JMI wrapper – local MatlabControl part 2
An example using matlabcontrol for calling Matlab from within a Java class is explained and discussed
An example using matlabcontrol for calling Matlab from within a Java class is explained and discussed
MatlabControl is an open-source wrapper of JMI that allows an easy and documented way to communicate from Java to Matlab. This article describes this wrapper.
JIDE property grids can use complex cell renderer and editor components and can signal property change events asynchronously to Matlab callbacks
The JIDE components pre-bundled in Matlab enable creating user-customized property grid tables
JMI enables calling Matlab functions from within Java. This article explains JMI's core functionality.
The Java Swing Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) is very important for Matlab GUI timings. This article explains the potential pitfalls and their avoidance using undocumented Matlab functionality.
Inactive Matlab uicontrols cannot normally display their tooltips. This article shows how to do this with a combination of undocumented Matlab and Java hacks.
Matlab's uicontrol tooltips have several limitations that can be overcome using the control's underlying Java object.
Matlab slider uicontrols do not enable a continuous-motion callback by default. This article explains how this can be achieved using undocumented features.
Matlab listbox and multi-line editbox uicontrols have pre-configured scrollbars. This article shows how they can be customized.