Persisting transparent colors in HG2
We can set semi- and fully-transparent colors in HG2 for multiple graphic objects, but making these settings stick is non-trivial.
We can set semi- and fully-transparent colors in HG2 for multiple graphic objects, but making these settings stick is non-trivial.
Matlab's new HG2 graphics engine includes many new undocumented events that could be used in various ways.
Matlab's dual internal serialization/deserialization functions can be used to create duplicates of any object.
Matlab includes a variety of undocumented internal controls that can be used for an auto-completion component.
Matlab's view function returns an undocumented output transformation matrix.
Titles to plot legends are easy to achieve in HG1 (R2014a or earlier), but much more difficult in HG2 (R2014b or newer).
Infiniband networking can significantly improve PCT performance in Matlab parallelization and distributed computing.
Matlab figure windows can be made undecorated (borderless, title-less).
Matlab chart legends are opaque be default but can be made semi- or fully transparent.
Simulink contains undocumented public API for access to its data dictionary functionality.