Determining axes zoom state
The information of whether or not an axes is zoomed or panned can easily be inferred from an internal undocumented object.
The information of whether or not an axes is zoomed or panned can easily be inferred from an internal undocumented object.
getundoc is a very simple utility that displays the hidden (undocumented) properties of a specified handle object.
Data-tips are an extremely useful plotting tool that can easily be controlled programmatically.
Matlab's internal hgconvertunits function has a bug that affects timeseries plots. Luckily there is a simple workaround.
Matlab's uitables can be sortable using simple undocumented features
UDD objects can be grouped in structured hierarchies - this article explains how
UDD classes underlie many of Matlab's handle-graphics objects and functionality. This article introduces these classes.
This article explains how to use undocumented axes listeners for implementing multi-column plot legends
This article explains how we can use a couple of undocumented functions in Matlab GUI, and what we can learn from this about Matlab's future.
FIG files are actually MAT files in disguise. This article explains how this can be useful in Matlab applications.