Using Java 7 in Matlab R2013a and earlier
Java 7 can be installed on Matlab releases that currently have Java 6. This article describes the process.
Java 7 can be installed on Matlab releases that currently have Java 6. This article describes the process.
A demo GUI that shows the effects of using different look-and-feels, including the JTatoo library, is presented.
Matclipse is an open-source plugin for the popular Eclipse IDE that connects it with Matlab.
Setting the figure toolbar's background color can easily be done using just a tiny bit of Java magic powder. This article explains how.
propertiesGUI is a utility that presents property-value structs in a convenient table format, useful in Matlab GUIs.
uiinspect is a Matlab utility that displays detailed information about an object's methods, properties and callbacks in a single GUI window.
The standard figure toolbar and menubar can easily be modified to include a list of recently-used files.
Waterloo is an open-source library that can significantly improve Matlab GUI.
Matlab's standard menu items can and should be removed from deployed docked figures. This article explains how.
Matlab's delete function leaks memory and is also slower than the equivalent Java function.