Bug and workaround in timeseries plot
Matlab's internal hgconvertunits function has a bug that affects timeseries plots. Luckily there is a simple workaround.
Matlab's internal hgconvertunits function has a bug that affects timeseries plots. Luckily there is a simple workaround.
Matlab has some issues when installing a new version. This post discusses some of them and how to overcome them.
Number formatting is easy to achieve in Matlab, by using a dedicated built-in Java object.
Callback reentrancy is a major problem for frequently-fired events. Luckily, it can easily be solved.
Matlab's uitable can be customized in many different ways. A detailed report explains how.
Matlab's uitables can be sortable using simple undocumented features
Matlab does not natively enable running VB code, but a nice trick enables us to do just that
Matrix operations performance is affected by internal subscriptions in a counter-intuitive way.
There are several undocumented ways in Matlab to get CPU and clock data
This article shows how an external Java library can be integrated in Matlab