Adding dynamic properties to graphic handles
It is easy and very useful to attach dynamic properties to Matlab graphics objects in run-time.
It is easy and very useful to attach dynamic properties to Matlab graphics objects in run-time.
Using anonymous functions in Matlab callbacks can be very painful for performance. Today's article explains how this can be avoided.
linkaxes has a built-in limitation, so using linkprop may sometimes be beneficial.
We can set semi- and fully-transparent colors in HG2 for multiple graphic objects, but making these settings stick is non-trivial.
Matlab's new HG2 graphics engine includes many new undocumented events that could be used in various ways.
the behavior of Matlab's copyobj function changed in R2014b (HG2), and callbacks are no longer copied.
Matlab's view function returns an undocumented output transformation matrix.
Titles to plot legends are easy to achieve in HG1 (R2014a or earlier), but much more difficult in HG2 (R2014b or newer).
Matlab chart legends are opaque be default but can be made semi- or fully transparent.
In HG2, some of the plot functionality is hidden in undocumented properties.