New information on HG2
More information on Matlab's new HG2 object-oriented handle-graphics system
More information on Matlab's new HG2 object-oriented handle-graphics system
HG2 is presumably the next generation of Matlab graphics. This article tries to explore its features.
The plot objects' XLimInclude, YLimInclude, ZLimInclude, ALimInclude and CLimInclude properties are an important feature, that has both functional and performance implications.
Matlab plot axes have an undocumented LooseInset property that sets empty margins around the axes, and can be set to provide a tighter fit of the axes to their surroundings.
LineSmoothing is a hidden and undocumented plot line property that creates anti-aliased (smooth unpixelized) lines in Matlab plots
The Java Swing Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) is very important for Matlab GUI timings. This article explains the potential pitfalls and their avoidance using undocumented Matlab functionality.
Inactive Matlab uicontrols cannot normally display their tooltips. This article shows how to do this with a combination of undocumented Matlab and Java hacks.
The FindJObj utility can be used to present a GUI that displays a Matlab container's internal Java components, properties and callbacks.
The FindJObj utility can be used to access and display the internal components of Matlab controls and containers. This article explains its uses and inner mechanism.
A fully-capable browser component is included in Matlab and can easily be incorporated in regular Matlab GUI applications. This article shows how.