add(hColumn,3);  % add to section as the 3rd column
    2. Call Tab.addSection(title). This creates a new section with the specified title (default: ”) and adds it at the end of the tab. The new section’s handle is returned by the function. Sample usage:
      hSection.addColumn('HorizontalAlignment','center', 'Width',150);  % add to section as the last column

    We can set the Column‘s HorizontalAlignment and Width properties only in the constructor call, not later via direct assignments. In contrast, the Tag property cannot be set in the constructor, only via direct assignment:

    hColumn.HorizontalAlignment = 'right';  % error: can only be set via constructor call: Column('HorizontalAlignment','right', ...)
    hColumn.Width = 150;                    % error: can only be set via constructor call: Column('Width',150, ...)
    hColumn.Tag = 'column #2';              % ok: cannot be set via the constructor call!

    This is indeed confusing and non-intuitive. Perhaps this is part of the reason that the toolstrip API is still not considered stable enough for a general documented release.

    4. Adding controls to a section column

    Each section column contains 1 or more Components. These can be push/toggle/split/radio buttons, checkboxes, drop-downs, sliders, spinners, lists etc. Take a look at matlabroot%/toolbox/matlab/toolstrip/+matlab/+ui/+internal/+toolstrip/ for a full list of available controls. I’ll discuss a few basic controls in this post, and more complex ones in future posts.

    As above, there are two methods for adding components to a section column, but they have different purposes:

    1. Column.addEmptyControl() adds a filler space in the next position of the column. This is used to display the colorbar control at the center of the column in the usage snippet below.
    2. Create a new Component object and then use Column.add(hComponent, index) to add it to a parent Column. The index argument is optional – if specified the component is inserted at that index location; if not, it is added at the end of the column. Sample usage:
      hButton = Button('Click me!');
      hColumn.add(hButton);  % add to column as the last component
      hColumn.add(hButton,3);  % add to column as the 3rd component

    Component objects (matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.base.Component, which all usable toolstrip controls inherit) have several common properties. Leaving aside the more complex components for now, most usable controls include the following properties:

    • Text – text label, displayed next to the control icon (pity that MathWorks didn’t call this property String or Label, in line with uicontrols/menu-items)
    • Description – tooltip, displayed when hovering the mouse over the control (pity that MathWorks didn’t call this property Tooltip in line with uicontrols/menu-items)
    • Tag – a string, as all other Matlab HG objects. Controls are searchable by their Tag via their container’s find(tag) and findAll(tag) methods (again, I don’t quite understand why not use findobj and findall as with the rest of Matlab HG…).
    • Enabled – a logical value (true/false), true by default
    • Icon – the icon used next to the Text label. We can use the Icon constructor (that expects the full path of a PNG/JPG file), or one of its static icons (e.g. Icon.REFRESH_16). Icons will be discussed in detail in the following post; in the meantime you can see various usage examples below.

    Each control also has one or more callbacks that can be specified, as settable properties and/or as events that can be listened-to using the addlistener function. This too will be discussed in detail in the next post, but in the meantime you can see various usage examples below.

    Columns can have 1-3 components:

    • If only 1 component is specified, it is allocated the full column height, effectively creating a large control, with the Icon on top (typically a 24×24 icon) and the Text label beneath.
    • If 2 or 3 components are specified, then smaller controls are displayed, with the Text label to the right of the Icon (typically 16×16), and the controls evenly spaced within the column.
    • If you try to add more than 3 components to a Column, you’ll get a run-time error.

    5. Usage example

    Here is a short usage example showing the above concepts. The code is not pretty by any means – I intentionally wanted to display multiple different ways of adding components, specifying properties and callbacks etc. It is meant merely as an educational tool, and is not close to being ready for production code. So please don’t complain about the known fact that the code is ugly, non-robust, and in general exhibits bad programming practices. The complete runnable code can be downloaded here.

    The following code snippets assume that you have already ran the code in paragraph 1 above:

    Push-buttons section (3 columns)
    Toolstrip example (basic controls)

    Toolstrip example (basic controls)

    section1 = hTab.addSection('Push buttons');
    column1a = section1.addColumn();
    icon = Icon.REFRESH_24; % built-in: see Icon.showStandardIcons()
    button = Button('Refresh all',icon);
    button.Description = 'Refresh the charted data - all axes';
    button.ButtonPushedFcn = @refreshAllData;
    function refreshAllData(hAction,hEventData)
        hAxes = gca;
        hChildren = hAxes.Children;
        for idx = 1 : numel(hChildren)
            hChild = hChildren(idx);
            hChild.XData = -hChild.XData;
            hChild.YData = -hChild.YData;
            hChild.ZData = -hChild.ZData;
    column1b = section1.addColumn();
    function addRefresh2Button(type1, type2)
        import matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.*
        hButton = Button(['Refresh ' type1 ',' type2], Icon.RESTORE_16);
        hButton.Description = ['Refresh the charted data - ' type1 ',' type2 ' axes'];
        hButton.ButtonPushedFcn = {@refres2AxisData, type1, type2};
        function refres2AxisData(~,~,type1,type2)
            hAxes = gca;
            hChildren = hAxes.Children;
            for idx = 1 : numel(hChildren)
                hChild = hChildren(idx);
                hChild.([type1 'Data']) = -hChild.([type1 'Data']);
                hChild.([type2 'Data']) = -hChild.([type2 'Data']);
    column1c = section1.addColumn();
    function addRefresh1Button(type)
        import matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.*
        hButton = Button(['Refresh ' type], Icon.REDO_16);
        hButton.Description = ['Refresh the charted data - ' type ' axes'];
        addlistener(hButton, 'ButtonPushed', @refres1AxisData);  % {} not supported!
        function refres1AxisData(h,e)
            hAxes = gca;
            hChildren = hAxes.Children;
            for idx = 1 : numel(hChildren)
                hChild = hChildren(idx);
                hChild.([type 'Data']) = -hChild.([type 'Data']);
    Toggle buttons section (2 columns)
    section2 = hTab.addSection('Toggle buttons');
    section2.CollapsePriority = 2;
    column1 = Column();
    %icon = Icon.LEGEND_24;
    icon = Icon(fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','shared','controllib','general','resources','toolstrip_icons','Legend_24.png')); % PNG/JPG image file (not GIF!)
    button = ToggleButton('Legend',icon);
    button.Description = 'Toggle legend display';
    addlistener(button, 'ValueChanged', @(h,e)legend('toggle'));
    column2 = section2.addColumn();
    imagefile = fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','matlab','icons','tool_colorbar.png');
    jIcon = javax.swing.ImageIcon(imagefile); % Java ImageIcon from file (inc. GIF)
    %jIcon = javax.swing.ImageIcon(jIcon.getImage.getScaledInstance(24,24,jIcon.getImage.SCALE_SMOOTH))  % Resize icon to 24x24
    icon = Icon(jIcon);
    button = ToggleButton('Colorbar',icon);
    button.Description = 'Toggle colorbar display';
    button.ValueChangedFcn = @toggleColorbar;
    function toggleColorbar(hAction,hEventData)
        if hAction.Selected
    Checkboxes section (1 column 150px-wide), placed after the push-buttons section
    section3 = Section('Checkboxes');
    section3.CollapsePriority = 1;
    hTab.add(section3, 2);
    column3 = section3.addColumn('HorizontalAlignment','left', 'Width',150);
    button = CheckBox('Axes borders', true);
    button.ValueChangedFcn = @toggleAxes;
    button.Description = 'Axes borders';
    function toggleAxes(hAction,hEventData)
        if hAction.Selected
    button = CheckBox('Log scaling', false);
    button.Description = 'Log scaling';
    function toggleLogY(hCheckbox,hEventData)
        if hCheckbox.Value, type = 'log'; else, type = 'linear'; end
        set(gca, 'XScale',type, 'YScale',type, 'ZScale',type);
    button = CheckBox('Inverted Y', false);
    button.Description = 'Invert Y axis';
    function toggleInvY(hCheckbox,~)
        if hCheckbox.Value, type = 'reverse'; else, type = 'normal'; end
        set(gca, 'YDir',type);


    Creating a custom app toolstrip requires careful planning of the tabs, sections, controls and their layout, as well as preparation of the icons, labels and callbacks. Once you start playing with the toolstrip API, you’ll see that it’s quite easy to understand and to use. I think MathWorks did a good job in general with this API, and it’s a pity that they did not make it public or official long ago (the MCOS API discussed above existed since 2014-2015; earlier versions existed at least as far back as 2011). Comparing the changes made in the API between R2018a and R2018b shows quite minor differences, which may possibly means that the API is now considered stable, and therefore that it might well be made public in some near-term future. Still, note that this API may well change in future releases (for example, naming of the control properties that I mentioned above). It works well in R2018b, as well as in the past several Matlab releases, but this could well change in the future, so beware.

    In the following posts I will discuss advanced control customizations (icons, callbacks, collapsibility etc.), complex controls (drop-downs, pop-ups, lists, button groups, items gallery etc.) and low-level toolstrip creation and customization. As I said above, Matlab toolstrips are quite an extensive subject and so I plan to proceed slowly, with each post building on its predecessors. Stay tuned!

    In the meantime, if you would like me to assist you in building a custom toolstrip or GUI for your Matlab program, please let me know.

    ]]> 21
    Matlab toolstrip – part 2 (ToolGroup App) Wed, 05 Dec 2018 17:00:48 +0000 Related posts:
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    3. Builtin PopupPanel widget We can use a built-in Matlab popup-panel widget control to display lightweight popups that are attached to a figure window. ...
    4. Matlab toolstrip – part 6 (complex controls) Multiple types of customizable controls can be added to Matlab toolstrips...
    A while ago I posted the first of my planned miniseries on the Matlab toolstrip (ribbon). Today I will expand that post by discussing how toolstrips can be added to Matlab GUIs. This post will remain at a high-level as the previous post, with followup posts drilling into the technical details of the toolstrip components (inner packages and classes).

    We can add a Matlab toolstrip to 3 types of Matlab GUI windows:

    1. To a Java-based Matlab figure (so-called “legacy” figures, created using GUIDE or the figure function)
    2. To a container window of docked Java-based figures, typically called an “App” (marketing name) or “Tool Group” (internal technical name)
    3. To a JavaScript/HTML-based Matlab figure (so called “web” figures, created using App Designer or the uifigure function)

    Today I will show how to add a basic dynamic toolstrip to a ToolGroup (App, window type #2):

    ToolGroup with clients and dynamic toolstrip

    ToolGroup with clients and dynamic toolstrip

    Figure containers (“Tool Groups”)

    Most Matlab users are familiar with window types #1 and #3 (legacy and web-based figures), but type #2 may seem strange. In fact, it shouldn’t be: All the Matlab “Apps” and Desktop components use such a container of docked clients. For example, both the Matlab Editor and Desktop are containers of individual client windows (individual files in the Editor; Command Window, Workspace etc. in the desktop).

    Similarly, when we dock figures, they dock as client windows into a container called “Figures” (this can be controlled programmatically: see my setFigDockGroup utility on the File Exchange). This is the basis for all Matlab “Apps”, as far as I am aware (some Apps may possibly use a different GUI container, after all there are ~100 Matlab Apps and I’m not familiar with all of them). Such Apps are basically stand-alone Tool Groups (client container windows) that contain one or more docked figures, a toolstrip, and a side-panel with controls (so-called “Data Browser”).

    Note: MathWorks uses confusing terminology here, using the same term “App” for both MathWorks-created GUIs containers (that have toolstrips, Data Browser and docked figures) and also user-created utilities on the File Exchange (that do not have these). Unfortunately, MathWorks has chosen not [yet] to release to the general public its set of tools that enable creating true “Apps”, i.e. those that have a toolstrip, Data Browser and docked figures.

    Today’s post will attempt to fill this gap, by showing how we can create user Apps that have a toolstrip and docked figures. I will ignore the Data Browser today, and will describe it in a future post. Since docking figures into a standalone user-created container is a solved problem (using my setFigDockGroup utility), this post will focus on adding a toolstrip to such a container.

