Plot LineSmoothing property
LineSmoothing is a hidden and undocumented plot line property that creates anti-aliased (smooth unpixelized) lines in Matlab plots
LineSmoothing is a hidden and undocumented plot line property that creates anti-aliased (smooth unpixelized) lines in Matlab plots
Inactive Matlab uicontrols cannot normally display their tooltips. This article shows how to do this with a combination of undocumented Matlab and Java hacks.
Matlab's Image Processing Toolbox's impoint function contains an annoying bug that can be fixed using some undocumented properties.
Matlab figures print-setup can be customized to automatically prepare the figure for printing in a specific configuration
Matlab's text uicontrol is not very customizable, and does not support HTML or Tex formatting. This article shows how to display HTML labels in Matlab and some undocumented customizations
This article describes how Matlab's undocumented uiundo undo/redo manager can be customized
Matlab does not have any documented method to detect window focus events (gain/loss). This article describes an undocumented way to detect such events.
Matlab has a hidden/unsupported built-in mechanism for easy implementation of context-sensitive help
EditorMacro is a new utility that enables setting keyboard macros in the Matlab editor. this post details its inner workings.
Matlab's GUI Design Editor (GUIDE) has several interesting undocumented features. This post describes how to customize GUIDE rulers.