Hierarchical Systems with UDD
UDD objects can be grouped in structured hierarchies - this article explains how
UDD objects can be grouped in structured hierarchies - this article explains how
This article explains how to create and test custom UDD packages, classes and objects
UDD classes underlie many of Matlab's handle-graphics objects and functionality. This article introduces these classes.
Matlab's built-in javacomponent function can be used to display Java components in Matlab application - this article details its usages and limitations
More information on Matlab's new HG2 object-oriented handle-graphics system
Matlab slider uicontrols do not enable a continuous-motion callback by default. This article explains how this can be achieved using undocumented features.
Matlab has a hidden/unsupported built-in mechanism for easy implementation of context-sensitive help
I present two ways of checking undocumented hidden properties in Matlab Handle Graphics (HG) handles