    A ToolGroup object (matlab.ui.internal.desktop.ToolGroup) is created either implicitly (by docking a figure into a group that has a new name), or explicitly (by invoking its constructor):

    % Create a new non-visible empty App (Tool Group)
    hToolGroup = matlab.ui.internal.desktop.ToolGroup('Toolstrip example on');

    Some things only work properly after the app is displayed, so let’s display the ToolGroup (however, note that for improved performance it is better to do whatever customizations and GUI updates that you can before the app is made visible):

    % Display the ToolGroup window;

    Basic empty ToolGroup (without toolstrip or clients)

    Basic empty ToolGroup (without toolstrip or clients)

    An annoying quirk with ToolGroups is that they automatically close when their reference handle is deleted from Matlab memory. The specific behavior changes depending on the contents of the container and the Matlab release, but in general it’s safest to preserve the hToolGroup variable, to prevent the window from closing, when this variable goes out of scope, when the function (in which we create the ToolGroup) returns. There are many ways to persist this variable. Here’s one alternative, in which we persist it in itself (or rather, attached to its internal Java peer control):

    % Store toolgroup reference handle so that app will stay in memory
    jToolGroup = hToolGroup.Peer;
    internal.setJavaCustomData(jToolGroup, hToolGroup);

    internal.setJavaCustomData is an undocumented Matlab function that adds a new custom property to a Java reference handle. In our case, it adds a CustomData property to the jToolGroup handle and sets its value to the Matlab hToolGroup handle. The source code for internal.setJavaCustomData is available in %matlabroot%/toolbox/shared/controllib/general/+internal/setJavaCustomData.m and is very simple: it essentially uses the old schema-based schema.prop method for adding new properties to handles. Schema is an old deprecated mechanism that is mostly replaced by the newer MCOS (Matlab Class Object System), but for some specific cases such as this it’s still very useful (the standard addprop function can add new properties to Matlab GUI handles, but not to Java reference handles).

    Finally, let’s discard the Data Browser side panel (I’ll discuss it in a separate future post):

    % Discard the Data-browser left panel

    Adding a toolstrip to the ToolGroup

    Now that we have the basic container ready, let’s add a toolstrip. To simplify matters in this introductory post (after all, I have still not described the internal packages and classes that make up a toolstrip), we’ll use some of the tabs used in the showcaseToolGroup example that I discussed in my previous post. You can see the relevant source code in %matlabroot%/toolbox/matlab/toolstrip/+matlab/+ui/+internal/+desktop/*.m, in case you want to jump ahead and customize your own toolstrip tabs, groups and buttons. In the code snippet below, we first create an empty TabGroup, then add toolstrip tabs into it, and finally add this TabGroup into our ToolGroup using its addTabGroup(hTabGroup) method:

    % Create a new tab group
    %hTabGroup = matlab.ui.internal.desktop.showcaseBuildTabGroup('swing');
    hTabGroup = matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.TabGroup();
    hTab1 = matlab.ui.internal.desktop.showcaseBuildTab_Buttons('swing');
    % Select tab #1 (common)
    hTabGroup.SelectedTab = hTab1;
    % Add the tab group to the built-in toolstrip

    We now have an “App” that has a toolstrip, but no clients (yet), and a hidden Data Browser side-panel:

    ToolGroup "App" with a simple toolstrip (no clients yet)

    Now let’s add some clients (docked figures):

    Adding clients (docked figures) to the ToolGroup

    There are two easy variants for adding docked figures in a ToolGroup: The easiest is to use the ToolGroup’s addFigure(hFigure) method:

    % Create a figure and dock it into the tool-group
    hFig1 = figure('Name','3D');

    The second variant enables to dock a figure that has a specific set of toolstrip tabs attached to it. These tabs will only display in the toolstrip when that particular figure has focus. We do this by creating a new TabGroup (just as we have done above), and then add the figure and TabGroup to the container using the ToolGroup’s addClientTabGroup(hFigure,hTabGroup) method:

    % Create the 2nd figure
    hFig2 = figure('Name','2D');
    plot(rand(5)); drawnow
    % Add a few tabs that are only relevant to this specific figure
    hTabGroup2 = matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.TabGroup();
    hTab2 = matlab.ui.internal.desktop.showcaseBuildTab_Selections();
    % Add the figure and tabs to the ToolGroup
    hToolGroup.addClientTabGroup(hFig2, hTabGroup2);

    ToolGroup with clients and dynamic toolstrip

    ToolGroup with clients and dynamic toolstrip

    In this example, the “Selection” and “Values” toolstrip tabs only appear when the 2nd figure (“2D”) has focus. A similar behavior exists in the Matlab Desktop and Editor, where some tabs are only shown when certain clients have focus.

    Removing the View tab

    Note that the “View” toolstrip tab (which enables setting the appearance of the docked figures: layout, tab positions (top/bottom/left/right), ordering etc.) is automatically added to the toolstrip and always appears last. We can remove this View tab using the ToolGroup’s hideViewTab() method. The tab will not immediately be removed, only when the toolstrip is repainted, for example, when we switch focus between the docked figures:

    hToolGroup.hideViewTab;  % toolstrip View tab is still visible at this point
    figure(hFig1);  % change focus to hFig1 - toolstrip is repainted without View tab


    It’s relatively easy to dock figures into a standalone “App” window that has a custom toolstrip, which can even be dynamically modified based on the figure which is currently in focus. Naturally, this has little benefit if we cannot customize the toolstrip components: labels, icons, control type, grouping and most importantly – callbacks. This topic deserves a dedicated post, which I plan to be the next in this miniseries. Stay tuned – hopefully the next post will not take me as long to publish as this post (I was quite busy recently)…

    ]]> 11
    Matlab callbacks for uifigure JavaScript events Wed, 15 Aug 2018 15:00:10 +0000 Related posts:
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    2. Customizing uifigures part 3 As I have repeatedly posted in recent years, Matlab is advancing towards web-based GUI. The basic underlying technology is more-or-less stable: an HTML/Javascript webpage that is created-on-the-fly and rendered in...
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    4. Graphic sizing in Matlab R2015b Matlab release R2015b's new "DPI-aware" nature broke some important functionality. Here's what can be done... ...
    I would like to welcome back guest blogger Iliya Romm of Israel’s Technion Turbomachinery and Heat Transfer Laboratory. Today Iliya will discuss how to assign Matlab callbacks to JavaScript events in the new web-based uifigures. Other posts on customizations of web-based Matlab GUI can be found here.

    On several occasions (including the previous post by Khris Griffis) I came across people who were really missing the ability to have Matlab respond to various JavaScript (JS) events. While MathWorks are working on their plans to incorporate something similar to this in future releases, we’ll explore the internal tools already available, in the hopes of finding a suitable intermediate solution.

    Today I’d like to share a technique I’ve been experimenting with, allowing Matlab to respond to pretty much any JS event to which we can attach a listener. This is an overview of how it works:

    1. create a UIFigure with the desired contents, and add to it (at least) one more dummy control, which has an associated Matlab callback.
    2. execute a JS snippet that programmatically interacts with the dummy control, whenever some event-of-interest happens, causing the Matlab callback to fire.
    3. query the webWindow, from within the Matlab callback, to retrieve any additional information (“payload”) that the JS passed.

    This approach allows, for example, to easily respond to mouse events:

    Attaching Matlab callback to a uifigure JavaScript event

    Consider the code below, which demonstrates different ways of responding to JS events. To run it, save the .m file function below (direct download link) and the four accompanying .js files in the same folder, then run jsEventDemo(demoNum), where demoNum is 1..4. Note: this code was developed on R2018a, unfortunately I cannot guarantee it works on other releases.

    function varargout = jsEventDemo(demoNum)
       % Handle inputs and outputs
       if ~nargin
          demoNum = 4;
       if ~nargout
          varargout = {};
       % Create a simple figure:
       hFig = uifigure('Position',[680,680,330,240],'Resize','off');
       hTA = uitextarea(hFig, 'Value', 'Psst... Come here...!','Editable','off');
       [hWin,idTA] = mlapptools.getWebElements(hTA);
       % Open in browser (DEBUG):
       % mlapptools.waitForFigureReady(hFig); mlapptools.unlockUIFig(hFig); pause(1);
       % web(hWin.URL,'-browser')
       % Prepare the JS command corresponding to the requested demo (1-4)
       switch demoNum
          % Demo #1: Respond to mouse events, inside JS, using "onSomething" bindings:
          case 1
             % Example from:
             jsCommand = sprintf(fileread('jsDemo1.js'), idTA.ID_val);
          % Demo #2: Respond to mouse click events, inside JS, using pub/sub:
          case 2
             % Example from:
             hTA.Value = 'Click here and see what happens';
             jsCommand = sprintf(fileread('jsDemo2.js'), idTA.ID_val);
          % Demo #3: Trigger Matlab callbacks programmatically from JS by "pressing" a fake button:
          case 3
             hB = uibutton(hFig, 'Visible', 'off', 'Position', [0 0 0 0], ...
                           'ButtonPushedFcn', @fakeButtonCallback);
             [~,idB] = mlapptools.getWebElements(hB);
             jsCommand = sprintf(fileread('jsDemo3.js'), idTA.ID_val, idB.ID_val);
          % Demo 4: Trigger Matlab callbacks and include a "payload" (i.e. eventData) JSON:
          case 4
             hB = uibutton(hFig, 'Visible', 'off', 'Position', [0 0 0 0],...
                          'ButtonPushedFcn', @(varargin)smartFakeCallback(varargin{:}, hWin));
             [~,idB] = mlapptools.getWebElements(hB);
             jsCommand = sprintf(fileread('jsDemo4.js'), idTA.ID_val, idB.ID_val);
       end % switch
       % Execute the JS command
    % Matlab callback function used by Demo #3
    function fakeButtonCallback(obj, eventData) %#ok<INUSD>
       disp('Callback activated!');
    % Matlab callback function used by Demo #4
    function smartFakeCallback(obj, eventData, hWin)
       % Retrieve and decode payload JSON:
       payload = jsondecode(hWin.executeJS('payload'));
       % Print payload summary to the command window:
       disp(['Responding to the fake ' eventData.EventName ...
             ' event with the payload: ' jsonencode(payload) '.']);
       % Update the TextArea
       switch char(payload.action)
          case 'enter',  act_txt = 'entered';
          case 'leave',  act_txt = 'left';
       str = ["Mouse " + act_txt + ' from: '; ...
              "(" + payload.coord(1) + ',' + payload.coord(2) + ')'];  
       obj.Parent.Children(2).Value = str;

    Several thoughts:

    • The attached .js files will not work by themselves, rather, they require sprintf to replace the %s with valid widget IDs. Of course, these could be made into proper JS functions.
    • Instead of loading the JS files using fileread, we could place the JS code directly in the jsCommand variable, as a Matlab string (char array)
    • I tried getting it to work with a textarea control, so that we would get the payload right in the callback’s eventData object in Matlab, Unfortunately, I couldn’t get it to fire programmatically (solutions like this didn’t work). So instead, I store the payload as JSON, and retrieve it with jsondecode(hWin.executeJS('payload')) in the smartFakeCallback function.

    JavaScript files

    1. jsDemo1.js (direct download link):
      require(["dojo/on", "dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/mouse"],
      	function(on, dom, domStyle, mouse) {
      		var myDiv = dom.byId("%s");
      		on(myDiv, mouse.enter, function(evt){
      			domStyle.set(myDiv, "backgroundColor", "red");
      		on(myDiv, mouse.leave, function(evt){
      			domStyle.set(myDiv, "backgroundColor", "");
    2. jsDemo2.js (direct download link):
      require(["dojo/on", "dojo/topic", "dojo/dom"],
      	function(on, topic, dom) {
      		var myDiv = dom.byId("%s");
      		on(myDiv, "click", function() {
      			topic.publish("alertUser", "Your click was converted into an alert!");
      		topic.subscribe("alertUser", function(text){
    3. jsDemo3.js (direct download link):
      require(["dojo/on", "dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/mouse"],
      	function(on, dom, domStyle, mouse) {
      		var myDiv = dom.byId("%s");
      		var fakeButton = dom.byId("%s");
      		on(myDiv, mouse.enter, function(evt){;
    4. jsDemo4.js (direct download link):
      var payload = [];
      require(["dojo/on", "dojo/dom", "dojo/topic", "dojo/mouse"],
      	function(on, dom, topic, mouse) {
      		var myDiv = dom.byId("%s");
      		var fakeButton = dom.byId("%s");
      		topic.subscribe("sendToMatlab", function(data){
      			payload = data;;
      		on(myDiv, mouse.enter, function(evt){
      			data = {action: "enter",
      				coord: [evt.clientX, evt.clientY]};
      			topic.publish("sendToMatlab", data);
      		on(myDiv, mouse.leave, function(evt){
      			data = {action: "leave",
      				coord: [evt.clientX, evt.clientY]};
      			topic.publish("sendToMatlab", data);


    As you can see, this opens some interesting possibilities, and I encourage you to experiment with them yourself! This feature will likely be added to the mlapptools toolbox as soon as an intuitive API is conceived.

