Plot performance
Undocumented inner plot mechanisms can significantly improve plotting performance
Undocumented inner plot mechanisms can significantly improve plotting performance
The plot objects' XLimInclude, YLimInclude, ZLimInclude, ALimInclude and CLimInclude properties are an important feature, that has both functional and performance implications.
In many circumstances, the line function can generate visually-identical plots as the scatter function, much faster
The scatter plot function has an undocumented behavior when plotting more than 100 points: it returns a single unified patch object handle, rather than a patch handle for each specific
Matlab's built-in tic/toc functions have an undocumented option enabling multiple nested clockings
Matlab's built-in cellfun function has an undocumented option to significantly improve performance in some cases.
Matlab has several undocumented internal helper functions that can be useful on their own in some cases. This post presents the ismembc function.
The Matlab profiler has some undocumented options that facilitate debugging memory bottlenecks and JIT (Just-In-Time Java compilation) problems.