Improving graphics interactivity
Matlab R2018b added default axes mouse interactivity at the expense of performance. Luckily, we can speed-up the default axes.
Matlab R2018b added default axes mouse interactivity at the expense of performance. Luckily, we can speed-up the default axes.
Matlab plot legends and their internal components can be customized using a variety of undocumented properties that are easily accessible.
Multiple customizations can be applied to tick labels.
Basic bar charts and histogram plots can be customized in important aspects.
A combination of Matlab and Java Robot commands to automate a certain animation can be used when we cannot access underlying GUI/graphics code.
Matlab contour labels' color and font can easily be customized.
Advanced Matlab training courses on Matlab User Interfaces (GUI) will be presented in Zurich Switzerland on 29-30 August, 2017
The axes rulers (axles) can be made to cross-over at any x,y location within the chart.
Matlab release R2015b's new "DPI-aware" nature broke some important functionality. Here's what can be done...
Contour labels, lines and fill patches can easily be customized in Matlab HG2.