The hgfeval function
The semi-documented hgfeval function can be useful for callback chaining - this article explains how
The semi-documented hgfeval function can be useful for callback chaining - this article explains how
Java components added to Matlab GUIs do not participate in the standard focus cycle - this article explains how to fix this problem.
The switchyard function design pattern can be very useful when setting Matlab callbacks to Java GUI controls. This article explains why and how.
Plot data brushing can be accessed programmatically using very simple pure-Matlab code
Matlab's internal undocumented graphics.cursorbar object can be used to present dynamic data-tip cross-hairs
This article explains a couple of Matlab utilities that use Java's Robot class to programmatically control mouse and keyboard actions
This article explains how Java's Robot class can be used to programmatically control mouse and keyboard actions
MathWorks recently posted archived documentation for many previous Matlab releases
This article shows how Matlab GUI tree nodes can be customized with checkboxes and similar controls
This article describes how to customize specific nodes of Matlab GUI tree controls created using the undocumented uitree function