    If you have any comments or questions about the code above, or just want to tell me how you harnessed this mechanism to upgrade your uifigure (I would love to hear about it!), feel free to leave a message below the gist on which this post is based (this way I get notifications!).

    ]]> 4
    Toolbar button labels Mon, 08 Jan 2018 17:34:17 +0000 Related posts:
    1. Customizing figure toolbar background Setting the figure toolbar's background color can easily be done using just a tiny bit of Java magic powder. This article explains how. ...
    2. Builtin PopupPanel widget We can use a built-in Matlab popup-panel widget control to display lightweight popups that are attached to a figure window. ...
    3. Matlab toolstrip – part 9 (popup figures) Custom popup figures can be attached to Matlab GUI toolstrip controls. ...
    4. FindJObj GUI – display container hierarchy The FindJObj utility can be used to present a GUI that displays a Matlab container's internal Java components, properties and callbacks....
    I was recently asked by a client to add a few buttons labeled “1”-“4” to a GUI toolbar. I thought: How hard could that be? Simply get the toolbar’s handle from the figure, then use the builtin uipushtool function to add a new button, specifying the label in the String property, right?

    Labeled toolbar buttons

    Well, not so fast it seems:

    hToolbar = findall(hFig, 'tag','FigureToolBar');  % get the figure's toolbar handle
    uipushtool(hToolbar, 'String','1');               % add a pushbutton to the toolbar
    Error using uipushtool
    There is no String property on the PushTool class. 

    Apparently, for some unknown reason, standard Matlab only enables us to set the icon (CData) of a toolbar control, but not a text label.

    Once again, Java to the rescue:

    We first get the Java toolbar reference handle, then add the button in standard Matlab (using uipushtool, uitoggletool and their kin). We can now access the Java toolbar’s last component, relying on the fact that Matlab always adds new buttons at the end of the toolbar. Note that we need to use a short drawnow to ensure that the toolbar is fully re-rendered, otherwise we’d get an invalid Java handle. Finally, once we have this reference handle to the underlying Java button component, we can set and customize its label text and appearance (font face, border, size, alignment etc.):

    hToolbar = findall(hFig, 'tag','FigureToolBar');     % get the figure's toolbar handle
    jToolbar = hToolbar.JavaContainer.getComponentPeer;  % get the toolbar's Java handle
    for buttonIdx = 1 : 4
        % First create the toolbar button using standard Matlab code
        label = num2str(buttonIdx);  % create a string label
        uipushtool(hToolbar, 'ClickedCallback',{@myCallback,analysisIdx}, 'TooltipString',['Run analysis #' label]);
        % Get the Java reference handle to the newly-created button
        drawnow; pause(0.01);  % allow the GUI time to re-render the toolbar
        jButton = jToolbar.getComponent(jToolbar.getComponentCount-1);
        % Set the button's label

    The standard Matlab toolbar button size (23×23 pixels) is too small to display more than a few characters. To display a longer label, we need to widen the button:

    % Make the button wider than the standard 23 pixels
    newSize = java.awt.Dimension(50, jButton.getHeight);

    Using a text label does not prevent us from also displaying an icon: In addition to the text label, we can also display a standard icon (by setting the button’s CData property in standard Matlab). This icon will be displayed to the left of the text label. You can widen the button, as shown in the code snippet above, to make space for both the icon and the label. If you want to move the label to a different location relative to the icon, simply modify the Java component’s HorizontalTextPosition property:

    jButton.setHorizontalTextPosition(jButton.RIGHT);   % label right of icon (=default)
    jButton.setHorizontalTextPosition(jButton.CENTER);  % label on top of icon
    jButton.setHorizontalTextPosition(jButton.LEFT);    % label left of icon

    In summary, here’s the code snippet that generated the screenshot above:

    % Get the Matlab & Java handles to the figure's toolbar
    hToolbar = findall(hFig, 'tag','FigureToolBar');     % get the figure's toolbar handle
    jToolbar = hToolbar.JavaContainer.getComponentPeer;  % get the toolbar's Java handle
    % Button #1: label only, no icon, 23x23 pixels
    h1 = uipushtool(hToolbar);
    drawnow; pause(0.01);
    jButton = jToolbar.getComponent(jToolbar.getComponentCount-1);
    % Create the icon CData from an icon file
    graphIcon = fullfile(matlabroot,'/toolbox/matlab/icons/plotpicker-plot.gif');
    [graphImg,map] = imread(graphIcon);
    map(map(:,1)+map(:,2)+map(:,3)==3) = NaN;  % Convert white pixels => transparent background
    cdata = ind2rgb(graphImg,map);
    % Button #2: label centered on top of icon, 23x23 pixels
    h2 = uipushtool(hToolbar, 'CData',cdata);
    drawnow; pause(0.01);
    jButton = jToolbar.getComponent(jToolbar.getComponentCount-1);
    % Button #3: label on right of icon, 50x23 pixels
    h3 = uipushtool(hToolbar, 'CData',cdata);
    drawnow; pause(0.01);
    jButton = jToolbar.getComponent(jToolbar.getComponentCount-1);
    d = java.awt.Dimension(50, jButton.getHeight);
    jButton.setMaximumSize(d); jButton.setPreferredSize(d); jButton.setSize(d)
    % Button #4: label on left of icon, 70x23 pixels
    h4 = uipushtool(hToolbar, 'CData',cdata);
    drawnow; pause(0.01);
    jButton = jToolbar.getComponent(jToolbar.getComponentCount-1);
    jButton.setText('and 4:')
    d = java.awt.Dimension(70, jButton.getHeight);
    jButton.setMaximumSize(d); jButton.setPreferredSize(d); jButton.setSize(d)

    Many additional toolbar customizations can be found here and in my book “Undocumented Secrets of MATLAB-Java Programming“. If you’d like me to design a professional-looking GUI for you, please contact me.

    Caveat emptor: all this only works with the regular Java-based GUI figures, not web-based (“App-Designer”) uifigures.

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    PlotEdit context-menu customization Wed, 13 Dec 2017 12:57:14 +0000 Related posts:
    1. FindJObj – find a Matlab component’s underlying Java object The FindJObj utility can be used to access and display the internal components of Matlab controls and containers. This article explains its uses and inner mechanism....
    2. FindJObj GUI – display container hierarchy The FindJObj utility can be used to present a GUI that displays a Matlab container's internal Java components, properties and callbacks....
    3. Tab panels – uitab and relatives This article describes several undocumented Matlab functions that support tab-panels...
    4. Graphic sizing in Matlab R2015b Matlab release R2015b's new "DPI-aware" nature broke some important functionality. Here's what can be done... ...
    Last week, a Matlab user asked whether it is possible to customize the context (right-click) menu that is presented in plot-edit mode. This menu is displayed by clicking the plot-edit (arrow) icon on the standard Matlab figure toolbar, then right-clicking any graphic/GUI element in the figure. Unfortunately, it seems that this context menu is only created the first time that a user right-clicks in plot-edit mode – it is not accessible before then, and so it seems impossible to customize the menu before it is presented to the user the first time.

    Customized plot-edit context-menu

    Customized plot-edit context-menu

    A few workarounds were suggested to the original poster and you are most welcome to review them. There is also some discussion about the technical reasons that none of the “standard” ways of finding and modifying menu items fail in this case.

    In today’s post I wish to repost my solution, in the hope that it might help other users in similar cases.

    My solution is basically this:

    1. First, enter plot-edit mode programmatically using the plotedit function
    2. Next, move the mouse to the screen location of the relevant figure component (e.g. axes). This can be done in several different ways (the root object’s PointerLocation property, the moveptr function, or java.awt.Robot.mouseMove() method).
    3. Next, automate a mouse right-click using the built in java.awt.Robot class (as discussed in this blog back in 2010)
    4. Next, locate the relevant context-menu item and modify its label, callback or any of its other properties
    5. Next, dismiss the context-menu by simulating a follow-on right-click using the same Robot object
    6. Finally, exit plot-edit mode and return the mouse pointer to its original location
    % Create an initial figure / axes for demostration purpose
    fig = figure('MenuBar','none','Toolbar','figure');
    plot(1:5); drawnow; 
    % Enter plot-edit mode temporarily
    plotedit(fig,'on'); drawnow
    % Preserve the current mouse pointer location
    oldPos = get(0,'PointerLocation');
    % Move the mouse pointer to within the axes boundary
    % ref:
    figPos = getpixelposition(fig);   % figure position
    axPos  = getpixelposition(gca,1); % axes position
    figure(fig);  % ensure that the figure is in focus
    newPos = figPos(1:2) + axPos(1:2) + axPos(3:4)/4;  % new pointer position
    set(0,'PointerLocation',newPos);  % alternatives: moveptr(), java.awt.Robot.mouseMove()
    % Simulate a right-click using Java robot
    % ref:
    robot = java.awt.Robot;
    robot.mousePress  (java.awt.event.InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK); pause(0.1)
    robot.mouseRelease(java.awt.event.InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK); pause(0.1)
    % Modify the <clear-axes> menu item
    hMenuItem = findall(fig,'Label','Clear Axes');
    if ~isempty(hMenuItem)
       label = '<html><b><i><font color="blue">Undocumented Matlab';
       callback = 'web('''',''-browser'');';
       set(hMenuItem, 'Label',label, 'Callback',callback);
    % Hide the context menu by simulating a left-click slightly offset
    set(0,'PointerLocation',newPos+[-2,2]);  % 2 pixels up-and-left
    robot.mousePress  (java.awt.event.InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); pause(0.1)
    robot.mouseRelease(java.awt.event.InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); pause(0.1)
    % Exit plot-edit mode
    plotedit(fig,'off'); drawnow
    % Restore the mouse pointer to its previous location

    In this code, I sprinkled a few pauses at several locations, to ensure that everything has time to fully render. Different pause values, or perhaps no pause at all, may be needed on your specific system.

    Modifying the default context-menu shown in plot-edit mode may perhaps be an uncommon use-case. But the technique that I demonstrated above – of using a combination of Matlab and Java Robot commands to automate a certain animation – can well be used in many other use-cases where we cannot easily access the underlying code. For example, when the internal code is encoded/encrypted, or when a certain functionality (such as the plot-edit context-menu) is created on-the-fly.

    If you have encountered a similar use-case where such automated animations can be used effectively, please add a comment below.

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    Builtin PopupPanel widget Wed, 06 Dec 2017 16:00:34 +0000 Related posts:
    1. Toolbar button labels GUI toolbar button labels can easily be set and customized using underlying Java components. ...
    2. Matlab toolstrip – part 9 (popup figures) Custom popup figures can be attached to Matlab GUI toolstrip controls. ...
    3. Uitable sorting Matlab's uitables can be sortable using simple undocumented features...
    4. Frameless (undecorated) figure windows Matlab figure windows can be made undecorated (borderless, title-less). ...
    8 years ago I blogged about Matlab’s builtin HelpPopup widget. This control is used by Matlab to display popup-windows with help documentation, but can also be used by users to display custom lightweight popups that contain HTML-capable text and even URLs of entire webpages. Today I’d like to highlight another builtin Matlab widget, ctrluis.PopupPanel, which can be used to display rich contents in a lightweight popup box attached to a specific Matlab figure:
    Matlab's builtin PopupPanel widget

    Matlab's builtin PopupPanel widget

    As you can see, this popup-panel displays richly-formatted contents, having either an opaque or transparent background, with vertical scrollbars being applied automatically. The popup pane is not limited to displaying text messages – in fact, it can display any Java GUI container (e.g. a settings panel). This popup-panel is similar in concept to the HelpPopup widget, and yet much more powerful in several aspects.

    Creating the popup panel

    Creating a PopupPanel is very simple:

    % Create the popup-panel in the specified figure
    hPopupPanel = ctrluis.PopupPanel(gcf);  % use gcf or any figure handle
    hPopupPanel.setPosition([.1,.1,.8,.8]);  % set panel position (normalized units)
    % Alternative #1: set popup-panel's contents to some HTML-formatted message
    % note: createMessageTextPane() has optional input args FontName (arg #2), FontSize (#3)
    jPanel = ctrluis.PopupPanel.createMessageTextPane('testing <b><i>123</i></b> ...')
    % Alternative #2: set popup-panel's contents to a webpage URL
    url = '';
    jPanel = javaObjectEDT(javax.swing.JEditorPane(url));

    The entire contents are embedded within a scroll-box (which is a com.mathworks.widgets.LightScrollPane object) whose scrollbars automatically appear as-needed, so we don’t need to worry about the contents fitting the allocated space.

