Matlab toolstrip – part 2 (ToolGroup App)
Matlab users can create custom Apps with toolstrips and docked figures.
Matlab users can create custom Apps with toolstrips and docked figures.
Matlab contains extensive toolstrip (ribbon) functionality that can be integrated in user programs (GUI).
Matlab's Editor and Workspace can be enhanced quite significantly using an open-source utility.
feature('HotLinks') can be used to temporarily disable hyperlinks and other markups in the Matlab console.
Matlab has changed the mechanism that enables user-defined tab-completion of function inputs.
Matlab uses logical (scaled) pixel positions. With high-DPI displays, this might cause problems, but it is easy to retrieve the physical (unscaled) pixel values.
Red Java errors are sometimes displayed in the Matlab console. They can be removed or avoided in a variety of means.
We can easily use saved profiling results to analyze, view and compare profiling results of multiple runs.
Non-standard shortcut controls and customizations can easily be added to the Matlab desktop.
Matlab Desktop shortcuts can be programmatically accessed and customized.