Builtin PopupPanel widget
We can use a built-in Matlab popup-panel widget control to display lightweight popups that are attached to a figure window.
We can use a built-in Matlab popup-panel widget control to display lightweight popups that are attached to a figure window.
As I have repeatedly posted in recent years, Matlab is advancing towards web-based GUI. The basic underlying technology is more-or-less stable: an HTML/Javascript webpage that is created-on-the-fly and rendered in
feature('HotLinks') can be used to temporarily disable hyperlinks and other markups in the Matlab console.
The speed of the builtin csvwrite, dlmwrite functions can be improved dramatically.
Conditional breakpoints can be used to instrument code with user-specified code.
Matlab's sendmail only sends simple text messages by default; a simple hack can cause it to send HTML-formatted messages.
Matlab has changed the mechanism that enables user-defined tab-completion of function inputs.
A few hard-to-trace quirks with Matlab compiler outputs are explained.
HTML formatting an be used to align and background-color text within Matlab uicontrols such as buttons, listboxes, uitables etc.
Parallelizing loops with Matlab's parfor might generate unexpected results. Users beware!