    To display custom GUI controls in the popup, we can simply contain those GUI controls in a Java container (e.g., a JPanel) and then do hPopupPanel.setPanel(jPanel). This functionality can be used to create unobtrusive settings panels, input dialogs etc.

    The nice thing about the popup widget is that it is attached to the figure, and yet is not assigned a heavyweight window (so it does not appear in the OS task-bar). The popup moves along with the figure when the figure is moved, and is automatically disposed when the figure is closed.

    A few caveats about the ctrluis.PopupPanel control:

    • The widget’s parent is expected to be a figure that has pixel units. If it doesn’t, the internal computations of ctrluis.PopupPanel croak.
    • The widget’s position is specified in normalized units (default: [0,0,1,1]). This normalized position is only used during widget creation: after creation, if you resize the figure the popup-panel’s position remains unchanged. To modify/update the position of the popup-panel programmatically, use hPopupPanel.setPosition(newPosition). Alternatively, update the control’s Position property and then call hPopupPanel.layout() (there is no need to call layout when you use setPosition).
    • This functionality is only available for Java-based figures, not the new web-based (AppDesigner) uifigures.

    Popup panel customizations

    We can open/close the popup panel by clicking on its icon, as shown in the screenshots above, or programmatically using the control’s methods:

    % Programmatically open/close the popup-panel
    % Show/hide entire popup-panel widget (including its icon)
    hPopupPanel.setVisible(true);   % or .setVisible(1) or .Visible=1
    hPopupPanel.setVisible(false);  % or .setVisible(0) or .Visible=0

    To set a transparent background to the popup-panel (as shown in the screenshots above), we need to unset the opacity of the displayed panel and several of its direct parents:

    % Set a transparent popup-panel background
    for idx = 1 : 6
       jPanel.setOpaque(false);  % true=opaque, false=transparent
       jPanel = jPanel.getParent;

    Note that in the screenshots above, the panel’s background is made transparent, but the contained text and image remain opaque. Your displayed images can of course contain transparency and animation, if this is supported by the image format (for example, GIF).


    ctrluis.PopupPanel is used internally by iptui.internal.utilities.addMessagePane(hFig,message) in order to display a minimizable single-line message panel at the top of a specified figure:

    hPopupPanel = iptui.internal.utilities.addMessagePane(gcf, 'testing <b>123</b> ...');  % note the HTML formatting

    The function updates the message panel’s position whenever the figure’s size is modified (by trapping the figure’s SizeChangedFcn), to ensure that the panel is always attached to the top of the figure and spans the full figure width. This is a simple function so I encourage you to take a look at its code (%matlabroot%/toolbox/images/imuitools/+iptui/+internal/+utilities/addMessagePane.m) – note that this might require the Image Processing Toolbox (I’m not sure).

    Matlab's builtin iptui.internal.utilities.addMessagePane

    Matlab's builtin iptui.internal.utilities.addMessagePane

    Professional assistance anyone?

    As shown by this and many other posts on this site, a polished interface and functionality is often composed of small professional touches, many of which are not exposed in the official Matlab documentation for various reasons. So if you need top-quality professional appearance/functionality in your Matlab program, or maybe just a Matlab program that is dependable, robust and highly-performant, consider employing my consulting services.

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    Customizing uifigures part 3 Mon, 27 Nov 2017 15:00:24 +0000 Related posts:
    1. Customizing uifigures part 2 Matlab's new web-based uifigures can be customized using custom CSS and Javascript code. ...
    2. uiundo – Matlab’s undocumented undo/redo manager The built-in uiundo function provides easy yet undocumented access to Matlab's powerful undo/redo functionality. This article explains its usage....
    3. FindJObj – find a Matlab component’s underlying Java object The FindJObj utility can be used to access and display the internal components of Matlab controls and containers. This article explains its uses and inner mechanism....
    4. FindJObj GUI – display container hierarchy The FindJObj utility can be used to present a GUI that displays a Matlab container's internal Java components, properties and callbacks....
    As I have repeatedly posted in recent years, Matlab is advancing towards web-based GUI. The basic underlying technology is more-or-less stable: an HTML/Javascript webpage that is created-on-the-fly and rendered in a stripped-down browser window (based on Chromium-based jxBrowser in recent years). However, the exact mechanism by which the controls (“widgets”) are actually converted into visible components (currently based on the Dojo toolkit and its Dijit UI library) and interact with Matlab (i.e., the internal Matlab class structures that interact with the browser and Dojo) is still undergoing changes and is not quite as stable.

    Customization hacks reported on this blog last year (part 1, part 2) may fail in some cases due to the changing nature of the undocumented internals. Some examples are the way by which we can extract the uifigure’s URL (which changed in R2017a), the ability to display and debug uifigures in a standard webbrowser with associated dev tools (which seems to have stopped working in R2017b), and the way by which we can extract the Dijit reference of displayed uicontrols.

    Greatly assisting in this respect is Iliya Romm, who was the guest blogger for part 2 of this series last year. Iliya co-authored the open-source (GitHub) mlapptools toolbox, which enables accessing and customizing uifigure components using standard CSS, without users having to bother about the ugly hacks discussed in the previous parts of the series. This toolbox is really just a single Matlab class (mlapptools), contained within a single m-file (mlapptools.m). In addition to this class, the toolbox includes a mark-down usage documentation, and two demo functions, DOMdemoGUI.m and TableDemo.m.

    Here is the effect of using TableDemo, that shows how we can customize individual uitable cells (each uitable cell is a separate Dijit widget that can be customized individually):

    CSS customizations of uifigure components

    CSS customizations of uifigure components

    The mlapptools class contains several static methods that can be used individually:

    • textAlign(uielement, alignment) – Modify text horizontal alignment ('left', 'center', 'right', 'justify' or 'initial')
    • fontWeight(uielement, weight) – Modify font weight ('normal', 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter' or 'initial'), depending on availability in the font-face used
    • fontColor(uielement, color) – Modify font color (e.g. 'red', '#ff0000', 'rgb(255,0,0)' or other variants)
    • setStyle(uielement, styleAttr, styleValue) – Modify a specified CSS style attribute
    • aboutDojo() – Return version information about the Dojo toolkit
    • getHTML(hFig) – Return the full HTML code of a uifigure
    • getWebWindow(hFig) – Return a webwindow handle from a uifigure handle
    • getWebElements (hControl) – Return a webwindow handle and a widget ID for the specified uicontrol handle
    • getWidgetList(hFig, verboseFlag) – Return a cell-array of structs containing information about all widgets in the uifigure
    • getWidgetInfo(hWebwindow, widgetId, verboseFlag) – Return information about a specific dijit widget
    • setTimeout(hFig, seconds) – Override the default timeout (=5 secs) for dojo commands, for a specific uifigure

    A few simple usage examples:

    mlapptools.fontColor(hButton,'red')  % set red text color
    mlapptools.fontWeight(hButton,'bold')  % set bold text font
    mlapptools.setStyle(hButton,'border','2px solid blue')  % add a 2-pixel solid blue border
    mlapptools.setStyle(hButton,'background-image','url(')  % add background image

    Once you download mlapptools and add its location to the Matlab path, you can use it in any web-based GUI that you create, either programmatically or with Add-Designer.

    The mlapptools is quite well written and documented, so if you are interested in the inner workings I urge you to take a look at this class’s private methods. For example, to understand how a Matlab uicontrol handle is converted into a Dojo widget-id, which is then used with the built-in Javascript function to modify the CSS attributes of the HTML <div> or <span> that are the control’s visual representation on the webpage. An explanation of the underlying mechanism can be found in part 2 of this series of articles on uifigure customizations. Note that the mlapptools code is newer than the article and contains some new concepts that were not covered in that article, for example searching through Dijit’s registry of displayed widgets.

    Note: web-based GUI is often referred to as “App-Designed” (AD) GUI, because using the Matlab App Designer is the typical way to create and customize such GUIs. However, just as great-looking GUIs could be created programmatically rather than with GUIDE, so too can web-based GUIS be created programmatically, using regular built-in Matlab commands such as uifigure, uibutton and uitable (an example of such programmatic GUI creation can be found in Iliya’s TableDemo.m, discussed above). For this reason, I believe that the new GUIs should be referred to as “uifigures” or “web GUIs”, and not as “AD GUIs”.

    If you have any feature requests or bugs related to mlapptools, please report them on its GitHub issues page. For anything else, please add a comment below.

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    MathWorks-solicited Java survey Wed, 22 Mar 2017 22:05:34 +0000 Related posts:
    1. Minimize/maximize figure window Matlab figure windows can easily be maximized, minimized and restored using a bit of undocumented magic powder...
    2. Types of undocumented Matlab aspects This article lists the different types of undocumented/unsupported/hidden aspects in Matlab...
    3. FindJObj – find a Matlab component’s underlying Java object The FindJObj utility can be used to access and display the internal components of Matlab controls and containers. This article explains its uses and inner mechanism....
    4. Matlab callbacks for Java events Events raised in Java code can be caught and handled in Matlab callback functions - this article explains how...
    Over the years I’ve reported numerous uses for integrating Java components and functionality in Matlab. As I’ve also recently reported, MathWorks is apparently making a gradual shift away from standalone Java-based figures, toward browser-based web-enabled figures. As I surmised a few months ago, MathWorks has created dedicated surveys to solicit user feedbacks on the most important (and undocumented) non-compatible aspects of this paradigm change: one regarding users’ use of the javacomponent function, the other regarding the use of the figure’s JavaFrame property:

    In MathWorks’ words:

    In order to extend your ability to build MATLAB apps, we understand you sometimes need to make use of undocumented Java UI technologies, such as the JavaFrame property. In response to your needs, we are working to develop documented alternatives that address gaps in our app building offerings.

    To help inform our work and plans, we would like to understand how you are using the JavaFrame property. Based on your understanding of how it is being used within your app, please take a moment to fill out the following survey. The survey will take approximately 1-2 minutes to finish.

    I urge anyone who uses one or both of these features to let MathWorks know how you’re using them, so that they could incorporate that functionality into the core (documented) Matlab. The surveys are really short and to the point. If you wish to send additional information, please email George.Caia at

    The more feedback responses that MathWorks will get, the better it will be able to prioritize its R&D efforts for the benefit of all users, and the more likely are certain features to get a documented solution at some future release. If you don’t take the time now to tell MathWorks how you use these features in your code, don’t complain if and when they break in the future…

    My personal uses of these features

    • Functionality:
      • Figure: maximize/minimize/restore, enable/disable, always-on-top, toolbar controls, menu customizations (icons, tooltips, font, shortcuts, colors)
      • Table: sorting, filtering, grouping, column auto-sizing, cell-specific behavior (tooltip, context menu, context-sensitive editor, merging cells)
      • Tree control
      • Listbox: cell-specific behavior (tooltip, context menu)
      • Tri-state checkbox
      • uicontrols in general: various event callbacks (e.g. mouse hover/unhover, focus gained/lost)
      • Ability to add Java controls e.g. color/font/date/file selector panel or dropdown, spinner, slider, search box, password field
      • Ability to add 3rd-party components e.g. JFreeCharts, JIDE controls/panels

    • Appearance:
      • Figure: undecorated (frameless), other figure frame aspects
      • Table: column/cell-specific rendering (alignment, icons, font, fg/bg color, string formatting)
      • Listbox: auto-hide vertical scrollbar as needed, cell-specific renderer (icon, font, alignment, fg/bg color)
      • Button/checkbox/radio: icons, text alignment, border customization, Look & Feel
      • Right-aligned checkbox (button to the right of label)
      • Panel: border customization (rounded/matte/…)

    You can find descriptions/explanations of many of these in posts I made on this website over the years.

