handle2struct, struct2handle & Matlab 8.0
This article explains how we can use a couple of undocumented functions in Matlab GUI, and what we can learn from this about Matlab's future.
This article explains how we can use a couple of undocumented functions in Matlab GUI, and what we can learn from this about Matlab's future.
FIG files are actually MAT files in disguise. This article explains how this can be useful in Matlab applications.
Matlab's undocumented uisplittool and uitogglesplittool are powerful toolbar controls - this article explains how to customize their behavior
Matlab's undocumented uisplittool and uitogglesplittool are powerful controls that can easily be added to Matlab toolbars - this article explains how
Events raised in Java code can be caught and handled in Matlab callback functions - this article explains how
Matlab's uipanel contains a hidden handle to the title label, which can be modified into a checkbox or radio-button control
This article shows several customizations that can be done to Matlab's undocumented tab-panels functionality
Matlab's semi-documented tab panels can be customized using some undocumented hacks
Matlab's Workspace table context-menu can be configured with user-defined actions - this article explains how.
Matlab uicontrol borders can easily be modified - this article shows how