HG's undocumented parameters interface
Some HG functions also accept inputs parameters in a struct fields rather than the normal P-V pairs format.
Some HG functions also accept inputs parameters in a struct fields rather than the normal P-V pairs format.
HG behaviors are an important aspect of Matlab graphics that enable custom control of handle functionality.
Setting the figure toolbar's background color can easily be done using just a tiny bit of Java magic powder. This article explains how.
Matlab has documented how to modify default property values, but not how to get the full list of current defaults. This article explains how to do this.
A very common Matlab hang is apparently due to an internal timing problem that can easily be solved.
propertiesGUI is a utility that presents property-value structs in a convenient table format, useful in Matlab GUIs.
uiinspect is a Matlab utility that displays detailed information about an object's methods, properties and callbacks in a single GUI window.
The standard figure toolbar and menubar can easily be modified to include a list of recently-used files.
Matlab's COM (ActiveX) server behavior can be fixed in a couple of useful manners.
Annotation object can be programmatically set at, and pinned-to, plot axes data points.