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    Working with non-standard DPI displays Wed, 09 Nov 2016 21:47:27 +0000 Related posts:
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    3. Blurred Matlab figure window Matlab figure windows can be blurred using a semi-transparent overlaid window - this article explains how...
    4. Borderless button used for plot properties A borderless button can be used to add unobtrusive functionality to plot axes...
    With high-density displays becoming increasingly popular, some users set their display’s DPI to a higher-than-standard (i.e., >100%) value, in order to compensate for the increased pixel density to achieve readable interfaces. This OS setting tells the running applications that there are fewer visible screen pixels, and these are spread over a larger number of physical pixels. This works well for most cases (at least on recent OSes, it was a bit buggy in non-recet ones). Unfortunately, in some cases we might actually want to know the screen size in physical, rather than logical, pixels. Apparently, Matlab root’s ScreenSize property only reports the logical (scaled) pixel size, not the physical (unscaled) one:

    >> get(0,'ScreenSize')   % with 100% DPI (unscaled standard)
    ans =
            1       1      1366       768
    >> get(0,'ScreenSize')   % with 125% DPI (scaled)
    ans =
            1       1      1092.8     614.4

    The same phenomenon also affects other related properties, for example MonitorPositions.

    Raimund Schlüßler, a reader on this blog, was kind enough to point me to this problem and its workaround, which I thought worthy to share here: To get the physical screen-size, use the following builtin Java command:

    >> jScreenSize = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit.getScreenSize
    jScreenSize =
    >> width = jScreenSize.getWidth
    width =
    >> height = jScreenSize.getHeight
    height =

    Also see the related recent article on an issue with the DPI-aware feature starting with R2015b.

    Upcoming travels – London/Belfast, Zürich & Geneva

    I will shortly be traveling to consult some clients in Belfast (via London), Zürich and Geneva. If you are in the area and wish to meet me to discuss how I could bring value to your work, then please email me (altmany at gmail):

    • Belfast: Nov 28 – Dec 1 (flying via London)
    • Zürich: Dec 11-12
    • Geneva: Dec 13-15
    ]]> 6
    Customizing uifigures part 2 Wed, 07 Sep 2016 17:00:57 +0000 Related posts:
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    2. Matlab callbacks for uifigure JavaScript events Matlab callback code can be attached to JavaScript events in web-based uifigures. ...
    3. FindJObj – find a Matlab component’s underlying Java object The FindJObj utility can be used to access and display the internal components of Matlab controls and containers. This article explains its uses and inner mechanism....
    4. Disabling menu entries in deployed docked figures Matlab's standard menu items can and should be removed from deployed docked figures. This article explains how. ...
    I would like to introduce guest blogger Iliya Romm of Israel’s Technion Turbomachinery and Heat Transfer Laboratory. Today Iliya will discuss how Matlab’s new web-based figures can be customized with user-controlled CSS and JavaScript code.

    When we compare the documented properties of a “classic” uicontrol with an App Designer control such as uicheckbox, we see lists of 42 and 15 properties, respectively. At first glance, this implies that our ability to customize App Designer elements is relatively very limited. This is surely a disquieting conclusion, especially for those used to being able to change most aspect of their Matlab figures via Java. Fortunately, such a conclusion is quite far from reality, as we will shortly see.

    To understand this claim, we need to consider a previous post on this blog, where Yair discussed how uifigures are actually HTML webpages rendered by Matlab. As such, they have a DOM that can be accessed and manipulated through JavaScript commands to achieve various visual customizations. Today we’ll explore the structure of the uifigure webpage; take a look at some possibilities provided by the Dojo Toolkit; and see how to use Dojo to customize uifigure controls visually using CSS styles and/or HTML attributes.

    User customizations of Matlab uifigures (click to zoom-in)
    User customizations of Matlab uifigures (click to zoom-in)

    A brief introduction to CSS

    CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. As described on the official webpage of W3C (which governs web standards):

    CSS is the language for describing the presentation of Web pages, including colors, layout, and fonts. CSS is independent of HTML. This is referred to as the separation of structure (or: content) from presentation.

    CSS rules (or “styles”) can be defined in one of three places:

    • A separate file, such as the main.css that Matlab uses for uifigures (this file is found minified in %matlabroot%\toolbox\matlab\uitools\uifigureappjs\release\gbtclient\css)
    • An inline block inside the HTML’s <head> section
    • Directly within a DOM node

    Deciding which of the above to use, is largely a choice of the right tool for the job. Usually, the first two choices should be preferred, as they adhere to the “separation of structure and presentation” idea better. However, in the scope of this demonstration, we’ll be using mostly the 3rd option, because it allows us not to worry about possible CSS precedence issues (suggested read).

    The syntax of CSS is generally: selector { property: value }, but it can have other forms as well.

    Getting down to business

    Let us consider a very basic uifigure that only contains a uitextarea and its label:

    Simple demo uifigure with a TextArea and label

    Simple demo uifigure with a TextArea and label

    The auto-generated code for it is:

    classdef DOMdemo < matlab.apps.AppBase
        % Properties that correspond to app components
        properties (Access = public)
            UIFigure      matlab.ui.Figure           % UI Figure
            LabelTextArea matlab.ui.control.Label    % Text Area
            TextArea      matlab.ui.control.TextArea % This is some text.        
        methods (Access = private)
            % Code that executes after component creation
            function startupFcn(app)
        % App initialization and construction
        methods (Access = private)
            % Create UIFigure and components
            function createComponents(app)
                % Create UIFigure
                app.UIFigure = uifigure;
                app.UIFigure.Position = [100 100 280 102];
                app.UIFigure.Name = 'UI Figure';
                setAutoResize(app, app.UIFigure, true)
                % Create LabelTextArea
                app.LabelTextArea = uilabel(app.UIFigure);
                app.LabelTextArea.HorizontalAlignment = 'right';
                app.LabelTextArea.Position = [16 73 62 15];
                app.LabelTextArea.Text = 'Text Area';
                % Create TextArea
                app.TextArea = uitextarea(app.UIFigure);
                app.TextArea.Position = [116 14 151 60];
                app.TextArea.Value = {'This is some text.'};
        methods (Access = public)
            % Construct app
            function app = DOMdemo()
                % Create and configure components
                % Register the app with App Designer
                registerApp(app, app.UIFigure)
                % Execute the startup function
                runStartupFcn(app, @startupFcn)
                if nargout == 0
                    clear app
            % Code that executes before app deletion
            function delete(app)
                % Delete UIFigure when app is deleted

    Let’s say we want to modify certain aspects of the TextArea widget, such as the text color, background, and/or horizontal alignment. The workflow for styling elements involves:

    1. Find the handle to the webfigure
    2. Find the DOM node we want to modify
    3. Find the property name that corresponds to the change we want
    4. Find a way to manipulate the desired node from Matlab

    Step 1: Find the handle to the webfigure

    The first thing we need to do is to strategically place a bit of code that would allow us to get the URL of the figure so we can inspect it in our browser:

    function startupFcn(app)
       % Customizations (aka "MAGIC GOES HERE"):
       warning off Matlab:HandleGraphics:ObsoletedProperty:JavaFrame
       warning off Matlab:structOnObject    
       while true
             win = struct(struct(struct(app).UIFigure).Controller).Container.CEF;
             disp('Not ready yet!');
             pause(0.5); % Give the figure (webpage) some more time to load

    This code waits until the page is sufficiently loaded, and then retrieve its local address (URL). The result will be something like this, which can be directly opened in any browser (outside Matlab):


    Step 2: Find the DOM node that corresponds to the component that we want to modify

    Loading this URL in an external browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox or IE/Edge) enables us to use web-development addins (e.g., FireBug) to inspect the page contents (source-code). Opening the URL inside a browser and inspecting the page contents, we can see its DOM:

    Inspecting the DOM in Firefox (click to zoom-in)
    Inspecting the DOM in Firefox (click to zoom-in)

    Notice the three data-tag entries marked by red frames. Any idea why there are exactly three nonempty tags like that? This is because our App Designer object, app, contains 3 declared children, as defined in:

        app.UIFigure = uifigure;
        app.LabelTextArea = uilabel(app.UIFigure);
        app.TextArea = uitextarea(app.UIFigure);

    … and each of them is assigned a random hexadecimal id whenever the app is opened.

    Finding the relevant node involved some trial-and-error, but after doing it several times I seem to have found a consistent pattern that can be used to our advantage. Apparently, the nodes with data-tag are always above the element we want to style, sometimes as a direct parent and sometimes farther away. So why do we even need to bother with choosing more accurate nodes than these “tagged” ones? Shouldn’t styles applied to the tagged nodes cascade down to the element we care about? Sure, sometimes it works like that, but we want to do better than “sometimes”. To that end, we would like to select as relevant a node as possible.

    Anyway, the next step in the program is to find the data-tag that corresponds to the selected component. Luckily, there is a direct (undocumented) way to get it:

    % Determine the data-tag of the DOM component that we want to modify:
    hComponent = app.TextArea;  % handle to the component that we want to modify
    data_tag = char(struct(hComponent).Controller.ProxyView.PeerNode.getId);  % this part is generic: can be used with any web-based GUI component

    Let’s take a look at the elements marked with blue and green borders (in that order) in the DOM screenshot. We see that the data-tag property is exactly one level above these elements, in other words, the first child of the tagged node is an element that contains a widgetid property. This property is very important, as it contains the id of the node that we actually want to change. Think pointers. To summarize this part:

    data-tag   =>   widgetid   =>   widget “handle”

    We shall use this transformation in Step 4 below.

    I wanted to start with the blue-outlined element as it demonstrates this structure using distinct elements. The green-outlined element is slightly strange, as it contains a widgetid that points back to itself. Since this obeys the same algorithm, it’s not a problem.

    Step 3: Find the CSS property name that corresponds to the change we want

    There is no trick here: it’s just a matter of going through a list of CSS properties and choosing one that “sounds about right” (there are often several ways to achieve the same visual result with CSS). After we choose the relevant properties, we need to convert them to camelCase as per documentation of

    If the CSS style property is hyphenated, the JavaScript property is camelCased. For example: “font-size” becomes “fontSize”, and so on.

    Note that Matlab R2016a comes bundled with Dojo v1.10.4, rev. f4fef70 (January 11 2015). Other Matlab releases will probably come with other Dojo versions. They will never be the latest version of Dojo, but rather a version that is 1-2 years old. We should keep this in mind when searching the Dojo documentation. We can get the current Dojo version as follows:

    >> f=uifigure; drawnow; dojoVersion = matlab.internal.webwindowmanager.instance.windowList(1).executeJS('dojo.version'), delete(f)
    dojoVersion =

    This tells us that Dojo 1.10.4.f4fef70 is the currently-used version. We can use this information to browse the relevant documentation branch, as well as possibly use different Dojo functions/features.

    Step 4: Manipulate the desired element from Matlab

    In this demo, we’ll use a combination of several commands:

    • {matlab.internal.webwindow.}executeJS() – For sending JS commands to the uifigure.
    • dojo.query() – for finding nodes inside the DOM.
    • (deprecated since v1.8) – for applying styles to the required nodes of the DOM.
      Syntax:, style, value);
    • dojo.setAttr (deprecated since v1.8) – for setting some non-style attributes.
      Syntax: dojo.setAttr(node, name, value);

    Consider the following JS commands:

    • search the DOM for nodes having a data-tag attribute having the specified value, take their first child of type <div>, and return the value of this child’s widgetid attribute:
      ['dojo.getAttr(dojo.query("[data-tag^=''' data_tag '''] > div")[0],"widgetid")']
    • search the DOM for nodes with id of widgetid, then take the first element of the result and set its text alignment:
      ['"#' widgetId(2:end-1) '")[0],"textAlign","center")']
    • append the CSS style defined by {SOME CSS STYLE} to the page (this style can later be used by nodes):
      ['document.head.innerHTML += ''<style>{SOME CSS STYLE}</style>''']);

    Putting it all together

    It should finally be possible to understand the code that appears in the animated screenshot at the top of this post:

    %% 1. Get a handle to the webwindow:
    win = struct(struct(struct(app).UIFigure).Controller).Container.CEF;
    %% 2. Find which element of the DOM we want to edit (as before):
    data_tag = char(struct(app.TextArea).Controller.ProxyView.PeerNode.getId);
    %% 3. Manipulate the DOM via a JS command
    % ^ always references a class="vc-widget" element.
    widgetId = win.executeJS(['dojo.getAttr(dojo.query("[data-tag^=''' data_tag '''] > div")[0],"widgetid")']);
    % Change font weight:
    dojo_style_prefix = ['"#' widgetId(2:end-1) '")[0],'];
    win.executeJS([dojo_style_prefix '"fontWeight","900")']);
    % Change font color:
    win.executeJS([dojo_style_prefix '"color","yellow")']);
    % Add an inline css to the HTML <head>:
    win.executeJS(['document.head.innerHTML += ''<style>'...
        '@-webkit-keyframes mymove {50% {background-color: blue;}}'...
        '@keyframes mymove {50% {background-color: blue;}}</style>''']);
    % Add animation to control:      
    win.executeJS([dojo_style_prefix '"-webkit-animation","mymove 5s infinite")']);
    % Change Dojo theme:
    % Center text:
    win.executeJS([dojo_style_prefix '"textAlign","center")']);

    A similar method for center-aligning the items in a uilistbox is described here (using a CSS text-align directive).

