Enable/disable entire figure window
Disabling/enabling an entire figure window is impossible with pure Matlab, but is very simple using the underlying Java. This article explains how.
Disabling/enabling an entire figure window is impossible with pure Matlab, but is very simple using the underlying Java. This article explains how.
UDD provides a very convenient way to add customizable properties to existing Matlab object handles
This article explains how to use undocumented axes listeners for implementing multi-column plot legends
This article explains how we can use a couple of undocumented functions in Matlab GUI, and what we can learn from this about Matlab's future.
FIG files are actually MAT files in disguise. This article explains how this can be useful in Matlab applications.
Matlab's undocumented uisplittool and uitogglesplittool are powerful toolbar controls - this article explains how to customize their behavior
Matlab's uipanel contains a hidden handle to the title label, which can be modified into a checkbox or radio-button control
Matlab's semi-documented tab panels can be customized using some undocumented hacks
Matlab's internal undocumented graphics.cursorbar object can be used to present dynamic data-tip cross-hairs
This article describes several undocumented Matlab functions that support tab-panels