Undocumented plot marker types
Undocumented plot marker styles can easily be accesses using a hidden plot-line property.
Undocumented plot marker styles can easily be accesses using a hidden plot-line property.
Matlab contour labels' color and font can easily be customized.
MathWorks is soliciting user feedbacks about the use of Java components in Matlab programs.
Matlab's new web-based uifigures can be customized in a variety of undocumented ways.
Matlab figure windows can be customized in numerous manners using the underlying Java Frame reference.
The contour lines of 3D Matlab plot can be customized in many different ways. This is the 2nd article on this issue.
Contour labels, lines and fill patches can easily be customized in Matlab HG2.
linkaxes has a built-in limitation, so using linkprop may sometimes be beneficial.
Matlab's view function returns an undocumented output transformation matrix.
Matlab uipanel controls can be customized using Java in ways that are impossible with plain Matlab.