    The only thing we need to ensure before running code that manipulates the DOM, is that the page is fully loaded. The easiest way is to include a pause() of several seconds right after the createComponents(app) function (this will not interfere with the creation of the uifigure, as it happens on a different thread). I have been experimenting with another method involving webwindow‘s PageLoadFinishedCallback callback, but haven’t found anything elegant yet.

    A few words of caution

    In this demonstration, we invoked Dojo functions via the webwindow’s JS interface. For something like this to be possible, there has to exist some form of “bridge” that translates Matlab commands to JS commands issued to the browser and control the DOM. We also know that this bridge has to be bi-directional, because binding Matlab callbacks to uifigure actions (e.g. ButtonPushFcn for uibuttons) is a documented feature.

    The extent to which the bridge might allow malicious code to control the Matlab process needs to be investigated. Until then, the ability of webwindows to execute arbitrary JS code should be considered a known vulnerability. For more information, see XSS and related vulnerabilities.

    Final remarks

    It should be clear now that there are actually lots of possibilities afforded by the new uifigures for user customizations. One would hope that future Matlab releases will expose easier and more robust hooks for CSS/JS customizations of uifigure contents. But until that time arrives (if ever), we can make do with the mechanism shown above.

    Readers are welcome to visit the GitHub project dedicated to manipulating uifigures using the methods discussed in this post. Feel free to comment, suggest improvements and ideas, and of course submit some pull requests :)

    p.s. – it turns out that uifigures can also display MathML. But this is a topic for another post…

    ]]> 3
    Customizing uifigures part 1 Thu, 21 Jul 2016 10:32:51 +0000 Related posts:
    1. HG2 update HG2 appears to be nearing release. It is now a stable mature system. ...
    2. Customizing print setup Matlab figures print-setup can be customized to automatically prepare the figure for printing in a specific configuration...
    3. Plot LineSmoothing property LineSmoothing is a hidden and undocumented plot line property that creates anti-aliased (smooth unpixelized) lines in Matlab plots...
    4. getundoc – get undocumented object properties getundoc is a very simple utility that displays the hidden (undocumented) properties of a specified handle object....
    Last month, I posted an article that summarized a variety of undocumented customizations to Matlab figure windows. As I noted in that post, Matlab figures have used Java JFrames as their underlying technology since R14 (over a decade ago), but this is expected to change a few years from now with the advent of web-based uifigures. uifigures first became available in late 2014 with the new App Designer preview (the much-awaited GUIDE replacement), and were officially released in R2016a. AppDesigner is actively being developed and we should expect to see exciting new features in upcoming Matlab releases.

    Matlab's new AppDesigner (a somewhat outdated screenshot)

    Matlab's new AppDesigner (a somewhat outdated screenshot)

    However, while AppDesigner has become officially supported, the underlying technology used for the new uifigures remained undocumented. This is not surprising: MathWorks did a good job of retaining backward compatibility with the existing figure handle, and so a new uifigure returns a handle that programmatically appears similar to figure handles, reducing the migration cost when MathWorks decides (presumably around 2018-2020) that web-based (rather than Java-based) figures should become the default figure type. By keeping the underlying figure technology undocumented and retaining the documented top-level behavior (properties and methods of the figure handle), Matlab users who only use the documented interface should expect a relatively smooth transition at that time.

    So does this mean that users who start using AppDesigner today (and especially in a few years when web figures become the default) can no longer enjoy the benefits of figure-based customization offered to the existing Java-based figure users (which I listed in last month’s post)? Absolutely not! All we need is to get a hook into the uifigure‘s underlying object and then we can start having fun.

    The uifigure Controller

    One way to do this is to use the uifigure handle’s hidden (private) Controller property (a matlab.ui.internal.controller.FigureController MCOS object whose source-code appears in %matlabroot%/toolbox/matlab/uitools/uicomponents/components/+matlab/+ui/+internal/+controller/).

    Controller is not only a hidden but also a private property of the figure handle, so we cannot simply use the get function to get its value. This doesn’t stop us of course: We can get the controller object using either my getundoc utility or the builtin struct function (which returns private/protected properties as an undocumented feature):

    >> hFig = uifigure('Name','Yair', ...);
    >> figProps = struct(hFig);  % or getundoc(hFig)
    Warning: Calling STRUCT on an object prevents the object from hiding its implementation details and should thus be
    avoided. Use DISP or DISPLAY to see the visible public details of an object. See 'help struct' for more information.
    (Type "warning off MATLAB:structOnObject" to suppress this warning.)
    Warning: figure JavaFrame property will be obsoleted in a future release. For more information see
    the JavaFrame resource on the MathWorks web site.
    (Type "warning off MATLAB:HandleGraphics:ObsoletedProperty:JavaFrame" to suppress this warning.)
    figProps = 
                          JavaFrame: []
                        JavaFrame_I: []
                           Position: [87 40 584 465]
                       PositionMode: 'auto'
                         Controller: [1x1 matlab.ui.internal.controller.FigureController]
                     ControllerMode: 'auto'
    >> figProps.Controller
    ans = 
      FigureController with properties:
           Canvas: []
        ProxyView: [1x1 struct]
    >> figProps.Controller.ProxyView
    ans = 
                PeerNode: [1x1 com.mathworks.peermodel.impl.PeerNodeImpl]
        PeerModelManager: [1x1 com.mathworks.peermodel.impl.PeerModelManagerImpl]
    >> struct(figProps.Controller)
    Warning: Calling STRUCT on an object prevents the object from hiding its implementation details and should thus be
    avoided. Use DISP or DISPLAY to see the visible public details of an object. See 'help struct' for more information.
    (Type "warning off MATLAB:structOnObject" to suppress this warning.)
    ans = 
                   PositionListener: [1x1 event.listener]
        ContainerPositionCorrection: [1 1 0 0]
                          Container: [1x1 matlab.ui.internal.controller.FigureContainer]
                             Canvas: []
                      IsClientReady: 1
                  PeerEventListener: [1x1 handle.listener]
                          ProxyView: [1x1 struct]
                              Model: [1x1 Figure]
                   ParentController: [0x0 handle]
          PropertyManagementService: [1x1]
              IdentificationService: [1x1]
               EventHandlingService: [1x1]

    I will discuss all the goodies here in a future post (if you are curious then feel free to start drilling in there yourself, I promise it won’t bite you…). However, today I wish to concentrate on more immediate benefits from a different venue:

    The uifigure webwindow

    uifigures are basically webpages rather than desktop windows (JFrames). They use an entirely different UI mechanism, based on HTML webpages served from a localhost webserver that runs CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework version 3.2272 on Chromium 41 in R2016a). This runs the so-called CEF client (apparently an adaptation of the CefClient sample application that comes with CEF; the relevant Matlab source-code is in %matlabroot%/toolbox/matlab/cefclient/). It uses the DOJO Javascript toolkit for UI controls visualization and interaction, rather than Java Swing as in the existing JFrame figures. I still don’t know if there is a way to combine the seemingly disparate sets of GUIs (namely adding Java-based controls to web-based figures or vice-versa).

    Anyway, the important thing to note for my purposes today is that when a new uifigure is created, the above-mentioned Controller object is created, which in turn creates a new matlab.internal.webwindow. The webwindow class (%matlabroot%/toolbox/matlab/cefclient/+matlab/+internal/webwindow.m) is well-documented and easy to follow (although the non camel-cased class name escaped someone’s attention), and allows access to several important figure-level customizations.

    The figure’s webwindow reference can be accessed via the Controller‘s Container‘s CEF property:

    >> hFig = uifigure('Name','Yair', ...);
    >> warning off MATLAB:structOnObject      % suppress warning (yes, we know it's naughty...)
    >> figProps = struct(hFig);
    >> controller = figProps.Controller;      % Controller is a private hidden property of Figure
    >> controllerProps = struct(controller);
    >> container = controllerProps.Container  % Container is a private hidden property of FigureController
    container = 
      FigureContainer with properties:
        FigurePeerNode: [1x1 com.mathworks.peermodel.impl.PeerNodeImpl]
             Resizable: 1
              Position: [86 39 584 465]
                   Tag: ''
                 Title: 'Yair'
                  Icon: 'C:\Program Files\Matlab\R2016a\toolbox\matlab\uitools\uicomponents\resources\images…'
               Visible: 1
                   URL: 'http://localhost:31417/toolbox/matlab/uitools/uifigureappjs/componentContainer.html…'
                  HTML: 'toolbox/matlab/uitools/uifigureappjs/componentContainer.html'
         ConnectorPort: 31417
             DebugPort: 0
         IsWindowValid: 1
    >> win = container.CEF   % CEF is a regular (public) hidden property of FigureContainer
    win = 
      webwindow with properties:
                                 URL: 'http://localhost:31417/toolbox/matlab/uitools/uifigureappjs/component…'
                               Title: 'Yair'
                                Icon: 'C:\Program Files\Matlab\R2016a\toolbox\matlab\uitools\uicomponents\re…'
                            Position: [86 39 584 465]
         CustomWindowClosingCallback: @(o,e)this.Model.hgclose()
        CustomWindowResizingCallback: @(event,data)resizeRequest(this,event,data)
                      WindowResizing: []
                       WindowResized: []
                         FocusGained: []
                           FocusLost: []
                    DownloadCallback: []
            PageLoadFinishedCallback: []
               MATLABClosingCallback: []
          MATLABWindowExitedCallback: []
                 PopUpWindowCallback: []
                 RemoteDebuggingPort: 0
                          CEFVersion: '3.2272.2072'
                     ChromiumVersion: '41.0.2272.76'
                       isWindowValid: 1
                   isDownloadingFile: 0
                             isModal: 0
                      isWindowActive: 1
                       isAlwaysOnTop: 0
                         isAllActive: 1
                         isResizable: 1
                             MaxSize: []
                             MinSize: []
    >> win.URL
    ans =

    An alternative way to get the webwindow is via the list of all webwindows stored by a central webwindowmanager:

    webWindows = matlab.internal.webwindowmanager.instance.findAllWebwindows();  % manager method returning an array of all open webwindows
    webWindows = matlab.internal.webwindowmanager.instance.windowList;           % equivalent alternative via manager's windowList property

    Note that the controller, container and webwindow class objects, like most Matlab MCOS objects, have internal (hidden) properties/methods that you can explore. For example:

    >> getundoc(win)
    ans = 
                       Channel: [1x1 asyncio.Channel]
           CustomEventListener: [1x1 event.listener]
               InitialPosition: [100 100 600 400]
        JavaScriptReturnStatus: []
         JavaScriptReturnValue: []
         NewWindowBeingCreated: 0
              NewWindowCreated: 1
               UpdatedPosition: [86 39 584 465]
                  WindowHandle: 2559756
                        newURL: 'http://localhost:31417/toolbox/matlab/uitools/uifigureappjs/componentContai…'

    Using webwindow for figure-level customizations

    We can use the methods of this webwindow object as follows:

    win.setAlwaysOnTop(true);   % always on top of other figure windows (a.k.a. AOT)
    win.setMaxSize([400,600]);  % enables resizing up to this size but not larger (default=[])
    win.setMinSize([200,300]);  % enables resizing down to this size but not smaller (default=[])
    win.setActivateCurrentWindow(false);  % disable interaction with this entire window
    win.setActivateAllWindows(false);     % disable interaction with *ALL* uifigure (but not Java-based) windows
    result = win.executeJS(jsStr, timeout);  % run JavaScript

    In addition to these methods, we can set callback functions to various callbacks exposed by the webwindow as regular properties (too bad that some of their names [like the class name itself] don’t follow Matlab’s standard naming convention, in this case by appending “Fcn” or “Callback”):

    win.FocusGained = @someCallbackFunc;
    win.FocusLost = @anotherCallbackFunc;

    In summary, while the possible customizations to Java-based figure windows are more extensive, the webwindow methods appear to cover most of the important ones. Since these functionalities (maximize/minimize, AOT, disable etc.) are now common to both the Java and web-based figures, I really hope that MathWorks will create fully-documented figure properties/methods for them. Now that there is no longer any question whether these features will be supported by the future technology, and since there is no question as to their usefulness, there is really no reason not to officially support them in both figure types. If you feel the same as I do, please let MathWorks know about this – if enough people request this, MathWorks will be more likely to add these features to one of the upcoming Matlab releases.

