Customizing uiundo
This article describes how Matlab's undocumented uiundo undo/redo manager can be customized
This article describes how Matlab's undocumented uiundo undo/redo manager can be customized
The built-in uiundo function provides easy yet undocumented access to Matlab's powerful undo/redo functionality. This article explains its usage.
Matlab's built-in uicontrol function has a side-effect of removing the figure toolbar. This was undocumented until lately. This article describes the side-effect behavior and how to fix it.
Matlab listbox uicontrol can be modified to detect mouse events for right-click context menus, dynamic tooltips etc.
EditorMacro is a new utility that enables setting keyboard macros in the Matlab editor. this post details its inner workings.
Matlab uicontrol tooltips can be spiced-up using HTML and CSS, including fonts, colors, tables and images
This post details undocumented callbacks exposed by the underlying Java object of Matlab uicontrols, that can be used to modify the control's behavior in a multitude of different events
Matlab's button uicontrols (pushbutton and togglebutton) are basically wrappers for a Java Swing JButton object. This post describes how the buttons can be customized using this Java object in ways
UISplitPane was recently chosen as Matlab Central's Pick of the Week. Here I detail its use of some undocumented Matlab features.
uitree is an undocumented Matlab function, which does not easily enable setting a context-menu. Here's how to do it.