A couple of internal Matlab bugs and workarounds
A couple of undocumented Matlab bugs have simple workarounds.
A couple of undocumented Matlab bugs have simple workarounds.
A real-time Matlab-based end-to-end trading system demo is presented
It is possible to easily display animated images in Matlab figure windows.
HG2 appears to be nearing release. It is now a stable mature system.
There are many different ways of improving Matlab's standard save function performance.
Standard file writing performance can be improved in Matlab in surprising ways.
Matlab's class properties have a simple and effective mechanism for setting their type.
The Matlab Code Analyzer (mlint) has a lot of undocumented functionality just waiting to be used.
The built-in function ishghandle accepts a second input argument with the expected handle type.
A demo GUI that shows the effects of using different look-and-feels, including the JTatoo library, is presented.