Builtin PopupPanel widget
We can use a built-in Matlab popup-panel widget control to display lightweight popups that are attached to a figure window.
We can use a built-in Matlab popup-panel widget control to display lightweight popups that are attached to a figure window.
Advanced Matlab training courses on Matlab User Interfaces (GUI) will be presented in Zurich Switzerland on 29-30 August, 2017
Matlab's sendmail only sends simple text messages by default; a simple hack can cause it to send HTML-formatted messages.
MathWorks is soliciting user feedbacks about the use of Java components in Matlab programs.
Matlab's xmlread function cannot process XML data directly, but this can easily be overcome.
Password fields and spinner controls can easily be embedded in Matlab GUIs.
Sending emails and SMS (text) messages from Matlab is easy, once you know a few quirks.
Fetching SQL ResultSet data from JDBC into Matlab can be made significantly faster.
Matlab uses logical (scaled) pixel positions. With high-DPI displays, this might cause problems, but it is easy to retrieve the physical (unscaled) pixel values.
A file-selector dialog window that includes an integrated preview panel is shown and explained.