    Warning: the internal implementation is subject to change across releases, so be careful to make your code cross-release compatible whenever you rely on one of Matlab’s internal objects.

    Note that I labeled this post as “part 1” – I expect to post additional articles on uifigure customizations in upcoming years.

    ]]> 8
    Figure window customizations Wed, 01 Jun 2016 08:00:11 +0000 Related posts:
    1. Minimize/maximize figure window Matlab figure windows can easily be maximized, minimized and restored using a bit of undocumented magic powder...
    2. FindJObj – find a Matlab component’s underlying Java object The FindJObj utility can be used to access and display the internal components of Matlab controls and containers. This article explains its uses and inner mechanism....
    3. Uitable sorting Matlab's uitables can be sortable using simple undocumented features...
    4. Frameless (undecorated) figure windows Matlab figure windows can be made undecorated (borderless, title-less). ...
    A friend recently asked me, in light of my guesstimate that Java-based Matlab figures will be replaced by web-based figures sometime around 2018-2020, whether there are any “killer features” that make it worthwhile to use undocumented Java-based tricks today, despite the fact that they will probably break in 2-5 years. In my opinion, there are many such features; today I will focus on just a subset of them – those features that relate to the entire figure window.

    Over the years I wrote many articles here about figure-level customizations, as well as an entire chapter in my Matlab-Java programming book. So today’s post will be a high-level overview, and users who are interested in any specific topic can visit the referenced links for the implementation details.

    An undecorated Matlab figure window - one of many possible figure-level customizations
    An undecorated Matlab figure window – one of many possible figure-level customizations


    JavaFrame is an undocumented hidden property of the figure handle that provides access to the underlying Java window (JFrame) peer object’s reference. Since R2008a, a warning is issued whenever we retrieve this property:

    >> jFrame = get(gcf,'JavaFrame');
    Warning: figure JavaFrame property will be obsoleted in a future release.
    For more information see the JavaFrame resource on the MathWorks web site.
    (Type "warning off MATLAB:HandleGraphics:ObsoletedProperty:JavaFrame" to suppress this warning.) 

    Until HG2 (R2014b+) we could suppress the warning by simply wrapping the figure handle within a handle() call, as explained here. Since R2014b we need to use the warning function to do this:

    warning('off', 'MATLAB:HandleGraphics:ObsoletedProperty:JavaFrame');

    We can do several things directly with the JavaFrame‘s properties and methods, including:

    • Maximize/minimize/restore the window, via the properties Maximized/Minimized (which accept and return a boolean (logical) value), or the corresponding methods jFrame.isMaximized(), isMinimized(), setMaximized(flag), setMinimized(flag). details
    • Modify the container to which the figure will be docked. By default this is the “Figures” container, but this can be changed to any user-specified container, or even to the “Editor”, using the GroupName property or its associated methods. See the related setFigDockGroup utility that I posted on the Matlab File exchange.
    • Remove the top separator line between the toolbar and the content-pane, to blend them together, via the jFrame.showTopSeparator(flag) method.
    • Retrieve a direct Java reference to the Matlab Desktop and the figure’s internal containers via the Desktop and FigurePanelContainer properties, respectively (we can also get those references by other means).
    • Retrieve a direct Java reference to the containing JFrame (Java window), as discussed below
    • A few other features that I will not discuss here

    MathWorks have set up a dedicated webpage where you can specify how you are using JavaFrame and why it is important for you: I encourage you to use this webpage to tell MathWorks which features are important for you. This will help them to decide which functionality should be added to the new web-based figures.

    JFrame window

    The JavaFrame handle enables direct retrieval of the containing Java JFrame (window) reference, using several alternatives. Here are two of these alternatives (there are others):

    % Alternative #1
    >> jWindow = jFrame.getFigurePanelContainer.getTopLevelAncestor
    jWindow = 
    % Alternative #2
        jClient = jFrame.fFigureClient;  % This works up to R2011a
            jClient = jFrame.fHG1Client;  % This works from R2008b-R2014a
            jClient = jFrame.fHG2Client;  % This works from R2014b and up
    jWindow = jClient.getWindow;

    Customized menu items Customized menu items
    Integrated figure status bar

    Customized menu items (top) and figure status bar (bottom)

    With the retrieved jWindow reference, we can do several additional interesting things:

    • Enable/disable the entire figure in a single go (details)
    • Remove/restore the window frame (borders and title bar), otherwise known as an “undecorated window” (details)
    • Set the figure window to be “Always-On-Top”, i.e. not occluded by any other window, via the AlwaysOnTop property, or the corresponding jWindow.isAlwaysOnTop(), setAlwaysOnTop(flag) methods.
    • Make the figure window fully or partially transparent (details). Note: this fails on R2013b/Java7 and higher due to a change in the way that transparency works in Java 7 compared to earlier releases; in other words blame Oracle’s Java, not MathWorks’ Matlab….
    • Blur/restore the figure window (details). This too works only up to R2013a.
    • Detect and handle window-level focus gain/loss events (details), as well as window-level mouse events (enter/exit/hover etc. – details).
    • Customize the figure’s menu bar – dynamic behavior, tooltips, highlights, keyboard shortcuts/accelerators, font colors/styles, callbacks, icons etc. (details1, details2)
    • Control figure docking in compiled (deployed) applications (details1, details2)
    • Display an integral figure status-bar with text and GUI controls (details1, details2).
    • A few other features that I will not discuss here

    As you can see, there are numerous very interesting customizations that can be done to Matlab figures which rely on the undocumented implementation. Here are a couple of usage examples that you can easily adapt (follow the links above for additional details and usage examples):

    jWindow.setEnabled(false);     % disable entire figure [true/false]
    jWindow.setMinimized(true);    % minimize window [true/false]
    jWindow.setMaximized(true);    % maximize window [true/false]
    jWindow.setAlwaysOnTop(true);  % set to be always on top [true/false]
    % Set a Matlab callback function to a window focus-gain event
    hjWindow = handle(jWindow, 'CallbackProperties');
    hjWindow.FocusGainedCallback = @myCallbackFunc;

    In addition to the Java-based features above, some functionalities can also be achieved via direct OS manipulations, for example using Jan Simon’s great WindowAPI utility (Windows-only), although I typically prefer using the Java approach since it is cross-platform compatible.

    Using all these features is super-easy, so there is not really a question of code complexity or technical risk – the main question is whether to accept the risk that the associated code will stop working when Matlab figures will eventually become web-based.

    So is it worth the risk?

    This is an excellent question. I contend that the answer depends on the specific use-case. In one project you may decide that it is indeed worth-while to use these undocumented features today, whereas in another GUI you may decide that it is not.

    It might make sense to use the features above in any of the following circumstances:

    • If you need any of the features in your Matlab GUI today. In this case, you really have no alternative other than to use these features, since there is no documented way to achieve the required functionality.
    • If you do not plan to upgrade your Matlab release soon, or at least after the Java-based figures are discontinued in a few years. The commercial Matlab license is perpetual, enabling users to enjoy these features for as long as they continue using this Matlab release.
    • If you are compiling your Matlab program using the Matlab Compiler or Coder toolboxes. In such cases, the executable will remain static, until such time (if ever) that you decide to recompile it using a newer Matlab release. Users of the compiled code could continue to use the compiled undocumented features well into the future, for as long as their computers keep running. In such cases, we are not concerned with release compatibility issues.
    • If you accept the risk that some recoding may be necessary in the future, or that some functionality will degrade, for the added benefit that they provide your GUIs today.
    • If you are willing to code without MathWorks’ official support and endorsement, and accept the fact that they will not fix any internal bugs that you may discover which is related to these features.
    • If you wish to present a professional-grade GUI today, and worry about potential incompatibilities only if and when they eventually arrive, sometime in the future.

    Here’s another twist to consider: do not take it for granted that when web-based uifigures replace Java-based figures all the documented functionality will work as-is on the new uifigures just as they have on the old figures. In fact, I personally believe that we will need to extensively modify our GUI code to make it compatible with the new uifigures. In other words, avoiding the undocumented hacks above will probably not save us from the need to recode (or at least adapt) our GUI, it will just reduce the necessary work somewhat. We encountered a similar situation with the graphics hacks that I exposed over the years: many people avoided them in the fear that they might someday break; then when R2014b came and HG2 graphics replaced HG1, it turned out that many of these supposedly risky hacks continued working in HG2 (examples: LooseInset, YLimInclude) whereas quite a bit of standard fully-documented Matlab functionality was broken and required some recoding. I believe that the lessons from the HG2 migration were well studied and assimilated by MathWorks, but realistically speaking we should not expect a 100% full-proof transition to uifigures.

    Still, accepting the risk does not mean that we should bury our head in the sand. Whenever using any undocumented feature in your code, I strongly suggest to use defensive coding practices, such as wrapping your code within try-catch blocks. This way, even if the feature is removed in R2020a (or whenever), the program will still run, albeit with somewhat diminished functionality, or in other words, graceful degradation. For example:

        jFrame = get(hFig, 'JavaFrame');
        oldUnits = get(hFig, 'Units');
        set(hFig, 'Units','norm', 'Pos',[0,0,1,1]);
        set(hFig, 'Units',oldUnits);

    Once again, I urge you to visit and tell MathWorks which of the above features are important for you. The more users tell MathWorks that they depend on a specific feature, the more would MathWorks be likely to invest R&D efforts in enabling it in the future web-based figures.

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    Adding a search box to figure toolbar Wed, 30 Mar 2016 13:50:53 +0000 Related posts:
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    4. Figure toolbar customizations Matlab's toolbars can be customized using a combination of undocumented Matlab and Java hacks. This article describes how to customize the Matlab figure toolbar....
    Last week I wrote about my upcoming presentations in Tel Aviv and Munich, where I will discuss a Matlab-based financial application that uses some advanced GUI concepts. In today’s post I will review one of these concepts that could be useful in a wide range of Matlab applications – adding an interactive search box to the toolbar of Matlab figures.

    The basic idea is simple: whenever the user types in the search box, a Matlab callback function checks the data for the search term. If one or more matches are found then the searchbox’s background remains white, otherwise it is colored yellow to highlight the term. When the user presses <Enter>, the search action is triggered to highlight the term in the data, and any subsequent press of <Enter> will highlight the next match (cycling back at the top as needed). Very simple and intuitive:

    Interactive search-box in Matlab figure toolbar

    Interactive search-box in Matlab figure toolbar

    In my specific case, the search action (highlighting the search term in the data) involved doing a lot of work: updating multiple charts and synchronizing row selection in several connected uitables. For this reason, I chose not to do this action interactively (upon each keypress in the search box) but rather only upon clicking <Enter>. In your implementation, if the search action is simpler and faster, you could do it interactively for an even more intuitive effect.

    Technical components

    The pieces of today’s post were already discussed separately on this website, but never shown together as I will do today:

    Adding a search-box to the figure toolbar

    As a first step, let’s create the search-box component and add it to our figure’s toolbar:

    % First, create the search-box component on the EDT, complete with invokable Matlab callbacks:
    jSearch = com.mathworks.widgets.SearchTextField('Symbol');  % 'Symbol' is my default search prompt
    jSearchPanel = javaObjectEDT(jSearch.getComponent);  % this is a com.mathworks.mwswing.MJPanel object
    jSearchPanel = handle(jSearchPanel, 'CallbackProperties');  % enable Matlab callbacks
    % Now, set a fixed size for this component so that it does not resize when the figure resizes:
    jSize = java.awt.Dimension(100,25);  % 100px wide, 25px tall
    % Now, attach the Matlab callback function to search box events (key-clicks, Enter, and icon clicks):
    jSearchBox = handle(javaObjectEDT(jSearchPanel.getComponent(0)), 'CallbackProperties');
    set(jSearchBox, 'ActionPerformedCallback', {@searchSymbol,hFig,jSearchBox})
    set(jSearchBox, 'KeyPressedCallback',      {@searchSymbol,hFig,jSearchBox})
    jClearButton = handle(javaObjectEDT(jSearchPanel.getComponent(1)), 'CallbackProperties');
    set(jClearButton, 'ActionPerformedCallback', {@searchSymbol,hFig,jSearchBox})
    % Now, get the handle for the figure's toolbar:
    hToolbar = findall(hFig,'tag','FigureToolBar');
    jToolbar = get(get(hToolbar,'JavaContainer'),'ComponentPeer');  % or: hToolbar.JavaContainer.getComponentPeer
    % Now, justify the search-box to the right of the toolbar using an invisible filler control
    % (first add the filler control to the toolbar, then the search-box control):
    jFiller = javax.swing.Box.createHorizontalGlue;  % this is a javax.swing.Box$Filler object
    jToolbar.add(jFiller,      jToolbar.getComponentCount);
    jToolbar.add(jSearchPanel, jToolbar.getComponentCount);
    % Finally, refresh the toolbar so that the new control is displayed:

    Now that the control is displayed in the toolbar, let’s define what our Matlab callback function searchSymbol() does. Remember that this callback function is invoked whenever any of the possible events occur: keypress, <Enter>, or clicking the search-box’s icon (typically the “x” icon, to clear the search term).

