Waterloo graphics
Waterloo is an open-source library that can significantly improve Matlab GUI.
Waterloo is an open-source library that can significantly improve Matlab GUI.
Images can be added to Matlab controls and labels in a variety of manners, documented and undocumented.
The ScreenCapture utility uses purely-documented Matlab for capturing a screen region as an image from within Matlab.
Deployed (compiled) Matlab applications take a long time to load. I present a splash window that loads immadiately, solving this problem.
Matlab uitables can present long column headers in multiple lines, for improved readability.
Matlab menu items can easily display custom icons, using just a tiny bit of Java magic powder.
Matlab menu items can be customized in a variety of useful ways using their underlying Java object.
Matlab menus can be customized in a variety of undocumented manners - first article of a series.
The new MathWorks Plot Gallery provides access to some plotting examples on the File Exchange. Numerous others are available, extending the customizability of Matlab graphics.
Spinner controls can easily be added to Matlab GUI. This article explains how.