    We first reset the search-box appearance (foreground/background colors), then we check the search term (if non-empty). Based on the selected tab, we search the corresponding data table’s symbol column(s) for the search term. If no match is found, we highlight the search term by setting the search-box’s text to be red over yellow. Otherwise, we change the table’s selected row to the next match’s row index (i.e., the row following the table’s currently-selected row, cycling back at the top of the table if no match is found lower in the table).

    Reading and updating the table’s selected row requires using my findjobj utility – for performance considerations the jTable handle should be cached (perhaps in the hTable’s UserData or ApplicationData):

    % Callback function to search for a symbol
    function searchSymbol(hObject, eventData, hFig, jSearchBox)
            % Clear search-box formatting
            % Search for the specified symbol in the data table
            symbol = char(jSearchBox.getText);
            if ~isempty(symbol)
                handles = guidata(hFig);
                hTab = handles.hTabGroup.SelectedTab;
                colOffset = 0;
                forceCol0 = false;
                switch hTab.Title
                    case 'Scanning'
                        hTable = handles.tbScanResults;
                        symbols = cell(hTable.Data(:,1));
                    case 'Correlation'
                        hTable = handles.tbCorrResults;
                        symbols = cell(hTable.Data(:,1:2));
                    case 'Backtesting'
                        hTab = handles.hBacktestTabGroup.SelectedTab;
                        hTable = findobj(hTab, 'Type','uitable', 'Tag','results');
                        pairs = cell(hTable.Data(:,1));
                        symbols = cellfun(@(c)strsplit(c,'/'), pairs, 'uniform',false);
                        symbols = reshape([symbols{:}],2,[])';
                        forceCol0 = true;
                    case 'Trading'
                        hTable = handles.tbTrading;
                        symbols = cell(hTable.Data(:,2:3));
                        colOffset = 1;
                    otherwise  % ignore
                if isempty(symbols)
                [rows,cols] = ind2sub(size(symbols), find(strcmpi(symbol,symbols)));
                if isempty(rows)
                    % Not found - highlight the search term
                elseif isa(eventData, 'java.awt.event.KeyEvent') && isequal(eventData.getKeyCode,10)
                    % Found with <Enter> event - highlight the relevant data row
                    jTable = findjobj(hTable);
                    try jTable = jTable.getViewport.getView; catch, end  % in case findjobj returns the containing scrollpane rather than the jTable
                    [rows, sortedIdx] = sort(rows);
                    cols = cols(sortedIdx);
                    currentRow = jTable.getSelectedRow + 1;
                    idx = find(rows>currentRow,1);
                    if isempty(idx),  idx = 1;  end
                    if forceCol0
                        jTable.changeSelection(rows(idx)-1, 0, false, false)
                        jTable.changeSelection(rows(idx)-1, cols(idx)-1+colOffset, false, false)
            % never mind - ignore

    That’s all there is to it. In my specific case, changing the table’s selected row cased an immediate trigger that updated the associated charts, synchronized the other data tables and did several other background tasks.

    What about the new web-based uifigure?

    The discussion above refers only to traditional Matlab figures (both HG1 and HG2), not to the new web-based (AppDesigner) uifigures that were officially introduced in R2016a (I wrote about it last year).

    AppDesigner uifigures are basically webpages rather than desktop windows (JFrames). They use an entirely different UI mechanism, based on HTML webpages served from a localhost webserver, using the DOJO Javascript toolkit for visualization and interaction, rather than Java Swing as in the existing JFrame figures. The existing figures still work without change, and are expected to continue working alongside the new uifigures for the foreseeable future. I’ll discuss the new uifigures in separate future posts (in the meantime you can read a bit about them in my post from last year).

    I suspect that the new uifigures will replace the old figures at some point in the future, to enable a fully web-based (online) Matlab. Will this happen in 2017 or 2027 ? – your guess is as good as mine, but my personal guesstimate is around 2018-2020.

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    Graphic sizing in Matlab R2015b Wed, 20 Jan 2016 18:00:31 +0000 Related posts:
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    4. A couple of internal Matlab bugs and workarounds A couple of undocumented Matlab bugs have simple workarounds. ...
    I would like to introduce Daniel Dolan of Sandia National Laboratories. Dan works on a variety of data analysis projects in Matlab, and is an active lurker on MATLAB Central. Dan has a habit of finding interesting bugs for the Mac version of Matlab. Today he will discuss graphic sizing in Matlab and important changes that occurred in release R2015b.

    Matlab-generated graphics are often not displayed at their requested size. This problem has been known for some time and has a well-known solution: setting the root object’s ScreenPixelsPerInch property to the display’s actual DPI (dots per inch) value. Release R2015b no longer supports this solution, creating problems for publication graphics and general readability.

    Physical sizing in R2015a vs. R2015b (click for full-size)

    Physical sizing in R2015a vs. R2015b (click for full-size)

    Physical sizing

    Matlab supports graphic sizing in various physical units: inches, centimeters, and points. For example:

    figure; axes('Box','on', 'Units','inches','Position',[0.3 0.3 4 4]);

    requests to display an axes having square sizes measuring exactly 4″ (101.6 mm) each. It is evident, however, that the displayed axes is smaller than 4″. The mismatch between requested and physical size depends on the display and operating system — go ahead, try it on your system. The problem is particularly severe on Mac laptops, presumably even worse for those with Retina displays.

    The problem is that Matlab cannot determine pixel size, which varies from one display to the other. Generating a figure spanning a particular number of pixels (e.g., 1024 x 768) is easy, but absolute physical units requires a conversion factor called ScreenPixelsPerInch, which is a root property (see related post on setting/getting default graphics property values):

    DPI = 110;                             % dots per inch for my 27" Apple Cinema Display
    set(0,    'ScreenPixelsPerInch',DPI);  % all releases prior to R2015b
    set(groot,'ScreenPixelsPerInch',DPI);  % R2014b through R2015a

    DPI values tend to be higher for laptops, usually in the 120-130 range. Retina displays are supposed to be >300 DPI, but I have not been able to test that myself.

    There are several ways to determine the correct DPI setting for a particular display. It may be available in the hardware specifications, and it can be calculated from the diagonal size and the number of pixels. Unfortunately these methods are not always reliable. If you really care about physical sizing, the best approach is to actually calibrate your display. There are tools for doing this at Matlab Central, but it’s not hard to do manually:

    • Create a figure.
    • Manually resize the figure to match a convenient width. I often use a piece of US letter paper as 8.5″ guide on the display.
    • Determine the width of the figure in pixels:
      pos = get(gcf,'Position');
      width = 8.5; % inches
      DPI = pos(3) / width;

    I usually apply the DPI settings in my startup file so that Matlab begins with a calibrated display.

    What changed in 2015b?

    ScreenPixelsPerInch is a read-only property in R2015b, so display calibration no longer works. The following sequence of commands:

    figure('Units','inches', 'PaperPositionMode','auto', 'Position',[0 0 4 4]);
    set(gcf, 'MenuBar','none', 'ToolBar','none', 'DockControls','off', 'NumberTitle','off');
    axes('FontUnits','points', 'FontSize',10);

    now renders differently in R2015b than does for a calibrated display in R2015a. Differences between the two outputs are shown in the screenshot at the top of this post. The grid behind the figures was rendered at 8.5″ x 8.5″ inches on my display; if your browser’s zoom level isn’t 100%, it may appear larger or smaller.

    A side effect of improper graphic sizing is that text is difficult to read — the uncalibrated axes labels are clearly smaller than 10 points. These examples were rendered on ~110 DPI display. Matlab assumes that Macs use 72 DPI (96 DPI on Windows), so graphics appear at 65% of the request size.

    The loss of ScreenPixelsPerInch as an adjustable setting strongly affects anyone using Matlab for publication graphics. Scientific and engineering journals are extremly strict about figure widths. With a calibrated screen, figure appear exactly as they will when printed to a file (usually EPS or PDF). Figures are often made as small as possible to and densely packed to save journal space, and accurate sized display helps the author determine legibility. Displaying accurately sized graphics is very difficult in R2015b, which is unfortunate given the many enhancements in this release.

    Developers who create graphical interfaces for other users should also care about this change. A common complaint I get is that text and control labels is too small to easily read. Screen calibration deals with this problem, but this option is no longer available.

    Where do we go from here?

    I reported the above issues to the Mathworks several months ago. It does not appear as a formal bug, but technical support is aware of the problem. The change is part of the “DPI aware” nature of release R2015b. So far I have found no evidence this release is any more aware of pixel size than previous releases, but my experience is limited to non-Retina Macs. I welcome input from users on other operating systems, particularly those with high-resolution displays.

    To be fair, correct physical sizing is not an easy across the many platforms that Matlab runs on. Display resolution is particularly tricky when it changes during a Matlab session, such as when computer is connector to projector/television or a laptop is connected to a docking station.

    Thankfully, printed graphic sizes are rendered correctly when a figure’s PaperPositionMode property is 'auto'. Many users can (and will) ignore the display problem if they aren’t dealing with strict size requirements and text legibility isn’t too bad. Some users may be willing to periodically print publication figures to externally verify sizing, but this breaks the interactive nature of Matlab figures.

    A potential work around is the creating of a new figure class that oversizes figures (as needed) to account for a particular display. I started working on such a class, but the problem is more complicated than one might think:

    • Child objects (axes, uicontrols, etc.) also must be resized if they are based on physical units.
    • Resized objects must be temporarily restored to their original size for printing, and new objects must be tracked whenever they are added.
    • Figure resolution may need to be changed when moving to different computer systems.

    These capabilities are quite possible to implement, but this is a complicated solution to problem that was once easy to fix.

    Retina displays don’t suffer as badly as one might think from the DPI mismatch. Even though the display specification may be greater than 200 DPI, OS X and/or Matlab must perform some intermediate size transformations. The effective DPI in R2015a is 110-120 for 13-15″ MacBook Pro laptops (at the default resolution). Objected sized with physical units still appear smaller than they should (~72/110), but not as small as I expected (<72/200).

    Effect pixel size can also be changed by switching between different monitor scalings. This isn’t entirely surprising, but it can lead to some interesting results because Matlab only reads these settings at startup. Changing the display scaling during a session can cause square figures to appear rectangular. Also, the effective DPI changes for setting: I could reach values of ~60-110 DPI on an Apple Cinema Display.

    So where does this leave us? Display calibration was always a finicky matter, but at least in principle one could make graphics appear exactly the same size on two different displays. Now it seems that sizing is completely variable between operation systems, displays, and display settings. For publication graphics, there will almost always be a disconnect between figure size on the screen and the printed output; some iteration may be needed to ensure everything looks right in the finished output. For graphical interfaces, font sizes may need to generated in normalized units and then converted to pixels (to avoid resizing).

    Physical accuracy may not be important for non-publication figures, but the issue of text legibility remains. Some text objects–such as axes and tick labels–can easily be resized because the parent axes automatically adjusts itself as needed. Free floating text objects and uincontrols are much more difficult to deal with. Controls are often sized around the extent of their text label, so changing font sizes may require changes to the control position; adjacent controls may overlap after resizing for text clarity. Normalized units partially solve this problem, but their effect on uicontrols is not always desirable: do you really want push buttons to get larger/smaller when the figure is resized?

    Can you think of a better workaround to this problem? If so, then please post a comment below. I will be very happy to hear your ideas, as I’m sure others who have high resolution displays would as well.

    (cross-reference: CSSM newsgroup post)

    Addendum Dec 31, 2016: Dan Dolan just posted a partial workaround on the MathWorks File Exchange. Also see the related recent article on working with non-standard DPI values.

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